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U.S. News | Reuters.co.co.uk
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Obama widens lead over Romney despite jobs data: Reuters/Ipsos poll


WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama, picking up support following the Democratic National Convention, widened his narrow lead over Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Saturday.

Romney tries a retool with NASCAR race fans

RICHMOND, Virginia - Mitt Romney tried another lap around the track on Saturday to win over NASCAR stock-car racing fans, but rain put the brakes on his plan. | Video

1:45am BST

Obama campaigns with former Republican Crist in crucial Florida

SEMINOLE, Florida - President Barack Obama kicked off a two-day bus tour of the key election battleground state of Florida on Saturday with former Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who endorsed Obama's 2008 rival John McCain but has since left the Republican Party.

08 Sep 2012

Romney pounces on Obama over disappointing job news

IOWA CITY, Iowa/NASHUA, New Hampshire - President Barack Obama charged back onto the campaign trail on Friday and faced a withering attack from Republican rival Mitt Romney over disappointing new U.S. jobs numbers as the candidates sought to emphasize their differences in states crucial to the battle for the White House. | Video

08 Sep 2012

Obama asks Hawaiian-born boy if he has a birth certificate

ORLANDO, Florida - President Barack Obama made a rare, light-hearted reference to the controversy over his birth certificate on Saturday at a restaurant in Florida where he met a young boy who, like the president, was born in Hawaii.

1:37am BST

Ohio official retreats from move to limit voting hours

CLEVELAND - Ohio's Republican secretary of state has retreated from a bid to keep in place early voting limitations challenged by Democrats while the state appeals a federal court decision that struck down the restrictions.

1:11am BST

White House to release spending cuts report next week

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE - The Obama administration plans to deliver a report to Congress late next week that details spending cuts that will be required if congressional leaders fail to reach a deficit reduction deal by year end.

07 Sep 2012

Obama draws biggest convention TV audience, Twitter record

LOS ANGELES - President Barack Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday night drew the largest television audience of this year's political conventions and ranked as the biggest political moment ever on social media site Twitter.

08 Sep 2012

Jesse Jackson says son shouldn't rush return to Congress

CHICAGO - Illinois Democratic Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. is still recovering after treatment for bipolar disorder and will not return to Congress in the near future, his father, civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, said in a radio interview on Saturday.

08 Sep 2012

Clinton sees Russia trade move soon, at odds on Syria

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia - The U.S. Congress could move this month to upgrade trade relations with Moscow, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Saturday, but Russia made clear after talks that big differences remained on Syria and Iran.

08 Sep 2012