The NASTRAN program has evolved over many versions. Each new version contains enhancements in analysis capability and numerical performance. In addition, many errors from previous versions are corrected. In one notorious case, an internal error in NASTRAN was identified as responsible for the 1991 collapse of the Sleipner A offshore platform. Today, NASTRAN is widely used throughout the world in the aerospace, automotive and maritime industries. It has been claimed[5] that NASTRAN is the industry standard for basic types of analysis for aerospace structures, e.g. linear elastic static and dynamic analyses.
2002年11月,諾世創軟件公司與聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)達成最終協議,以解決由該公司收購競爭對手Universal Analytics, Inc.(UAI)和Computerized Structural Analysis & Research Corp.(CSAR)引發的反壟斷案。FTC指控MSC軟件公司的收購代表了反競爭行為。根據和解條款,MSC需提供當前Nastran軟件的一份副本。該副本對優集公司(UGS)是完全免版稅的、永久的和非排他許可的。優集公司在2007年被西門子收購。