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Hands-on medical approach inspires students at VCOM | GoUpstate.com
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Hands-on medical approach inspires students at VCOM

Ankit Shah, left, and other students check blood sugar levels. The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine in Spartanburg hosted a free health clinic for the community on Sunday.

ALEX C. HICKS JR./alex.hicks@shj.com
Published: Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 11:14 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 11:14 p.m.

With its elegant three-story brick and stone building surrounded by lush green landscape, Spartanburg's new college of Osteopathic Medicine is likely to raise a few eyebrows.


Medical doctors vs. osteopathic doctors

Students entering both DO and MD medical colleges have already completed four-year bachelor's degrees with an emphasis on science.
Both complete four years of basic medical education, and after medical school, both DOs and MDs obtain graduate medical education through internships, residencies and fellowships. This training lasts three to eight
- Both can choose to practice in any specialty of medicine, such as pediatrics, family medicine, psychiatry, surgery or
- DOs and MDs must pass comparable examinations to obtain state licenses and practice in accredited and licensed
health care facilities.
Source: American Osteopathic Association website

But to members of the community, it also might raise a few questions.

“A lot of people don't know much about osteopathic medicine,” said Anita Iari, a student at the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, which opened its doors in September on a piece of land formerly occupied by Spartan Mills. “Doctors of osteopathy are around us all the time as family physicians or the hospital, and many of us don't even realize it.”

Junie White, mayor of Spartanburg, proclaimed this week as Osteopathic Medicine Week.

After White's speech earlier this week, the school hosted its first free health fair with hopes to stifle the mysteries surrounding the profession.

“We want to teach people what osteopathic medicine is and what it can do for them,” said Tobias Banks, a 23-year-old student from Myrtle Beach.

The health fair was orchestrated by 40 to 50 students and included blood pressure checks, blood glucose checks and scoliosis screenings for children. Health presentations also were conducted on topics including diabetes and obesity, sports safety, childhood safety and immunizations.

What is osteopathic medicine?

There are two types of physicians in the U.S.: medical doctors (MDs) and doctors of osteopathy (DOs).

Dr. Stuart Williams, doctor of osteopathy and chairman of VCOM, says that one of the core tenets of osteopathic medicine is that the school teaches its students to work with their hands to diagnose the musculoskeletal system, which makes up 60 percent of the body.

“We believe this 60 percent impacts the other 40 percent of our organs, So one of our major tenets is that body structure and organ function are inter-related, and we try to look at the patient in that totality.”

He said if someone comes to him saying their back is hurting, he doesn't just look at the back. He looks at other aspects to see what is causing the pain.

“It's a much more hands-on approach to medicine,” Williams said. “What I hear a lot from patients is: ‘You're the first doctor that ever touched me.' I hear that all the time.”

He also said that about 60 percent of DO graduates choose a primary care field, such as family medicine, pediatrics or internal medicine, while MD's are more likely to go into a specialty such as cardiology or neurology.

According to the American Osteopathic Association, osteopathic physicians additionally are trained to teach patients how to prevent illnesses before they occur; look at the whole person to reach a diagnosis without focusing just on symptoms; help the body to heal itself; and perform osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT), a hands-on approach to diagnosing, treating and preventing illness or injury.

Dr. Ronald Januchowski, doctor of osteopathy and VCOM's associate dean for Clinical Affairs, said one in 10 physicians in South Carolina are licensed DOs.

“When we look at the percentage of MDs versus DOs in the Carolinas, there are a whole lot more MDs. I think the reason people know so little about osteopathic medicine here is because they haven't been exposed to it.”

The practice of osteopathic medicine was founded by Andrew Taylor Still in the late 19th century.

“In the 1800s, the doctors were taught to look for the disease and get rid of it, whatever it was,” Januchowski said. “Still believed that the doctor's job is to find health, not just find the disease. And that is one of our major tenets.”

The practice has grown throughout the years. Twenty years ago, there were only 13 osteopathic schools in the nation. Today, there are 32, including branch campuses such as Spartanburg's VCOM.

“It's growing. With the school being here, we are seeing a lot more DOs not only coming to the Upstate, but across the state as well.”

There are about 63,000 fully licensed osteopathic physicians in the U.S. who can choose any specialty, prescribe drugs, perform surgeries and practice medicine anywhere in the United States.

“DOs and MDs are working in many of the same practices nowadays, so they do work hand in hand with each other. They respect each other mutually,” Januchowski said. “Medicine is a collaborative effort. In order to do the best that you can for the patient, you have to work with DOs, MDs and nurses. If I have to refer someone, I'm going to refer them to the best physician, regardless if they're an MD or a DO”

Angela Tyson, a student at VCOM, says she chose to pursue osteopathy because of the care they provide to their patients.

“It's not just about fixing a disease. It's not just about fixing one problem a patient has; it's about treating the patient as a complete person,” she said. “Any issue they walk in with is looked at — the whole nine yards. It's not just “Oh you have a cold; here's an antibiotic.”

She says she also likes using osteopathic manipulative medicine treatment, a technique unique to osteopathic physicians.

“My first experience with OMM came when I was shadowing a physician. This ballerina walked in and she had back pain and nosebleeds. The DO fixed her back with the treatment, and she felt much better afterward. Then he cauterized her nose. He did both of these together, and I was kind of hooked on the practice ever since. We personally put hands on patients every time they come in.”

During Osteopathic Medicine Week, several of VCOM's 161 students will get out in the community and raise awareness.

Today, their Pediatrics Organization will give educational presentations to students at Cleveland Elementary.

“The city proclaiming this week as Osteopathic Medicine Week — even though it's nationally recognized during this time — is a big deal to us,” said William King, associate vice president for Student Services of both the Virginia and Carolina campus.

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