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Research & Analysis | The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Massachusetts Hall, Harvard University

Research & Analysis

Our Programs

Eric Rosenbach at a Panel with Colin Kahl, and Bethany Russell, in front of students
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The Defense, Emerging Technology and Strategy Program focuses on defense policy issues, security strategy execution, and new technologies that have emerged as pivotal to the future of international security, with a focus on space, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and synthetic biotech. 

Raina Thiele, John Holdren, Jackie Qatalina Schaeffer, and David Balton discuss how to craft durable climate policy during a seminar at Harvard Kennedy School on May 15, 2024.
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The Arctic Initiative integrates insights from cutting-edge scientific research, Indigenous knowledge, and policy analysis, to improve understanding of Arctic climate change; develop responsive policies and actions; and train the next generation of interdisciplinary Arctic experts and leaders. 

Middle East Initiative Faculty Director Tarek Masoud leads Panel on Middle East Tensions
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The Middle East Initiative provides topical timely analysis on energy, diplomacy, foreign conflict resolution and more.

James Mattis Applied History Working Group
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The Applied History Project promotes the use of historical reasoning to illuminate current challenges and choices in both the public and private sectors.

Dan Schraag, John Holdren and others at the White House with President Obama and President Biden
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The Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program brings science and technology into the design of public policy, exploring some of the world's most challenging problems - from nuclear negotiations with Iran to privacy concerns about big data. 

James Clapper
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The Intelligence Project is building a new generation of practitioners serving a rapidly changing world, focusing on history, geopolitics, and emerging technologies, linking intelligence agencies with Belfer researchers, faculty and students to enrich education and support public policy decision-making. 

Matt Bunn, Steve Miller and Mariana Budjeryn at the Inheriting the Bomb Book Talk
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The Project on Managing the Atom conducts and disseminates both timeless and topical policy-relevant research on nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, and nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

Henry Lee with Nat Keohane against blue Harvard Kennedy School background
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The Environment and Natural Resources Program examines cutting-edge issues at the intersection of environmental, climate, and science policy considerations, conducting policy-relevant research on energy technologies, grid decarbonization, hydrogen, biofuels, and climate finance.

Meghan O'Sullivan with James Manyika at panel event October 2023
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The Geopolitics of Energy Project explores the intersection of energy, security, and international politics. The project aims to improve understanding of how energy demand and supply shape international politics – and vice versa.

Student led AfriConnect event 2023
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The Africa Futures Project drives debate and research on critical issues of African politics and governance; climate change and the global energy transition; conflict and security; and geopolitics as they shape our collective future.

Steven Miller with Jacqueline Hazelton at ISP student seminar
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The International Security Program addresses the most pressing threats to U.S. national interests and international security, supports supports young scholars with its fellowship program and sponsors and edits the quarterly journal International Security

Wind turbines in Kodiak, Alaska. Office of Indian Energy: Alaska
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This is just a sampling of the Belfer Center's research programs, projects, and special initiatives. To explore more about our various research programs, visit our Programs page.

Raina Thiele, John Holdren, Jackie Qatalina Schaeffer, and David Balton discuss how to craft durable climate policy during a seminar at Harvard Kennedy School on May 15, 2024.
Middle East Initiative Faculty Director Tarek Masoud leads Panel on Middle East Tensions
James Mattis Applied History Working Group
Dan Schraag, John Holdren and others at the White House with President Obama and President Biden
James Clapper
Matt Bunn, Steve Miller and Mariana Budjeryn at the Inheriting the Bomb Book Talk
Henry Lee with Nat Keohane against blue Harvard Kennedy School background
Meghan O'Sullivan with James Manyika at panel event October 2023
Student led AfriConnect event 2023
Steven Miller with Jacqueline Hazelton at ISP student seminar
Wind turbines in Kodiak, Alaska. Office of Indian Energy: Alaska
Eric Rosenbach at a Panel with Colin Kahl, and Bethany Russell, in front of students

Middle East & North Africa

Artificial Intelligence


Science & Technology