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Hell's Angels vs Alexander McQueen - Lawsuit DETAILS | Styleite
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Hell’s Angels Sue Alexander McQueen Over Logo

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In one of the more unexpected legal stories we’ve seen in a while, the Hell’s Angels have filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Alexander McQueen for what they call the misuse of their Winged Death’s Head symbol.

The suit, which was filed in federal court in California on Monday, cites four products in particular: a three-finger “Hell’s Knuckle Duster” Ring, a $1,595 dress, and a $560 scarf. Retailers Saks and Zappos have also been included in the claim for selling the products.

From the Financial Times:

The complaint argues that the Hells Angels have used both their name and the winged death’s head symbol since at least 1948, and that their registration at the US Patent and Trademark Office protects the use of both in jewellery and clothing.

“From decades of notoriety, the HAMC marks have acquired very widespread public recognition. Consequently they evoke strong and immediate reactions whenever used,” the complaint states. “The impact of these marks is virtually incomparable, and as a result they have great commercial value.”

On Monday, Harry Potter costume designer Jany Temime was accused of stealing the design of an Alexander McQueen dress for a wedding scene in the latest Potter film.

We poked around and found three of the offending McQueen items and have included them, as well as the Hell’s Angel symbol in the gallery below. Take a look and tell us what you think: has McQueen done wrong? Or are the Hell’s Angels picking a fight they can’t win?

[Financial Times via Vogue UK.]

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1 comment
  • killar killar says:

    If this guy is smart he’ll stop all sales of the Hell’s Angels’ Trademarked Winged Death Symbol, Unless he has some kind of death wish..

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