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business - Engels-Nederlands Woordenboek WordReference.com


UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈbɪznɪs/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈbɪznɪs/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(biznis)

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WordReference English-Dutch Dictionary © 2024:

Voornaamste vertalingen
business n (trade)handel nw de
 William is in business as a shoemaker.
business n countable (company)bedrijf nw het
  onderneming, zaak nw de
 My uncle wants to start his own business.
business n (economics: commerce)bedrijfskunde nw de
 Fiona is studying business at university.
business n informal (concerns)zaak nw de
 That's none of your business.
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Aanvullende vertalingen
business adj (of business)zaken- bn
  zakelijk bn
 The two sat down to deal with business matters.
business adj (suitable for business)zakelijk bn
 I put on my business suit.
business n (sales volume)handel, verkoop, omzet nw de
 We always have more business around the holidays.
business n (place of business)handelsplaats, zaak nw de
 This store is our business.
business n (matter, affair)zaak, kwestie nw de
  geval nw het
 Let's forget about the business with the bees.
 There are no items on the agenda under "new business".
business n (responsibility)taak, werk nw de
 My business is to look after my brothers.
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WordReference English-Dutch Dictionary © 2024:

Overeenkomende vermeldingen van de andere kant van het woordenboek
Voornaamste vertalingen
zakelijk bn (de zaak / zaken betreffend)business n as adj
  businesslike adj
  commercial adj
business nw de (bedrijf)business n
  company n
  enterprise n
maatschappij nw de (onderneming)company, firm, enterprise, business n
onderneming nw de (bedrijf)enterprise, company, business n
aangelegenheid nw de (kwestie)matter, affair, business n
  case n
firma nw de (bedrijf)firm, company, business n
  partnership n
handel nw de, ont. (inkoop en verkoop)trade, business
bedrijf nw het (zaak)company, firm, enterprise n
  business n
bedrijven nw mv (mv. van bedrijf)business n
werkzaamheid nw mv altijd meervoud (werk)activities, operations npl
  business n
business nw de (zaken)business n
zaak nw de (aangelegenheid, affaire)matter, affair, business n
  case n
handel nw de (bedrijf, zaak)business n
  shop, store n
zaak nw de (transactie, overeenkomst)business n
  deal n
  agreement n
zaak nw de (bedrijf, onderneming)business n
  shop, store n
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Aanvullende vertalingen
hoop nw de (ontlasting) (fig. faeces)business n
bedrijfsleven nw het, ont. (zakenwereld)business n
  trade and industry n
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Samengestelde woorden:
accounting business nw de (Boekhoudbedrijf)accounting business n
vr. bedrijfsleidster
nw de
(hoofd van een onderneming)manager, business manager n
Bemoei je lekker met je eigen zaken! uitroep informeel (Hou je erbuiten!)Mind your own business! interj
Bemoei je met je eigen zaken! uitroep informeel (Hou je erbuiten!)Mind your own business! interj
conjunctuur nw de (omstandigheden)economic situation n
  trade cycle, business cycle, economic cycle n
duistere praktijken bn+nw mv (praktijken op de rand van de legaliteit)shady practices, dark practices npl
  dirty dealings npl
  shady business n
duistere zaakjes bn+nw mv (zaken op de rand van de legaliteit)shady practices, dark practices npl
  dirty dealings npl
  shady business n
familiebedrijf nw het (bedrijf)family business n
gang van zaken nw de (hoe iets verloopt)course of events, course of business, course of affairs n
handelen onoverg.ww (handel drijven)trade, deal vi
  do business v expr
handelen in ww+vz (zaken doen in)trade in vi + prep
  do business in v expr
kaartje nw het (visitekaartje)business card, card n
lippen onoverg. ww (handel drijven)trade vi
  do business v expr
lucratief zaakje bn+nw het informeel (winstgevende handel)lucrative business n
management nw het, ont. (studie, bedrijfskunde)management n
  business administration n
relatie nw de (zakenpartner, kennis)relation n
  business partner n
  connection n
  contact n
showbusiness nw de (amusementsbedrijf)show business n
visitekaartje nw het (kaartje met gegevens)business card n
  (UK)visiting card n
  calling card n
Vlerick eigennaam (managementschool in Vlaanderen) (management school in Belgium)Vlerick Business School proper n
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WordReference English-Dutch Dictionary © 2024:

Samengestelde woorden:
big business n (large businesses collectively)zakenwereld nw de, ont.
 Big business is expected to maintain America's ability to compete in the world market.
big business n informal ([sth] very profitable) (informeel)goud geld nw het, ont.
  (inf., anglicisme)big business
 The arms trade is big business, with a trillion dollars being spent on military purchases each year.
business card n (businessperson's calling card)visitekaartje nw het
 I ordered my business cards from a well-known company that delivers promptly.
business center (US),
business centre (UK)
(town: commercial district)zakencentrum nw het
business cycle n (economic pattern)conjunctuurcyclus nw de
 The national economy is currently in the growth phase of the business cycle.
business district n (commercial area of a town or city)zakencentrum nw het
 You can find the large retail stores in the business district.
business English n (style of English)zakelijk Engels bn + nw
 Marisa is doing a course in business English.
business school n (school teaching business and management)economische hogeschool bn + nw
  (Belg., univeristeit)Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen nw mv, ont.
  (Belg., hogeschool)Economie nw de, ont.
 Hij studeert Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Gent.
 Ze studeert Economie aan de Karel de Grote-Hogeschool in Antwerpen.
business suit n (businessperson's formal outfit)kostuum, pak nw het
 Liam was wearing a smart business suit for his job interview.
plural: businesspeople
(commercial executive)zakenman nw de
do business vtr + n (trade)zaken doen nw + ww
 Africa is often regarded as a challenging continent on which to do business.
do business with [sb] v expr (trade or deal with)zaken doen met onoverg. uitdr.
 The US does business with China because each country uses the other's resources.
get down to business v expr (start now)aan de slag gaan, ter zake komen frase
 We need to get down to business if we hope to finish this today.
 We moeten ter zake komen als we vandaag nog willen afronden.
have no business doing [sth] v expr informal (not have the right)niet het recht hebben frase
 You have no business spreading gossip about me!
 Je hebt het recht niet om roddels te verspreiden over mij.
line of business n (profession, trade: field)branche, sector nw de
 In his line of business it is customary to pay in cash only.
 The company is going to eliminate the two lines of business that are not performing well.
mind your own business interj informal (the matter doesn't concern you) (informeel)bemoei je met je eigen zaken, bemoei je lekker met je eigen zaken tw
 Why don't you just mind your own business? If you mind your own business, you won't get in as much trouble.
show business n (entertainment industry)amusementsindustrie, entertainmentindustrie nw de
  (anglicisme)show business nw de
 She's been in show business since before we were born.
startup business (US),
start-up business (UK)
n as adj
(new business)beginnend, startend bn
  nieuw bn
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Collocatie: a (large) corporate business, (normal) business [days, hours], a [niche, specialized] business, meer...

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