List of Assist Trophy characters

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This page lists all of the different Assist Trophy characters in the Super Mario franchise and unrelated franchises.

Shaded cells indicate the Assist Trophy can be defeated. An asterisk (*) in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl column indicates the Assist Trophy is unlockable. A double asterisk (**) in columns for later installments indicates the Assist Trophy instead appears as a playable character.

Complete list[edit]

Image Name Brawl for 3DS / Wii U Ultimate Description
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Akira The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Akira Yuki is one of the main characters of the Virtua Fighter series. A master of the Hakkyoku-ken (Eight-Way Fist) style, his appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is patterned after the original game in the series, with a low polygon count giving him a "blocky" look.

When summoned, Akira will run toward an opponent and attack them with moves like a forward palm strike and an elbow strike, as well as his signature moves like the Tetsuzanko (a body check) and the Renkantai (a double kick). He can also auto-guard. Before leaving the battlefield, he salutes the opponent and says his catch phrase, 「じゅうねんはやいんだよ!」 (Jū'nen hayai'n da yo!, "You are ten years too early!")

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Alucard Castlevania Symbol.png X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Alucard is the son of Dracula who appears from the Castlevania series. A dhampir (child of a vampire and a normal human), Alucard opposes his father's crusade against humanity, having been taught by his mother, in her dying breath, not to hold grudges against humans. Having helped vampire hunter Trevor Belmont defeat Dracula once, Alucard awakens again, sensing a strange evil energy coming from his father's abode, and uncovers a plot to resurrect him.

Alucard's appearance and moves take inspiration from his role as the protagonist in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: he attacks using the Crissaegrim (also known as the Valmanway), transforms into a bat, and uses Mist Form to evade opponents' attacks.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Andross The Star Fox series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Andross, the main villain from the Star Fox series appears from the Assist Trophy, and, floating in the background of a stage, inhales and spits forth a flurry of harmful polygons that damage characters. His appearance and attack are based on his depiction in the original SNES Star Fox.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Arcade Bunny The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The Arcade Bunny is the host of the Nintendo 3DS game Nintendo Badge Arcade. After he is summoned, the crane from the original game appears at the top and begins to move left and right, dropping down periodically in an attempt to drag an opponent up, while the Arcade Bunny stands in the background. It can only do this three times, as indicated by the number on the crane which decreases by one after it descends. Once it is depleted, the Arcade Bunny and crane disappear.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ashley The Wario series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Ashley creates a purple cloud when summoned, which causes opponents caught in it to move slower and take continuous damage, healing items to inflict damage, and other random effects.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Barbara The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg* X mark.svg X mark.svg Barbara originates from the Japan-only game, Daigasso! Band Brothers (whose sequel was released in Europe as Jam with the Band). When released, she plays her guitar, sending a powerful field of music around her, which damages opposing players caught in it. The final note does the most damage and has the biggest radius. To unlock her in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the player must collect 25 hidden songs.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Black Knight The Fire Emblem series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The Black Knight is a recurring antagonist in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. The second-in-command to the Mad King Ashnard, this mysterious knight was the man responsible for murdering Ike's father, Greil, for which Ike embarks on a quest of vengeance parallel to the liberation of Tellius.

When summoned, the Black Knight will walk slowly across the stage, striking any fighter that crosses his path. His attacks have a high launching potential, and he is immune to flinching when attacked.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bomberman The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The main protagonist of the eponymous Bomberman series, Bomberman lays bombs on the stage, which explode in a cross formation and may cause chain reactions, similar to the original games.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Burrowing Snagret The Pikmin series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg An enemy originally from Pikmin, the Burrowing Snagret is a reptilian creature with a bird-like head and a long beak which tunnels underground, only putting its head out to pick out prey.

When summoned, it repeatedly lunges at opponents from one spot, damaging them. It also occasionally burrows underground and reappears in a different location. It takes its appearance from Pikmin 3, and is the first Assist Trophy from the Pikmin series.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Chain Chomp The Super Mario franchise emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Chain Chomp attacks players by lunging at them, akin to its mainstream Super Mario appearances.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Chef Kawasaki The Kirby series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Chef Kawasaki is a recurring enemy throughout Kirby Super Star and Kirby Star Allies (he can sometimes be an ally in the latter game), although he appears in a few other Kirby games as well. Defeating and inhaling him will give Kirby the Cook ability.

When summoned, Chef Kawasaki extends his ladle and traps anyone it hits into a boiling pot, then begins to stir and season the pot for a brief period of time. After that, multiple food items and any opponents inside the pot are launched out. Chef Kawasaki then produces another plate of food. The attack functions similar to Kirby's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Color TV-Game 15 The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg The Color TV-Game 15 was the second model in Nintendo's Japan-only line of Color TV-Game dedicated consoles, some of the earliest video game products released by the company. Released in 1977, the Color TV-Game 15 features two controllers and fifteen variations of "Light Tennis".

When summoned as an Assist Trophy, the two paddles appear on both sides of the screen as a game starts. The two paddles proceed to hit the ball back and forth, the ball damaging any opponents in its path that it hits. Players can also attack the ball to send it in a different direction. A score is kept above, though it does not impact the match; clapping can also be heard each time a point is scored. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the background changes color when the paddles appear.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Dark Samus The Metroid series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg** Dark Samus is a recurring antagonist in the Metroid Prime series. She attacks using a variety of Phazon-based abilities, such as tentacles that sprout from the ground, a burst of shots from her Arm Cannon, or spherical missiles that home in on enemies. If enough damage is dealt to her, a ball of light forms around her before she disappears; otherwise, she simply disappears after a period of time.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Devil The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg The Devil is the main antagonist of the Nintendo Entertainment System game, Devil World, released only in Japan and Europe.

When summoned, the Devil will first appear as a bat and fly to the top of the screen. Once at the top, the Devil assumes his true form and begins pointing in one of the cardinal directions, causing the camera, which is otherwise fixed in place during this time, to move in the direction he points. As a result of this, the blast zones of the stages change continuously until the Devil disappears.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dillon The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Dillon is an armadillo ranger and the titular main protagonist from the Dillon's Rolling Western series. His job is to defend villages from being raided by creatures called Grocks.

After being summoned as an Assist Trophy, he charges up a rolling attack similar to Sonic's Spin Dash and leaps forward, striking any opponents in his path. After doing this a few times, he charges up a more powerful attack that sends him flying off the stage before disappearing.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dr. Kawashima The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Dr. Ryuta Kawashima (Japanese: 川島かわしま 隆太りゅうた) is a Japanese neuroscientist and host of the Brain Age series. In the series, he is represented by a polygonal version of his own face, similar to Andross.

When summoned, Dr. Kawashima immediately disappears, but causes numbers to fly across the screen. If two numbers collide, they add into a larger number, and if the two numbers equal 10 or greater, they explode. The explosion is bigger and lasts longer (similar to that of a Smart Bomb) if the numbers equal exactly 10. Players can also attack the numbers to knock them away. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the white, gridded background from the Brain Age games replaces the stage's background when Dr. Kawashima is summoned.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dr. Wright The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Dr. Wright, the player's assistant from the SNES version of SimCity, appears and attacks opponents by using his pointer stick to pull a skyscraper from the ground, sending them flying upwards. The attack is executed right in front of Dr. Wright and the vertical range is very high, so fighters should run away immediately after he is released. There is a one-in-ten chance that Dr. Wright will summon a particularly large skyscraper for even more range and power.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Elec Man The Mega Man series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg Elec Man is a Robot Master from the original Mega Man series, and one of the six bosses of the first Mega Man. He was originally created by Dr. Light for the purpose of controlling the voltage at nuclear power plants, but was reprogrammed by Dr. Wily along with Light's other Robot Masters as part of his plan to take over the world.

When summoned as an Assist Trophy, he runs and jumps around the stage and fires his Special Weapon, Thunder Beam, which sends out bolts of electricity in three directions that damage any opponents they hit.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Excitebikes The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg A group of racers from the game Excitebike, appearing in their original 8-bit form, drive across the stage, dragging players along with them, eventually driving off screen with the players caught.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Flies & Hand The Super Mario franchise emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The flies and the hand holding the flyswatter from the Gnat Attack minigame present in Mario Paint. When summoned, the Hand will move about the screen, attempting to swat the flies buzzing about at random. While the flies cannot harm the fighters, the flyswatter can.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ghirahim The Legend of Zelda series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Ghirahim is one of the primary antagonists in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, who sought to revive his master, the Demon King Demise, who once razed the land that lay below Skyloft. In order to do so, he intends to offer Zelda as a sacrifice.

He attacks primarily through his sword and by throwing projectile diamonds when jumping. He constantly moves around while attacking and, if he falls off the stage, teleports to the edge. If enough damage is dealt to him, he will stagger before disappearing; otherwise, he will simply go away after a period of time.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ghosts The PAC-MAN series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde appear as an Assist Trophy, taking their appearance from the original Pac-Man arcade game. All four randomly appear on the stage and attack opponents in a similar fashion to their original appearances. After a while, they speed up before leaving the screen. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the stage's background turns navy to replicate the dark background from the original Pac-Man when the ghosts appear.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Gray Fox MGS Symbol.png Check mark.svg* X mark.svg Check mark.svg Gray Fox from the Metal Gear series was originally an operative for the United States Army special forces unit FOXHOUND called Frank Jaeger, before he was subjected to gene experimentation and placed inside an exoskeleton and became a mercenary. Although he fought against Solid Snake and Big Boss several times, he secretly helped them before his death during the Shadow Moses Incident in 2005.

When summoned, he runs and jumps across the screen toward other fighters, slashing them multiple times with his katana. He can deflect projectiles, and is unique among Assist Trophies in that he will return from above should he fall off the stage. To unlock him in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the player must unlock Snake.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Guile Street Fighter emblem X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Guile is a character from the Street Fighter series. A U.S. Air Force major, Guile holds an intense grudge against M. Bison, the head of Shadaloo, who was responsible for the murder of his best friend Charlie Nash during an operation. He usually works together with other characters like Chun-Li and Cammy, who also have scores to settle with Bison, to bring him down.

When summoned, Guile stays in one spot, crouched. If a character approaches him, he will attack them with the Flash Kick. If he is attacked from a distance, he will block. He may also fire off his Sonic Boom projectile.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Hammer Bro The Super Mario franchise emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg A Hammer Bro appears on the stage and throws hammers at opponents. It can jump up and throw them in midair and it can also throw hammers while on the ground.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Helirin The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Helirin is a vehicle from Kuru Kuru Kururin. It is a yellow and blue helicopter-like vehicle with large wings that slowly rotates. It acts as an additional platform, rotating on its axis and moving, sometimes getting in the way when players are trying to recover.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Infantry & Tanks The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg* Check mark.svg X mark.svg The Infantry and Tanks are two units in the Wars series. They are basic units of each warring nation, colored as red, which is the player's side, and blue, which is an enemy's side. In the Super Smash Bros. series, red units appear in their original pixelated form.

When summoned, an alarm will sound as they will move to one side, shooting opponents with guns and blasting them with cannons. To unlock them in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the player must play 300 matches in Vs. Mode or any related mode.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Isaac The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg* X mark.svg Check mark.svg Isaac is the main character of the Golden Sun series. He is a Venus Adept who has the power to use psychic energy revolving around either the manipulation of the ground and nature or simple non-combat abilities such as moving objects.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the player unlocks him after having played 200 matches in the Brawl mode or its relatives. When he appears, Isaac summons a giant hand (a utility ability called Move) and sends it to the end of the stage, pushing any opponents along with it. He does this three times before disappearing. The hand does not do any direct damage; its only purpose is to send opponents off of the stage. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, however, the hand is also able to attack opponents by slamming into the ground with the Pound move. Isaac can also use Lift to summon a pair of hands to grab an opponent and carry them off-screen.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Isabelle The Animal Crossing series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg** Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Leaf assists fighters by tossing different types of fruit onto the stage, which heal damage when collected.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Jeff The EarthBound / Mother series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Jeff is one of the main heroes in EarthBound and the son of the scientist Dr. Andonuts. In EarthBound, whereas the rest of Ness's party can utilize PSI attacks, Jeff's attacks use guns and other gadgets, such as various types of bottle rockets and stat-altering devices.

As an Assist Trophy, he prepares and launches the big bottle rocket pack: a set of five bottle rockets, which shoot into the air, homing in on enemies in unpredictable trajectories. There will always be four small bottle rockets followed by a big bottle rocket at the end, but there is a one-in-five chance that he will summon a second wave of rockets before disappearing. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, Jeff's fireworks move straight up before homing in on opponents.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Jill The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Jill is a character originally from Drill Dozer. She is the daughter of Doug, the leader of the Red Dozers bandit gang, who was ambushed by a rival gang and had the powerful Red Diamond stolen by them. She sets out to retrieve it on her father's behalf.

When she appears as an Assist Trophy, also referred to as "Jill & Drill Dozer,"[1] she rides around the stage using her Drill Dozer, drilling any opponents who come into contact with her. After a while, a whirlwind appears around her that impedes enemies until she disappears.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Kapp'n The Animal Crossing series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Kapp'n is a character from the Animal Crossing series. Usually depicted as a sailor and speaking with a stereotypical pirate accent, he has driven a number of different vehicles throughout the series, either driving the player to the town where they will be living or ferrying them to the island where multiplayer modes take place.

After being summoned, Kapp'n enters his bus and drives it across the stage. If it runs into any opponents, they are automatically put on the bus and are carried off as Kapp'n drives off-screen. If Kapp'n drives off without picking up any fighter, he will respawn at the center of the screen until his summoning time runs out.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Kat & Ana The Wario series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg Kat and Ana swiftly move across the stage together, slicing any players in their way.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Klaptrap The Donkey Kong series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg As the Klaptrap walks along the stage, if an opponent is caught in its path, it latches onto them and bites them repeatedly.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Knuckle Joe The Kirby series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Knuckle Joe is a recurring enemy in the Kirby series. He first appeared in Kirby Super Star, where he grants Kirby the Fighter ability when inhaled and has appeared in numerous games since, still granting Kirby the Fighter ability when inhaled.

When summoned as an Assist Trophy, Knuckle Joe hops to the nearest opponent and deliver a flurry of Vulcan Jabs. He performs this one more time before finishing off the opponent with either a Rising Break or Smash Punch, both signature moves of the Fighter ability from the Kirby series, then disappears. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, his attacks are weaker, though he can perform two Rising Breaks or Smash Punches before disappearing rather than one like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Knuckles The Sonic series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Knuckles from the Sonic the Hedgehog series runs around the stage and uses Homing Attacks similar to Sonic's, and occasionally burrows underground and re-emerges at a different location.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Krystal The Star Fox series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Krystal is a character from the Star Fox series who first appears in Star Fox Adventures. An orphaned telepath from the doomed planet of Cerinia, she responds to another planet's distress signal but gets trapped in a crystal. After Fox resolves the situation, Krystal joins the Star Fox team in gratitude.

As an Assist Trophy, she has an appearance based on Star Fox Adventures and uses her Staff to cast ice spells as well as to swing at opponents at close range.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Lakitu & Spinies The Super Mario franchise emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg Lakitu, appearing in its 8-bit Super Mario Bros. form, tosses Spinies, who are also in 8-bit form, onto the ground, which damage players on contact.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Little Mac The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg X mark.svg** X mark.svg** Coming from Punch-Out!!, when Little Mac appears, he will continue to punch the opposing player closest to him, and occasionally throws a powerful uppercut move.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Lyn The Fire Emblem series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Lyn, full name Lyndis, is from the GBA Fire Emblem game. Having grown up in a camp of hunters, she finds out she is the granddaughter of the Marquess of Caelin and the next in the line of succession for the throne of her homeland, and sets out to claim her birthright while evading the schemes of her great-uncle Lundgren, who had her grandfather poisoned in a plan to seize the throne for himself.

When she appears, she charges for an attack. She then teleports to an enemy (usually whoever's closest to her) and slashes at them using her signature weapon, the Mani Katti, launching them far. This attack is very powerful and difficult to avoid, capable of hitting enemies that are in the air and even certain characters in their Final Smashes. In games following Super Smash Bros. Brawl, she is able to be damaged. If enough damage is done to her before she attacks, she disappears; otherwise, she simply disappears after attacking.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Magnus The Kid Icarus series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. X mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg Magnus is one of Pit's allies in Kid Icarus: Uprising and is considered to be one of the strongest humans in the world.

As an Assist Trophy, he attacks by using his club-like sword. Magnus's attacks are very strong, quick, and can attack fighters hanging from ledges. He can also jump to reach airborne fighters and dash forward to reach fighters farther away. If he starts to fall towards a pit, he jumps back towards the edge. If enough damage is dealt to him, he falls to the ground before disappearing; otherwise, he simply disappears after a period of time.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Metroid The Metroid series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Metroids are the titular species of parasitic aliens from the Metroid series. They were created by the Chozo to combat the X parasites, though they eventually grew out of hand, and are now supposedly extinct thanks to the efforts of Samus.

When released, the Metroid floats around the stage, latching onto any players it encounters and sucking their health away, similar to what they do in the original games. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, Metroids also appear as Smash Run enemies.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Midna The Legend of Zelda series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Midna is a Twili and a central character appearing in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Originally the titular Twilight Princess and ruler of the Twilight Realm, she was overthrown by Zant and transformed into an imp form by him. Afterward, she leaves the realm to collect the Fused Shadows to defeat him.

As an Assist Trophy, she attacks by grabbing fighters with her hair and throwing them. If no opponents are near her, she teleports to their location.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Moon The Legend of Zelda series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The moon from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask appears in the background and slowly approaches the stage (similar to its role in the original game), burning up as it does so. Once it crashes into the stage, the surrounding fire deals repeated fire damage on opponents before disappearing in a white flash.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mother Brain The Metroid series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Mother Brain is a large, biological computer resembling a cycloptic, spiked brain and the leader of the Space Pirates that appears as a recurring antagonist in the Metroid series of games.

When she first appears, several Rinkas appear that damage opponents, though, as they are energy-based, they can be absorbed or reflected. After some time she then uses the Laser Brain Attack for massive damage. When she uses the attack, however, the glass surrounding her container shatters, allowing opponents to attack and defeat her.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Mr. Resetti The Animal Crossing series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Mr. Resetti is a character from the Animal Crossing series. When he is released, he simply sits in one spot, and lectures the players through a speech bubble. Mr. Resetti also occasionally causes a small explosion when he is furious. Mr. Resetti can be made to disappear prematurely if the stage scrolls or the platform he is on is destroyed and there's a knockout zone below him.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nightmare The Kirby series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Nightmare is an antagonist in the Kirby series, first appearing as the final boss of Kirby's Adventure. Nightmare tried to plunge the realm of Dream Land into darkness, but was defeated by the combined forces of King Dedede and Kirby wielding the power of the Star Rod.

As an Assist Trophy, he takes on his redesigned appearance first seen in the Game Boy Advance remake, Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. When summoned, Nightmare first appears in his Power Orb form before flying to the top of the screen. After a few seconds, he immediately appears in his Wizard form and enlarges himself in the background of the stage while cackling and shrouding the stage in darkness. During this time, the entire screen is black, confusing both players and CPU opponents. Several seconds later, the darkness slowly fades away, along with Nightmare.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nikki The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Nikki is a character who first appeared in the form of a Mii as the host of Swapnote. When summoned, she appears at the bottom-left corner of the screen and sketches three different objects, which are drawn on the stage itself and may damage fighters. Some of Nikki's drawings include a Bullet Bill, which flies away and attacks opponents, and a fire-breathing dinosaur.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendog The nintendogs series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg A Nintendog from the Nintendogs games briefly appears on the battleground before coming up to the screen and blocking the players' views, causing a great distraction. The breed of the Nintendog that appears changes between games: in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Nintendog is a Labrador Retriever; in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, it is a French Bulldog; and in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it is a Toy Poodle.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Phosphora The Kid Icarus series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Phosphora (full title Lightning Flash Phosphora) is a character from Kid Icarus: Uprising. She specializes in lightning-based attacks and is one of the commanders in the Forces of Nature, alongside Arlon the Serene and led by Viridi. She fights Pit in Chapter 14 and later becomes an ally of him, along with the Forces of Nature.

When summoned as an Assist Trophy, she attacks all her opponents with lightning attacks. She either creates three small balls of electricity, one giant sphere of electricity, or three quick strikes of lightning. Attacking Phosphora does not defeat her, but it makes her flinch temporarily. Every time she is hit, she moves away from the stage, making it harder for her to hit. Phosphora's attacks can be absorbed or reflected.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Prince of Sablé The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg The Prince of Sablé is the unnamed main protagonist of the Japan-exclusive Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (literally "The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls"), released on the Game Boy.

He attacks players by transforming into a frog and hopping around, then transforming into a snake and slithering across the ground. If he encounters any opponents, he traps them in a smoke cloud and continuously attacks them, similar to battles in his game of origin; other players can also be caught in this. Afterward, he transforms back into his human form.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Rathalos The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg When Rathalos from the Monster Hunter series is summoned, he flies above the stage and attacks by spitting large fireballs, and emits a loud roar that stuns opponents. He also appears as a boss in the World of Light and Classic Mode.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Ray Mk III The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg* X mark.svg X mark.svg Ray Mk III, sometimes mistakenly referred to as Custom Robo,[2] is the latest robot of the Ray series and first appears in Custom Robo Arena. It is given to the player character as a gift after impressing the president of the robot research and manufacturing company, NeoBrain.

It is unlocked as an Assist Trophy after playing at least 100 matches in Brawl mode or its related modes. Being a toy, it is very small, but it is able to fly around the stage at fast speeds. While attacking, it alternates between the two guns in its hands, firing bullets from its left and missiles from its right. The bullets are released in quick volleys and the missiles are single-fire that home in on opponents.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Riki The Xenoblade series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Riki is one of the seven playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles. He is a Nopon regarded as the "Heropon" of Frontier Village, but this is mostly so that he can repay all of his debts. Though he acts immature, he is still a loyal member of Shulk's group as they fight against the Mechon.

After being summoned as an Assist Trophy, he uses a variety of his Arts: Happy Happy increases the attack and launching power of all fighters, Freezinate temporarily freezes nearby opponents (dealing minor damage as well), Yoink! brings all items closer to him, Bedtime temporarily puts nearby enemies to sleep, You Can Do It slightly heals all fighters, and Roly-Poly trips all grounded opponents. Riki also makes an appearance alongside Dunban in Shulk's Final Smash, Chain Attack.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Rodin Bayonetta.png X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Rodin, from the Bayonetta series, is the mysterious bartender of "The Gates of Hell" pub, who is also Bayonetta's arms supplier. When summoned, he moves around the stage and summons giant versions of his fists when attacking, similar to Bayonetta's Wicked Weave attacks. He can also attack using his version of Bayonetta's After Burner Kick. Before disappearing, he leaves an item behind.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Saki Amamiya The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg Saki Amamiya, from Sin and Punishment, is a human that was given the blood of the Ruffians (creatures created by scientists that mutated and started attacking people) while fighting them, giving him superhuman abilities.

When he appears, Saki takes out his Dolphin Gun and attacks opponents with it. Saki can either fire a burst of shots, dealing moderate damage with weak knockback, or slash in front of himself, strongly damaging opponents and potentially launching them off the stage.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Samurai Goroh The F-Zero series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Samurai Goroh is a pilot from the F-Zero series. He is a bounty hunter who has a rivalry with Captain Falcon. As an Assist Trophy, he appears and slashes away at the fighters with his katana. He can jump while slashing horizontally.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Shadow The Sonic series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg* Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Shadow from the Sonic the Hedgehog series uses Chaos Control to slow down all opposing fighters. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he freezes opponents in place before he disappears. To unlock him in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the player must unlock Sonic.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sheriff The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg The sheriff is the protagonist of an arcade game also called Sheriff. Designed after a typical Western sheriff, he goes after a group of bandits that have kidnapped Betty. In the upright arcade cabinet's bezel, he is named Mr. Jack. He is also known as the gunman (ガンマン) in the Japanese instructions. He is the first playable human character in any Nintendo video game.

When spawned as an Assist Trophy, he walks around the screen and shoots bullets towards other enemies (though he sometimes fires in a haphazard direction), emulating his attacks from Sheriff. If enough damage is dealt to him, he displays his "injured" sprite from Sheriff before disappearing; otherwise, he disappears after enough time has passed.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Shovel Knight The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Shovel Knight is the protagonist of his eponymous game, and also the first indie game character to appear in physical form and as an Assist Trophy in the Super Smash Bros. series. As his name implies, he fights with a shovel, and treks across the land in order to save his beloved Shield Knight and defeat the evil Enchantress and her Order of No Quarter.

Shovel Knight uses similar moves from the original game, digging rocks out of the ground with his shovel and aiming it downward while in mid-air to bounce on opponents, damaging them. The shovel may also damage opponents as he is digging the ground. Occasionally when digging, an item appears out of the ground.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Skull Kid The Legend of Zelda series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Skull Kid is a major antagonist in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, being possessed by the titular mask and calling the moon to crash down on Termina in three days if not stopped.

When summoned as an Assist Trophy, he emits a dark aura that either reverses the stage or flips it upside down, both of which reverse the controls.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Spring Man ARMS Symbol.png X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Spring Man is one of the fighters from ARMS. He is an enthusiastic 20-year-old youngster who dreams of winning the ARMS Grand Prix and, as his name implies, not only are his arms spring-propelled, he also has an entire spring theme around him (such as his hairstyle, fittingly coiled in the shape of a spring).

When summoned, Spring Man will attack by punching from a distance, but if the opponent gets too close, he will unleash ARMS Rush, a barrage of punches capable of launching them away.

Spring Man also makes an appearance in the downloadable fighter Min Min's Final Smash, which is also named ARMS Rush.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Squid Sisters Splatoon Symbol.png X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The Squid Sisters from Splatoon, Callie and Marie, appear on a small stage and perform "Ink Me Up" or "Calamari Inkantation." As they do so, the camera slowly zooms in on them, limiting the amount of space to fight and making it easier for players to be KO'd.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Starfy The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Starfy (also known as Stafy) from The Legendary Starfy series performs his spin attack on an opponent if he has the chance. However, fighters can easily attack him and send him flying.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Starman The EarthBound / Mother series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Starmen are an alien race that serve Giygas in EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBound. In EarthBound, Starmen teleport before being engaged in battle and attack by firing beams.

Once summoned as an Assist Trophy, the Starman proceeds to teleport around the stage. After it teleports, the Starman stops in its place, glows, and attacks using either PK Beam γがんま or PK Beam Ωおめが. Getting hit by one of these attacks causes moderate damage and the player is momentarily stunned. The beams act like energy projectiles, so they can be absorbed or reflected. If the opponents cause enough damage to the Starman while it's still active, the Starman is defeated, displaying both the "SMAAAASH!" text and sound effect from EarthBound before disappearing prematurely. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, Starmen also appear as Smash Run enemies.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sukapon The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg A robot and the main character of the Japan-only Famicom game Joy Mech Fight, Sukapon is an owarai robot designed by the roboticist Little Emon, but repurposed as a combat robot in order to stop the rogue Ivan Walnuts from taking over the world with seven other robots stolen from Emon.

Sukapon moves around the stage and throws parts of its body at opponents, and can even pick them up and throw them into the air.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Takamaru The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Takamaru is the protagonist of The Mysterious Murasame Castle. Like in his original game, he attacks by quickly slashing with his katana and by throwing shurikens in the four cardinal directions. He constantly moves around while attacking and jumps back to the stage's edge if he starts to fall to a pit. If enough damage is dealt to him, he becomes staggered before disappearing; otherwise, he simply goes away after a period of time.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Thwomp The Super Mario franchise emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg When summoned, the Thwomp stays high up on the screen and comes crashing down on top of any character that passes underneath it.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Tiki The Fire Emblem series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Tiki is a character from the Fire Emblem series. The last of the divine dragonkin of Archanea, she originally fought alongside Marth in his quest to reclaim the throne of Archanea, then a thousand years later she was encountered by Chrom, whom she guided in the role of an oracle.

Tiki's appearance as an Assist Trophy comes from Fire Emblem Awakening. When summoned, Tiki assumes her dragon form, flies just outside the arena and unleashes a massive fire breath capable of launching anyone caught in it.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tingle The Legend of Zelda series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg X mark.svg Tingle is a recurring character from the The Legend of Zelda series. He is a middle-aged man who wears a skintight, green suit and has an obsession with fairies.

When summoned, he will perform his "Kooloo-Limpah" dance and one of the five random effects will happen. These events include spawning multiple Hammers and Golden Hammers, having everyone under the effects of the Superspicy Curry item, making all the opponents slip for a few seconds, zooming the camera in on the character who summoned Tingle, or even doing nothing and flying away with his balloons.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Vince The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Vince is the art teacher from the Art Academy games. When summoned, he brings up his easel and starts painting objects such as busts and tomatoes, which manifest themselves over any fighters other than the one or the team that summoned him, damaging them and hampering their visibility in a similar way to a Smoke Ball.

Despite his Training Mode description not saying so like for other Assist Trophies, Vince cannot be defeated.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Waluigi The Super Mario franchise emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Check mark.svg Waluigi chases after a selected foe, kicks them onto the ground and finally, he does one final power kick or hits the player with his racket.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wily Capsule The Mega Man series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg The Wily Capsule is Dr. Wily's personal escape pod, and usually his last resort in his battles against Mega Man. The model seen in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate comes from Mega Man 7.

When summoned, Dr. Wily will fire red and blue energy balls from the capsule, which will home in on the nearest fighter. If the capsule is destroyed, Dr. Wily will fall to the ground and enter his supplication pose.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Yuri Kozukata The Super Smash Bros. series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg Yuri Kozukata is one of the protagonists of Koei Tecmo's Wii U game Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. A descendant of the shrine maidens of Mt. Hikami, psychics who had the ability to guide spirits to a peaceful afterlife, Yuri has the power of repelling the eponymous Black Water, an evil presence which torments spirits and causes them to curse the living.

When Yuri is summoned, she stays in the background as the reticle of her Camera Obscura moves throughout the screen, and any character photographed with it is momentarily paralyzed and afflicted with darkness. She takes a total of three photographs before leaving the stage.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Zero The Mega Man series emblem, from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. X mark.svg X mark.svg Check mark.svg One of the protagonists of the Mega Man X series, Zero is an elite member of the Maverick Hunters, an organization designated to hunt down and destroy Mavericks, robots that have turned against humankind.

When summoned, Zero slashes opponents directly with his sword, the Z-Saber, and also uses one of several techniques: Ryuenjin, a flaming uppercut, Kuuenzan, a spinning slash, Genmu Zero, an energy beam, and Hienkyaku, a midair dash. After he is done, he shouts, "Back to base!" and disappears.



Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]


Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U[edit]
