(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20060913000000/http://en.wikipedia.org:80/wiki/1969
{{yearbox| in?= | cp=19th century| c=20th century | cf=21st century | yp1=1966 | yp2=1967 | yp3=1968 | year=1969 | ya1=1970 | ya2=1971 | ya3=1972 | dp3=1930s | dp2=1940s | dp1=1950s | d=1960s | dn1=1970s | dn2=1980s | dn3=1990s | }} {{C20YearInTopic}} {{Year in other calendars|japanese=Shōwa 44}} '''1969''' ('''MCMLXIX''') was a Common_year_starting_on_Wednesday (the link is to a full 1969 calendar). ---- :''For other uses, see Number 1969.'' :''For the movie, see 1969_(movie).'' :''For the Velvet Underground Live_album, see'' 1969:_The_Velvet_Underground_Live. :''For the Stargate_SG-1 episode, see 1969_(Stargate_SG-1)'' ==Events== ===January=== {{MonthR_31_We|January}} * January_1 - Australian media baron Rupert_Murdoch purchases the largest selling British Sunday newspaper ''The News_Of_The_World''. * January_5 - The Derry_Riots leave over 100 people injured. * January_5 - Marilyn Manson is born Brian Hugh Warner. * January_10 - After 147 years, the last issue of the ''Saturday_Evening_Post'' (a US Magazine) is published. * January_12 - Super_Bowl_III: the New_York_Jets defeat the Baltimore_Colts. * January_12 - Led_Zeppelin releases their first album - called ''Led Zeppelin''. * January_14 - An explosion aboard a freighter near Hawaii kills 25. * January_15 - The Soviet_Union launches Soyuz_5. * January_16 - Ten paintings are defaced in New York's Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art. * January_16 - Student Jan_Palach sets himself on fire in Prague's Wenceslas_Square to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Three days later he dies. * January_20 - Richard_Nixon succeeds Lyndon_Johnson as the 37th President_of_the_United_States_of_America. * January_24 - Martial law is declared in Madrid, the University is closed and over 300 students are arrested. * January_27 - Fourteen men, nine of them Jews, are executed in Baghdad for spying for Israel. * January_27 - Reverend Ian_Paisley, hardline Protestant leader in Northern_Ireland, is jailed for three months for illegal assembly. * January_27 - The present-day Hetch Hetchy Moccasin Powerhouse, rated at 100,000 KVA, is completed and placed in operation. * January_30 - The_Beatles give their last public performance, on the roof of Apple_Records. The impromptu concert is broken up by the police. ===February=== {{MonthR_28_Sa|February}} * February_4 - In Cairo, Yasser_Arafat is appointed Palestinian_Liberation_Organization leader at the Palestinian_National_Congress, and takes command the next day. * February_5 - A huge Oil_slick off the coast of Santa_Barbara,_California closes the city's harbor. * February_7 - The original Hetch Hetchy Moccasin Powerhouse is removed from service. * February_8 - The last issue of the ''Saturday_Evening_Post'' hits magazine stands. * February_13 - FLQ terrorists bomb the Stock Exchange in Montreal,_Quebec. * February_24 - The Mariner_6 Mars probe is launched. * February_24 - The U.S._Supreme_Court, in ''Tinker_v._Des_Moines_Independent_Community_School_District'', rules that the First Amendment applies to public schools. ===March=== {{MonthR_31_Sa|March}} * March_2 - In Toulouse, France the first Concorde test flight is conducted. * March_2 - Soviet and Chinese forces clash at a border outpost on the Ussuri_River. * March_3 - In a Los_Angeles,_California court, Sirhan_Sirhan admits that he killed presidential candidate Robert_F._Kennedy. * March_3 - Apollo_program: NASA launches ''Apollo_9'' (James_McDivitt, David_Scott, Rusty_Schweickart) to test the Lunar_module. * March_10 - In Memphis,_Tennessee, James_Earl_Ray pleads guilty to assassinating Martin_Luther_King_Jr. Ray will later retract his guilty plea. * March_13 - Apollo_program: ''Apollo_9'' returns safely to Earth after testing the Lunar_Module. * March_17 - The Longhope Lifeboat in Scotland is lost, the entire crew of eight die. * March_17 - Golda_Meir becomes the prime minister of Israel. * March_18 - Operation Breakfast: Starts the secret bombing campaign of Cambodia (until May 1970). * March_19 - British paratroopers and Marines land on the island of Anguilla. * March_19 - collapse of 385 metre tall TV-mast at Emley_Moor, UK, because of icing. * March_25 - John_Lennon and Yoko_Ono marry in Gibraltar. * March_28 - General and 34th U.S. President, Dwight_D._Eisenhower, dies after a long illness in the Walter_Reed_Army_Medical_Center, Washington,_D.C.. ===April=== {{MonthR_30_Tu|April}} * April_1 - The Hawker-Siddeley_Harrier enters service with the RAF. * April_4 - Dr. Denton_Cooley implants the first temporary Artificial_heart. * April_9 - The Harvard_University Administration Building is seized by close to 300 students, mostly members of the Students_for_a_Democratic_Society. Before the takeover ends, 45 will be injured and 184 arrested. * April_13 - Queensland: The Brisbane Tramways end service after 84 years of operation. * April_14 -At the Academy_Awards ceremony for films released in 1968, a tie between Katharine_Hepburn and Barbra_Streisand results in the two sharing the Best Actress Oscar; Hepburn also becomes the only actress to win three Best Actress Oscars. The film version of ''Oliver!'' wins Best_Picture. * April_14 The EC-121_shootdown_incident occurs when North_Korea shoots down the aircraft over the Sea_of_Japan, killing all 31 on board. * April_20 - British troops arrive in Northern_Ireland to reinforce the Royal_Ulster_Constabulary. * April_22 - Robin_Knox-Johnston becomes the first person to sail around the world solo without stopping. * April_28 - General de Gaulle steps down as president of France after having suffered a defeat in a referendum the day before. ===May=== {{MonthR_31_Th|May}} * May_10 - Zip to Zap, a harbinger of the Woodstock Concert, ends with the dispersal and eviction of youth and young adults at Zap,_North_Dakota by the National Guard. * May_10 - The Battle of Dong Ap Bia, also known as Hamburger_Hill, begins during the Vietnam_War. * May_13 - May_13th_Incident: Race_riots occur in Kuala_Lumpur, Malaysia. * May_14 - Colonel Muammar_al-Gaddafi visits Mecca, Saudi_Arabia. * May_16 - Venera_program: ''Venera_5'', a Soviet spaceprobe, lands on Venus. * May_17 - Venera program: Soviet probe Venera_6 begins to descend into Venus' atmosphere, sending back atmospheric data before being crushed by pressure. * May_17 - Tom McClean completes the first solo transatlantic crossing in a rowboat. * May_18 - Apollo_program: ''Apollo_10'' (Tom_Stafford, Gene_Cernan, John_Young) is launched, on the first full dress-rehearsal for the Moon landing. * May_19-May_20 - French_Foreign_Legion Paratroopers land onto Kolwezi, Zaire, to rescue Europeans in a middle of a civil war. * May_20 - National Guard helicopters spray skin-stinging powder on anti-war protesters in California. * May_22 - Apollo program: ''Apollo_10'''s lunar module flies to within 15,400 m of the Moon's surface. * May_26 - Apollo program: ''Apollo_10'' returns to Earth, after a successful 8-day test of all the components needed for the upcoming first manned Moon landing. * May_26-June_2: John_Lennon and Yoko_Ono conduct their Bed-In at the Queen_Elizabeth_Hotel in Montreal,_Quebec, and record the song "Give_Peace_a_Chance" on May_31. * May_29 - Guided tours begin at the Kremlin and other government sites in Moscow. * May_30 - Riots in Curaçao, marking the start for a movement for Afro-Caribbean Civil_rights on the island. ===June=== {{MonthR_30_Su|June}} * June_1 - In Montreal,_Canada, ''Give_Peace_a_Chance'' is recorded in a famous Bed-in for peace by John_Lennon. The song is the first single recorded solo by a Beatle, and released under the name Plastic_Ono_Band, it is still a strong anthem for peace. * June_2 - In Ottawa,_Canada, the National_Arts_Centre opens its doors to the public for the first time. * June_2 - The Australian aircraft carrier ''Melbourne'' collides with the U.S. destroyer ''Frank E. Evans'' in the South_China_Sea - 74 U.S. sailors are killed. * June_8 - After the Columbia_Broadcasting_System (CBS) cancels the program, the last ''Smothers_Brothers_Comedy_Hour'' airs. * June_8 - President_Nixon and South_Vietnamese President Nguyen_Van_Thieu meet at Midway_Island. Nixon announces that 25,000 U.S. troops will be withdrawn by September. * June_15 - ''Hee_Haw'' makes its debut on CBS. * June_18-22 - The National Convention of the Students_for_a_Democratic_Society, held in Chicago, collapses, and the Weatherman faction seizes control of the SDS National Office. Thereafter, any activity run from the National Office or bearing the name of SDS is Weatherman-controlled. * June_20 - Georges_Pompidou is elected President of France. * June_21 - Soviet musicologist Pavel Apostolov dies during the general rehearsal of Shostakovich's Fourteenth Symphony. * June_23 - Warren_E._Burger is sworn in as Chief_Justice_of_the_United_States by retiring chief Earl_Warren. * June_24 - The United_Kingdom and Rhodesia sever diplomatic ties. * June_28 The Stonewall_riots in New_York_City mark the start of the modern Gay_rights_movement in the U.S. ===July=== {{MonthR_31_Tu|July}} Image:Aldrin_Apollo_11.jpg *July_1 - Charles,_Prince_of_Wales, is invested with his title at Caernarfon. * July_5 - Tom_Mboya, Kenyan Minister of Development, is assassinated. * July_7 - French is made equal to English throughout the Canadian national government. * July_8 - Vietnam_War: The very first U.S. troop withdrawals are made. * July_10 - The Trimaran ''Teignmouth Electron'' of Donald_Crowhurst is found drifting and unoccupied; Crowhurst might have committed suicide. * July_14 - The film ''Easy_Rider'' premieres. * July_14 - Football_War: After Honduras loses a soccer game against El_Salvador, rioting breaks out in Honduras against Salvadoran migrant workers. Of the 300,000 Salvadorean workers in Honduras, tens of thousands are expelled, prompting a brief Salvadoran invasion of Honduras. The OAS works out a cease-fire on July_18, taking effect on July_20. * July_16 - Apollo_program: ''Apollo_11'' (Neil_Armstrong, Buzz_Aldrin, Michael_Collins) lifts off toward the first landing on the Moon. * July_18 - Ted Kennedy drives off a bridge on his way home from a party on Chappaquiddick_Island, Massachusetts. Mary_Jo_Kopechne, a former campaign aide to his brother who was in the car with him, dies in the incident. *July_19 - Gloria_Diaz wins the Miss_Universe pageant, with the Philippines receiving its first title. * July_20 - Project_Apollo: First man on the moon. The human race, represented by Neil_Armstrong and Buzz_Aldrin, lands on the Moon. * July_24 - The ''Apollo_11'' astronauts return from the first successful Moon landing, and are placed in biological isolation for several days, on the chance they may have brought back lunar germs. The airless lunar environment is later determined to preclude microscopic life. * July_25 - Vietnam_War: U.S. President Richard_Nixon declares the Nixon_Doctrine, stating that the United_States now expects its Asian allies to take care of their own military defense. This starts the "Vietnamization" of the war. * July_30 - Vietnam_War: U.S. President Richard_M._Nixon makes an unscheduled visit to South_Vietnam, meeting with President Nguyen_Van_Thieu and U.S. military commanders. * July_31 - The Halfpenny ceases to be Legal_tender in the UK. ===August=== {{MonthR_31_Fr|August}} * August_4 - Vietnam War: At the apartment of French intermediary Jean Sainteny in Paris, U.S. representative Henry_Kissinger and North Vietnamese representative Xuan_Thuy begin secret peace negotiations. The negotiations will eventually fail since both side are unable to agree to any terms. * August_5 - Mariner_program: Mariner_7 makes its closest fly-by of Mars (3,524 kilometers). * August_8 - A fire breaks out in the Bannerman's_Castle in the Hudson_River; most of the roof collapses and crashes down to the lower levels. * August_9 - Members of a Cult led by Charles_Manson murder Sharon_Tate, (who was 8 months pregnant), and her friends Abigail_Folger, Wojciech_Frykowski, and Jay_Sebring at Tate and husband Roman_Polanski's home in Los_Angeles,_California. Steven_Parent, leaving from a visit to the Polanskis' caretaker, is also killed. More than 100 stab wounds are found on the victims, except for Parent, who had been shot almost as soon as the Manson Family entered the property. * August_10 - The Manson Family kills Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, wealthy businesspeople who live in another section of Los Angeles. * August_12 - Jack_Lynch, Taoiseach of the Republic_of_Ireland, makes a speech to the United_Nations, in which he asks them to deploy a peace-keeping mission in Northern_Ireland. * August_13 - Serious border clashes occur between the Soviet_Union and the People's_Republic_of_China. * August_14 - British troops are deployed in Northern_Ireland. * August_15 - The Woodstock_Festival begins in upstate New_York, lasting 3 days and featuring some of the top rock musicians of the era. * August_17 - Category 5 Hurricane_Camille hits the Mississippi coast, killing 248 people and causing US$1.5 billion in damage (1969 dollars). * August_21 - An Australian, Michael_Dennis_Rohan, set the Al-Aqsa_Mosque on fire. * August_31 - Former Heavyweight Champion Rocky_Marciano is killed in a plane crash. == ===September=== {{MonthR_30_Mo|September}} * September_1 - A coup in Libya ousts King Idris, and brings Colonel Muammar_al-Gaddafi to power. * September_2 - The first Automatic_teller_machine in the United States is installed in Rockville_Centre,_New_York. * September_5 - My_Lai_Massacre: Lieutenant William_Calley is charged with 6 counts of premeditated murder, for the deaths of 109 Vietnamese civilians in My_Lai. * September_7 - ''Monty_Python's_Flying_Circus'' airs its first episode on the BBC. * September_9 - Allegheny_Airlines_Flight_853 DC-9 collides in flight with a Piper PA-28, and crashes near Fairland, Indiana USA. * September_22 - 25 An Islamic conference in Rabat, Morocco, following the al-Aqsa Mosque fire (August 21), condemns the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem. * September_24 - The "Chicago_Eight" trial begins in Chicago, Illinois. * September_26 - The_Beatles release what would be their final album (''Abbey Road'') recorded together. * September_26 - The pilot episode of ''The_Brady_Bunch'', starring Robert_Reed and Florence_Henderson, airs on United States TV. * September_28 - The Social Democrats and the Free Democrats receive a majority of votes in the German parliamentary elections, and decide to form a common government. ===October=== {{MonthR_31_We|October}} * October_1 - In Sweden, Olof_Palme is elected Labour Party leader, replacing Tage_Erlander as prime minister on October_14. * October_9 - Days_of_Rage: In Chicago, the United_States_National_Guard is called in, as demonstrations involving the radical Weathermen continue, in connection with the trial of the "Chicago_Eight". * October_15 - Vietnam_War: Hundreds of thousands of people take part in National Moratorium antiwar demonstrations across the United_States. * October_16 - The "miracle" New_York_Mets win the World_Series, beating the heavily favored Baltimore_Orioles 4 games to 1. * October_17 - Willard S. Boyle and George Smith invent the CCD at Bell_Laboratories. Today, this technology is widely used in digital cameras. * October_21 - Willy_Brandt becomes Chancellor of West_Germany. * October_21 - Siad_Barre comes to power in Somalia in a coup. * October_31 - Wal-Mart incorporates as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ===November=== {{MonthR_30_Sa|November}} * November - ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet, is created. * November_3 - Vietnam_War: U.S. President Richard_M._Nixon addresses the nation on Television and Radio, asking the "silent majority" to join him in solidarity with the Vietnam_War effort, and to support his policies. Vice President Spiro_T._Agnew denounces the President's critics as 'an effete corps of impudent snobs' and 'nattering nabobs of negativism'. * November_9 - A group of Amerindians, led by Richard Oakes, seizes the Alcatraz island for 19 months, inspiring a wave of renewed Indian pride and government reform. * November_12 - Vietnam_War: My_Lai_Massacre - Independent investigative journalist Seymour_Hersh breaks the My_Lai story. * November_13 - Vietnam War: Anti-war protesters in Washington,_DC stage a symbolic "March Against Death". * November_14 - Apollo_program: NASA launches ''Apollo_12'' (Pete_Conrad, Richard_Gordon, Alan_Bean), the second manned mission to the Moon. * November_15 - Cold_War: The Soviet_submarine_K-19 collides with the American submarine USS ''Gato'' in the Barents_Sea. * November_15 - Vietnam_War: In Washington,_DC, 250,000-500,000 protesters stage a peaceful demonstration against the war. * November_15 - Regular Colour_television broadcasts begin on BBC1 and ITV in UK. * November_17 - Cold_War: Negotiators from the Soviet_Union and the United_States meet in Helsinki, to begin the SALT_I negotiations aimed at limiting the number of strategic weapons on both sides. * November_19 - Apollo_program: ''Apollo_12'' astronauts Charles_Conrad and Alan_Bean land at Oceanus_Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms"), becoming the third and fourth Humans to walk on the Moon. * November_19 - Soccer great Pelé scores his 1000th goal. * November_20 - Vietnam_War: The ''Cleveland_Plain_Dealer'' publishes explicit photographs of dead villagers from the My_Lai_massacre in Vietnam. * November_20 - Richard Oakes returns with 90 followers and offers to buy the Alcatraz for $24 (he leaves the island January 1970) * November_21 - U.S. President Richard_Nixon and Japanese Premier Eisaku_Sato agree in Washington to the return of Okinawa to Japanese control in 1972. Under the terms of the agreement, the U.S. retains rights to military bases on the island, but they must be nuclear-free. * November_21 - The first ARPANET link is established which was the progenitor of the global Internet. * November_21 - The Senate votes down the Supreme Court nomination of Clement F. Haynsworth, the first such rejection since 1930. * November_24 - Apollo_program: The ''Apollo_12'' spacecraft splashes down safely in the Pacific_Ocean, ending the second manned mission to the Moon. * November_25 - John_Lennon returns his OBE to protest the British government's support of the U.S. war in Vietnam. ===December=== {{MonthR_31_Mo|December}} * December_1 - Vietnam_War: The first Draft_lottery in the United_States is held since World_War_II (on January_4, 1970, the ''New_York_Times'' will run a long article, "Statisticians Charge Draft Lottery Was Not Random"). * December_2 - The Boeing_747 jumbo jet makes its debut. It carries 191 people, most of them reporters and photographers, from Seattle to New_York_City. * December_4 - Black Panther members Fred_Hampton and Mark Clark are shot dead in their sleep during a raid by 14 Chicago police officers. * December_12 - The Piazza_Fontana_bombing in Italy (Strage di Piazza Fontana) takes place. A U.S. Navy officer and C.I.A. agent called David Carrett is later investigated for possible involvement. ===Undated events=== *Summer saw the invention of Unix *In the autumn, the first four nodes of the ARPAnet went up ===Ongoing events=== *Vietnam_War (1964 - 1975) *War of Attrition, between Egypt and Israel, which lasted until August 1970. This conflict was characterized by escalating artillery duels, air raids and commando missions ==Birth Dates== ===January=== *January_2 - Dean_Francis_Alfar, Filipino author *January_2 - Christy_Turlington, American fashion model *January_2 - Tommy_Morrison, American boxer *January_3 - Michael_Schumacher, German race car driver *January_5 - Marilyn Manson, American singer *January_8 - Jeff_Abercrombie, American musician (Fuel) *January_13 - Stephen_Hendry, British snooker player *January_14 - Jason_Bateman, American actor *January_14 - David_Grohl, American drummer and composer (Nirvana; later, Foo_Fighters) *January_15 - Meret_Becker, German actress and musician *January_16 - Roy_Jones_Jr., American boxer *January_16 - Per "Dead" Yngve Ohlin, Scandinavian vocalist *January_17 - Lukas_Moodysson, Swedish film director *January_18 - David "Batista" Bautista, American professional wrestler. *January_20 - Patrick_K._Kroupa, American writer, hacker *January_27 - Cornelius, musician, singer and producer (Flipper's_Guitar) ===February=== * February_1 - Gabriel_Batistuta, Argentine footballer * February_3 - Retief_Goosen, South African golfer * February_5 - Bobby_Brown, American singer * February_11 - Jennifer_Aniston, American actress * February_12 - Hong_Myung-Bo, South Korean footballer * February_13 - Ahlam, Arabic Diva * February_13 - Ronnie_Johncox, former driver in the Indy Racing League * February_17 - Tuesday_Knight, American actress * February_23 - Michael_Campbell, New Zealand golfer * February_23 - Marc_Wauters, Belgian cyclist ===March=== *March_1 - Javier_Bardem, Spanish actor *March_1 - Dafydd_Ieuan, Welsh drummer (Super_Furry_Animals) *March_11 - Soraya, Colombian singer and multi-instrumentalist (d. 2006) *March_11 - Terrence_Howard, American actor *March_19 - Connor_Trinneer, American actor *March_31 - Samantha_Brown, American television host ===April=== *April_3 - Lance_Storm, Canadian Professional Wrestler *April_6 - Bret_Boone, baseball player *April_10 - Billy_Jayne, American actor *April_11 - Cerys_Matthews, Welsh singer *April_17 - Henry_Ian_Cusick, Peruvian actor *April_19 - Susan_Polgar, Hungarian chess player *April_25 - Joe_Buck, baseball and American football broadcaster *April_25 - Vanessa_Beecroft, Italian artist *April_25 - Darren_Woodson, American football player *April_25 - Renée_Zellweger, American actress ===May=== *May_2 - Brian_Lara, West Indian cricketer *May_3 - Daryl_F._Mallett, American author and actor *May_6 - Jim_Magilton, Northern Irish footballer *May_7 - Eagle_Eye_Cherry, Swedish-born musician *May_9 - Amber, Dutch musician *May_10 - Dennis_Bergkamp, Dutch soccer player *May_13 - Nikos_Aliagas, French-born television host *May_14 - Cate_Blanchett, Australian actress *May_15 - Emmitt_Smith, American football player *May_16 - David_Boreanaz, American actor *May_16 - Tracey_Gold, American actress *May_16 - Steve Lewis, American athlete *May_18 - Martika, American singer *May_21 - Georgiy_R._Gongadze, Ukrainian journalist (d. 2000) ===June=== *June_4 - Rob_Huebel, American comedian *June_4 - Takako_Minekawa, Japanese musician, composer and writer *June_11 - Steven_Drozd, American drummer (The_Flaming_Lips) *June_14 - Steffi_Graf, German tennis player *June_14 - MC_Ren, American rapper (N.W.A) *June_15 - Oliver_Kahn, German football goalkeeper *June_15 - Ice_Cube, American rapper and actor *June_17 - Paul_Tergat, Kenyan athlete *June_18 - Pål_Pot_Pamparius, Norwegian guitarist and keyboardist (Turbonegro) *June_24 - Sissel_Kyrkjebø, Norwegian singer *June_25 - Matt_Gallant, American television host *June_25 - Zim_Zum, American guitarist *June_29 - Ilan_Mitchell-Smith, American actor ===July=== *July_5 - John_LeClair, American hockey player *July_10 - Gale_Harold, American actor *July_14 - Buh-Buh_Ray_Dudley, American Professional Wrestler *July_18 - Masanori_Murakawa, Japanese professional wrestler *July_20 - Josh_Holloway, American actor *July_24 - Jennifer_Lopez, American actress and singer *July_26 - Tanni_Grey-Thompson, British Paralympian *July_27 - Triple_H (aka Hunter Hearst Helmsley), American professional wrestler ===August=== *August_2 - Fernando_Couto, Portuguese footballer *August_6 - Elliott_Smith, American musician (d. 2003) *August_9 - Troy_Percival, baseball player *August_13 - Midori_Ito, Japanese figure skater *August_18 - Edward_Norton, American actor *August_18 - Christian_Slater, American actor *August_19 - Matthew Perry, American actor *August_19 - Nate_Dogg, American rapper *August_28 - Jack Black, American actor *August_29 - Joe_Swail, Northern Irish snooker player ===September=== * September_2 - Cedric_"K-Ci"_Hailey, American singer * September_2 - Dave_Naz, American Photographer * September_5 - Dweezil_Zappa, American actor and musician * September_9 - Rachel_Hunter, New Zealand model and actress * September_13 - Shane_Warne, Australian cricketer * September_17 - Ken_Doherty, Irish snooker player * September_24 - Donald_DeGrate,_Jr., American music producer * September_25 - Hansie_Cronje, South African cricketer (d. 2002) *September_25 - Hal_Sparks, American actor and comedian *September_25 - Catherine_Zeta-Jones, Welsh actress *September_25 - Yves_Amyot, Quebec actor *September_26 - Paul_Warhurst, English football player ===October=== *October__1 - Igor_Ulanov, Russian hockey player *October__2 - Mitch_English, American actor and television host *October__3 - Gwen_Stefani, American singer (No_Doubt) *October__8 - Julia_Ann, American porn actress *October_10 - Brett_Favre, American football player *October_13 - Nancy_Kerrigan, American figure skater *October_14 - David_Strickland, American actor (d. 1999) *October_17 - Ernie_Els, South African golfer *October_19 - Trey_Parker, American television producer *October_20 - Juan_Gonzalez, baseball player *October_20 - Laurie_Daley, Australian rugby league player *October_21 - Angela_Vincent, Australian actress *October_30 - Clay_Enos, American photographer ===November=== *November_4 - Sean_"Diddy"_Combs, American rapper *November_4 - Matthew_McConaughey, American actor *November_7 - Michelle_Clunie, American actress *November_7 - Hélène_Grimaud, French pianist *November_7 - Bryant_H._McGill, American poet *November_10 - Jens_Lehmann, German football player *November_11 - Carson_Kressley, American fashion expert *November_12 - Heinz-Christian_Strache, Austrian politician *November_12 - Johnny_Gosch, Child kidnap victim *November_13 - Gerard_Butler, Scottish actor *November_17 - Jean-Michel_Saive, Belgian table tennis player *November_17 - Ryotaro_Okiayu, Japanese Seiyu (voice actor) *November_18 - Sam_Cassell, basketball player *November_20 - AQi_Fzono, Japanese composer *November_21 - Ken_Griffey,_Jr., baseball player *November_28 - Lexington_Steele, African-American actor and film director *November_29 - Chris_Baker, American race car driver *November_29 - Pierre_van_Hooijdonk, Dutch footballer *November_29 - Mariano_Rivera, Panamanian Major_League_Baseball player ===December=== *December_4 - Jay-Z, American rapper *December_15 - Rick_Law, American illustrator and producer *December_18 - Irvin_Duguid, Scottish keyboard player (Stiltskin) *December_19 - Kristy_Swanson, American actress *December_19 - Richard_Hammond, British TV presenter *December_21 - Julie_Delpy, French actress *December_23 - Martha_Byrne, American actress and singer *December_24 - Ludwig_Baldwin,_Jr. American musician and Actor (d. 2003) *December_28 - Linus_Torvalds, Finnish computer programmer *December_30 - Jay Kay, English singer (Jamiroquai) ==Deaths== ===January=== *January_4 - Violet and Daisy_Hilton, English conjoined twin actresses (b. 1908) *January_8 - Albert_Hill, British athlete (b. 1889) *January_19 - Jan_Palach, Czech student protester (suicide) (b. 1948) *January_25 - Irene_Castle, English dancer (b. 1893) *January_29 - Allen_Dulles, American director of the Central Intelligence Agency (b. 1893) *January_30 - Georges_Pire, Belgian monk, recipient of the Nobel_Peace_Prize (b. 1910) *January_31 - Meher_Baba, Indian Spiritual master (b. 1894) ===February=== *February_4 - Thelma_Ritter, American actress (b. 1905) *February_9 - Gabby_Hayes, American actor (b. 1885) *February_20 - Ernest_Ansermet, Swiss conductor (b. 1883) *February_23 - King Saud_of_Saudi_Arabia (b. 1902) *February_26 - Levi_Eshkol, Prime_Minister_of_Israel (b. 1895) ===March=== *March_4 - Nicholas_Schenck, Russian-born film empresario (b. 1881) *March_11 - John_Wyndham, British author (b. 1903) *March_21 - Pinky_Higgins, American baseball player and manager (b. 1909) *March_25 - Billy_Cotton, British Entertainer & Bandleader (b. 1899) *March_26 - John_Kennedy_Toole, American author (b. 1937) *March_26 - B._Traven, German writer *March_28 - Dwight_D._Eisenhower, 34th President_of_the_United_States (b. 1890) ===April=== *April_4 - Morihei_Ueshiba, Founder of the Martial Art Style Aikido (b. 1883) *April_5 - Shelby_Storck, American television producer (b. 1917) *April_7 - Rómulo_Gallegos, Venezuelan president and writer *April_15 - Ain-Ervin_Mere, Estonian Nazi (b. 1903) ===May=== *May_2 - Franz_von_Papen, Chancellor_of_Germany (b. 1879) *May_4 - Osbert_Sitwell, English writer (b. 1892) *May_14 - Frederick_Lane, Australian swimmer (b. 1888) *May_19 - Coleman_Hawkins, American musician (b. 1904) *May_27 - Jeffrey_Hunter, American actor (b. 1926) ===June=== *June_21 - Maureen_Connolly, American tennis player (b. 1934) *June_22 - Judy_Garland, American actress and singer (b. 1922) ===July=== *July_3 - Brian_Jones, British musician (The_Rolling_Stones) (b. 1942) *July_5 - Walter_Gropius, German architect (b. 1883) *July_18 - Mary_Jo_Kopechne, American campaign aide to U.S. Senator Robert_F._Kennedy (b. 1940) *July_24 - Witold_Gombrowicz, Polish novelist and dramatist (b. 1904) *July_28 - Ramón_Grau, Cuban president (b. 1882) ===August=== *August_9 - Cecil_Frank_Powell, British physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903) *August_9 - Sharon_Tate, American actress (murdered) (b. 1943) *August_9 - Abigail_Folger, American socialite, Folger's Coffee heiress, and social worker (murdered) (b. 1943) *August_17 - Otto_Stern, German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1888) *August_27 - Ivy_Compton-Burnett, English novelist (b. 1884) *August_27 - Erika_Mann, German writer (b. 1905) *August_31 - Rocky_Marciano, American boxer (b. 1923) ===September=== *September_2 - Ho_Chi_Minh, President_of_Vietnam (b. 1890) ===October=== *October_4 - Natalino_Otto, Italian singer (b. 1912) *October_12 - Sonja_Henie, Norwegian figure skater (b. 1912) *October_21 - Jack_Kerouac, American author (b. 1922) *October_21 - Waclaw_Sierpinski, Polish mathematician (b. 1882) *October_30 - Pops_Foster, American musician ===November=== *November_12 - William_F._Friedman, American cryptanalyst (b. 1891) *November_15 - Iskander_Mirza, first President_of_Pakistan *November_18 - Joseph_P._Kennedy,_Sr., American politician (b. 1888) ===December=== *December_4 - Fred_Hampton, Black Panther (shot by police) (b. 1948) *December_4 - Mark Clark, Black Panther (shot by police) (b. 1896) *December_5 - Princess_Alice_of_Battenberg, wife of Prince_Andrew_of_Greece_and_Denmark and mother of Prince_Philip,_Duke_of_Edinburgh (b. 1885) *December_12 - Magic_Sam, American musician (b. 1937) *December_31 - George Lewis, American musician (b. 1900) ==Nobel_Prizes== * Physics - Murray_Gell-Mann * Chemistry - Derek_Harold_Richard_Barton, Odd_Hassel * Medicine - Max_Delbrück, Alfred_Hershey, Salvador_Luria * Literature - Samuel_Beckett * Peace - International_Labour_Organization * Economics - Ragnar_Frisch, Jan_Tinbergen {{commonscat}} Category:1969 Af:1969 Als:1969 Am:1969_እ.ኤ.አ. 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