棘 核果 螺
动物 | |
门: | |
纲: | |
结螺 | |
种: | |
Morula spinosa H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853
参考 文献
[编辑]- ^
国 际贝库:棘 核果 螺 .台湾 贝类资料库. [2009-08-11]. (原始 内容 存 档于2016-03-04). - ^ Shepherd,A.L. The molluscan fauna of Chagos (Indian Ocean) and an analysis of its broad distribution patterns. Coral Reef. 1984, 3: 43–50.
- ^ Moreland,M; Scott,C; Hoeksema, B.W. Prey selection of corallivorous muricids at Koh Tao (Gulf of Thailand) four years after a major coral bleaching event. Contributions to zoology. 2016, 85 (3): 291–309.