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Entries in Marketing (214)


SubmitHub Review: How I Got Featured on Blogs and Spotify Playlists

As an indie musician, you’re constantly looking for new ways to get your music out there.

But you don’t want to hire an expensive PR agency.

And you want real fans to connect with your music, not fake streams.

Enter SubmitHub.

I’ve been using this platform to promote my music for a while with some success.

So in this SubmitHub review, I’ll share my experience and give you a basic intro.

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How to cultivate your stage persona: 10 Tips

Whether you’re a musician in a band, you’re a solo performer or you’re doing something entirely unconventional with your performance, whatever it is, cultivating a stage persona and having a presence that matches the work you’re doing is an important part of reaching your audience effectively. 
One of the beautiful things about stage presence is that everyone is unique and has something to offer, and that includes you. From your fashion sense to your interactions with the audience, your stage presence is your unique means of communication with your audience. 
While, of course, your work should speak for itself, there’s no harm in using other tools to assist you in that pursuit. No matter where you stand in the band or where you are on your journey, here are ten tips that will help you improve your stage presence.

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4 tips for defining your personal artist brand

You don’t have to be unique to make it as a performing musician, but it sure helps! Having a unique style and presentation (or more pragmatically, “brand”) is key to helping your and your music standout from the crowd, as well as providing a point of connection with your audience.

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How to Leverage Word-of-Mouth Advertising for Your Music

As a musician, it’s important to promote your music in multiple ways. Many musicians focus on self-promotion through advertisements, appearances, and meeting fans.


Although this method produces an increase in sales, there is a strategy you may be missing known as word-of-mouth advertising. To learn more about this strategy and ways to incorporate it into your next campaign, read on.

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How to Define Your Band’s Image

How do you build a persona around your band? It’s often a long-winded, experimental process that evolves over time. Look at Harry Styles as an example. He used to be known as an adorable, kid-friendly boyband member — and now, critics hail him as “the world’s biggest young rockstar” due to a successful rebrand.
These identities are essential because fans prefer to buy into more than just a musician. They don’t only want to listen to your music, especially when other indie, rap and pop musicians share your space. It’s your responsibility to set yourself apart.
Here are a few ways to build an image that resonates with audiences.

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How To Set Up An Online Release Party

Release parties are a traditional way to promote your band locally. Why not take it online and get a wider audience?

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Five Ways To Promote Your Music As An Independent Singer-Songwriter

Sometimes it’s hard for an independent singer-songwriter to change gears from creation to promotion and figure out where to start promoting their new release, some of these examples may be obvious but I hope they help! Here are some ways I’ve been promoting my new EP “Life Gets Strange”.

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Building A Community Around Your Music In Show4me App

Growing your fanbase and keeping it engaged is your key task when creating a sustainable music career or business. Your fans keep buying your music, concert tickets, and merch, providing you with steady profits.
One of the new tools you can use without any investment to engage, develop, and interact with your fanbase is Show4me app for fans.
The app offers an immersive world of music, shows, and socializing where fans can dive into your content, see your posts in ad-free feed, get notified when you interact with them and when your online concert is starting.
Let’s see what the app has to offer and if these tools fit your needs.

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SEO For Musicians

SEO is the process of making your content visible and appealing to search engines such as Google. The acronym stands for “Search Engine Optimisation” and it is exactly that. SEO is an art of optimising your content so that it will rank high on search results and bring you in organic traffic, which is traffic you don’t have to pay for! 

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Looking To Build A More Empathetic Music Website? Here Are Some Tips

The key to wielding magic with your website or app is to create an unforgettable experience. Wondering how to do that? The word is human-centered design.

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Music Merch Guide

Many musicians struggle in turning their passion for music into a living. Why? Perhaps this is because so many artists do not realise that being a musician also means running your own business. In order to make money from your artistry, you need to wake up and smell the corporate coffee…

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9 Music Marketing Strategies That No Longer Work In 2020

Once you get the hang of it, marketing can be a lot of fun.

After all, marketing is tied directly the results you want as a musician – ticket sales, streams, merch sales, contest votes and so on.

But there are marketing strategies that don’t work, especially now that search engines and social media platforms have had time to evolve and adapt their algorithms.

So, we need to ensure we’re going about this the right way. Here are nine music marketing strategies that no longer work in 2020.

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SEO Tips For Getting Your Music To A Wider Audience

Gone are the days where you needed to create a demo, submit it to a record label and hope for a deal. With enough capital, you can record your own music, promote it and become an independent artist. While it’s not an easy process, you can develop strong strategies to help you find traction within the marketplace. Consider some of the best SEO tips you can use in order to get your music to a wider audience.


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How To Grow Your Music Career (Even During A Pandemic) 

Wait, isn’t the world on halt? Hasn’t 2020 been a year of failure and pullbacks? 

While this year has been disappointing, there are two types of people responding to the coronavirus. Some are pouting and being affected heavily, while others are adapting and doing better than they ever have. Here’s how you can continue to scale your music career – even if your gigs, shows, and sources of income are non-existent at the moment.

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