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2DS Teardown Reveals Single LCD Panel

Nintendo's 2DS handheld ditches the 3D functionality of the 3DS as well as its folding design. One of the benefits of those decisions is that the system costs less than its sibling – $130 versus $160. Someone's taken one of the new devices apart, confirming another way Nintendo was able to shave some of those bucks off the price.

USgamer reported that the 2DS was built around a single LCD panel instead of the 3DS' two individual displays, and a Facebook post by Rose Colored Gaming confirms it. The device's plastic front bezel completes the illusion that you're looking at two screens, while it's actually one larger panel.

[Source: Rose Colored Gaming via Polygon]


Our Take
This isn't a bombshell discovery by any means, but it's an interesting example of how companies find ways to streamline production and cut costs. It's a pretty clever solution, actually.

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  • Wouldn't that mean that the entire thing is touch-capable?
  • I figured this was the case and a great way to stream production. But are both the top and bottom able to be used as touchpads? Or somewhere in the software do they set parameters where only a portion of the LCD is capable?
  • So cool. The 2DS is such a great device. Anyone looking to jump into handheld gaming, should pick up this device.
  • well i guess that explains why ppl thought it was just a cheap strip of pastic er whatever when it was initally showed off .

  • That's kind of freaky. But it is a genius way to save money.

  • One screen, one speaker, that's the power of Nintendo's engineering.
  • I haven't had much experience with a 3DS device but from what I have seen, I am not sure I agree. Okay so the 3d effect was gimmicky and not good for your eyes and it was taken out. But the extra space is not utilized, I would have imagined the system would have benefitted from a larger screen and/or a second analogue stick which was introduced as a peripheral... Hell Nintendo could have kept the price the same but added some much needed functionality, it would make a nice disparity between the 3DS and 2DS. I would imagine a lot of the older gamers would be attracted by those features as well.
  • We knew this the day it was revealed...:P

  • I guess this is why you can't fold it =P

  • Good way to reduce costs, but hopefully it doesn't make repairs difficult.

    Can't wait for the next big release! The Nintendo 1DS!


    Oh Nintendo, you so crazy!
  • Saw this yesterday at Kotaku. But then, we knew about it from the announcement of the thing.  Still, always fascinating to see the innards of these things.

  • So should we call this the Nintendo Single Screen?
  • I saw this around the time when the thing was announced. I never thought about how it would save so much money, but I guess they wouldn't have done it if it weren't the case.

  • *Shocker*

  • I think most of us already believed this because of it not being able to be folded.

  • I can't help but feel this is so developers can have a reason not to develop games using 3d. Pokémon X & Y barely use 3d and when they do its a lagy mess.
  • So then I suppose it's no longer a 2DS. Now it's a 2SS.
  • Seems a shame the whole screen isn't being used.
  • Good lord what an awful design.
  • The device should be 99$ tops. 30$ less than a normal 3ds is not a low enough price disparity imo the 2ds is vastly inferior to the normal models/XL

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