ぜんスレッド > Steam 掲示板けいじばん > VAC Discussion > トピックの詳細しょうさい
Edge 2018ねん5がつ9にち 2319ふん
VAC could not verify game session (include screenshot when you write to support)
If you are receiving this error when searching for a match in CS:GO and want to write to support, I recommend including a screenshot of the error immediately on your first message to avoid support asking for it and making it longer to provide solution.

If you want to troubleshoot it first, I recommend checking this article https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2117-ILZV-2837
ぜんスレッド > Steam 掲示板けいじばん > VAC Discussion > トピックの詳細しょうさい
投稿とうこう: 2018ねん5がつ9にち 2319ふん
投稿とうこうすう: 0