(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
“I don’t go to anyone for mommy advice” - Times of India
This story is from January 7, 2018

“I don’t go to anyone for mommy advice”

Kareena Kapoor Khan describes motherhood in her own style...
“I don’t go to anyone for mommy advice”
“I don’t go to anyone for mommy advice” (Image: therealkarismakapoor/Instagram)
Q. You carried your pregnancy with élan and seemed to enjoy every bit of it...
(Smiles) I’m sure a lot of models and actors in our country — and in the West — have done this as well. But probably, there hasn’t been a commercial actress, who’s not taken a sabbatical. But pregnancy is the most normal thing. I was excited about starting a family and I wanted to share my joy with my family, friends and fans.So, there was nothing to hide. Even the fact that I had gained some weight. I put on most of my weight during my last trimester; that was also something I celebrated.
Every woman puts on weight and enjoys that period in her life. I’ve also enjoyed hitting the gym and losing weight, which has been rejuvenating in a way. So I’ve just done exactly as I pleased. Having said that, it’s not that I’m setting an example or any such thing.
Q. You had no qualms about posting newborn Taimur’s photograph on social media...
In today’s times, everyone is seen and is out there. You post pictures on Instagram, on Facebook... because you want to share your life with people.
When I was pregnant, both Saif and I had spoken about this and how we’d handle it. He was like there’s nothing to hide. He’s our child and this is the way it’s going to be. He’s going to be photographed, so be it. It’s convenient for stars when they want to be clicked... like at events, while putting on make-up, wearing an outfit... and so on. So, why hide your child? We’re pretty open and clear about it.

Q. Taimur Ali Khan’s paparazzi’s favourite…
(Laughs) I do understand that. But I just don’t want him to be looked upon as a star-kid. I want him to grow up as normally as possible. I want to let him be just the way he is.
Q. Your presence on social media is huge even though you are not on it. When will Kareena Kapoor Khan join the bandwagon?
I’m probably more on Instagram than anyone else. My pictures are everywhere. Then I don’t need to constantly be on it, na? My sister (Karisma Kapoor) posts my pictures; my friends put my pictures… My fan clubs have kept me alive. So I don’t have to actively be out there. I guess, Saif and I aren’t cut out for being on social media. Though we’re social.
Q. You stepped out for dinner just a couple of days after giving birth, post which there were some unsavoury reactions. Did it bother you?
I believe it’s foolish for people to even think in this manner. Giving birth is probably the most normal thing. It’s part of life. I’ve so many friends in America, who give birth and resume work within three days because they have no option. They don’t have a battalion of nurses or nannies looking after their kid.
So the concept of having to be at home and sinking into postpartum depression is not required. Even if you’re a breast-feeding mother, you can pump the milk and put it in the feeding bottle for your baby. I don’t want to give any explanations but breast-feeding can be done in different ways.
If I stepped out with my husband for an hour that’s also part of the joy of being parents, of being in a happy state of mind to return home to be with your child. Saif and I have never followed norms. And we’re going to be doing what we feel right and convinced about.
Q. What kind of a mother are you – chilled or hyper?
Since I’m a first time mother, I’m obviously quite hyper. I don’t want to miss out on anything while he’s growing. I wish to be there all the time. I’m loving the journey each day as it unfolds something new. And of course, I’m enjoying being a mother far more than I ever imagined. Being mom to Taimur is probably the most sacred thing in my life. Hope I can be a good one. The journey has just started…
Q. Who’s your go-to when it comes to ‘mommy advice’?
Actually, I don’t go to anyone. I pretty much want the experience to be my own. You live and learn. Saif tells me please don’t listen to anyone. There are 10 different views and every mother operates differently from the other. So, I listen to everyone but I do my own thing.
-By Kinnari Rathod
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