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Keese are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][note 1]


Keese are bat-like creatures that inhabit Dungeons and Caves, similarly to their real-life counterparts. Following their debut in The Legend of Zelda, they have since become a staple of The Legend of Zelda series and have appeared in the majority of games with the exception of The Adventure of Link, where Keese are absent and are instead replaced by the similar Aches.

Keese often exist in clusters in the places where they are found. They fly around the screen erratically, not heading towards anything in particular, and stop to rest for a short amount of time on a neighboring wall or rock face. In some games, such as A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening, Keese move about the screen only when Link is within close proximity, otherwise they remain still. Later games, such as The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, introduce Keese with a slightly more active attack strategy, targeting Link, but pausing above him before striking, providing an opportunity for him to strike.

As small and commonplace creatures, Keese are relatively weak and can be dispatched with a variety of weaponry, from Swords and Boomerangs to Arrows and Bombs.

Keese are known to inhabit various forms in adapting to their surrounding environment. Notable variants include Fire Keese and Ice Keese, which are enveloped in fiery and icy mist, respectively. Less common forms include Keese Swarms, Shadow Keese, Electric Keese and Dark Keese. Vires, when defeated, will also split into a pair of Keese, which may or may not be fought.[9]

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda Manual Descriptionhide ▲
The Legend of Zelda logo
Vire & Keese
Vire is a devil that controls the Keeses. When Link cuts it with his sword, it turns into two Keeses. Keeses have little attacking power, but Vire is a little stronger.

Keese inhabit Dungeons in The Legend of Zelda. They resemble blue bats, and commonly appear in small to medium-sized groups. Keese flutter through rooms in a random path, stopping only periodically to rest. They are also the only enemies that are encountered in the game's side-scrolling chambers, where they can be found resting against the walls before taking flight. Keese can be defeated by any weapon in Link's arsenal, including the Sword, Bow and Candle. As they are very small enemies, the Boomerang will also defeat them as opposed to stunning them. Vires will split into two red Keese when defeated. These Keese are fought in the same manner as the common variety. Keese never drop any items when defeated.

A Link to the Past

Keese inhabit Caves and tunnels in the Light World of Hyrule in A Link to the Past. Unlike their previous incarnation, Keese remain still along Cave walls and crevices, but take flight when Link draws close. Keese in A Link to the Past have a more direct flight pattern than previous appearances, soaring in a curving arc as opposed to random flight, before resting again on the next wall. They are also encountered less frequently in groups, though they can still occasionally be found huddled together. They are weak enemies and can be defeated by any means of attack. In the Game Boy Advance version of A Link to the Past, Keese also appear as enemies in the Palace of the Four Sword.

The Dark World counterparts of Keese are Chasupa, which behave identically but are significantly stronger.

Link's Awakening

Keese often appear in small groups in Caves and Dungeons in Link's Awakening. They remain still until Link approaches, whereupon they take to the air and fly in a curving arc before briefly stopping to rest. They are much smaller than past appearances, and their darker coloration provides camoflauge against pits and makes them difficult to see. Despite this, Keese are still weak enemies and can be defeated by any attack.

Battle Bats are a similar enemy summoned by the Grim Creeper, and are also referred to as Keese.[11] When Vires are defeated, they will turn into a pair of Keese with skull faces, attempting to dive at Link before flying away.

Ocarina of Time

Keese are much more active than their previous appearances in Ocarina of Time; most fly around rooms without ever stopping to rest. They can occasionally be found huddled against walls, but take flight when disturbed. Keese are also much more aggressive, and will attempt to dive at Link whenever they spot him. Their attacks can be blocked by holding up the Shield. Keese can be defeated with any conventional weapon; however, due to the 3D environment and their high-altitude flight, Link may have to resort to using ranged weapons such as the Fairy Slingshot, Boomerang, Fairy Bow or Hookshot to reach these enemies. Yet as many are constantly in flight, they can be difficult to aim at without Targeting. Keese in Ocarina of Time do not inhabit Caves, and are instead only encountered in Dungeons, especially within dark corridors.

Ocarina of Time also introduces two variations: Fire Keese and Ice Keese. They are Keese that are enveloped in fiery and icy mist, respectively. Fire Keese will set Link on fire if they hit him and have their flames extinguished by blocking their attacks with the Shield. Ice Keese freeze Link and retain their flame when blocked by Link's shield.

Majora's Mask

Tatl's Commentshide ▲
Majora's Mask 3D
Tatl says:

A Keese. Use L-Targeting when it gets close. Even if it flies off, I'll follow it for you.

show more...
Majora's Mask

What?! Don't you know about the Keese? Use Z Targeting when it gets close. Even if it flies off, I'll follow it for you.

In Majora's Mask, Keese appear identically as their Ocarina of Time incarnations in Majora's Mask. They fly through the space they inhabit, and dive at Link whenever they spot him. Long-range weapons, such as the Boomerang, the Hero's Bow, and the Hookshot, are effective against them. They can only be found in a few areas, including Beneath the Well and the Stone Tower Temple.

Fire and Ice Keese reappear in Majora's Mask, identically to those from Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask also introduces similar enemies called Bad Bats. These enemies behave similarly to Keese, but are much larger in size.

Oracle of Seasons

Keese closely resemble their Link's Awakening incarnation in Oracle of Seasons, appearing as small, dark-colored bats. They inhabit caverns and Dungeons in large groups. Keese are easily disturbed, and will fly sporadically around their space. Like those from Link's Awakening, their small size and dark coloration can make them difficult to see, especially over dark pits or against the walls of side-scrolling areas. They can be defeated by any means of attack.

Fire Keese also appear in Oracle of Seasons. Fire Keese whose flames have been extinguished will revert back into ordinary Keese, though they retain their original flight pattern and can fly through fire to turn back into Fire Keese.

Vire will turn into a pair of Keese with skull faces when it is defeated.

Oracle of Ages

Keese closely resemble their Link's Awakening incarnation in Oracle of Ages, appearing as small, dark-colored bats. They inhabit caverns and Dungeons in large groups. Keese are easily disturbed, and will fly sporadically around their space. Like those from Link's Awakening, their small size and dark coloration can make them difficult to see, especially over dark pits or against the walls of side-scrolling areas. They can be defeated by any means of attack.

Fire Keese also appear in Oracle of Ages. Fire Keese whose flames have been extinguished will revert back into ordinary Keese, though they retain their original flight pattern and can fly through fire to turn back into Fire Keese.

Vire will turn into a pair of Keese with skull faces when it is defeated.

Four Swords

The Wind Waker

Tingle's Commenthide ▲
Tingle says:

It's a Keese! Fighting them would be simple if you could attack them all at once!

Keese appear in Caves and Dungeons in The Wind Waker. They constantly fly around the areas they inhabit, and will fly over to Link when they notice him. Their attack strategy differs slightly from previous appearances, and they will pause just before striking Link. Any conventional weapons are effective against them, with long-ranged weapons, such as the Boomerang, the Hero's Bow, and the Hookshot, necessary to engage them from a distance.

Fire Keese also appear in The Wind Waker. They can be turned into normal Keese by blowing out their flames with the Deku Leaf.

Four Swords Adventures

Keese in Four Swords Adventures are based on those from A Link to the Past. They initially sit still, but fly in a curving path as they are approached by the Links. They can be found inside caverns and Dungeons. Unlike other appearances, Keese in Four Swords Adventures often appear alone or secluded from one another. They can be defeated with a single strike from the Sword.

Four Swords Adventures also introduces a variant called a Keese Swarm. These enemies surround the Links in a trail of copies, and can only be defeated by striking the Swarm's red Keese.

The Minish Cap

Keese in The Minish Cap appear and behave similarly to those from Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. They are small enemies that are easily disturbed and flap about rooms in an unpredictable pattern, stopping only periodically to rest. Unlike other appearances, they have no way to camouflage themselves, and they inhabit Caves and Dungeons across Hyrule. Any conventional weapon can defeat them.

Twilight Princess

Keese in Twilight Princess more closely resemble real-world bats, but with ghastly features and tattered wings, as well as the addition of a curved hook on their tails. These enemies are constantly in flight as they patrol the space they occupy. Similarly to those of The Wind Waker, Keese fly at Link and pause before striking, giving him an opportunity to attack before they do. As small and lightweight enemies, any weapon in Link's arsenal is able to defeat them.

Fire and Ice Keese reappear in Twilight Princess. The Gale Boomerang can be used to extinguish their flames and icy mist, turning them back into normal Keese. Shadow Keese are a Twilight version that only appear in the Twilight Realm.

Phantom Hourglass

Keese in Phantom Hourglass are common enemies that inhabit Caves and Dungeons. Closer to their 3D console appearances, they are constantly in flight and fly in circular, random motions, and often appear in small groups. These enemies can be easily defeated merely by striking them with the Sword, though many other weapons are also effective at dispatching them.

Fire and Ice Keese reappear in Phantom Hourglass.

Spirit Tracks

Keese commonly appear in groups within Caves and Dungeons. They constantly fly in random circular motions, but can be quickly defeated with most Items. Two additional varieties of Keese appear: Fire and Ice Keese. Both of these varieties can be neutralized with the Whirlwind, turning them into regular Keese.

Skyward Sword

Fi's Commenthide ▲
Fi says:

Target lock: Keese

Found in many locations, these winged monsters are attracted to dark places, such as caves.

They often gather in colonies, are active at night, and sleep in the day. Those who come too close and awaken them often fall victim to attack.

Keese in Skyward Sword patrol the areas they reside in while in flight high above. When they notice Link, they fly down to his level, and pause before attacking. Their distinctive yellow eyes will glow red just before they strike. Keese can defeated with simple Sword strikes, as well as shot down from the sky using long-range weapons such as the Slingshot, Beetle and Bow.

Skyward Sword also features several other variations of Keese, including Fire Keese and two new forms: Thunder Keese and Dark Keese. Thunder Keese are an electrified variant, whereas Dark Keese are a skeletal variant that are able to Curse Link.

A Link Between Worlds

Keese in A Link Between Worlds are closely based on their A Link to the Past incarnation. They sit quietly, taking to the air only when approached. Keese will generally make for Link's direction as they fly. As before, any conventional weapon is able to dispel or otherwise stun them. If left alone, they will return to their original positions.

Tri Force Heroes

Keese in Tri Force Heroes behave similarly to their 3D console appearances. They patrol their territory in short, circular paths, yet when they spot one of the Links, they will back away before swiftly diving at them to attack. They can be defeated or stunned by any weapons in the Links' possession.

Fire and Ice Keese both appear in Tri Force Heroes. It is possible to use the Gust Jar to turn them into regular Keese.

Breath of the Wild

Hyrule Compendium Entry
088  (088Master Mode) Keese
The unpredictable flight pattern of this nocturnal bat-like species can make fighting them a nuisance, but they're weak enough to fell with a single strike. Sometimes they'll attack in packs, but even then, a pack can be sent packing with a single attack.
Common Locations
Hyrule Field
East Necluda
Recoverable Materials
Keese Wing Keese Eyeball

Keese appear in Breath of the Wild as bat-like Enemies with sharp teeth and a single, glowing eye. They can potentially drop Keese Eyeballs or Keese Wings when defeated. Keese are found during nighttime, and sometimes on the roofs of Caves. They will often attack in swarms. Parrying a Keese when it charges at Link will instantly kill it.

Electric, Fire, and Ice Keese also reappear in Breath of the Wild. These drop Fire Keese Wings, Ice Keese Wings, and Electric Keese Wings, respectively, as well as Keese Eyeballs.

When blown away using a Korok Leaf, Keese will momentarily fall to the ground before they start flying again.


Drops of Keese

Keese can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Keese Eyeball
30.0 %

As well as between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Keese Wing
100.0 %

Keese can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Keese Wing
70.0 %

Tears of the Kingdom

Hyrule Compendium Entry
97  Keese
The unpredictable flight pattern of this nocturnal, bat-like species can make fighting them a nuisance, but they're weak enough to fell with a single strike. Sometimes they like to form packs, and they have been seen swarming out of caves together.
Common Locations
Hyrule Field
West Necluda
Recoverable Materials
Keese Wing
Keese Eyeball

Echoes of Wisdom

This articlesection contains information about an unreleased video game.
It is likely to contain information of a speculative nature and the content may change dramatically as more information becomes available.

Keese appear throughout Hyrule. They have an Echo cost of one. When summoned as Echoes, Zelda can grab onto them to use them as a glider.

Other Appearances

The Legend of Zelda Game Watch

In The Legend of Zelda Game Watch, Keese are referred to as Bats.[12] They can only be defeated with the Sword. They appear from the second Dungeon onward, and only once all of the Iron Balls have been defeated. Once all of the Bats in a room are defeated, a Small Key appears, which Link can use to proceed to the next room.

The Faces of Evil

The Wand of Gamelon

BS The Legend of Zelda

Zelda's Adventure

Ancient Stone Tablets

Oracle of Ages (Wessel)

Oracle of Seasons (Himekawa)

A Keese has a major role in the Oracle of Seasons manga, flying off to warn Onox of Link's potential after Blaino's defeat, while having a Crow (Named Crowley) plant Manhandla to handle him. He later reports to Onox after Medusa Head is defeated and Link's progress through the northern mountains, earning a near death brush from his weapon and a berating to secure the perimeter, instead of reporting to him.

Link's Crossbow Training

Zelda HD Experience

Several Keese fly around the Temple of Time. They appear largely similar to there design from Twilight Princess, and have eyes that glow in the dark. They are not interacted with, merely fluttering around as set decoration for the duration of the video—even during Link's battle with Armogohma.

Nintendo Land

Battle Quest Prize Keesehide ▲
Monita says:

Keese are bat-like monsters usually found in dark places. They ram you if you get close and then fly out of reach when you finally manage to draw your sword. How rude!

Keese appear in Nintendo Land. They appear in later stages within Caves and dungeons, usually in large swarms on the ceiling. When the player draws near, they drop down and fly directly at them, one by one, and must be defended against or defeated before they strike. After attacking, they will pass by and not strike again. They are also summoned by Wizzrobes when playing as an Archer, appearing as pairs or in groups of three. They are best shot down with charged shots as they appear.

Keese also appear as one of the 200 Prizes that can be won using the Coins in the main Plaza. Upon touching the Keese Prize in the Plaza, the Keese will become animated temporarily and Monita will comment on it.

Sonic Lost World

Keese appear as enemies in The Legend of Zelda Zone from Sonic Lost World, using their design from Skyward Sword. They behave identically to the Batbrain enemies from the main game.

Mario Kart 8

Keese appear on the Hyrule Circuit track in the forest section before the finish line. They behave identically to the Swoops seen in other courses.

Cadence of Hyrule

Keese appear as enemies in Cadence of Hyrule where they move to the beat of the music. They fly on every other beat, holding out their wings for one beat, facing the direction they want to fly in before moving on the second beat.


Names in Other Regions
  • キース (Kīsu) (ALttPA Link to the Past | OoTOcarina of Time | BotWBreath of the Wild)[18][19][20]
  • キース (Kīsu) (SSSkyward Sword)[21]
  • Same as English.
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
蝙蝠かわほり (Biānfú) (BotWBreath of the Wild) 
The People's Republic of China
  • 蝙蝠かわほり (Biānfú) (ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX | LANSLink's Awakening (Nintendo Switch) | OoTOcarina of Time | OoAOracle of Ages | TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD | BotWBreath of the Wild)[24]
  • 蝙蝠かわほり (Biānfú) (OoT3DOcarina of Time 3D | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | SSSkyward Sword | SSHDSkyward Sword HD | ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[25]
  • Bat
  • Bat
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Keese (SSHDSkyward Sword HD | BotWBreath of the Wild)[29]
The French Republic
Chauve-souris (SSHDSkyward Sword HD | BotWBreath of the Wild)[22][23]Bat
Chauve-souris (BotWBreath of the Wild) 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Flederbeißer (SSHDSkyward Sword HD | BotWBreath of the Wild)[27][28]Bat-biter
The Italian Republic
Pipistrello (ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX | OoTOcarina of Time | OoT3DOcarina of Time 3D | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | SSHDSkyward Sword HD | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | BotWBreath of the Wild)[13][14][15][16][17]Bat
The Republic of Korea
키이스 (Kiiseu) (BotWBreath of the Wild) 
The Russian Federation
Кус (Kus) (BotWBreath of the Wild)[30] 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Keese (BotWBreath of the Wild)[26]
The Kingdom of Spain
Keese (SSHDSkyward Sword HD | BotWBreath of the Wild)[31]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. Keese are pluralized as "Keeses" in The Legend of Zelda manual and in The Wind Waker.[9][10] However, as the enemy's plural was officially stated as Keese in Encyclopedia, "Keeses" is not considered Canon.


  1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild—The Complete Official Guide, Piggyback Interactive Limited, 2018, Expanded Edition, pg. 303
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 187 (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | FSFour Swords | TWWThe Wind Waker | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | SSSkyward Sword | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes)
  3. Keese — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Keese — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  5. Keese
    A monster resembling a bat. If you hold on aloft and step off a ledge, you can glide a bit.
    — Notebook (Echoes of Wisdom)
  6. Oracle of Ages (Wessel), Scholastic, pg. 10
  7. Hyrule Castle: Defender
    Those Keese aren't making this graveyard any more inviting. Watch your radar, and take them down!
    — Stage Select (Link's Crossbow Training)
  8. Keese — Monita (Nintendo Land)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Vire is a devil that controls the Keeses. When Link cuts it with his sword, it turns into two Keeses. (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 35)
  10. These bats fly around dark places and attack anything that moves. Great care should be taken around Fire Keeses that appear during times of volcanic activity. — Figurine (The Wind Waker HD)
  11. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening—Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 75
  12. Link is attacked by crushing Iron Balls, Ferociousshould be: ferocious [sicThis is not an error. This word was misspelled in the original source.] bats, and a fire breathing Dragonsshould be: Dragon [sicThis is not an error. This word was misspelled in the original source.] (The Legend of Zelda Game Watch manual, pg. [which page?])
  13. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 187
  14. "Pipistrello" — Navi (Ocarina of Time 3D, Italian localization)
  15. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 187
  16. "Bersaglio inquadrato: pipistrello." — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, Italian localization)
  17. "088 Pipistrello" — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  18. Nintendo Official Guidebook: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 1, Shogakukan, pg. 124Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords, Shogakukan, pg. 22
  19. Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Shogakukan, pg. 143
  20. "088 キース" — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  21. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Ambit Ltd., pg. 169
  22. "La cible verrouillée est une Chauve-souris." — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, European French localization)
  23. "088 Chauve-souris" — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  24. ふさが尔达传说:百科ひゃっかぜん, New Star Press, pg. 167
  25. ふさが尔达传说:百科ひゃっかぜん, New Star Press, pg. 167
  26. "088 Keese" — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  27. "Dies ist ein Flederbeißer." — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, German localization)
  28. "088 Flederbeißer" — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  29. "Doelwit: Keese" — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, Dutch localization)
  30. "088 Кус" — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  31. "El objetivo seleccionado es un keese." — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, European Spanish localization)