Getting Started with the Disability Resource Center


 Make an Appointment & Fill Out an Application


 Talk with an Accessibility Consultant

  • Students can meet with an Accessibility Consultant via Zoom, phone call, or in person.
  • The Logan Campus DRC is located on the ground floor of the University Inn, Suite 101. The entrance to the DRC is located East of the Taggart Student Center (TSC). Parking is available in the Big Blue Parking Terrace
  • The Price Campus DRC is located in Room 223 of the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center.

 Know What to Expect for Your Initial Appointment

  • An Accessibility Consultant will discuss your academic goals, your current academic standing, and the barriers you may be experiencing with you.
  • An initial appointment typically lasts 25-45 minutes.
  • All students who receive services from the DRC are required to demonstrate and/or document a disability (documentation guidelines). If you already have documentation please bring it with you to your initial appointment. If not, options for obtaining documentation will be discussed during the appointment.
  • In-person appointments are preferred, but they can be conducted via phone or using web-conferencing software.