Vietnamese word game

We are very excited to introduce a vietnamese scrabble – type word game that we’ve been working on for the past couple of months:


The Vietnamese language is very complex, so the rack size has been increased from 7 to 8 tiles.

Here’s some advice to help you get started:

*Your first word must touch the star at the center of the board

*You can form words horizontally or vertically.

*If you’re playing on your phone, tap the score to view the game info where you can choose Vietnamese/English interface, the tileset, the bonuses layout or restart the game

*Click on the “i” icon to the right of each word to see its definition.

*The blank tile worth 1 point is the new space character — use it to form compound words like “O(space tile worth 1 point)BẾ” (Sep 05 update: increased space tile value from 1 to 10 points)

*The blank tile worth zero points is the standard joker/wildcard that allows you to use any letter.

*Swap out your tiles for new tiles if you’re stuck (though you will lose your turn).

*Try to play words off of the bonuses:

DL = double the letter points
DW = double the word’s total points
TL = triple the letter points
TW = triple the word’s total points

*Try to form multiple words in one play to boost your score.

Basic buttons:

Have fun!

Vietboard Team

4 thoughts on “Vietnamese word game”

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