About Us

About Us

We've earned a Silver Seal of Transparency!

Learn more about IFM’s impact through our nonprofit profile on GuideStar by Candid. 

The Silver Seal of Transparency acknowledges that the IFM has made key information public under our GuideStar profile. By participating in the GuideStar program, we seek to demonstrates our commitment to providing up-to-date information, which allows potential funders and donors to make an educated decision.


About Us

Established in 1989, the Institute for Financial Markets (IFM) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational foundation.  The IFM seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of the importance of derivatives markets and the financial service industry to the global economy and to improve the technical competence of those in the industry who deal with the public. In advancement of such purpose, the Institute engages in activities such as research and provides books, e-learning, instructor-led courses and sponsored conferences.

The IFM has a unique position in fulfilling the knowledge needs of industry professionals and investors, as well as other stakeholders of financial market information, such as lawmakers, regulators, educators, and the media. While most of these other stakeholders do not trade, nor directly service the needs of financial market participants, they still have a keen interest in the markets. Often, they serve in roles that shape legislation, policies, and practices, or inform and teach about the derivatives markets.

The IFM is incorporated in the District of Columbia and qualified as a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code. While we are an independent affiliate of FIA, and by statute, the IFM does not take an institutional position on issues nor participates in advocacy or on any campaign for elected public office.