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National Service: Bring it back now | UK | News | Express.co.uk

National Service: Bring it back now

NATIONAL Service should be brought back to cut anti-social behaviour and make Britain’s streets safer, a poll demands today.

National Service should be brought back to cut anti social behaviour National Service should be brought back to cut anti-social behaviour

Thugs are blighting communities and enough is enough, says the older generation.

Fed up with their yobbish behaviour, 40 per cent of the over-60s say a stint in the military should now be compulsory.

And the same number are calling for more severe punishment for violent louts.

They are also demanding compulsory parenting courses for young couples and community service as part of the school curriculum to teach youngsters responsibility. Nine out of 10 respondents to questions posed by think-tank Viewpoint 60+ say levels of anti-social behaviour in the UK are higher now than when they were in their 20s.

And in an indictment of modern society, a third blame the breakdown of the traditional family for the lack of discipline and respect shown by today’s young people.

A quarter believe that poor parenting was a key factor.

Thugs are blighting communities and enough is enough

Ros Altmann, director general of Saga, said: “Of course some people may think a view calling for the return of the traditional National Service old- fashioned, but ‘national’ service – not necessarily military – could be ‘local’ service instead and could help younger people feel more part of society.”

In the run-up to last year’s General Election, David Cameron enlisted the support of actor Sir Michael Caine, who had already called for return of the “call-up” to announce the introduction of a National Citizens’ Service.

This would see every 16-year-old spending two months on a scheme aimed at giving something back to the community and getting away from urban gang culture.

That followed the launch of a Daily Express crusade in 2005 to instil respect, self-discipline and a genuine sense of community in every young person in Britain. In doing so, yob culture and the general disrespect that tarnishes Britain today would be cut at a stroke.

It swiftly won the backing of volunteer groups, victims of crime organisations, education bodies and celebrities.

Last night Major Jim Panton, chief executive of military charity Erskine, said: “It’s understandable how many of the older generation believe the return of National Service is the answer to many of the country’s problems. Many feel the strict regime would knock the rough edges off many troublesome youngsters, and we have found in the past that this view is shared across society because people believe re-introducing National Service would reduce crime levels.”

The over-60s think-tank was set up by retirement living specialists McCarthy & Stone and asked more than 1,000 people of retirement age for their views on modern society and our changing lifestyles.

One in 10 believes a general lack of respect among young people contributes to the problem. Seventy per cent believe older people are valued “only a little” or “not at all”. Only 3 per cent believe their generation is “valued a great deal”. But 70 per cent of the panel think life is more difficult for young people today compared with the experiences they had when they were growing up.

National Service ended on December 31, 1960 and the very last national servicemen left the Army in 1963.

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