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Library & Archives News: The Tennessee State Library and Archives Blog: TLABM
Showing posts with label TLABM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TLABM. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

LABM Summer Reading Program celebrates a phenomenal year!

By Ruth Hemphill

The Tennessee Library for Accessible Books & Media’s (TLABM) summer programs has come to an end, but it was a phenomenal year!

This year the programs consisted of weekly podcasts following the theme, “A Universe of Stories.” There were three new podcasts posted each week of interviews conducted with various people discussing their passions and careers, since we all have our own story that makes up the universe in which we all live.

There were podcasts geared for children, podcasts for young adults and podcasts for adults, but anyone could listen to any of the podcasts, if they chose. People who do not have access to the internet can get a recording of the podcasts each week that would play on the audio book player that is available to patrons of TLABM.

Popular podcasts included “Zombies and You: A Life and Death Conversation” with Jacob Lankford, a Wildlife Sciences specialist; “Healthy Mouth, Healthy Life,” with Mirna Caldwell, D.M.D. and “Healthy Aging Made Accessible” with Dr. James Powers, Clinical Associate Director of the Vanderbilt Center for Quality Aging.

These podcasts are still available on the TLABM website: http://sos.tn.gov/tsla/labm.

The podcasts were so popular that TLABM plans to continue the program in the summer of 2020 when the statewide library theme will be “Imagine Your Story!” Be sure to check our website in 2020 for more information.

The Tennessee State Library and Archives is a division of the Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

All-New 2019 Summer Reading Program now available

By Maria Sochor, Director, Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media

We are excited to introduce you to our all-new, totally reimagined 2019 Summer Reading Program! Like before, we have three distinct programs tailored for children, young adults, and adults.

Head over to https://sos.tn.gov/tsla/labm where you can listen in, download, and subscribe (via the free Stitcher app) to automatically receive future programs as they’re released. Topics run a wide gamut from supporting our friends and relatives who are on the autism spectrum, to practical tips for surviving a zombie apocalypse. It’s truly a Universe of Stories!

A few of the offerings available through the Library for Accessible Books and Media's Summer Reading Program.

New episodes will be released every Wednesday, for the next 10 weeks. Here’s where this gets really fun – because these programs are already recorded, you can use any of the released episodes at any time to host your own program for patrons in your library. Play an episode for your patrons, then have a discussion and maybe book-talk some related items from your collection (including the Tennessee Electronic Library!). You can also send the link out to our website – we would LOVE for you to share it on your social media.

We want as many people as possible to enjoy these portable programs, so we encourage you to spread the word far and wide! No need for someone to have a visual impairment to join the fun. This is for everyone.

We can’t wait for you to hear the amazing stories that our hard-working staff have created for you this year! Please listen in, share on social media, and let us know what you think. Happy listening!

The Tennessee State Library and Archives is a division of the Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett

Monday, November 12, 2018

TLABM honors Veterans on Veteran's Day

By Ruth Hemphill

The division of the Library of Congress which oversees the services of the Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Services (TLABM) is known as the National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped (NLS).

NLS libraries across the country have prioritized library service to veterans since the end of World War I and this continues into the 21st century. In addition, each year the TLABM and the Tennessee School for the Blind’s art students partner to distribute cards to all TLABM patrons who are veterans. The students create the artwork, and the library distributes them through the post office.

This year, the artwork was so wonderful, that it was impossible to select just one card. Six different cards were printed, along with an acknowledgement of gratitude to the veterans for their service. The cards were randomly distributed to 473 active patrons of the library.

Of course, people who are not military veterans may use the services of the TLABM. In fact, we currently have 6,105 active patrons. However, we know there are many other eligible Tennesseans who are not using our service. For information on who is eligible for the library service and how to qualify, go to TLABM’s website at: https://www.sos.tn.gov/tsla/labm.

The Tennessee State Library and Archives is a division of the Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett

Monday, June 18, 2018

"Libraries Rock!" summer reading programs offered by Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media

By Heather Fach

Many libraries across the state host summer programs every year, but did you know you can attend summer programs at the Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media without ever leaving home?

This summer, we’ll be exploring the world of music as we remind ourselves that “Libraries Rock!” Two professional musicians, trombonist Derek Hawkes of the Nashville Symphony and singer/songwriter Rory Hoffman, will speak June 20 and July 18, respectively, and answer questions about life as working musicians. On June 27 and July 25, patrons can join a virtual playlist party and share their favorite Spotify or Pandora tracks. And, on July 11, we’ll make a stylish and unique headphone wrap craft using everyday materials (register to receive a kit!) These programs are designed for teens aged 13-18, but anyone is welcome to join.

We have programs for children and adults, and all of our programs are free and open to all. Register for summer programs at the Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media here: https://bit.ly/2qYneKz. Call (800)342-3308 or (615)741-3915 to join in!

Libraries rock, and so do you…so come join us this summer!

Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media is a section of the Tennessee State Library and Archives and the Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

May is Mindfulness Month

By Heather Fach

May is Mindfulness Month…the perfect time to take a step back from our busy, chaotic lives and fully engage. But where to start? The word “mindfulness” connotes meditation or spiritual practice for some. In short, mindfulness is a full awareness of one’s surroundings within the present moment. When incorporated into daily life, benefits can include greater mental clarity and acuity, a more relaxed state of mind and improved quality of personal relationships. Some studies have also indicated that those who practice mindfulness exercises tend to be physically healthier than those who do not.

Some of the more recent books on the subject of mindfulness that are available from the Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media approach the topic from different perspectives: psychological (The Mindfulness Solution by Ronald D. Siegel), neuroscientific (Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation by Daniel J. Siege), and Taoist (The Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks To Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace by Pedram Shojai). Whether you’re a newcomer to the subject or have practiced for years, each author offers practical advice to improve one’s well-being.

Of course, mindfulness is at the center of Buddhist tradition, but one need not be Buddhist to reap the benefits of meditation. An excellent introduction is The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation by Buddhist monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Hanh’s other works including How To Relax, Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, and Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise each examine practical applications for mindfulness training.

All of these titles are available in audio format and How to Relax and Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise are also available in braille

In the midst of a busy day, it’s difficult to live in the present…but it doesn’t have to be!

Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media is a section of the Tennessee State Library and Archives and the Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett.