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Is GTA V one of the 20 greatest video games of all time? - 20 greatest video games of all time
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140319031829/http://tech.uk.msn.com/features/20-greatest-video-games-of-all-time
03/10/2013 10:30 | By Editors, MSN Tech
20 greatest video games of all time

Is GTA V one of the 20 greatest video games of all time?

20 greatest video games of all time
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The release of Grand Theft Auto V has brought with it much excitement and fanfare. The Rockstar North-penned title has won over reviewers the length and breadth of the Internet and will surely scoop a handful of accolades come awards season. Do you think Grand Theft Auto V has set the benchmark for driving games?

To mark the occasion we've compiled a list of gaming's finest - here are 20 video games that we feel set the benchmark and raised the bar for all that followed. When it comes to our countdown we're not interested in multiple games - each franchise gets one shot.

Call us names, pull our hair - after all, everyone is entitled to their opinion. That's why with every entry we're also including other highly-commended titles so no-one gets left out. Another point to note, we've chosen not to list our picks in any order - we believe all are worthy entries in their own right.

Click on the image above to view the top 20 video games

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