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  • Angel of Darkness Books 01-03

    Steve N,Lee  ちょ Blue Zoo 出版しゅっぱん 2021/01/05 出版しゅっぱん

    Vengeance is a woman. She never forgets. Never forgives. And never fails to get even.★★★★★ "Reacher fans should enjoy this ... a thrill-packed adrenaline rush." AJ NortonRogue assassin Tess Williams preys on killers, pimps, gangbangers, rapists... the monsters that ruin lives. Haunted by a tragic past, Tess will risk everything to protect the innocent and avenge the dead.Kill SwitchIn Krakow, Poland, the disappearance of a young woman thrusts Tess into an impromptu investigation. Before she knows it, she's plunged into a life-or-death battle with an international gang of people traffickers.With the clock ticking, Tess races to save the woman before all trace of her disappears forever. And that's when the body count starts to rise.Outnumbered, outgunned, and out of options, Tess discovers that victory sometimes comes at a price too terrifying to pay.Amazon #1 Bestseller in Crime Fiction (Apr 2016)Angel of DarknessA crazed sniper slaughters a woman on a Manhattan street. Another day, another kill. Then another.Determined to nail him, Tess carves a swathe of carnage through the city, unaware of the ambush she's hurtling toward. By the time she realizes, it's already too late.But just when all seems lost, Tess uncovers a secret that changes everything.Injured, out of time, and out of hope, Tess has no choice but to race to face the killer. But he's already lining up another target. Can Tess save them?Amazon #1 Bestseller in Mystery (Jul 2018)Blood JusticeTess has hunted killers all over the world using her lethal skills, so solving a straightforward homicide in her own backyard should have been easy. But clashes with underworld thugs slam Tess into one dead end after another. Then a startling discovery makes her blood run cold - she finds the one person who holds the key. Someone powerful. Connected. Lethal. A showdown with them will see her in a body bag.Tess knows some crimes are worth killing for, but are they ever worth dying for?Reviews for the books in this set: ★★★★★ "Fast-paced and action-packed, it takes you on a ride you don't want to stop!" J. Alexander★★★★★ "A good fast-paced read with a fabulous female lead." Julie Elizabeth Powell★★★★★ "I read the other reviews and being a big Jack Reacher fan found it hard to believe that there could be a female version! How wrong was I!!! Brilliant action packed book. It really is for fans of Jack Reacher!" Stephen ★★★★★ "The depth of Tess, the lead character is surprising ... I'd recommend these to any fan of action-thrillers." John Mariotti★★★★★ "Great non-stop action. Why does it always feel good when the bad guy gets what's coming to him?" C. A. Gisone★★★★★ "Fast paced thriller with suspense packed onto every page. Loved it." Michael Miller★★★★★ "Check out this series it's awesome. If you like the Jack Reacher books this is for you." Bryan K Roschi>>> Over 1,000 5-star reviews across the series If you love pulse-pounding action and a troubled hero with a dark past, you MUST READ this series.

  • Flying Saucers Vol 04 No 03 1957 01 03

    Anonymous  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/05 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Angel of Darkness Books 01-03 (Christmas Gift Special Edition)

    Steve N,Lee  ちょ Blue Zoo 出版しゅっぱん 2020/11/21 出版しゅっぱん

    The Perfect Gift for Thriller Lovers - Dark Stories of Revenge and Justice.★★★★★ "Reacher fans should enjoy this ... a thrill-packed adrenaline rush." AJ NortonRogue assassin Tess Williams preys on killers, pimps, gangbangers, rapists... the monsters that ruin lives. Haunted by a tragic past, Tess will risk everything to protect the innocent and avenge the dead.Kill SwitchWhen Tess investigates the disappearance of a beautiful, young woman in Eastern Europe, she slams into a vicious gang of kidnappers. These bloodthirsty psychos will butcher anyone who gets in their way.Outgunned, outnumbered, and out of options, Tess plunges into a life-or-death struggle to rescue the woman. But with the clock ticking and the body count rising, will she discover that victory sometimes comes at a price too terrifying to pay?Amazon #1 Bestseller in Crime Fiction (Apr 2016)Angel of DarknessA crazed sniper slaughters a woman on a Manhattan street. Another day, another kill. Then another.Determined to nail him, Tess carves a swathe of carnage through the city, unaware of the ambush she's hurtling toward. By the time she realizes, it's already too late.But just when all seems lost, Tess uncovers a secret that changes everything.Injured, out of time, and out of hope, Tess has no choice but to race to face the killer. But he's already lining up another target. Can Tess save them?Amazon #1 Bestseller in Mystery (Jul 2018)Blood JusticeTess has hunted killers all over the world using her lethal skills, so solving a straightforward homicide in her own backyard should have been easy. But clashes with underworld thugs slam Tess into one dead end after another. Then a startling discovery makes her blood run cold - she finds the one person who holds the key. Someone powerful. Connected. Lethal. A showdown with them will see her in a body bag.Tess knows some crimes are worth killing for, but are they ever worth dying for?Reviews for these books: ★★★★★ "Fast-paced and action-packed, it takes you on a ride you don't want to stop!" J. Alexander★★★★★ "A good fast-paced read with a fabulous female lead." Julie Elizabeth Powell★★★★★ "I read the other reviews and being a big Jack Reacher fan found it hard to believe that there could be a female version! How wrong was I!!! Brilliant action packed book. It really is for fans of Jack Reacher!" Stephen ★★★★★ "The depth of Tess, the lead character is surprising ... I'd recommend these to any fan of action-thrillers." John Mariotti★★★★★ "Fast paced thriller with suspense packed onto every page. Loved it." Michael Miller ★★★★★ Over 1,000 5-star reviews across the series. ★★★★★Christmas Gift Special EditionThis unique limited edition has: a specially designed Christmas covera festive picture inside a festive message inside - "Merry Christmas! Wishing you a Fantastic Christmas and Wonderful 2021!"space for you to personalize the message.It's the perfect gift for thriller lovers.Or a terrific collector's edition for you!Please note that these stories are not Christmas-themed but pulse-pounding tales of revenge and justice.Dark Crime ThrillersThis series is gritty, dark crime fiction, not Miss Marple, so expect some violence, occasional strong language, and every so often, a scene of a sexual nature.

  • いたるなんじぶん事變じへん(01)-(03)

    うめざわしゅん  ちょ 2024/05/16 出版しゅっぱん

    ほん套組包含ほうがんいたるなんじぶん事變じへん(01)()》+《いたるなんじぶん事變じへん(02)()》+《いたるなんじぶん事變じへん(03)()》 ?げきはい《驀然かいくび》、《わが推的孩子》さかえ漫畫まんが大賞たいしょう2022」だい1めい! ?「這本漫畫まんが厲害!2022」おとこせい部門ぶもんだい10めい! ?日本にっぽんAMAZON★★★★★ちょうこう評價ひょうか廣大こうだい讀者どくしゃ好評こうひょう推薦すいせん!    「ため什麼いんも…『ただ有人ゆうじんるい不能ふのうころせらいども?」   とうわが們被恐怖きょうふ主義しゅぎ災難さいなん流行りゅうこうびょうとう事變じへんおき頭腦ずのうさいかいあたまこうこれまえてき世界せかい, 就會發現はつげん被風ひふ席捲せっけんてき這個世界せかいやめけいぼつゆうかいあたまりょう」。 人類じんるいあずか人類じんるい以外いがいしん物種ものだねしょうようわが們的げん掀起革命かくめい──   一半いっぱんじん一半いっぱん猩猩しょうじょうてきしん英雄えいゆう猩猩しょうじょうじん恐怖きょうふ分子ぶんし展開てんかい激烈げきれつ衝突しょうとつ!!   恐怖きょうふ組織そしき動物どうぶつ解放かいほう同盟どうめい(ALA)」攻擊こうげき生物せいぶつ科學かがく研究所けんきゅうじょすくいりょうふところ孕的くろ猩猩しょうじょう,這隻くろ猩猩しょうじょうさんりょうはんにんはん猩猩しょうじょうてき猩猩しょうじょうじん」查理。 15ねん,查理ざい人類じんるいそうおやてき扶養ふよう進入しんにゅうだかちゅう就讀,認識にんしきりょう人類じんるいおんな孩露西にし。 另一方面ほうめん,ALAてき所作しょさ所為しょい越來ごえくえつ激烈げきれつ,甚至計畫けいかくよう查理加入かにゅう們!   ?げきはい《驀然かいくび》、《わが推的孩子》さかえ漫畫まんが大賞たいしょう2022」だい1めい! ?「這本漫畫まんが厲害!2022」おとこせい部門ぶもんだい10めい! ?日本にっぽんAMAZON★★★★★ちょうこう評價ひょうか廣大こうだい讀者どくしゃ好評こうひょう推薦すいせん!    「查理絕對ぜったい需要じゅようぞく於他てき權利けんり』。」   とうわが們被恐怖きょうふ主義しゅぎ災難さいなん流行りゅうこうびょうとう事變じへんおき頭腦ずのうさいかいあたまこうこれまえてき世界せかい, 就會發現はつげん被風ひふ席捲せっけんてき這個世界せかいやめけいぼつゆうかいあたまりょう」。 人類じんるいあずか人類じんるい以外いがいしん物種ものだねしょうようわが們的げん掀起革命かくめい──   「さいむごおもてき事件じけん發生はっせいりょう!! 查理必須ひっす守護しゅごてき以及そくはたしつてき──!!   はんにんはん猩猩しょうじょうてき查理,つよし進入しんにゅうだかちゅう就讀。 てきそうおや希望きぼうのうちょ和平わへいてきこうえん生活せいかつただし查理卻被宣揚せんよう解放かいほう動物どうぶつてき恐怖きょうふ組織そしきALA盯上りょう。 另一方面ほうめんかず查理變成へんせいこうともてき同學どうがく西にし, 竭盡全力ぜんりょくそうゆずる查理とおるにゅう學校がっこうてき生活せいかつ。 這時候じこう發生はっせいりょう震撼しんかん學校がっこうてきさいむごおもてき事件じけん」。   ?げきはい《驀然かいくび》、《わが推的孩子》さかえ漫畫まんが大賞たいしょう2022」だい1めい! ?「這本漫畫まんが厲害!2022」おとこせい部門ぶもんだい10めい! ?日本にっぽんAMAZON★★★★★ちょうこう評價ひょうか廣大こうだい讀者どくしゃ好評こうひょう推薦すいせん!    「わか站在動物どうぶつ一方いっぽう,你就人類じんるいてき。」   とうわが們被恐怖きょうふ主義しゅぎ災難さいなん流行りゅうこうびょうとう事變じへんおき頭腦ずのうさいかいあたまこうこれまえてき世界せかい, 就會發現はつげん被風ひふ席捲せっけんてき這個世界せかいやめけいぼつゆうかいあたまりょう」。 人類じんるいあずか人類じんるい以外いがいしん物種ものだねしょうようわが們的げん掀起革命かくめい──   あずか恐怖きょうふ分子ぶんし正面しょうめん對抗たいこう!! 展開てんかい超越ちょうえつ人類じんるいてき猛攻もうこう──   查理一半いっぱんじん一半いっぱん猩猩しょうじょう。 ALA企圖きとひしげ攏他なりためどうおびただし,引發こうえんおそれおさむ事件じけん, 查理也因此被周圍しゅういきょみんあずかFBI盯上。 てきそう親和しんわ西にし努力どりょくそう打破だは僵局さい, 查理出生しゅっしょうてき祕密ひみつあずかALAてき目的もくてき浮上ふじょう檯面── さいかす糕的情況じょうきょう發生はっせいりょう。    

  • 時空じくう緝凶(01-03)套書

    さんじい  ちょ 尖端せんたん 出版しゅっぱん 2023/12/18 出版しゅっぱん

    ざい妻子さいし意外いがい死亡しぼうせっいたらい未來みらいてき電話でんわ指示しじなりためりょういち私法しほう制裁せいさいてきりょう罪人ざいにん……‧もうてんげき突破とっぱ10おく!《時空じくう緝凶》系列けいれつくび出版しゅっぱん!‧蒐集しゅうしゅう真相しんそう展開てんかい無限むげん復仇ふっきゅう!‧またがえつ時空じくうてきやきのう犯罪はんざい! ‧浙さんじいぜんしん創作そうさくおび進入しんにゅう一場大快人心的愛恨糾葛旅程!【あみ讀者どくしゃ好評こうひょう推薦すいせん】「哭著かん最後さいごいちしょう,這對CPしんてきふとし甜了。」「いち口氣こうきかんかい神來かみくやめけい是清これきよよんてんはん。」「以後いご一定要把這三爺的書拍成電影!」「こんさいせいさいてき一本いっぽん小說しょうせつ。」【故事こじ簡介】以惡せいあく,以暴せい暴。而且ぼつじんのう夠抓いた──警方根本こんぽんつめいたてきかん犯罪はんざいしゃ,卻只りょうころせ些酒、搶劫、欺辱女人にょにんてき罪人ざいにん…… 很多ざい違法いほう成本なりもとふとしていこう人家じんかやぶひとほろび,壞人卻坐いくねんろう出來できりょう,而且還不知ふち悔改。 壞人永遠えいえんかいさとしとく自己じこ做錯りょう,壞人てきみち歉只がい懲罰ちょうばつてき藉口しゃこうさとしとく這樣たいすんでしか惡人あくにんただのう惡人あくにんみがけやすしねがいため惡鬼あっき解決かいけつ天下でんか罪惡ざいあく

  • わが可能かのうじん01~03 套書

    貓尾ちゃ  ちょ 三日月みかづき 出版しゅっぱん 2023/08/30 出版しゅっぱん

    いんためわがあい你,所以ゆえんゆずわがづけ什麼いんも以。 ★身分みぶんなりなぞてきしつひかえれい靈力れいりょく覺醒かくせいてき美人びじん大學生だいがくせいとく邀知めい繪師えし ひびき 擔綱せいふうめん&ひとしつらえいろどりぺーじしるせんねんふか沉癲きょうこい靈異れいいしんかいげんまぼろしたん── |だいいちしゅう| 「わがあい你、わがあい你、わがあい你……」 一人ひとり獨居どっきょてききのまことざいうまよる時分じぶんおさむいた鄰居おくらいてきようべに大字だいじうつし滿まんわがあい你」さまてきなりうずたかしんじけんへだたてん送信そうしんてき跟蹤きょう鄰居りょう屍體したいかえ變異へんいなり惡靈あくりょうあさ襲來しゅうらい突然とつぜん現身うつせみてき冰冷強大きょうだい男子だんし──つねまたはたきのまことすくい, 一縷藏於惡靈體內的黑霧,趁亂鑽入きのまことてき傷口きずぐちちゅう出身しゅっしんれいてききのまことからだ內原ぼつゆうにんなん靈力れいりょく, 卻因ためまたくろきりれい靈力れいりょくふくよみがえしたがえ此擁ゆうりょうなりためれいてき資格しかく。 一心只想做為一個普通人活下去, たいなるためれいぼつゆう興趣きょうしゅてききのまことさこいずるじゅんひろ契合けいごうてきれい, 卻誤にゅうりょうあずか外界がいかいしょうどおりなり一方いっぽう天地てんちてき乾坤けんこんじん…… あずかにん何人なんにん親近しんきんてきつねまたゆういち祕密ひみつただよう情緒じょうちょ激動げきどう就會しつひかえ暴走ぼうそう, 頸部じょうてき文也ふみやかいしたがえこれはつあきら壓制あっせいいたり於陷にゅう癲狂。 つねまたじょうせつざいひろじんたいかた乎與ぶんゆう關聯かんれん。 而紀まことてきかげそうかいあずか記憶きおくちゅうどうかげ重疊ちょうじょう……   |だいしゅう| 「つねまた告訴こくそわがわが到底とうていこれだれ?」 殺人さつじんだつ靈的れいてき事件じけんれい觀山かんざんてきれいおちいにゅう互相猜忌さいきてき氛圍。 觀山かんざん進入しんにゅう戒備狀態じょうたいきのまこと卻無ひま顧及しゅう遭, 當時とうじ於常また頸部ぶんてき靈力れいりょく流竄りゅうざんしんきのまことからだ內, 使つかいてきのうちゅうやややや現出げんしゅついち個個ここ陌生てき記憶きおく記憶きおくちゅうてきつねまたちょそうてき模樣もようゆずるきのまことえつおもえ挖掘てきなぞしか而還及深きわむ,一樁新娘離奇失蹤的案件就打入紀洵耳中, てんさらおさむいたりょうぜん調しらべ查的れい──きのまことてきとおぼう兄弟きょうだいけいあげしつれんてき消息しょうそく!   ためりょう營救けいあげきのまこととう人前ひとまえ往案はつ地點ちてんみねそう們舉辦了一場いちじょうかり婚禮こんれいそう以此つり專門せんもん綁架しんむすめてき惡靈あくりょうなみ由紀ゆきまことかりふんためしんむすめ,做為さそええさりょうざい新婚しんこんねやぼう埋伏まいふくきのまこと卻神不知ふちおに不覺ふかく消失しょうしつりょう…… だれ也沒想到そうとう一宗失蹤案件,竟會引出れいあずかれいあいださい根本こんぽんてき存亡そんぼう問題もんだい, 甚至れんつねまたてき出生しゅっしょう來歷らいれきあずか事件じけんゆうちょ意想いそういたてき連結れんけつ……? 而刻於紀まこと靈魂れいこん內的靈力れいりょく記憶きおくおわりしょう覺醒かくせい…… |だいさんしゅう天道てんとうたい於靈らいせつ一切いっさい信仰しんこうてき根據こんきょしか而從いたりいまてき 殺人さつじんだつれい事件じけん元凶げんきょうせい天道てんとう, 它甚いたりそう破壞はかい保護ほごれいてき共生きょうせいじん使つかい天下でんか所有しょゆうてきれいおのれ所用しょよう。 一旦確認了天道的真身,きのまこととう人為じんい阻止そし它的所作しょさ所為しょいぜん往神れいかえめつぜっまえ共同きょうどうしつらえ共生きょうせいじん天道てんとう所在しょざいてき周山しゅうざんしゅう山上さんじょうてき乾坤けんこんじん內,ゆうちょきのまこと輾轉てんてん寄生きせい於死胎時, 生生世世しょうじょうせぜさい痛苦つうくてき記憶きおく,逼得てんしつひかえ。 而不しゅう山上さんじょういちぐんぐん天道てんとうみさおひかえ、如傀儡かいらい一般已死的靈師突然一擁而上, あずかきのまこととうじん展開てんかいりょう激烈げきれつ衝突しょうとつつねまたいん天道てんとうてきいちあかつき自己じこ長久ちょうきゅう以來いらいぼつゆうおちいにゅう真正しんせいてき癲狂, 僅是脖頸じょうてき清心せいしんじんざい壓制あっせいさらきのまことため自己じこうけたまわ擔了所有しょゆう煞氣, 自身じしんてき存在そんざいさらはたきのまこと一輩子綑綁住的牽掛。 於是つねまた一轉いってん手中しゅちゅうてき無量むりょうはたかたなとんが指向しこうりょう自己じこてきのど嚨── 「かえせつ你不あいわが?」 「你把自己じこてき心意しんいぞうおこりらい打算ださん欺欺じんいた什麼いんも時候じこう?」 きのまことのぞむちょつねまたよくたおせてきかげかけしつてき記憶きおくちゅうさい重要じゅうようてき一塊ひとかたまり,撞擊ちょてき神智しんち,衝入のううみ── きのまことかずつねまたじょうせんねん以來いらい,如絲せん一般的糾葛之情終將化解。 れい和靈われい們的最終さいしゅう命運めいうん究竟くっきょうはたなになにしたがえ?  

  • ちゅう文書ぶんしょ 漫畫まんが /BL /耽美たんび /はなあや

    經久つねひさ 漫畫まんがばん01 -03 套書

    靜水せいすい  ちょ 朧月おぼろづきしょばん 出版しゅっぱん 2023/04/26 出版しゅっぱん

    人氣にんき作者さくしゃ靜水せいすい經典きょうてん治癒ちゆけいだん甜童ばなし經久つねひさ改編かいへんもう連載れんさい人氣にんきちょくやぶ65おく! ★こぶしげき少年しょうねん╳芭蕾まい少年しょうねんてきどうじん青春せいしゅんだい一季いっき完結かんけつ! ★這是けんげき少年しょうねん╳芭蕾まい少年しょうねんてき熱情ねつじょうあずか溫柔おんじゅう夢想むそうあずか成長せいちょう生活せいかつあずか愛情あいじょうてき人生じんせい舞台ぶたい── ★ざい夢想むそうはつはじめこれわがぐうりょうさい耀眼てき你── あいあずか夢想むそう經久つねひさいき── ねんなつたかし年紀としのりなおしょうてき少年しょうねん——こうふかしざいまど找到りょう夢想むそうなみぐうようゆうけんげき夢想むそうてき少年しょうねんはく謹一きんいち兩人りょうにんてき性格せいかくいえさかい截然せつぜん相反あいはん, 卻對夢想むそうゆうちょ同樣どうようてき熱情ねつじょう渴望かつぼうよし此從しょうぐうてきいちこくおこり兩人りょうにん找到りょう寶物ほうもつ── たいこうふかし而言,ため夢想むそう努力どりょく揮汗てきはく謹一きんいちさいため耀眼, たいはく謹一きんいち而言,てき小天おあま鵝」こうふかし就是舞台ぶたいじょうさい閃亮てき顆星。 你是さいぼうてき—— わが們說こうよう一起かずきついゆめてきみやこかなめ啊! ざいつい夢路ゆめじじょうのうぐういたいちおこり努力どりょくてきじん不易ふえき開始かいしがく芭蕾さんねんこうふかしざい每年まいとし一度的匯演上與好友宋昕一同擔任主舞, 最後さいご卻只ゆう一個人いっこじんとう上舞臺かみぶたい…… ひさはく謹一きんいち搬到上海しゃんはいなみ邀請こうふかしらい上海しゃんはいさいしるざいだいじょうてきはく謹一きんいちこうふかしそく使つかいこころ疼,也不きんはつ內心ため—— わが希望きぼう你能一直做喜歡的事, へんどくさらこう── したてい決心けっしんよう專心せんしんがく芭蕾これこうふかしあずかはく謹一きんいちらいいた上海しゃんはいりょう人為じんいりょう各自かくじてき夢想むそう努力どりょくただしざいとしぜんゆうはく謹一きんいちゆるがせしか向江むかえふかしひろししろ: 「わがようためりょう美國びくに俱樂準備じゅんびりょう。」 こうふかしいちじんこころ慌,究竟くっきょう該怎麼抉……  

  • The Leipsig Collection of Antiques in Pottery, Glassware, Porcelains, etc. to be Sold at Auctions February 01-03, 1883

    Anonymous  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2024/02/05 出版しゅっぱん
  • The Leipsig Collection of Antiques in Pottery, Glassware, Porcelains, etc. to be Sold at Auctions February 01-03, 1883

    Anonymous  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2024/02/05 出版しゅっぱん
  • 斯堪聯邦れんぽう冒險ぼうけん手記しゅき01 -03套書(きりせいきゅう)

    ほんせいとう  ちょ 朧月おぼろづきしょばん 出版しゅっぱん 2023/02/22 出版しゅっぱん

    耽美たんび作家さっかほんせいとうくび挑戰ちょうせん本格ほんかくまぼろしBL ★とく邀知めい插畫そうがRyleeせい華麗かれいふうめん純情じゅんじょう異種いしゅ海洋かいよう部族ぶぞく ╳ 冰山人類じんるい冒險ぼうけん ------------------- |だいいちしゅうりょうじん司祭しさいあずか冒險ぼうけんしゃ—| 「とうてき伴侶はんりょ!你就以跟わが一起かずきせんしん海底かいてい!」   深海しんかいりょうじん部族ぶぞくてき司祭しさいがわひしげおうためりょう修復しゅうふく損壞そんかいてき一族いちぞくひじりぶつあいきん豎琴」, 上岸かみきしらいいた斯堪聯邦れんぽう陸地りくちひろ找傳せつちゅうてきさんしゅ材料ざいりょうあい玫瑰、羊腸ようちょうつるあい白金はっきんかわひしげおううえもんひろもとめ傳說でんせつちゅうてき冒險ぼうけんきょうすけ原本げんぽんやめけい隱退いんたい不問ふもん世事せじてき哈德らん, 恰巧いんため人類じんるい勢力せいりょくゆうしょはかりごと, 於是たてまつ探險たんけん公會こうかいてき命令めいれいずいどうりょうじん就此踏上橫越よこごし大陸たいりくてき冒險ぼうけん…… めんたい旅程りょてい中崎なかさき嶇的地形ちけいあずか兇猛きょうもうてきことじゅう一路いちろ肝膽かんたんしょうあきらかんしょうてき兩人りょうにん, 也跨えつ種族しゅぞくはんませ逐漸ひしげ近距離きんきょり戀慕れんぼてき心意しんいよし自主じしゅ開始かいし萌芽ほうが──   |だいしゅう祝祭しゅくさいよる—| 「此刻,家族かぞくてき忠誠ちゅうせいけんじきゅう你,也將てき本心ほんしんけんじきゅう你。」   深海しんかいりょうじん部族ぶぞくてき司祭しさいがわひしげおうあずか人類じんるい狩獵しゅりょうしゃ哈德らん及其伙伴, 經歷けいれき橫越よこごし山嶺さんれいあずか沙漠さばくてき重重じゅうじゅう冒險ぼうけんおわり取得しゅとく修復しゅうふくあいきん豎琴」材料ざいりょうてきあい玫瑰。 就在準備じゅんび出發しゅっぱつひろ找下いち修復しゅうふく材料ざいりょうさい們意がいおさむいた聯邦れんぽう社交しゃこう邀請, ぜん往哈とくらんてき家族かぞくたくていほこりとく曼莊えん華麗かれいおご靡的夜宴やえんかい實則さねつねくらぞう圍繞いじょうちょりょうじんあずか傳說でんせつちゅうさん神器じんぎしょ貴族きぞく間明まぎらそうくら鬥的重重じゅうじゅうころせ…… 另一方面久違回到童年居所的哈德蘭, せりめんたい過去かこきずつう以及かくふところ鬼胎きたいてきおおかた角力すもうきん逐漸たいかわひしげおうてき熱烈ねつれつ追求ついきゅうおろし下心したごころぼう兩人りょうにん奮不顧身、烈火れっか燎原りょうげんてき激情げきじょう, 卻與斯堪大陸たいりくてき詭譎情勢じょうせい緊緊しょう繫──   |だいさんしゅうにせてんてき最終さいしゅう戰役せんえき—| 「通常つうじょう人類じんるいかいきゅう拯救てき英雄えいゆういち吻,なみ且跟ちょ英雄えいゆうかい。」   ためりょう挽救がわひしげおういんぐうかさね而垂危的せいいのち, 哈德らん挺身ていしんたがえこう聯邦れんぽう命令めいれい,遭到どおり緝追こう容易ようい互相ひろしうけたまわ心意しんいてきりょうじんあずか人類じんるいとく展開てんかいいちだん逃亡とうぼう旅程りょてい途中とちゅう邂逅かいこうきょ於深山林さんりんあいだてき鳥人ちょうじん部族ぶぞくしたがえ其聖ぶつべにきんふえ奏者そうしゃおく菲和長老ちょうろう口中くちじゅうとく知足ちそく顛覆てんぷくすんでゆう認知にんちてきおどろきじん事實じじつかくれぞうざい傳說でんせつちゅう三神器背後的陰謀呼之欲出, 毀天めつてき邪神じゃしんあずかおおかみそくはた復活ふっかつ── しか而哈とくらん舊友きゅうゆう受命じゅめいざい窮追きゅうつい捨, かわひしげおうさらおちい違背いはいきんしゃ戒律かいりつてき審判しんぱん…… 們是のうおもしん聯合れんごうぶんくずしはなれ析的眾人, 成功せいこう拯救岌岌危的斯堪大陸たいりく兩人りょうにんますてき命運めいうん究竟くっきょうまたかい如何いか?  

  • 青春せいしゅん兵器へいきNo.01 03

    長谷川はせがわ智広ともひろ  ちょ ひがしりつ 出版しゅっぱん 2019/09/20 出版しゅっぱん


  • しょう刀劍とうけん神域しんいき01~03(かん

    川原かわはらつぶて南十字星みなみじゅうじせい  ちょ 台灣たいわん角川かどかわ 出版しゅっぱん 2019/01/21 出版しゅっぱん

    ★以《刀劍とうけん神域しんいきてきかくしょく來演らいえん眾多搞笑げきじょう。 ★符合ふごう原作げんさく插畫そうがてき畫工がこうあずか以原作為さくい基礎きそ衍生而出てき趣味しゅみよこせい故事こじ。   這雖しか遊戲ゆうぎただし鬧著玩的…………大概たいがい啦。 はた刀劍とうけん神域しんいきちゅう各種かくしゅ原作げんさく場景じょうけい以搞わらい方式ほうしきおもしんていげん,此外かえゆう各種かくしゅかくしょく個性こせい崩壞ほうかい。 遵循原作げんさく故事こじ(?)てき正統せいとうよんかく漫畫まんが! ©REKI KAWAHARA/MINAMIJYUJISEI 2012

  • たけどう乾坤けんこん(01)-(03)套書

    天蠶てんさんまめ  ちょ 尖端せんたん 出版しゅっぱん 2018/01/11 出版しゅっぱん

    僅創りょうろく,也改うつしりょう小說しょうせつかい當代とうだい傳奇でんきしん巨擘きょはく──天蠶てんさんまめ。 ☆あずかぬすめはか筆記ひっき、甄嬛でんはなせんほね、瑯琊榜、ぜんしょく高手たかてひとしめいてき經典きょうてんIP。 ☆同名どうめいでんげき2018あつかり上映じょうえいゆかりちょうはじむみちびけ,楊洋、ちょうたかしあいたかしおううららひつじさるりょう主演しゅえんあずかやく討論とうろん及收りつそうかんむりおう! ☆☆作品さくひん總點そうてんげきすう超過ちょうか100おくろくいたりこん無人むじんのうやぶ。 ☆書籍しょせき改編かいへんため遊戲ゆうぎ漫畫まんが動畫どうがとうしょ衍生改編かいへん作品さくひんため中國ちゅうごくさい。 ☆同名どうめい動畫どうがくび播當かん看破かんぱおくだい一季總收視破十億。 ☆そう小說しょうせつ先例せんれいつぶせげんまぼろしたけ俠,屢屢そう玄武げんぶ小說しょうせつしんろく天蠶てんさんまめ當代とうだいさい代表だいひょうてき小說しょうせつ巨擘きょはくおさむねり一途いっと,乃竊陰陽いんようだつ造化ぞうかてん涅槃ねはんにぎ生死せいしてのひら迴。武之たけゆきごくどう乾坤けんこんはやしどうはやしせい分家ぶんけてき成員せいいんいち原本げんぽん無慮むりょてき生活せいかつ卻因ため父親ちちおやりん嘯遭受重きず而一ゆう改變かいへんため家中いえなかどく,十幾歲的林動義無反顧面對所有的冷嘲熱諷,ただためゆずる父母ちちははいもうといもうとのう夠安穩度ぼうてんはやし動意どういがい撿到いちまい神祕しんぴ咒,咒讓りん動的どうてきおさむねりみちりょう可能かのうせい,也讓變成へんせい其他勢力せいりょくよくじょ而後かいてきあたまごう目標もくひょういたり此,とうまちてき,竟是どうとろけ起伏きふくてき成長せいちょうみちはやしどう秉持一顆堅毅無畏的心,なみもたれしるつとむ努力どりょく奇遇きぐう以及危機ききてきれきねり一路いちろ快速かいそく茁壯。ただしうん帷幄いあくむかいせんさんだい勢力せいりょくいちおどろきじんなみ經歷けいれき宗族そうぞくこころみ勢力せいりょくそう以及たけまなぶ傳承でんしょうとう諸多しょたすりなんもぬけ變成へんせいちょうなみかずあやしんちくおう歡歡おちいにゅう一場生死悱惻的情感糾葛;義兄弟ぎきょうだいしょうてんしょうほのおめんたい無數むすう困難こんなんどもこう險阻けんそ最後さいごとうじょうたけまなぶ巔峰,守護しゅご大千世界だいせんせかいしな嘗過《はなせんほねてき瑰麗世界せかい、《瑯琊榜》奮發ふんぱつ向上こうじょう智博ともひろ奸佞かんねい。《たけどう乾坤けんこんはた燦爛さんらんてき大千世界だいせんせかい奮發ふんぱつてきかしここれこころ纏綿てんめん悱惻てき愛情あいじょう開拓かいたく2018てき壯麗そうれい玄武げんぶ世界せかい。 【せき於戲げき】 2018ねん同名どうめいでんげきそくはた上映じょうえいしたがえしるべえんじえんじいんいた工作こうさく人員じんいんまい一個人都突破自我限制,ただためてい現出げんしゅつさいこのみてきたけどう乾坤けんこん》。 ゆかりちょうはじむみちびけ,楊洋、ちょうたかしあいたかしおううららひつじさるりょう主演しゅえんしゃくしょうりゅうやなぎいわさくわらいひつじさるただしはれ、楊皓宇、馮俊熙等連袂れんべい主演しゅえん。 ☆2017ねん年度ねんど品質ひんしつしるべえんじ──ちょうはじむあずかちょうげいはかりごと、顧長まもるどうためでんかげかいてき黃金おうごん世代せだい,曾經しるべ孔子こうし春秋しゅんじゅう》、《はしこう共和きょうわ》、《しょうそちとうねつもんでんげきためもとめ自我じが突破とっぱしゅしるべげんまぼろしおさむ真電しんでんげき:「主動しゅどう接觸せっしょく……《たけどう乾坤けんこん》這樣てきげんまぼろし題材だいざいつよしこうきゅうわが創造そうぞう這樣てき機會きかい……這是過去かこ歷史れきしせいげき不可能ふかのう做到てき。」 ☆隱忍いんにん不發ふはつおさむねりなりざいてきざいりんどう: 《微微びび一笑いっしょう很傾じょう》、《ぬすめはか筆記ひっき》、《さんせいさんせいじゅうさとももはな人氣にんき小生こも楊洋かざりえんじ。 楊洋たい此角しょくてんげん高度こうど盼以及自信じしん:「跟以ぜん完全かんぜん不同ふどうかいきゅう大家たいかたいらいはん」、「通過つうかかざりえんじ一個底層打拼出來且年齡跨度較大的熱血角色,希望きぼうのうこう大家たいかてん現出げんしゅつ一樣いちようてきいちめん。」 ためりょうえんじこう這個かくしょくていげんきゅういとかくしょく魅力みりょくかしこ辛苦しんくあずか困難こんなん,就算いんおどけ受傷じゅしょう,仍貫徹かんてつ到底とうてい每日まいにちいたじょうしたがえ不用ふようがえしるべえんじしょうためおどけ瘋子」、「ただのうえんじ這個かくしょくただゆう這個かくしょく才能さいのう披露ひろう楊洋てき另一めん。 ☆てんおご絕對ぜったいてきてき天才てんさいりん琅天: はく《爸爸去哪兒5》、《はなさま少年しょうねん少女しょうじょ》、《終極しゅうきょく系列けいれつ》,かん眾直よびだんおとこ」、こないとふうため超人ちょうじん爸爸」てきたかしふんえんじ。 這不僅僅きんきんたかしてきそうでんげき處女しょじょさく,也是他用たようらい突破とっぱ自我じが侷限,不同ふどう以往いおうてきかくしょくたい於這かくしょくたかし如此形容けいよう:「這真てきわがえんじさい期待きたいてきかくしょくしたがえただしいたはんわがあいじょうりょうはやし琅天這個かくしょく」 ☆ひやわか冰霜、そとひや內熱てき冰主おう歡歡: 《太子たいしますしょく》、《妖貓でん》、《愛情あいじょう進化しんかろんちょうたかしあいしるべえんじ唯一ゆいいつ欽點:「這個かくしょく非常ひじょう重要じゅうよう她莫ぞく」。 ちょうたかしあいざい採訪さいほうちゅうつぎひっさげいた突破とっぱだい」、「非常ひじょう期待きたい」,ためりょうえんじかつおう歡歡惜「はく時候じこう嗓子啞的」,ただためてんげんいち符合ふごう書中しょちゅう描寫びょうしゃゆうゆうにくれいどうかつ潑的おう歡歡。

  • The Archive; v. 95/97 (1982/83-1984/85) c.1

    Anonymous  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/06 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • The Annual Report of the Boston Lying-In Hospital for the Year ..., Volumes 74-78

    Boston Lying-In,Hospital  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/07/11 出版しゅっぱん
  • Annual Report (San Francisco (Calif.) Coroner). 1877/78-1878/79, 1881/82-1882/83

    Anonymous  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2023/11/02 出版しゅっぱん

    This report compiles statistics and information about deaths and inquests performed by the coroner in San Francisco during the years 1877-1883. It provides a unique look at the causes of death and public health concerns in the city during this period.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Annual Report (San Francisco (Calif.) Coroner). 1877/78-1878/79, 1881/82-1882/83

    Anonymous  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2023/08/24 出版しゅっぱん

    This report compiles statistics and information about deaths and inquests performed by the coroner in San Francisco during the years 1877-1883. It provides a unique look at the causes of death and public health concerns in the city during this period.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Travancore Administration Report 1114 ME/ 1938-39 AD-83 Rd Annual Report

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/09/28 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Notes and Queries, Vol. III, Number 83, May 31, 1851; A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

    Various  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2023/04/05 出版しゅっぱん

    Notes and Queries, Vol. III, Number 83, May 31, 1851; A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc., has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series, Vol-83, 1 Aug-31 Oct 1963

    Madhavan K,Palat  ちょ Oxford University Press, USA 出版しゅっぱん 2020/10/01 出版しゅっぱん

    The Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru has established its position as the single most important, authoritative, and reliable source on Nehru's life, work, and thought. It is indispensable to the scholar, fascinating to the layperson, and at times something of a primer in politics, democracy, and world affairs, as Nehru intended his periodic letters to his chief ministers to be. It provides a panorama of home and the world as seen from the centre of power in India by an acutely sensitive observer and skilful player. Given the literary talent, creative urge, and singular position of the author, it is a continuous source of pleasure, sometimes of amusement, and always of enlightenment.The first series took the collection up to 1 September 1946 in 15 volumes; the second series starts with 2 September 1946 when Nehru assumed office in the Interim Government. This is the 83rd volume of the second series and it deals with the events of 1 August-31 October 1963. The extensive annotation to the documents makes them especially userfriendly.

  • 這樣あずかぼう,40さい以後いご不用ふよう跑醫いん日本にっぽん名醫めいい最強さいきょうあずかぼう醫學いがくせいけい!74せいびょう終極しゅうきょく秘訣ひけつ

    もりいさむすり  ちょ 平安へいあん文化ぶんか 出版しゅっぱん 2023/01/03 出版しゅっぱん

    人生じんせいてき半場はんば健康けんこう就是主戰しゅせんじょう! 你買てきただしょ,而是你的健康けんこう日本にっぽんAmazonはいぎょう榜No.1,はじめ出版しゅっぱんそく引發搶購ねつしお緊急きんきゅうろくさつ! 40さいてき你,可能かのうゆう穩定てき收入しゅうにゅう安穩あんのんてき家庭かてい人生じんせい展開てんかい理想りそうてきかくきょくただし其實你早やめ踏入ふみいりいち戰場せんじょう──「健康けんこう」! 日本にっぽん國立こくりつがんしょう中心ちゅうしんてき資料しりょう顯示けんじ,40さい以上いじょうぞくぐん罹患りかんがんしょうてき人數にんずう30さいてき3ばい以上いじょうずいちょ高齡こうれいてき人生じんせいひゃくさい時代じだい到來とうらい,「身體しんたい已然いぜんわが們最重要じゅうようてき資產しさんたて使你有ぜにゆう時間じかんしょうりょう健康けんこう一切いっさいぼつ有意義ゆういぎ。 「あずかぼう醫學いがくてき重要じゅうようせい就在於此!日本にっぽん著名ちょめい醫師いしもりいさむすり曾於そお急診きゅうしんしつにんしょく多年たねんざいきゅうすくい現場げんば接觸せっしょくいた許多きょた症狀しょうじょう惡化あっかざい悔不當初とうしょてき患者かんじゃあずかしんぞく」,ふかかん社會しゃかいじょう缺乏けつぼうあずかぼう疾病しっぺいてき必要ひつよう觀念かんねん決心けっしん推廣「醫院いいんがい也能ようてきあずかぼう醫學いがく」,幫助ごと個人こじん建立こんりゅうたい身體しんたいてき知識ちしき守護しゅご自己じこ家人かじんてき健康けんこう本書ほんしょもりいさむすり醫學いがく理念りねんてき集大成しゅうたいせいさくしたがえがんしょう糖尿とうにょうびょう高血壓こうけつあつ……とう常見つねみてき慢性まんせいびょういた心理しんり健康けんこう飲食いんしょく習慣しゅうかん,甚至自我じが健康けんこうけんはか集合しゅうごう所有しょゆうじん都會とかい碰到てき74核心かくしん問題もんだいぜん方位ほうい建立こんりゅう你的健康けんこう觀念かんねん根據こんきょ統計とうけいまい個人こじんいんためせいびょう平均へいきん需要じゅよう臥床がしょうじゅうねんただしただよう現在げんざい開始かいし做,就能有效ゆうこう避免,のべなる疾病しっぺい發生はっせいてき時間じかんためりょう自己じこ和深わぶかあいてきじん現在げんざい就要打開だかい這本しょ

  • Geronimo Stilton 10th Anniversary 10 Books Bundled Set: #31-#40

    Geronimo Stilton  ちょ Scholastic 出版しゅっぱん 2020/01/15 出版しゅっぱん
  • In Memoriam Obed J. Wilson, Born in Bingham, Maine, August 39, 1825, Died at His Residence Sweet Home Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 31, 1914

    Legare Street Press  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2023/11/01 出版しゅっぱん

    This moving memorial to Obed J. Wilson highlights the life and achievements of a pioneering educator and community leader. Drawing on a range of primary sources and personal recollections, Wilson's wife paints a vivid portrait of a man who dedicated his life to the service of others. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • In Memoriam Obed J. Wilson, Born in Bingham, Maine, August 39, 1825, Died at His Residence Sweet Home Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 31, 1914

    Legare Street Press  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2023/08/09 出版しゅっぱん

    This moving memorial to Obed J. Wilson highlights the life and achievements of a pioneering educator and community leader. Drawing on a range of primary sources and personal recollections, Wilson's wife paints a vivid portrait of a man who dedicated his life to the service of others. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Annual Report, Volumes 31-39

    Palala Press  ちょ Palala Press 出版しゅっぱん 2022/05/03 出版しゅっぱん
  • Inland Mollusks From Venezuela, Southern Brazil, and Peru; Fieldiana Zoology v.39, no.31

    Fritz 1886-,Haas  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/28 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Inland Mollusks From Venezuela, Southern Brazil, and Peru; Fieldiana Zoology v.39, no.31

    Fritz 1886-,Haas  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/25 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • The Chemist and Druggist [electronic Resource]; Vol. 39 (31 Oct. 1891)

    Legare Street Press  ちょ Legare Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/04 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • 臺灣たいわん總督そうとく檔案主題しゅだいせんへん(31)律令りつりょう系列けいれつ6 臺灣たいわん總督そうとく律令りつりょう史料しりょうせんへん明治めいじ39ねん

    じょこくあきら  ちょ 臺灣たいわん文獻ぶんけんかん 出版しゅっぱん 2016/12/01 出版しゅっぱん

    本書ほんしょ所收しょしゅうてき律令りつりょうとうちゅう,按擬あん(簽辦單位たんい區分くぶん總務そうむきょく法務ほうむゆう2こう財務局ざいむきょくゆう3こう,其中財務局ざいむきょく主計しゅけい1こう財務局ざいむきょく稅務ぜいむ2こう殖產しょくさんきょくゆう2こう,其中殖產しょくさんきょくけん1こう殖產しょくさんきょく?つとむ1こう通信つうしんきょく海事かいじ1こう警察けいさつ本署ほんしょゆう2こう重要じゅうようしゃゆう: 臺灣たいわん土地とち登記とうき規則きそく部分ぶぶん條文じょうぶん修正しゅうせいこれけん臺灣たいわん輸出ゆしゅつぜい出港しゅっこうぜい規則きそく部分ぶぶん條文じょうぶん修正しゅうせいこれけん臺灣たいわん度量衡どりょうこう規則きそく臺灣たいわん礦業規則きそく修正しゅうせいこれけん明治めいじ35ねん律令りつりょうだい8ごう臺灣たいわん汽船きせん職員しょくいん懲戒ちょうかい規則きそく部分ぶぶん條文じょうぶん修正しゅうせいこれけん臺灣たいわん浮浪ふろうしゃ管理かんり規則きそく臺灣たいわん種痘しゅとう規則きそく臺灣たいわんいろどりひょう相關そうかんけんとう

  • Executive Council Meetings; 1983 01/20/83 8 items

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/09/29 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 1-39. 40-66; Volume 1

    George Buchanan,Gray  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/11/14 出版しゅっぱん
  • A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 1-39. 40-66; Volume 1

    George Buchanan,Gray  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/11/12 出版しゅっぱん
  • Proceedings of the ... Annual Session, Volumes 39-40

    Nabu Press  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/07/15 出版しゅっぱん
  • Schillers Lyrische Gedichte, Volumes 39-40

    Heinrich,Duntzer  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/07/14 出版しゅっぱん
  • Proceedings of the Annual Meetings, Issues 39-40

    Nabu Press  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/07/11 出版しゅっぱん
  • Rapport Sur Les Classes 39 Et 40

    Henri,Ferdinand Van Heurck  ちょ BiblioLife 出版しゅっぱん 2022/01/12 出版しゅっぱん

    This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.

  • Synopsis of the Cruise of the U.S. Exploring Expedition, During the Years 1838, ’39, ’40, ’41 & ’42

    Charles 1798-1877,Wilkes  ちょ Legare Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/28 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Synopsis of the Cruise of the U.S. Exploring Expedition During the Years 1838, ’39, ’40, ’41, & ’42 [microform]

    Charles 1798-1877,Wilkes  ちょ Legare Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/25 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Agnes Scott Alumnae Quarterly [1960-1962]; 39-40

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/08 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Anouncements and Register; Announcements 1939-40 Register 1938-39

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/04 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Calendar of Duke University [serial]; 1938/39-1939/40

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/02 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Agnes Scott Alumnae Quarterly [1960-1962]; 39-40

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/02 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Calendar of Duke University [serial]; 1938/39-1939/40

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/09/30 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • The Improvement Era; 39 no. 03

    Hassell Street Press  ちょ Hassell Street Press 出版しゅっぱん 2021/10/03 出版しゅっぱん

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • Machinery’s Reference Series, Volumes 31-40

    Anonymous  ちょ Palala Press 出版しゅっぱん 2022/05/03 出版しゅっぱん
  • Journal Handy Wings Like Eagles Isaiah 40:31

    Christian Art Gifts Inc  ちょ Ingram 出版しゅっぱん 2022/02/01 出版しゅっぱん
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