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Radio Arts (NEA Grant 2010-2011) | Pacifica Radio Archives

Radio Arts (NEA Grant 2010-2011)

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Radio Arts

Included in this section are diverse recordings that include radio dramas, literary readings, interviews with artists and music performances.

All tapes are presumed copyright of the Pacifica Radio Archives and have been made available for public consumption unless otherwise noted. If you have any inquiries concerning the copyright status of any of the tapes listed below, please contact Brian DeShazor, director of the Pacifica Radio Archives, at (818) 506-1077 x263.

Actors' Equity Association awards Ed Asner the 1982 Paul Robeson Award

The recording is an excerpt from the 1982 Equity Award Dinner with Ed Asner receiving that 1982 Paul Robeson Award. Nancy Marchand makes the presentation of the award. Asner's speech acknowledges the great talent of Robeson, mentions those who helped, and contributions. Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1153.

Alice Walker interviewed by Kris Welch and Philip Maldari

Alice Walker, an African-American author, poet, and activist, is interviewed by Kris Welch. Walker talks about her non-fiction book and documentary, "Warrior Marks : Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women" which was co-written by Pratibha Parmar. She speaks of the origin and process of female mutilation and circumcision. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1415.

Anais Nin reads from The Diary of Anais Nin

Author Anais Nin (1903-1977) reads excerpts from her memoirs published as The Diary of Anais Nin. Broadcast: 1966-10-04, KPFA. Archive #BB1923.

Andrea Dworkin interviewed by Kris Welch

Andrea Dworkin is a well-known radical American feminist, anti-pornography activist, pro-women activist, writer, and poet. She is author of "Pornography : Men Possessing Women", "Women Hating", and several other titles. They talk about her newest novel, "Mercy", which is a chronological story of a woman who has been raped. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1413.

Art Against Apartheid: A commemoration for the Soweto Massacre

Tracie Jones reads poetry and a representative of an African National Congress women's group discusses demonstrations in Harlem, as well as international and UN pressure on the South African government to end apartheid. Other female poets, including June Jordan, share their works. Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1152.

Audio Experimental Theater: Interview with Meredith Monk about "Quarry"

Charles Ruas interviews Meredith Monk about her adaptation of opera "Quarry" for radio. Meredith Monk is an American composer, choreographer and vocalist who has explored various uses of multi-media. Ruas and Monk discuss the difference between the live and radio performance, as well as her experience with planning and choreographing the show. Broadcast: 1976-08-10, WBAI. Archive #IZ1147A.

The Barretts of Bleecker Street, Jerry Stiller and Ann Meara

Improvisational comedy duo Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara perform as The Barretts of Bleecker Street in the WBAI studio. Broadcast: WBAI October 1962 and 4 Apr. 1966 and KPFA, November 1962 and January 1963. Archive #BB3610.

Ben Legere talks about his life

Benjamin J. "Ben" Legere, 1887-1972, actor, playwright, and labor leader in both the American and Canadian Labor movements as an I.W.W. organizer and as a member of the General Executive Board of the Canadian One Big Union, discusses his life. This recording is likely source material used for the series "Reminiscences of a Rebel: the autobiography of Benjamin J. Legere," which broadcast on WBAI in October 1966 (from KPFA). Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1376.

Bishop Desmond Tutu interviewed by Kris Welch

Kris Welch interviews Bishop Desmond Tutu, a South African activist and the first black Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town. Welch mentions his book, "Rainbow People of God : Making of a Peaceful Revolution" which is a chronological documentary collection of his speeches, sermons, and letters from 1976 to 1994. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1414.

Cartoonist Andrea Natalie interviewed by Josy Catoggio

Andrea Natalie, lesbian feminist cartoonist, author, creator, and artist of three cartoon series collections "Stonewall Riots," "The Night Audrey's Vibrator Spoke," and "Rubyfruit Mountain" interviewed by Josy Catoggio of Feminist Magazine. They discuss her work, other lesbian feminist cartoonists, and her life. Broadcast: 1994-04-03, KPFK. Archive #KZ4052.

Conversation with Vincent Harding, interviewed by Julius Lester

Julius Lester interviews African American author, activist, and Spelman College professor Vincent Gordon Harding (b. 1931-) Broadcast on WBAI, August 25, 1968. Archive #BB3788.10.

"Dear Friends: Let's Eat"- Firesign Theater Aircheck

The Firesign Theater is an American comedy group which consists of Phil Austin (Nick Danger), Philip Proctor, Peter Bergman, and David Ossman. Broadcast: 1972-02-25, KPFK. Archive #KZ4067.

Dizzy Gillespie day: Rio Clemente live at the Village Gate

WBAI fundraiser "Dizzy Gillespie Day" held at the Village Gate in New York City on August 30, 1977. This recording contains part one of the event, an interview with Dizzy Gillespie's guitarist Rodney Jones and the music of jazz pianist Rio Clemente. See IZ0991 for part two of this event, Dizzy Gillespie performing at the Village Gate. Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1157.

Don't Look for Me in the Picture Show

Produced by Ohio State Award-winner Beverly Hickman, art historian Elizabeth Kahn, and Ellen Rocco, "Don't Look for Me in the Picture Show" is about Vietnam: art, reconciliation and the next generation. Like the War, this program is strong, moving, and sometimes disturbing - with no single view, no simple narrative. Restricted: Contact Pacifica Radio Archives for more information. Broadcast: KPFK. Archive #KZ4057.

Dylan Thomas reads Sean O'Casey, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and Wilfred Owen

Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) reads Chapter 1 of Sean O'Casey's autobiography "I Knock at the Door", Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem "The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo, and Wilfred Owen's poem "Strange Meeting" (cut off) at the YM-YWHA Poetry Center (92nd Street Y) in New York City on May 15, 1952. Broadcast: 1952-05-15, KPFA. Archive #BB1939.

Edith Piaf in memoriam, produced by Carlos Hagen

Carlos Hagen produced this documentary on the art, style and life of Piaf, abundantly illustrated with some of the best examples of her art, including a number of rare recordings of her songs. The program dramatically traces the arc of Piaf's life through stories and songs. Broadcast: 1974-04-24, KPFK. Archive #BC1825A, BC1825B.

From the Women's Coffeehouse: A Program of Music & Poetry

Recorded live on Saturday night, December 17, 1977, the Women's Coffeehouse put on a benefit for the WBAI Women's Programming. Among those performing are Argentinian-born folksinger Suni Paz, poet Sharon Thomson, poet Alice Walker, and musician Lynn Messinger. Contains "frank language." Broadcast: 1977-12-18, WBAI. Archive #IZ1145A.

Gary Snyder, Zen poet: interviewed by Austin Strauss

Gary Snyder (b. 1930), Pulitzer Prize winning poet (1975), reads and discusses his work and its world context. Broadcast: 198-, KPFK. Archive #KZ1851.

Gay Day Concert Aircheck

Includes performances by jazz combo Creation City, readings by the poet Graciela Perez Trevizan in both English and Spanish, folksinger Michael Krunkshank sings a few songs, Diane Bogus reads her erotica poetry, and more. Last broadcast: 1981-06-20, KPFK. Archive #KZ4066A, KZ4066B.

Listen to:

Geri Allen interviewed by Andrea Lewis

Andrea Lewis interviews Geri Allen, jazz pianist, who speaks about her background and influences.Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1400.

Gore Vidal interviewed by Kris Welch and Philip Maldari

Gore Vidal is an America novelist, playwright, and critic. He wrote a collection of essays called "The United States 1952-1992" which won the 1993 National Book Award. Maldari announces that Vidal will be the featured speaker at Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley on February 14, 1994. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1410.

Hollywood's Eden: a retrospective series on the Hollywood blacklist

Programs broadcast: 1977-04-26 to 1977-06-10 on KPFK.

Part 1: the second generation of the Hollywood blacklist. Children of several of Hollywood's blacklisted entertainment professionals discuss their families' experiences and the effects of their parents being blacklisted. Hosted by Larry Ceplair. Panel includes Stephen Carnovsky, Emily Corey, Dan Bessie, Becca Wilson, Chris Trumbo, and Tom Levitt. Archive #KZ0377.01.

Part 2: Hollywood's Eden-before the red-baiting. Panel discussion of the events leading up to and including the blacklisting of several Hollywood entertainment professionals in the 1940s. Panel includes Abraham Polonsky (labor organizer, writer, and filmmaker), Edward Biberman (artist and anti-fascism activist), Sam Brody (Film and Photo League), and Emil Freed (Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research). Archive #KZ0377.02.

Part 3: panel discusses labor activism and the Hollywood blacklisting. Panel including screenwriter Millard Lampell, trade union and political activist Dorothy Healey, and Paul Perlin discusses labor activism and blacklisting in Hollywood in the 1940s and 1950s. Archive #KZ0377.03.

Part 4: the blacklist black market and expatriate experience. Panel discussion of Blacklisted writers and their works in exile including Chris Trumbo, Ben Barzman, Michael Butler, and John Bright. Archive #KZ0377.04.

Part 5: breaking the blacklist. Panel discusses how previously blacklisted Hollywood entertainment professional eventually went back to work. Panel includes Fred Rinaldo, Chris Trumbo, Bruce Cook, and Buddy Tyne. Archive #KZ0377.05.

I Too Have Lived in Arcadia: pastoral, in the present times by V.R. Lang

"I Too Have Lived in Arcadia." is a verse play by V.R. Lang. This performance was played as part of an evening devoted to the work of V.R. Lang in January of 1976. Broadcast: 1976-01, WBAI. Archive #IZ1138A, IZ1138B.

Inquest At Christiana, written and directed by Jon Katz

Performance of Katz's documentary play about the resistance of fugitive slaves in Christiana, Pennsylvania on September 11, 1851. Broadcast on WBAI, May 16, 1968. Archive #BB3818.18A, BB3818.18B.

Listen to:

An interview and reading with novelist Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison is an African-American novelist who won the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature in 1993 and the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction for her book "Beloved" in 1988. Contains sensitive language. Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1151.

Interview with Bishop Desmond Tutu

Kris Welch and Philip Maldari interview Bishop Desmond Tutu, South African activist and the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town. Welch mentions his book, "Rainbow People of God : Making of a Peaceful Revolution" which is a chronological documentary collection of his speeches, sermons, and letters from 1976 to 1994. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1399.

Interview with Harvey Fierstein

David Rothenberg interviews actor, playwright and gay civil rights activist Harvey Fierstein. Fierstein talks about his background in theater and writing. Broadcast: 1983, WBAI. Archive #IZ1139.

Interview with Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago talks about the 250,000, 5 year, 500 person collaboration, the Dinner Party now on at the Brooklyn Museum until Jan. 18, 1981. She sees art and feminism as indivisible and sees her long term struggles in the light of women's history. Broadcast: 1985-09-12, WBAI. Archive #IZ1161.

Interview with Viola Farber about dance

Peggy Spina speaks with Viola Farber (February 25, 1931-December 24, 1998), a German- American dancer and choreographer who started her own company, The Viola Farber Dance Company. Farber speaks about her inspiration for her choreography, which comes from simple movements she sees throughout her day. Broadcast: 1977-05-09, WBAI. Archive #IZ1142.

Jennifer Warnes music and interview by Howard Larman

Jennifer Warnes (1947- ) is an American singer and songwriter. She has won four Academy Awards for Best Original Song. Some of the songs she performs include Stephen Bishop's songs "Every minute" and "Thief in the night", Steve Ferguson's song "Barfly", and other compositions of her own. Archive #BC1814.15.

June Jordan interviewed by Josy Catoggio

Josy Catoggio of Feminist Magazine interviews June Jordan, author of "Haruko|Love Poems," "Technical Difficulties," and "On Call: Political Essays, 1981-1985," on her writing, politics, feminism, racism and the state of America. (Program ends at 00:28:21, but additional material continues.) Broadcast: 1994-03-08, KPFK. Archive #KZ4050.

June Jordan: Affirmative Acts, A celebration of the writing, teaching, and activism of June Jordan (in three parts)

Part one: A celebration in honor of the publication of Jordan's twenty-fifth book "Affirmative Acts" and her career. Speakers on this recording (Part 1 of 2) include: Trinh T. Minh-ha, Junichi Semitsu, Bernice Johnson Reagon, and more. Broadcast: KPFA.
Archive #AZ1401A, AZ1401B.

Part two: Speakers on this recording include: Angela Davis (who also reads tributes by Toni Morrison and Alice Walker), Adrienne Torf, Barbara Brenner, Pratibha Parmar, Xochi Candelaria, Poetry for the People participants, and Jordan herself. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1401C, AZ1401D.

Part three: June Jordan - A Tribute. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1401E.

Kris Welch and Chuy Varela interview Bobby McFerrin

Kris Welch and Chuy Varela interview Bobby McFerrin, an African-American singer, songwriter, and conductor, for KPFA Morning Show. They talk about his new release, "Circlesongs" circa 1998. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1416.

Live at the Village Gate: Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers

Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers perform at the Village Gate with Art Blakey (1919-1990) on drums, Walter Davis, Jr. on piano, Dennis Irwin on bass, David Schnitter on tenor sax, Bobby Watson on Alto Sax, and Valery Ponomarev on trumpet. The group performs Walter Davis, Jr.'s "Jodi," David Schnitter's "Mishima," and two other songs.Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1158.

Live at the Village Gate: Nina Sheldon Trio

Recording contains the Nina Sheldon Trio performing Wayne Shorter's "Footprints" and Antonio Carlos Jobim's "Wave" at the Village Gate in New York City, with Nina Sheldon on piano and vocals, Wayne Dockery on bass, and Adam Nussbaum on drums. An interview with Nina Sheldon by Bill Farrar follows the set. Show cuts back to studio and Coleman Hawking and Bud Powell's performance of "Blues in the Closet" from "Hawk in Germany."Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1159.

Local Lesbian Musicians

Unsigned lesbian musicians perform their original material with host Lori Medigovich. Last broadcast: 1995-07-19, KPFK. Archive #KZ4056A, KZ4056B, KZ4056C.

Ma Rainey's Black Bottom: Interview with Charles S. Dutton

David Rothenberg interviews Charles S. Dutton about August Wilson's play "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" in which he now stars on Broadway as Levee the trumpeter. Dutton talks about his life in reform school, juvenile court and Maryland Prison. He speaks of how his passion and love of acting came to be. Broadcast: 1984-11, WBAI. Archive #IZ1137.

Manhattan Theater Club Poetry Cabaret

Writers in Performance brings together poetry and jazz. Poets Wes Brown, Alan Ziegler, Alexis Devone [sp?] and Gwendolen Hardwick share their poems which are mostly accompanied with music. Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1154.

Meg Christian performs at the Women's Music Festival

Meg Christian performs at the Women's Music Festival just after the release of her album "Turning it over," on Olivia Records. Broadcast: KPFK. Archive #KZ4061.

Memorial for Phil Ochs, produced by Ed Pearl

Program dedicated to political songwriter and performer Phil Ochs (1940-1976) that includes a May 1973 Studs Terkel interview with Ochs and close friend Bob Gibson, and Ed Pearl interviewing Ochs' brother and manager Michael. Broadcast: 1981, KPFK. Archive #KZ1048A, KZ1048B.

Michael Murphy: One Man Folk Festival

Michael Murphy (1945- ) is interviewed by Host Howard. Murphy speaks of his Western music background and performs and talks about some of his songs, including "Geronimo's Cadillac". Produced by Roz Larman. Archive #BC1814.19.

"Mingus": audio from 1966 documentary

The tape contains audio from the 1966 film "Mingus", a documentary about Charles Mingus Jr. (1922-1979), a well-known American jazz musician and civil rights activist. The audio includes his music as well as an interview with Charles Mingus and his 7-year-old daughter while awaiting eviction from their apartment. Restricted: Contact Pacifica Radio Archives for more information. Broadcast: KPFK.
Archive #KZ4074A, KZ4074B.

Nelson Mandela: noblest son of Africa - 50th anniversary of Pacifica Radio

Several voices come together to tell the four part documentary on the life and influence of Nelson Mandela, South African president who served from 1994-1999 and the first president to be elected by a representative democratic election. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1412.

The night the "Provos" took over KPFK

"Michael Agnello" and "Peter Lief" of the "Provo" movement are interviewed by host Peter Bergman, receiving calls and answering questions from listeners. Eventually members of the Hollywood "Provo" group arrive, take over the airwaves, and shut down the show. Produced by Peter Bergman. Broadcast: 1974-07-24, KPFK. Archive #KZ4053.

The night the "Provos" took over KPFK

Complete air-check of Radio Free Oz episode in which "Michael Agnello" and "Peter Lief" of the "Provo" movement are interviewed by host Peter Bergman, receiving calls and answering questions from listeners. Eventually members of the Hollywood "Provo" group arrive, take over the airwaves, and shut down the show. Produced by Peter Bergman. Also see KZ4053. Last broadcast: 1984-07-27, KPFK. Archive #KZ4063.

Of resistance, disobedience and objection: a Christmas celebration

A tribute to and celebration of great American men and women, known and unknown, who dared and suffered to speak truth to power.

Part 1: Allen Ginsberg reads his poem "Death to Van Gogh's Ear". Songs include "When Johnny comes marching home." Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #BC0529.01.

Part 2: Begins with Pete Seeger singing "Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream" and is introduced by Everett Frost. Ends with a recording of "Come Away Melinda" sung by Judy Collins. Broadcast: BC. Archive #BC0529.02.

Part 3: Songs include "Masters of War" and "A Hard rain's a- gonna Fall" by Bob Dylan. Broadcast: BC. Archive #BC0529.03.

Part 4: Broadcast: BC. Archive #BC0529.04.

On Rashied Ali, produced by Mary Kasamatsu.

On his life and music.Broadcast: 1977-07-01, WPFW. Archive #WZ0149.

Our sheroes and heroes, Maya Angelou, interviewed by Susan Anderson.

Recording contains Susan Anderson's 1976 interview with Maya Angelou, talking about her new book "Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas," her first friendship with a white woman, her sense of religion, her career, and her never ending sense of frustration with her writing. Broadcast: 1982-02-24, KPFK. Archive #KZ1207.

Pacifica collage, produced by Terry Hodel

A collage of highlights and historical moments from Pacifica's radio programming, demonstrating the difference between public and commercial radio, and promoting the need to support a free speech alternative. Broadcast: 1980 [?], KPFK. Archive #KZ1088.

Patricia Nell Warren interviewed by Josy Catoggio

Patricia Nell Warren, novelist & author of "The Front Runner," "Fancy Dancer," "One is the Sun," and "Harlan's Race" is interviewed by Josy Catoggio of Feminist Magazine on her books, her life & the Eagles school program for gay youth. Recording has bleed-through, not suitable for broadcast. Broadcast: 1994-12-04, KPFK. Archive #KZ4051.

Personal Computer Show: Interviews with Bill Gates and Steve Frieds

Ross Greenberg and Dave Bernstein interview Steve Fried of Microway, which is Intel's 5th largest customer for all their microcomputer components. Hank Kee interviews Bill Gates of Microsoft. He shares his views of yesterday, today, and tomorrow in personal computing. The interview was recorded in the patio of a hotel so the sound quality varies. Broadcast: last: 1986-12-28, WBAI. Archive #IZ1146.

Pete Seeger Marathon II WBAI 1969-05-10

WBAI raises funds by having a Pete Seeger marathon. Seeger performs several songs which include "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy", "Tomorrow is a Highway", "God Bless the Grass", Woody Guthrie's "Put Your Finger in the Air", 'Seek and You Shall Find", and several more. He weaves various stories throughout his performance. Broadcast: 1969-05-10, WBAI. Archive #IZ1155.

Pete Seeger, Odetta

The recording alternates with Pete Seeger and Odetta. Seeger sings the tune of "In the Jungle", "If I Had a Hammer", and several more.Odetta sings "We Shall Overcome", "God's Gonna Cut You Down", "Let Me Ride" and various others. Many of the songs are cut short. Broadcast: WBAI. Archive #IZ1162.

Rita Mae Brown interviewed by Kris Welch and Philip Maldari

Rita Mae Brown is an American author who talks about her book "Venus Envy", which is about a woman who comes out about her sexuality after a misdiagnosis of lung cancer, as well as telling everybody what she thinks. Brown has authored several other books such as "Rubyfruit Jungle", "A Nose of Justice" and the "Sister Jane Foxhunting Mystery" series. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1411.

Rod and Bob Jackson-Paris interviewed by Josy Catoggio

Josy Catoggio interviews the body-building gay married couple Rod and Bob Jackson-Paris. They discuss their biographical book "Straight from the Heart: A Love Story," Tom Bianchi's book of photographs of them entitled "Bob & Rod," their relationship and their careers, politics, posing, and spirituality. Broadcast: 1994-09-18, KPFK. Archive #KZ4065.

Seneca's Oedipus

Oedipus was presented by Performance Group of New York City in December of 1977 and January of 1978. It was performed at the Performing Garage in the Soho area of New York. The play was adapted by Ted Hughes from a translation by David Anthony Turner, and directed by Richard Schechner. Broadcast: 1979-04-23, WBAI. Archive #IZ1144A, IZ1144B.

Singer-songwriter Jamie Anderson is interviewed by Lori Medigovich

Lori Medigovich plays the music of and interviews lesbian singer-songwriter Jamie Anderson. They discuss her life, her music, and women's and lesbian music in general. Broadcast: 1992-07-05, KPFK. Archive #KZ4060.

The spiritual and political significance of Chanukah

Arthur Waskow, Director of Shalom Jewish Peace Center in Philadelphia, talks with Joel Gamon about Chanukah as both a religious and a political event. The program also includes Charles Bell reporting from a ceremonial lighting of the Menorah by Dean Hansell of the Jewish Peace Fellowship and Don Bustany of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.Broadcast: 1990-12-11, KPFK. Archive #KZ1607.

Theatre now, produced by Rick Harris and Lin Harris.

Judith Malina, Joseph Chaikin, Richard Schechner and Julian Beck discuss theatre in New York. Recorded at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) in Brooklyn, New York, April 23, 1975, broadcast on WBAI, May 19, 1975. Broadcast: 1975-05-19, WBAI. Archive #BC2253.

"To Women" by Count Leo Tolstoy, read by Larry Josephson

Larry Josephson reads an essay by the Count on the so called women's question. "Very Controversial." Broadcast: last: 1983-11-23, WBAI. Archive #IZ1141.

Unwrapping a beautiful stranger: interview with and readings of Rosalyn Drexler

Recording contains dramatic readings from Rosalyn Drexler (born 1926), accomplished Pop-Art painter, author and playwright's books "I am the Beautiful Stranger," "One or Another," "To Smithereens," and "The Cosmopolitan Girl," interspersed with interview footage of Drexler discussing her life and writing. Readings performed by Drexler herself, Jan Albert (Producer), and David Rapkin (Technical producer). Broadcast: 1975-06-30, WBAI. Archive #BC2346A, BC2346B.

Listen to:

Walden Pond, read by John Carradine

Reading of Thoreau's book about living outside of society and close to nature. Broadcast: 1967-05-01 to 1967-05-16, KPFK. Archive #BB5073A.

Walter Mosley interviewed by Kris Welch

Kris Welch interviews Walter Mosley, an American novelist, at KPFA on November 7, 1997. Mosley is well-known for the historical mystery series, "Easy Rawlins." They discuss his new book, "Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned." Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1403.

WBAI benefit concert

Benefit concert for WBAI held on April 12, 1971 at Hunter College. Broadcast: 1971-06-10, WBAI. Archive #IZ1160A. IZ1160B.

A woman's work

On Monday 24th of May, C.J. Thompson interviews Linda Newland on sailing. A Woman's Work. Copyright for air. Broadcast: KPFA. Archive #AZ1405.

Writers in performance poetry series at the Manhattan Theater Club

Writers in Performance Poetry Series is an evening of extraordinary women who read their works which include poetry, fiction, and personal essay.

Part 3: In part three, Jana Harris reads several of her manuscripts, including "Manhattan is a Second Language". Bette Howland is another American poet and literary critic who reads several of her poems. Jill Johnston reads a story of the relationship between her and her mother. Broadcast: 1979-07-21, WBAI. Archive #IZ1143A, IZ1143B.

Part 4: The program features new fiction from Lynne Sharon Schwartz, Nelson Canton, and Jamaica Kincaid. Janet Sternberg, executive producer of the series, introduces the writers. Broadcast: 1979-08-12, WBAI. Archive #IZ1148A, IZ1148B.

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This project is supported in part by an award from the
National Endowment for the Arts.