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まいりfaeder fäder





fæder (複數ふくすう fæders)

  1. faederてきいちしゅ拼寫ほう
    • 2004, Joop Jukema, Theunis Piersma, “Kleine mannelijke Kemphanen met vrouwelijk broedkleed: bestaat er een derde voortplantingsstrategie, de faar?”, 出自しゅつじ Limosa, まき 77, Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithologyぺーじごう 3:
      Linear dimensions (mm) of female, intermediate (fæder) and male Ruffs, respectively, all measured by Joop Jukema. The material on females and males was all collected during the spring migrations of 2002 and 2003. All birds, except one fæder of 1 year old, were adult.
    • 2008, Yvonne I[ngje] Verkuil, Joop Jukema, Jennifer A. Gill, Natalia Karlionova, Johannes Melter, Jos C[orstiaan] E[lbert] W[outer] Hooijmeijer, Theunis Piersma, “Non-breeding fæder Ruffs Philomachus pugnax associate according to sex, not morphology”, 出自しゅつじ Bird Study, まき 55, 3, British Trust for Ornithology, →DOIぺーじごう 421:
      The fraction of fæders was estimated in five morphometric data sets that were collected over four decades in four different countries in three different seasons (comprising 9133 Ruffs). The regression of fæder–female fractions was tested against the null model assuming that the number of fæders is 1.0% of females.
    • 2010 June, Neil Calbrade, Chas Holt, Graham Austin, Heidi Mellan, Richard Hearn, David Stroud, Simon Wotton, Andy Musgrove, “Waders”, 出自しゅつじ Waterbirds in the UK 2008/09: The Wetland Bird Survey, Thetford, Norfolk: British Trust for OrnithologyRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds and Joint Nature Conservation Committee in association with Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, →ISBN, →ISSN, section “Ruff: Philomachus pugnax”,ぺーじごう 128:
      The survival costs to fæders linked to the use of sub-optimal habitats as a result of competition from their larger counterparts may be compensated by higher breeding success.
    • 2014ねん10月21にち, Lucie Emilie Schmaltz, Cédric Juillet, Joost Marius Tinbergen, Yvonne Ingje Verkuil, Joslyn Corstiaan Elbert Wouter Hooijmeijer, Theunis Piersma, “Apparent annual survival of staging ruffs during a period of population decline: insights from sex and site-use related differences”, 出自しゅつじ Population Ecology, まき 57, Springer, 出版しゅっぱん2015, →DOI, section “Field methods and data collection”,ぺーじごう 615れつごう 1:
      As females are a third smaller than males, most birds could easily be assigned a sex, while the fæders, female-mimicking males, were discriminated using wing length (Jukema and Piersma 2006).
    • 2016, Clemens Küpper, “Ruff Shorebird, The”, 出自しゅつじ Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer, →DOI, →ISBN:
      Fæder males travel with females and, like Satellites, they are nonterritorial and nonagonistic.








  1. (Early Middle English) どうfader







みなもと原始げんしみみ曼語 *fadēr ← 原始げんし印歐語いんおうご *ph₂tḗr

にちみみ曼語ぞくどうみなもとどるさと斯蘭 feder, 撒克へりくだ fadar (とくこく低地ていちとく Fader), 古高ふるたか地德ちとく fater (とく Vater), らん fader (らん vader), だくしか斯語 faðir (冰島 faðir, みずてん fader), 哥特 𐍆𐌰𐌳𐌰𐍂 (fadar)





fæder m

  1. 父親ちちおや
    • The Legend of St. Andrews (the text at Gutenberg)
      Ðis is se ilca God, ðone fæderas cuðon.








  • 中古ちゅうこ英語えいご: fader
  • 英語えいご: faeder