Driving Other People

Driving other people

Be mindful of your passengers' comfort. Check that they are happy before you set off. Ask before you do anything to alter the environment of the car, such as opening the window, adjusting the heating, etc.

Although you may be intent on getting from A to B as quickly as possible your passengers may appreciate the opportunity to take a break, stretch their legs, have a drink or something to eat, etc. Always check with your passengers, and try and accomodate their wishes.

Don't make the assumption that your passenger wants to listen to
music or the radio; ask first and choose something they'll enjoy.

Sometimes your passengers will want to doze or daydream - if they want to stay in their own world for the duration of the journey, let them.

Make sure your car is a pleasant environment; keep it clean and
remove excess clutter before taking passengers.

Remember that, when you have a passenger, your car is a shared space, so resist temptations to sing along loudly, talk to yourself, shout at other drivers. Interact, whenever possible, with your passengers, but remember that the road and other drivers are your main priority.

Keep your conversation light. You cannot safely engage in eye contact when you're driving, so reserve more meaningful exchanges for stationary situations.

If you need help - with map-reading, changing the CD etc. - ask your passenger politely



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