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NEA Grant 2009-2010 | Pacifica Radio Archives

NEA Grant 2009-2010

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All the information on this page pertains specifically to the work done under the auspices of the NEA-5 Grant #09-3400-7030.

The following list of recordings were preserved thanks in part to an award from the National Endowment for the Arts grant, the Pacifica Foundation and donations from Pacifica station listeners. One hundred seventy (170) items and over 100 hours of historic arts heritage recordings were selected and sent to Safe Sound Archive in Philadelphia.


Restored Audio

These programs have been transferred to compact disc thanks to the NEA-5 Grant #09-3400-7030. Clicking on the archive number after each heading will take you to a more detailed record of the program. Some of the programs have samples available, clicking "Download" or "Stream" provides access to these.

Civil Liberties Radio Education Project. (Series received the Silver Gavel Award, 1980.)
  1. No more free lunch: the price of lobbying reform / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally, KPFA 1979. Archives # AZ0167
    Examines the effectiveness of the Fair Political Practices Commission in California. Listen.
  2. The Right to be wrong: free speech for extremist groups / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally. KPFA 1979. Archives # AZ0168
    Explores issues surrounding freedom of speech and access to media by extremist groups like the Neo-Nazis. Listen.
  3. Contraindications: mental patients' right to refuse treatment / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally. KPFA 1979. Archives # AZ0169 c.1
    Documentary on the right of informed consent for mental patients, their drug treatment and hospitalization. Listen.
  4. Gimme a break: affirmative action in hiring and admissions / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally. KPFA August 27, 1978. Archives # AZ0176
    Documentary on affirmative action programs, the Bakke case, and discrimination suits. Listen.
  5. Holy incompetent: conservatorship laws, de-programming and religious freedom / produced by Adi Gevins. KPFA April 1978. Archives # AZ0177 c.1
    Discusses all sides of religious freedom, focusing on Sun Myung Moon's Unification church, brain washing, and the conservatorship hearings in March 1977. Listen.
  6. Do you promise not to tell: can journalists keep a secret? / produced by Adi Gevins and Kathy McAnally. KPFA July, 1978. Archives # AZ0178
    Documentary on journalists' rights to conceal sources. Analyzes the First Amendment, the Stanford Decision, New York Times reporter Earl Caldwell and his lawyer Anthony Amsterdam, and radio station KPFK. Listen.

Why Wounded Knee? Produced by Peggy Berryhill and Avotcja Jiltonilro y Fasanmi. 1975. Archives # AZ0075
Native American produced documentary on Wounded Knee occupation in 1973 highlighting the lives, problems, and struggles of Native Americans. Listen to Part 1. Listen to Part 2.

Bill of Rights Radio Education Project. Adi Gevins, executive producer. Mini-docs / produced by John Rieger ; executive producer Adi Gevins. 1982. Archives # Archives # PZ0046 A/B.
Excerpts from the nine-part series on the Bill of Rights. (40 min.)
Listen to Part 1. Listen to Part 2.

Bill of Rights Week. Produced by Adi Gevins. 1982. Archives # Archives # PZ0049.01-.06
Series: Bill of Rights radio education project / Adi Gevins, executive producer.
Six 15-minute versions of the Bill of Rights Project. (84 min.)
Listen to Part 1. Listen to Part 2. Listen to Part 3. Listen to Part 4. Listen to Part 5. Listen to
Part 6.

Remembering Marilyn: a memorial montage / produced by Ruth Hirschman. July 31, 1964. Archives # Archives # BB5055
Obituary and biography of Marilyn Monroe. Listen.

Lowriders / produced by Buster Gonzales. KPFA, Mar. 25, 1980. Archives # AZ0453
History of lowriding, focusing on police-lowrider relations and current trends. Listen.

Take back the night / reported by Adi Gevins. KPFA, Nov. 1978. Archives #AZ0392
Report of San Francisco women who marched against violence in pornography and the media.

The Guy Who Got Senator Joe: The 1953 Testimony of William Mandel before Joe McCarthy. KPFA March 7, 1979. Archives # AZ0244
Long before the Army Hearings finally took Joe McCarthy out of commission in 1954, William Mandel captivated the nation in this televised encounter with the infamous red-baiter. The recording is poor quality because very few people had tape recorders in those days. This was actually recorded off television (poor quality to begin with) onto a funky home disc recorder of the period by one of Mandel's fans. Self-contained.

Wanderground : Stories Of The Hill Women. Archives # AZ0292 A/B/C
A feminist fantasy fiction account of a separate woman's culture wherein the women have highly developed psychic powers, have children parthenogeneticly, and live in harmony with all the rest of the Earth, except the men who control the city.

Freedom of the city / by Brian Friel. Archives # AZ0325 A/B
Play about the impact of warfare on three average Irish citizens in Ulster.

Women and the military / produced by Carole Bennett, Laurie Garrett, Adi Gevins, and Karla Tonella. KPFA, Apr. 8, 1980. Archives # AZ0406
Documentary on the impact of the military upon the women who serve, the effect of the draft, and implications of women service persons for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

Washington for Jesus / produced by Tim Frasca and Adi Gevins. KPFA, 1980. Archives # AZ0496
Christian fundamentalist march on Washington, D. C. Actuality.

Grenada : what say since the revolution? / produced by Amina Hassan. KPFA, 1981. Archives # AZ0553
Documentary about the CariArchives # BBean island with speeches and a press conference with Prime Minister Maurice Bishop.

Tribute to Max Scheer / produced by Sue Supriano KPFA 15 Jan, 1982. Archives # AZ0624
Scheer, who died on October 31, 1981, was founder, publisher, and editor of the Berkeley Barb. Twelve people who knew him create this portrait with their reminiscences.

Life in the female job ghetto : service and office work / produced by Peggy Irene Bray, Maggie Geddes, and Karla Tonella. KPFA, 15 Nov. 1980. Archives # AZ0808
San Francisco hotel maids protest the mental and physical brutality of their work. Also examines women office workers who criticize their workplace as a female job ghetto.

Phone calls rated "X" / produced by Bill Drummond ; executive producer Bari Scott." Satellite, 21 June 1990. Archives # AZ0905.01
Documentary from panel discussion, listener phone-ins, and tape features, which explores the implications of 900 number fee-for-service phone exchanges within the context of First Amendment free speech rights. Examines the implications of telephone pornography, teenager usage, innovative community services and informations exchange projects, and the implications of regulation.

An Interview with Dustin Hoffman / conducted by Milton Hoffman, 1971. Archives # Archives # BB3998
Celebrated actor discusses his life and work early during his early career. (2 reels)

Tough guy: L.A. style / by Philip Durham and Jack Hirschman; read by Steve Wells, 1963. Archives # Archives # BB5011
Examination of Raymond Chandler's detective novels and the portrait he paints of Los Angeles.

For the arts: dance focus / Ted Shawn ;interviewed by Elinor Rogosin. 1972. Archives # Archives # BB5332
American modern dancer discusses her career and the role of dance in society.

Saul Alinsky at the Smithsonian Institute. 11 Nov. 1974. Archives # Archives # BB4001
The Community organizer and author of the "revielle for Radicals" speaks at the Smithsonian at the Fourth International Symposium.

Tom Smothers at the Commonwealth Club / introduced by Frank G. Chambers, 1969. Archives # Archives # BB4072
Recordedat Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco
Political satirist discusses his experiences on CBS television.

For the time being / by W.H. Auden ; produced by Virginia Maynard. 1957. Archives # Archives # BB1859
Performance of Auden's play for radio - A Christmas Oratorio, produced by KPFA in 1957.

In the Style of De Kooning, 1969. Archives # Archives # BB4158
Reading of poetry, fiction and musical performances concerning the work of Willem De Kooning. Includes De Kooning, June Wayne, Rosalind Wholden, and Jane Livingstone. (102 min.)

Tiny Tim at the Free Press, July 19, 1969. Archives # Archives # BB4700 A/B
Singer discusses his life and work. (150 min)

Hermione Gingold at the Geary Theater / interviewed by Herbert Feinstein. 1969. Archives # Archives # BC1106
Actress discusses her current theatrical role and her life in the theater. (27 min.)

The Esquire Writers Symposium. 1958. Archives # Archives # BB0755.01
The symposium was initiated at Columbia University in 1958 and followed up in 1959 at the State University of Iowa. The topic discussed in 1958 is the role of the writer in America. Panelists were Wright Morris, Leslie Fiedler, Dorothy Parker, and Saul Bellow. The following year, the panel was Ralph Ellison, Mark Harris, Dwight McDonald, and Norman Mailer. At track 8, the program switches to the 1959 Symposium in Iowa (88 min.)

Inti Illimanti Concert, June 1977. Archives # WZ0316
Chillean folk music with introduction in Spanish with English translation. This concert featuring the music of Inti-Illimani, an exiled Chilean folk group, was presented in Washington, D.C. in June of 1977. The program was recorded for Pacifica Radio through the facilities of Woman Sound of Washington, D.C. Spoken commentary is in Spanish with English translations. Songs include "My Little Llamas," a song based on Pablo Neruda's play "The Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta" about Latin Americans in California during the Gold Rush, "Toward Freedom," "Study For Charango," "Luchin" by Victor Jara, Pablo Neruda's "Inciting Nixoncide, Come With Me," "The Sun Burns Above," "Chile Resistencia," "All The Rain," and others.

The Irresistible force and the immovable object / moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson. 1960. Archives # Archives # BB0063
Panel comprised of Fred Haines, John Zuckerman, Franz Dainel, and Father Thomas McCullough discuss attempts to organize California farm workers and grower-labor relations.

Freedom in education and investigating committees / moderated by Elsa Knight Thompson. May, 1959. Archives # Archives # BB0104
Lloyd Barenblatt, Robert Asch, and Lawrence Speiser discuss the implications of the Barenblatt decision upon civil liberties.

Lettuce Strike. 24 Feb. 1961. Archives # Archives # BB0243
Report on the union meeting held after the winter, 1960-61 strike in California's Imperial Valley. Includes: Hank Anderson, Billy Joe Sheuby, George Seatt, Ann Draper, Carey McWilliams, and Maria Moreno.

Erich Fromm on Sigmund Freud Series, 1962.
Talk by Eric Fromm; then Robert Nisbet, Edwart Rudin, and Floyd Ross discull implications of Fromm's talk.Recorded in San Bernardino by John Handner.

100 years of freedom / James Baldwin. May 17, 1963. Archives # Archives # BB0637
A talk on the fight for Black Civil rights since the Emancipation Proclamation. RECORDED: at University of California, Berkeley.

An Inexhaustible sea? / Joel Hedgepeth February 7, 1964. Archives # Archives # BB0673
Talk on the faulty belief in the unlimited resources of the world's oceans. (28 min.)

The Social ideology of the angry young men / Ian P. Watt Nov. 4, 1958. Archives # Archives # BB0737
Talk on the English literary school, lead by John Osborne, Kengsley Anis, and Philip Larkin, who were duArchives # BBed angry young men. (48 min.)

Social responsibility of the intellectual : first panel. 1967. Archives # Archives # BB1322.01
Fred Crews, Richard Lichtman, and Paul Jacobs discuss the intellectual's role in society. (90 min.)

Social responsibility of the intellectual : second panel. 1967. Archives # Archives # BB1322.02
Sol Stern, Gerald Berreman, Owen Chamberlain, and Ruben discuss the intellectual's role in society (90 min.)

Late doings in Island Creek Holler / Karen and Joe Mulloy ; interviewed by Lou Hartman. 1968. Archives # Archives # BB1776
Discussion of the Mulloy's work with the Southern Conference Educational Fund, Pike County Tennessee; also about the opposition they have received. (50 min.)

Professor of laughter / Prof. Irwin Corey; interviewed by Bob Adler. Archives # Archives # BB1839
Recorded: in San Francisco, Aug. 11, 1966
Corey, the world's foremost authority on virtually anything, discusses his humor. (40 min)

100 questions about dance / James Waring. February 1968.
Archives # BB1970
Talk about dance as an art form. (53 min.)

Science fiction examines the world of today / moderated by Bill Donaho.
Archives # BB2024.07
Recorded: In Oakland, 1 Sept. 1968
Series: 26th World Science Fiction Conference #7 1968
James Blish, John Campbell, Frederik Pohl, Robert Silverberg, and Norman Spinrad discuss the social aspects of science fiction writing. (60 min.)

The Tolkien society / Ed Meskys, Al Halvey, and Peter S. Beagle Recorded: In Oakland, 2 Sept. 1968.
Archives # BB2024.08
Series: 26th World Science Fiction Conference #8 1968
Discussion of the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. (50 min.)

An Interview with Caryl Chessman / interviewed by Jerry Burn and Joe Nevens. Los Angeles, Jan. 15, 1958.
Archives # BB2102
Recorded: in Los Angeles, 15 Jan. 1958
Discussion of the convicted thief and rapist Chessman, who created a national uprising against capital punishment through his books and lengthy court appearances. (54 Min.)

History of the Berkeley Movement September 29, 1969.
Archives # BB2276 A/B
Recorded: at University of California, Berkeley
Art Goldberg, Jack Weinberg, Frank Bardacke, Buddy Jackson, and Randy Rappaport discuss activism on the Berkeley campus in the early 1960s. (93 min.)

Alcatraz panel with Indians from various tribes / moderated by John Trudell and John Adair.
Archives # BB2309
Recorded: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco.
Broadcast KPFA: Dec. 23, 1969
Indians discuss their occupation of Alcatraz.

Indianland radio : with Marilyn Miracle / interviewed by John Trudell and Earl Livermore.
Archives # BB2314
Recorded: on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco. 1970
John Trudell, Director of Communications from Alcatraz Island, talks with Marilyn Miracle, a young Mohawk ; Earl Livermore, Coordinator of Alcatraz. Discussion of events since the Indian's occupation of Alcatraz in December, 1969; includes observations of Robert Robertson's visit on January 11, 1970 and discussion of the National Council on Indian Opportunities. (15 min.)

Garrison's case: criticism of the Warren Commission report / William W. Turner and Hal Verb ; interviewed by Elsa Knight Thompson Oct. 6, 1967.
Archives # BB2324
William Turner, a former FBI agent and wtaff writer for Ramparts magazine, and Hal Verb, a reporter for the Berkeley Barb and instructor at San Francisco State Experimental College, discuss the problems with the Warren Commision Report. They speak on developments in New Orleans, and the inadequacy of the investigation itself. (58 min.)

Sonia Sanchez October / interviewed by David Henderson 1968.
Archives # BB2709.04
Series: Black Poets: no. 4
Henderson discusses poetry with Sanchez. Includes readings from her works.

Nocturne / written and directed by Lynn Strongin. September 11, 1969.
Archives # BB2804
Performance of her verse-play for radio. (12 min.)

David Gitin Dec. 7, 1970.
Archives # BB2919
Allen Ginsberg, Denise Levertov, Michael McClure, Frank O'Hara, and Ed Sanders read poetry selections. (51 min.)

Michael Harrington debates Fred Schwartz / moderated by Norman Thomas June, 1962.
Archives # BB3040
Recorded: at the Community Church of New York
Debate about social conditions in the United States. (80 min.)

Harlem revisited / James Baldwin 1963.
Archives # BB3060
Recorded: at Church of the Masters, Harlem New York.
Talk about conditions in the Black-dominated region of New York City. Reels: 1 of 1(58 min.)

Unto thee a garden / narrated by George Vaskovec ; produced by Jenner Egan.
Broadcast: WBAI, Jan. 14, 1969.
Archives # BB3453
Recorded: at Metropolitan Museum, New York City.
Performance of a documentary-drama (51 min.)

Albert Schweitzer : an unorthodox view / Dr. Frederick Franck. 1961.
Archives # BB3601
Talk on Schweitzer's life and work. (29 min.)

Color forum / moderated by Jeanne Siegel. 1969.
Archives # BB3719
Broadcast: WBAI, 24 Feb. 1969.
Herb Aach, Alic Baber, Gabrielle Paul Gruhler, and Bob Slutzky discuss minority issues. (60 min)

Poems and graffiti of the French revolution. 1969.
Archives # BB3724
Reading of student protest poetry and graffiti from the 1968 French uprising. (22 min.)

Muriel Ruykeyser 1969.
Archives # BB3726
Poet reads selections from her collection Speed of Darkness. (27 min.)

Conference On Marijuana moderated by Edward Koch. 1969.
Archives # BB3767 A / B
Broadcast: WBAI, 15 Aug. 1969.
Discussion of the medical, legal and social perspectives about marijuana| with Joel Fort, Henry Brill, Sidney Cohen, Harold J. Rothwax, Frederick Garfield and Bard Grosse. (85 min.)

Tom Smothers interview / interviewed by Alan Farley 1969.
Archives # BB4073
Recorded at the Fairmont Hotel. Political satirist discusses his experiences on CBS television and his plans for the future (38 min.)

Lady Day is Dead / Gene Marine 1969.
Archives # BB4179
Retrospective biography of the Black jazz singer, Billie Holliday (17 min.)

Can we manage our miracles? / Fred Friendly 1970.
Archives # BB4530
Recorded: at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
Speech examining the state and role of telecommunications. (73 min.)

East African origins of proto man, near man and man himself / Louis B. Leaky ; introduced by Dr. Birdsell 1969.
Archives # BB4562
Recorded: at the University of California, Los Angeles (Calif.) 3 Nov. 1969.
Dr. Louis B. Leaky, anthropologist, talks to students on anthropology and archaeology. (45 min.)

The Problems of expanding consciousness / Timothy Leary; interview by Fred Haines. April 7, 1963.
Archives # BB4687
Leary, a clinical psychologist, discusses his experiences with LDS-25, and the accompanying controversy over his research with the drug at Harvard University. (39 min.)

Thirty years of civil rights: education in the South / Myles Horton 1964.
Archives # BB4702
Speech about civil rights and education in the South. (52 min.)

Jules Feiffer at the School of Visual Arts . 1972.
Archives # BB5339 A/B
Cartoonist, writer and satirist discusses "going Hollywood," as well as the state of the film industry (93 min.)

Documentary material on conspiracy trial. 1970.
Archives # BB5399
Aircheck of trial. Includes testimony of Stewart Meacham, Ed Sanders, Paul Krassner and Monsignor Charles Rice. (25 min.)

The Politics of heroin in Southeast Asia / Alfred McCoy ; interviewed by Danice Bordett. 1972.
Archives # BC0947
An interview with Alfred McCoy, PhD student in Southeast Asian History at Yale and author of "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia". A discussion of the international political ramifications of the heroin trade of Southeast Asia. (28 min.)

Scientology: religion or business? / David Stifler ; interviewed by Larry Josephson. 1972.
Archives # BC1013
Minister of Scientology discusses the aims and methods of his organization. Includes a phone-in by L. Ron HuArchives # BBard, Jr. who refutes the position of Stifler and his father. (93 min.)

It sounds like magic: a look at scientology / produced by Jan Legnitto. 1972.
Archives # BC1037
Documentary on the promises and realities of Scientology. (65 min.)

The Nixon administration and the media. 1972.
Archives # BC1115
Series: Washington report.
Bill Monroe, Fred Friendly, and Ben Bagdockian discuss the relationship between President Nixon and mass media. (28 min.)

The First Amendment and the press / Fred Friendly 1974.
Archives # BC1783
Recorded: University of California Berkeley
Journalism professor speaks about the Constitutional rights of a free press. (48 mn.)

Interpol interview / interviewed by Tim McGovern 1974.
Archives # BC2016
Discussion with two members of the Church of Scientology who charge Interpol (the international criminal police organization) of being Nazi sympathizers and invading the privacy of citizens. (32 min.)

Does the feminist movement equal sexual suicide? / George Guilder interviewed by Jan Legnitto 1974.
Archives # BC2057
Guilder discusses the women's movement and his belief that it will lead to the destruction of the family and other social disasters. (53 min.)

Who is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and what is he up to anyway? / produced by Adi Gevins 1975.
Archives # BC2132
Examination of the evangelist from South Korea and his Unification Church. (59 min.)

Tales of Beatnick Glory / Ed Sanders ; interviewed by Charles Ruas and Rick Harris. 1975.
Archives # BC2665
Poet and author of "The Family" reads his poetry and discusses his life in the early 1960s, as well as his book "Tales of Beatnick Glory." (64 min.)

Dial-a-Poem 1975.
Archives # BC2686.02-07
Readings by poets of selections from their work, with interviews. Lenure Kendall, Aram Saroyan, Gary Snyder, Ted Berrigan, Jack Spicer, Allen Ginsberg, Emmett Williams, Catherine Cleava, Brian Byson, David Henderson, Gerard Malanger, Joe Barnerd, Marueen Orlen, Giorno, Edwin Denby, Helen Adam, Diane DiPrima, John Cearne, Denise Leverton, Kenneth Cooke, John Ashbury, Charles Stein. (7 hrs.)

License challenge against WPFW. 1981.
Archives # PZ0054
Report on the license challenge filed by Daniel J. Popeo of the American Legal Foundation against WPFW with the charges of indecent programming and one-sided coverage.(2 min.)

Fear of infidels : prejudice against Arab-Americans / produced by Adi Gevins, Tim Frasca and Musindo Mwinyipembe. 1983.
Archives # PZ0110
Examination of attitudes towards Arabs who have immigrated to the United States.(15 min)

Economics for dummies and other subjects / Robert Krulwich. 1975.
Archives # BC2767
Series: Washington Report
Reports on Jimmy Breslin, Frank Church, economics and the "People's bicentennial". (54 min.)

Meet the new left weeklies / produced by Paul Hoeffel 1979.
Interviews with Victor Navasky and Hamilton Fish of The Nation, Jon Steinberg of Seven Days, James Weinstein of In These Times, Jack Smith of The Guardian. (59 min.)

Techie time retrospective / produced by David Rapkin and Peter Zanger 1970.
Series: Techie Time, Volume 2, Number 10 Review of the series for 1970. (18 min)

The Messiah Called Moon Robert Krulwich. Circa 1974.
Program is a description of the Sun Myung Moon phenonmenon. The program examines the life of Moon and his political allies, the source of his income and where his followers come from, what it is like to be a moony and whether or not he is the messiah he claims. (30 min.)

The Storefront church / produced by Susan Anderson 1977.
Recorded: at Holy Mission Temple of Faith Apostolic church, Los Angeles (Calif.).
On the Holy Mission Temple of Faith Apostolic Church and its pastor Joe Dorsey. Actuality. (47 min.)

A Sympathetic look at the Rev. Sun Myung Moon / Frederick Sontag ; interviewed by Jim Berland 1978.
On his book supporting the Unification church. (27 min.)

Paradigm shift in the women's movement : beware of polarization / Betty Friedan. 1992.
Recorded: at the Politics '92 : Who Represents All the People conference, organized by USC's Institute for the Study of Women and Men, 24 Jan. 1992. Betty Friedan, one of the most recognized leaders during the 1970's women's movement, speaks about the need for women to take responsibility of the empowerment achieved by the movement (26 min.)

President Clinton's first press conference / Bill Clinton. 1993.
Archives # PZ0248
Recorded: Washington, D.C., 22 Mar. 1993.
Actuality of the Clinton's first national press conference since becoming President of the United States. Topics covered include Yeltsin, nuclear weapons, U.S.-Russian relations, Supreme Court nominee, FBI, health care reform, gays in the military, Star Wars, U.S.-Cuban relations, civil rights in Mississippi, abortion, soft money contributions, forest summit, and more. (41 min.)

Copyright in the electronic age / hosted by Jude Thilman ; executive producer Bari Scott ; produced by John Rieger. 1994.
Archives # PZ0251.03
Series: Communications revolution : 1994 ; no. 3
On the impact of new recording, sampling and reproduction technologies upon the old world of copyright law. Examines digital music, coputer-generated art, mass newspaper reporting, and property rights. PANELISTS: Don Joyce, recording artist with the Negativland group| Bruce Hartford, Secretary-Treasurer of the National Writers Union| Bob Haslam, patent and copyright attorney. Funded by the Telecommunications Education Trust.(58 min)

Series: D.C.'s consciousness industry 2-6

  1. Echoes of Frederick Douglass / produced by Tim Frasca, Adi Gevins and Musindo Mwinyipembe. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0111
    Series: D.C.'s consciousness industry ; no. 2.
    Report on the Douglass Letter, a Republican National Committee publication aimed at Black voters. Includes an interview with the editor and a visit to the Frederick Douglass museum.(15 min.)
  2. Capitalspeak : the many inventive varieties of the English language manufactured in Washington, D.C. / produced by Tim Frasca, Adi Gevins and Musindo Mwinyipembe. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0112
    Series: D.C.'s consciousness industry ; no. 3.
    Examination of official Washington language; the jargon and aArchives # BBreviations which limit access to government information.(15 min.)
  3. God : the tie-breaking vote / produced by Tim Frasca, Adi Gevins and Musindo Mwinyipebe. , 1983.
    Archives # PZ0113
    Series: D.C.'s consciousness industry ; no. 4.
    Examination of the ethical and philosophical questions involving religion in the American experience; particularly its role in modern politics. (15 min.)
  4. The Washington cocktail party : a study in the separation of press and state / produced by Tim Frasca, Adi Gevins and Musindo Mwinyipembe. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0114
    Series: D.C.'s consciousness industry ; no. 5.
    Documentary from actualities exploring the role of the cocktail party in national political decision-making.(15 min.)
  5. Reagonomics : the symbolic balance / produced by Tim Frasca, Adi Gevins and Musindo Mwinyipembe. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0115
    Series: D.C.'s consciousness industry ; no. 6.
    Historical documentary exploring how the tradition of American "rugged individualism" has been transformed into an economic policy.(15 min.)

Robert Creeley and John Wieners / introduced by Ed Sanders 1966.
Archives # BB3840.10
Series: Poetry center ; no. 10.
Poets read selections of their work. (48 min.)

What future for our children / Benjamin Spock; introduced by Dr. Alfred Rifkin 1970.
Archives # BB4262
Recorded: at Roosevelt Hotel, 5 Dec. 1970.
Talk on the need for today's adults to build a meaningful and safe world for their children. (43 min.)

Bill of Rights radio education project / Adi Gevins, executive producer
Fifteen 29 minute programs on the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution. 1982.
Adi Gevins, executive producer; Marie Ritzo, associate producer; Anita Parlow, research associate; David Selvin, project engineer.

  1. The Second Amendment : interpretations and misinterpretations / produced by David Selvin ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.01
    On the right to bear arms. (29 min.)
  2. Pressure groups, censorship, and the First Amendment : a journey through the marketplace of ideas / produced by Patricia Neighmond ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.02
    Effects of pressure groups on the media. Received Corporation for Public Broadcasting award, 1982.(29 min.)
  3. Of God, land, and nation : Native American land claims and the Bill of Rights / produced by Anita Parlow ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.03
    Focus on Micosukii tribe in Florida. Contributions by Keith Stout, Smokey Bear, Mad Dog Singers, and Woman Sound.
  4. Neutral against God : school prayer and the First Amendment / produced by Deborah Amos ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.04
    The conflict between freedom of religion and the separation of church and state is explored, referencing Engle v. Vitale (1962), the 1980 resolution supporting voluntary prayer in public schools, and the 1982 Supreme Court ruling that voluntary prayer is also in violation of the First Amendment. (29 min.)
  5. And throw away the key : the Eighth Amendment and cruel and unusual punishment / produced by Kathy McAnally ; with associate producer Ellin O'Leary ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.05
    Explores conditions in prisons which have been judged unconstitutionally cruel. (29 min.)
  6. Public libraries and the First Amendment / principal production by Marie Ritzo ; initial production by Geri Calkins ; additional production by David Selvin ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.06
    On censorship and book banning in libraries; includes the case against Kathy Russell, director of the Washington County Public Library in Abingdon, Virginia. (29 min)
  7. The Birds, the bees, and the Constitution : sex education in the public schools / produced by Peggy Stein ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.07
    (29 min)
  8. The Politics of the original sin : entrapment, temptation, and the Constitution / produced by David Selvin ; narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.08
    The legality of Sting operations, ABSCAM, COINTELPRO, and other entrapment. Discussion of American law enforcement, police procedures, and the bill of rights, specifically the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. (29 min.)
  9. He went and preached unto the spirits in prison : freedom of religion in American penal institutions / principal production by Amina Hassan ; with associate producer Carol Jones narrated by Brenda Wilson. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.09
    On prisoner's rights. Also published under the title Freedom of religion in prison. (29 min)
  10. Life and death : the issue of abortion / produced by Laurie Garrett ; narrated by Kathy McAnally. 1982.
    Archives # PZ0047.10
    Documentary presenting both sides of the abortion issue and a history of abortion in the U.S. Includes interviews with James Moore, Peggy Bendroff, Rhonda Copeland, John Gorvey, Thomas Gray, Charles Rice, C. Everett Coop, and Marianne Warren.(29 min.)
  11. Open secrets : technological transfer, national security and the First Amendment / produced by John Rieger. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0047.11
    Whether the First Amendment protects the communication of scientific information that may endanger national security.(29 min)
  12. Cults and the Constitution : who's abusing whom? / produced by Andrew Ross. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0047.12
    Examines whether new religions, their practices and tax status, are protected by the First Amendment guarantee of religious freedom.(29 min)
  13. Television on trial: cameras in the courts / produced by Richard Mahler. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0047.13
    The conflict between freedom of the press and the defendant's right to a fair trial.(29 min)
  14. Without due process : prejudice in the application of the Bill of Rights to citizens and non-citizens / produced by Ginna Allison and Adi Gevins with Michael Yoshida. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0047.14
    Explores the historical and legal basis for the wartime internment of Japanese-Americans, the detention of Haitian refugees, and the tactics of the INS Operations JOBS. (29 min.)
  15. Crazy and/or guilty as charged : Constitutional aspects of the insanity plea and diminished capacity defenses / produced by Adi Gevins and Ginna Allison. 1983.
    Archives # PZ0047.15
    Documentary with actualities. (29 min.)

Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project

  1. Crazy and/or guilty as charged : insanity defense, diminished capacity, and the Constitution / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.01
    Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 1
    A documentary examining the changing legal rulings on the insanity plea. This program looks at John Hinckley's insanity acquittal, Dan White's diminished capacity verdict, and comments by legal experts, politicians, psychiatrists, and those acquitted on the basis of insanity (29 min)
  2. Abortion : a matter of life and death / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.02
    Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 2
    This program traces the legislative history of abortion regulation, featuring both pro and anti-abortion activists. This Program also examines the Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade case. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by Laurie Garrett, 1982. (29 min)
  3. Television on trial : cameras in the courts / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.03
    Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 3
    This documentary examines the competing values and interests of courtroom media coverage through court testimony, music, and archival material (29 min.)
  4. Gun control and the second amendment : interpretations and misinterpretations / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.04
    Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 4
    A documentary from interviews with loArchives # BByists and people on the street, as well as, recorded news coverage. This program examines communities with tough gun control laws to highlight the complexities of this emotional issue. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by David Selvin, 1982. (29 min)
  5. Open secrets : technological transfer, National security, and the First Amendment / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.05
    Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 5
    An examination of the philosophical, legal, historical, and practical contexts of technology for nationalistic purposes. This program looks at the impact of government control on the spreading of knowledge, the implications for academic freedom, privacy, trade secrets, and export controls. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding fron the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by John Reiger, 1983.
    CAST: Mary Cheh, Allan Adler, Stephen Gould, Edward Teller, Richard Wollensak.(29 min.)
  6. The Birds, the bees, and the Constitution : sex education in the public schools / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.06
    Series: The Bicentenial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 6
    6 This program presents viewpoints of parents, students, teachers and attorneys, as well as, scholars on the conflicting perspectives of sex education in schools. This program also examines the rights of parents and students within a constitutional framework. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by Peggy Stein, 1982.
    CAST: Phyllis Schaefly, Joseph Gusfield, Robert Bard, Douglas Kirby.(29 min)
  7. Of God, land, and nation : Native American land claims and the Bill of Rights / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.07
    Series: The Bicentenial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 7
    This program examines the historical, legal, and philosophical contexts of land rights battles. This program also uses illustrative cases and interviews with Native Americans, government officials, land rights attorneys, and actuality of Indian music and prayer. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding fron the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by Anita Parlow, 1982.
    CAST: Suzan Harjo, Arlinda Locklear, George Friederickson, Tim Coulter, Oren Lyons.
    Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union, with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation, St. Louis, Mo., and the California Council for the Humanities. (29 min.)
  8. Pressure groups, censorship, and the first amendment / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.08
    Series: The Bicentenial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 8
    This program combines actuality of demonstrations, interviews with entertainers, city officials, communications scholars, and attorneys to highlight the dilemma of the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech and the role of power in exercising that right. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. original program produced by Patricia Neighmond.
    CAST: Todd Gitlin, Phyllis Schaefly, Bernard Yoh.(29 min)
  9. And Throw away the key : the eighth amendment and cruel and unusual punishment / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.09
    Series: The Bicentenial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 9
    This program examines the recent realization of the deplorable conditions in most prisons and suggests new alternatives - house arrest, reduced sentences, and the private ownership of prisons. This program also includes interviews with "jailhouse lawyers" and contains actuality from the Attica riots. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by Kathy McAnally with Ellin O'Leary, 1982.
    CAST: Al Bronstein, Phillip Johnson, William Turner, Jessica Mitford, David Rothman, Tom Wicker.(29 min.)
  10. Without due process : prejudice in the application of Constitutional rights of citizens and non-citizens / produced by Adi Gevins. , 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.10
    Series: The Bicentenial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 10
    A documentary from recorded testimony from hearings before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, recorded proceedings of INS deportation hearings, a tour of Ellis Island, historic news stories, interviews, speeches, and music. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. Original program produced by Ginna Allison and Adi Gevins with Michael Yoshida, 1983.
    CAST: Leo Ribuffo, Wade Henderson, Ira Kursban, Dan Stein, Minoru Yasui.
    Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union, with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation, St. Louis, Mo., and the California Council for the Humanities. (29 min)
  11. He went and preached unto the spirits in prison : freedom of religion in American penal institutions / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.11
    Series: The Bicentennial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 11
    This program examines the history, philosophy, and legal context of religious practices in American prisons - court attitudes, changes since the 1960's, the Black Muslim movement, and its impact on the judiciary. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. original program produced by Amina Hassan with Yemayah Rollins, 1982.CAST: Al Bronstein, Suzan Harjo, Mikel Ba'ath, Archie Fire Lamedeer, C. Eric Lincoln, Reverend Ben Chavis.(29 min.)
  12. Neutral against God : prayer in the public schools / produced by Adi Gevins. 1987.
    Archives # PZ0134.12
    Series: The Bicentenial edition of the Bill of Rights radio education project ; no. 12
    This program contains excerpts from sermons, political gatherings and speeches, interviews with religious and political leaders, school children, attorneys, and sociologists. Sponsored by the Pacifica Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union with funding from the Deer Creek Foundation and the California Council for the Humanities. original program produced by Deborah Amos, 1982.
    CAST: Barry Lynn, Ken Briggs, Ed McAteer, Matt Smyth, Leo Pfeffer.(29 min.)

Series: Family of Women

  1. Women and politics / produced by Elisabeth Perez Luna. 1986.
    Archives # SZ0330.01
    Series: Family of women ; no. 1
    This program examines how women become involved in politics, some traditional and innovative ways for women to become involved in politics, and how access to political paticipation has altered the balance of power. (29 min.)
  2. Women and work / produced by Karen Michel McPherson. 1986.
    Archives # SZ0330.02
    Series: Family of women ; no. 2
    This program examines what has constituted "women's work" as defined by custom, religion, and statute. This program also examines how education and access to credit are altering the kinds of work women are allowed to perform. (29 min.)
  3. Third World women and marriage / produced by Judi Moore Smith. 1986.
    Archives # SZ0330.03
    Series: Family of women ; no. 3
    On the growing conflict between the rising status of women and the commitment of marriage, which continues to be the most important legal institution effecting the lives of women, especially in Third World country. (29 min.)
  4. Women's Reproductive Rights / produced by Adi Gevins. 1986.
    Archives # SZ0330.05
    Series: Family of women ; no. 5
    This program is about women's health care, reproductive freedom, and family planning programs, including the practical and political impact of new reproductive technologies. . Award winning.(29 min.)
  5. Special reports : women around the world. 1986.
    Archives # SZ0330.06
    Series: Family of women ; no. 6
    Pt.1. The international debt crisis -- Pt.2. Israeli-Palestinian dialogue -- Pt.3. South African women in exile -- Pt.4. Depo-Provera -- Pt.5. Women's development projects in an African village. (39 min.)

The Pacifica Radio Archives Preservation & Access Project is funded (in part) by awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, grants from The Ford Foundation, The Pacifica Foundation, supporters of the Pacifica Radio Archives, members of the Adopt-a-Tape program, and listeners to Pacifica Radio Stations, KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI, WPFW.

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