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your freckles lead the way


Charlie will never get enough of Nick’s warm skin on his or how tactile he is with him, always reaching to take his hand, locking their fingers whenever he’s in reach, pulling him in for a hug whenever he sees him as if they haven’t been living together for the past six months.


Nick dips his head into Charlie’s shoulder and his delicious smell of sandalwood and cinnamon permeates Charlie’s nose and it all becomes so overwhelming. Nick’s smell accompanied by his body pressed up against Charlie finally causes him to break. He physically can’t take the pent up emotions that he’s harboured for their entire friendship. He needs to talk to Nick now.


Or: Nick and Charlie have been best friends since secondary school. Now Charlie has something he needs to get off his chest after a night out with the paris squad.



welcome to a lil (big) one shot i like to call freckles 🤭

it took me a good while to finish this but i’m kinda proud of it!

super special thanks to my beta readers, j8tt and CadburyOreo

more thanks to eli__writes and Coach1305 for the hype read and flails!

love you all dearly <3

this one shot and title is inspired by the song Constellations by Jade LeMac!

okay enjoyyyyyy!


CW/TW: alcohol consumption, brief mention of self harm scars, explicit sexual content

Work Text:

Charlie has been in love with his best friend Nick Nelson at Truham Grammar School since year ten and it’s stayed with him since then. He thought he’d get over it when Nick went to uni, but he’s been at uni for two years and the feelings have only grown stronger and more unbearable with time.


He can’t help it. Nick is the human embodiment of the sun. His skin radiates nothing but joy and kindness and positivity. He has the softest auburn hair that’s now grown longer, down to his eyes. His eyes. His eyes are absolutely breathtaking, honey glazed with stars shining constantly behind them. Charlie would be lying if he said that it’s not the only thing he sees when he goes to sleep. He has freckles from his forehead all the way down to his toes and if Charlie was given the chance, he’d sit and count every single one. He has the softest, kindest voice that spreads across Charlie’s skin like butter on toast.


It also doesn’t help that Nick looks like a fucking God of a man. His ridiculous bulging biceps that threaten to rip every shirt that has any kind of sleeve and Charlie wishes to trace his delicious jawline with his tongue. Not to mention that Nick is a shirtless sleeper which means that Charlie has to see those glorious abs every single night. He swears Nick grows two more after every rugby practice.


When Charlie got accepted to attend Leeds University, Nick begged him to go.


“Please, Charlie, I can’t deal with another year without you.”


As if Charlie was going to say no to that.


Now Charlie has just finished his first year at Leeds with him, Nick and the rest of the Paris Squad™️ are at The Iron Bar, finally celebrating the ten of them moving in together. 


Half way through Nick’s second year, he found a dingy student house with five bedrooms, that’s right, five, for an amazing price and somehow convinced the rest of the squad to move in with him. It took them all a few months of repainting and cleaning for them to finally get it to look decent. They found cheap furniture and beds on FaceBook Marketplace and decorated the place to have bits and pieces of everyone in it. It’s perfect.


Choosing rooms was easier than they thought since most of them were coupled up. Tara and Darcy, Tao and Elle, and Imogen and Sahar each shared a room.


But there was only one problem. There were two rooms left and three boys who remained. Isaac was insistent on having his own room, needing a place to retreat in silence from the chaos of having nine flatmates when his social battery went low. And then there were two.


“We got pretty large beds, Char. We can always room together.” Nick had reasoned.


“I don’t want to cramp your style Nick. I haven’t fully moved out of my dorm, it’s really no trouble if I stay there.”


“Charlie, you absolutely wouldn’t be ‘cramping my style’ I’d much prefer it if we were in the same room. It’s easier to sleep when I know you’re close by.”


“Nick, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”


“Charlie, I’m a bisexual, twenty year old who needs to be cuddled constantly, in what world would I be uncomfortable with sharing a bed with my best friend. I need you, Char. Please?”


I need you.


The words drifted around Charlie’s brain, seeping into his skin.


He shook his head, getting his thoughts together before sighing. “Fine.”


The squad are a couple of shots into the night and they somehow manage to fit in a booth, snacking on nachos and talking.


“I thought it would take us forever to finally get that place all set up. I can’t believe it’s finally done.” Darcy groans, shoving a couple of crisps into their mouth.


“Yeah, so now we can finally start our movie nights,” Tao says. “What should we watch first?”


“Moulin Rouge.” Charlie and Nick reply in unison, without a beat. They turn and glance at each other and Nick breaks first, into a fit of giggles, picking up his second glass of beer. Well, he’s definitely not that sober. Charlie breaks a second after, mirroring Nick, picking up his once frozen strawberry daiquiri, taking a long sip himself.


“What? No! Why Moulin Rouge? Can’t we watch, like, Moonlight or something?”


“Tao, none of us want to cry for our first movie night.” Elle reasons. The rest of the group fall into an argument of Moonlight vs. Moulin Rouge.


Nick slips out of the seat easily since he’s sitting on the end, downing the rest of his drink like the rugby lad he is and smiling. “Anyone wanna dance?”


All the girls and Darcy excitedly climb over whoever is sitting by them with a scattered “yes!” and drag Nick over to the dance floor, leaving Tao, Isaac, and Charlie to have idle conversation.


Charlie finally convinces Tao that Moulin Rouge should be their choice of the movie night before his attention is back to Nick, watching him from across the room. His heart warms at the sight of Nick dancing and laughing with his best friends. 


A clearing of a throat snaps his attention back to see that Isaac is rolling his eyes at him. “You should really tell him, you know?”


Charlie sighs and drops his head to the table. “I can’t.”


“Charlie, the rest of us can’t keep watching this Bert and Ernie, will they won’t they dance with you two anymore. You need to bite the bullet and just do it.”


“Yeah, but—” Charlie’s cut off by a big warm hand grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the booth.


“Dance with me.” Nick’s warm, tipsy voice drips like honey into Charlie’s skin.


“Nick, you know I don’t dance.”


Nick only pulls him closer so they’re practically chest to chest and Charlie momentarily forgets how to breathe.


“Please, Char.” Nick breathes, “Come dance with me.” He pouts and gives Charlie the most unfair puppy dog face he can. Charlie swears that if he denies him again Nick might start whimpering.


“Alright, fine. One dance. Just let me finish my drink.”


Nick beams, the stars in his eyes sparkling brighter and Charlie thinks he might melt. 


Between Nick’s body in front of him and the table behind, Charlie struggles to turn to reach his drink. Instead of giving Charlie space to turn, Nick reaches around him, becoming too close for Charlie to handle. Charlie doesn't realise he’s holding in a breath until Nick’s chest is back against him holding Charlie’s drink between them.


“Oh.” Charlie stutters. “Thank you.”


Nick smiles his signature, boyish, Nick Nelson smile and then has the audacity to take a sip before holding it to Charlie’s lips.


Charlie can hear Tao start to laugh followed by a smack, probably from Isaac, as he internally panics.


“Well?” Nick’s suddenly husky voice snaps him out of his trance, the straw still against Charlie’s lips. “You gonna finish your drink, or what?”


Charlie pushes down whatever heat is bubbling up in his stomach and rolls his eyes. He tries to take his drink, but Nick doesn’t let go of the glass. Charlie raises his brows and Nick just smiles, silently urging him to take a sip. Charlie feels the blood rush to his cheeks and sucks on the straw, strategically focusing on the alcohol disappearing in the glass instead of Nick, whose eyes are burning holes into Charlie's face.


Charlie swears he can hear Nick whisper a soft “good boy” once the glass is completely empty and Charlie’s knees almost buckle.


The tension dissolves as fast as it appeared when Nick gives him a wide, toothy grin, putting the glass back on the table and excitedly dragging Charlie out to the dance floor. Charlie thanks the universe that the alcohol courses through his system by the time Nick is facing him under the flashing lights.


Nick takes his hand and places them on his hips. “Here, look.” He starts as he begins to sway to the beat of the song that’s playing. “Elle showed me how to do this before I came to get you, so don’t judge me.”


He then mirrors Charlie’s hands and holds his hips the way he had Charlie do to him. Nick controls their movements until Charlie finally lets himself give in and lets the music and the alcohol wash over him as the two of them fall into a groove.


Nick’s hands travel up to Charlie’s waist, his palms warm and soft against the skin just under Charlie’s mesh crop top. Nick pulls him in closer and Charlie forgets how to breathe again. “Charlie,” Nick chuckles, “you’re not dancing with a stranger. You can touch me more.”


Charlie knows Nick doesn’t mean it the way he sounds, but Charlie can’t help but blush at the implications of his words. When Charlie doesn’t make any efforts to move his hands from Nick’s hips, he wraps Charlie’s arms around his neck himself and Charlie suddenly misses the warmth of his hands on his waist but it’s not long before the familiar hands come back to where they were. 


Nick slips a leg in between Charlie’s, bringing him closer and Charlie doesn’t think he will ever get enough.


Charlie will never get enough of Nick’s warm skin on his or how tactile he is with him, always reaching to take his hand, locking their fingers whenever he’s in reach, pulling him in for a hug whenever he sees him as if they haven’t been living together for the past six months.


Nick dips his head into Charlie’s shoulder and his delicious smell of sandalwood and cinnamon permeates Charlie’s nose and it all becomes so overwhelming. Nick’s smell accompanied by his body pressed up against Charlie finally causes him to break. He physically can’t take the pent up emotions that he’s harboured for their entire friendship. He needs to talk to Nick now.


“Nick,” he breathes. He knows he’s coming out a bit desperate, but he doesn’t care. “Can we leave?”


Nick stops dancing and looks at Charlie, soft brown eyes filled with worry. “What’s wrong?”


“There’s– Nothing’s wrong, I just really need to talk to you. Can we go home?” 


“Yeah. Yeah, let’s go.” Nick doesn’t hesitate to take Charlie’s hand and drags him outside, with a pause to let Tao know that they’re leaving so he can pass the message around.


Charlie is lost in his thoughts as he walks, head down, his hands shoved in his pockets. He’s so far gone from reality that he doesn’t hear Nick calling him until warm hands are planted on top of his shoulders.


“Hmm?” Charlie blinks at him, confused.


“You’re shivering, Char. Are you cold?” Nick asks, concern lacing his voice.


“Oh.” There’s a beat before he realises he actually is shivering. “Yeah, I guess I am. I didn’t notice, sorry.”


Nick chuckles and shakes his head. “I thought we banned the S word.” He pulls his jumper off and Charlie sucks in a breath at the shirt the older boy is wearing. “Here.”


Charlie knows better than to deny Nick when he’s offering him the jumper because he’ll end up putting it on Charlie himself.


Charlie prefers Nick taking clothes off him, but that’s beside the point.


He slips his arms through and Nick leans against the brick wall, letting Charlie fully take in his outfit. He’s wearing a loose, white v-neck cropped just under his belly button and dark jeans that stop right at his waist, giving Charlie a full view of the his happy trail that leads right to—


“Better?” Nick smiles, still against the wall.


Charlie’s mouth begins to speak before his brain can even register it. “You’re wearing a crop top.”


“Oh,” Nick whispers, a shy pink hue colouring his cheeks. “Yeah, I- I was hoping you’d like it.”


Charlie practically melts onto the floor right there. He didn’t mean that, right? Why would Nick care so much about what I think of his outfit?


He sees Nick’s eyes shift from shy to anxious and Charlie realises that he’s been quiet for too long. “I do like it. You look great.”


Nick relaxes at Charlie’s response and smiles. He reaches out for Charlie to take his hand and he does. They continue to walk the last few blocks to their house, fingers locked together and Charlie manages to control himself until they get to the front door.


He wants Nick to know so, so badly, but he’s terrified. This can go a number of ways and most of them aren’t good. 


Just as Nick starts to fish in his pocket for his keys, Charlie works up the courage to actually speak. “Nick?”


“Yeah?” Nick pauses his search and looks at Charlie intently, focusing all his attention on him.


“Oh- You can keep looking for your key. It might be easier to say this when you aren’t looking at me.” Charlie blabbers, anxiety completely replacing the alcohol that was coursing through him just a few moments ago.


Nick’s eyes furrow with worry but he nods and focuses back on his search. “Are you okay?”


Charlie’s hands shake as he opens and closes his mouth, trying to decide on the best way to say what he’s trying to say. “I just… I mean… Fuck, why am I making this so hard?” He groans and looks at Nick who is still, as Charlie requested, not looking at him and now trying to unlock the door.


“I’m in love with you!” Charlie blurts out, causing Nick to freeze and drop his keys. Charlie tries to rectify the situation that he seems to have gotten himself into and keeps talking. “Look, I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, okay? I don’t have any control whatsoever over who I like and don’t like and I’m so—”


Charlie gets cut off by Nick suddenly laughing and this is the worst thing that could possibly happen.


He feels like he’s about to cry and he worries at his lip as Nick bends over at the waist, doubling over. “There’s no way.” Nick gasps out through laughs. Charlie suddenly wants the ground to swallow him whole. He tries desperately to perform some damage control.


“I- I can move out if it makes you uncomfortable. And- And I completely understand if you want nothing to do with–”


“I can’t believe you love me back.” Nick says, now facing Charlie with the brightest eyes he’s ever seen.




“Charlie,” Nick steps closer until he is within reach of Charlie and takes his face in his hands, pulling him in for a kiss.


The moment Nick’s lips connect with Charlie’s it’s like it was always meant to be this way. Charlie feels like he’s floating. He can taste the beers Nick’s had on his lips and it’s delicious.

Charlie’s hands fly to Nick’s biceps and electricity shoots through his veins. This is all he’s ever wanted. He wished for a moment like this. For Nick to feel the same way. 


Unfortunately, they are humans and they need to breathe. Charlie reluctantly pulls away. “Nick…”


“Before you ask, I’ve been sober since we left.” Nick chuckles, eyes turning soft. He traces Charlie’s lip with his thumb and sighs. “I’ve wanted this since that night at Harry’s party. In case you were wondering.”


“Really?” Charlie asks. Someone needs to pinch him so he can make sure he’s not dreaming.


“Yes, my little chronic overthinker. I am so in love with you, Charlie. It physically pains me sometimes, now that I think about it.” Nick teases playfully, a small smirk toying at the corners of his lips.


“Well,” Charlie blushes, “if it hurts right now, I can kiss it better. If you want?”


Nick hums and pulls Charlie closer to his chest from his waist. “Yes, please.”


Charlie giggles and pulls Nick down by his neck to press their lips together. Charlie feels like he’s floating again. He lets his hands roam across Nick’s back and shoulders. Nick groans at Charlie giving an involuntary squeeze at his shoulders and licks into his mouth, gently nudging Charlie’s lips open with his tongue. Charlie drops his jaw slightly, encouraging Nick in. Nick’s hand cups his jaw and makes its way down to Charlie’s neck, the cold metal of Nick’s rings against his skin making him shiver.


Nick turns them around, pressing Charlie against the door. He pulls away from Charlie’s lips to kiss down his jaw and Charlie bites back a moan, suddenly remembering they’re outside. He pushes Nick back by his shoulders to look at him. “Maybe we should go inside? We don’t have to keep going, I’m not expecting us to do–”


Nick cuts him off with a peck to his lips and smiles. “I want to keep going. If you want to.” Charlie nods excitedly and Nick chuckles endearingly, bending down to the ground to pick up the dropped keys.


Nick makes a show of it, going down on his knees and looks up at Charlie, causing him to blush profusely. “It’s a good thing we already share a bed, Char.” He says, before finally picking up the key and standing up. He brushes his lips against the shell of his ear as he whispers, “I hope you let me break you apart and put you back together again.”


Charlie shudders and a small whimper escapes his lips. Nick’s eyes cloud over with lust and anticipation before drawing his attention to unlocking the door, keeping Charlie pressed up against it, slipping a leg in between Charlie’s, letting him feel his rapidly growing erection.


Charlie starts to get restless and he can’t help reaching up to kiss across Nick’s neck. Nick moans deliciously and Charlie hums against his skin proudly.


“Charlie,” Nick whines as he fumbles trying to get the key to fit in the lock, “I can’t get us inside if you don’t let me unlock the door.”


“Why can’t you unlock the door, Nick?” Charlie teases seductively. “Is it hard?” 


“Charlieee,” Nick pouts adorably.


Charlie giggles and kisses the pout off Nick’s face because he can do that now and turns around, taking the key and unlocking the door himself. He pushes the door open, squealing when Nick lifts him up from behind with his ridiculous herculean strength, kicking the door shut with his foot and beelining to their bedroom.


Nick sets Charlie down on his feet and surges forward for a kiss which Charlie gladly accepts. They toe off their shoes between messy wet kisses and Nick picks Charlie up again by his arse. Charlie wraps his legs around him, giggling against his lips. 


Nick makes a confused sound and pulls back. “What’s so funny?”


Charlie smiles and relaxes his arms around Nick’s neck, fingers running through the hair on the back of his head. “Nothing’s funny, I'm just… I’m really happy. It sounds stupid.”


“It’s not stupid.” Nick reassures him. “I’m really happy too.” He smiles, lifting one hand up to Charlie’s face and tucking one of his grown out curls behind his ear, still holding him secure with his other arm.


Charlie flushes at Nick’s complete sincerity and attention all on him, but his smile never falters. “Will you kiss me now?”


Nick chuckles and rolls his eyes lovingly before pulling Charlie in for another kiss. Charlie immediately licks into his mouth, eliciting another delicious moan from Nick’s lips.


Nick walks them over to the bed and Charlie pushes his shoulders, making Nick fall onto the mattress. He pulls Charlie up by his waist so he’s hovering over him and Charlie lets himself get lost in the feeling of having Nick underneath him like this.


He whines when Nick’s lips leave his but it quickly turns into a breathy moan when they find his neck, sucking and biting the sensitive skin. Nick pulls apart briefly and asks, “is this okay?”


Charlie responds with a ridiculously fast and breathy “yes” and Nick turns his attention back to Charlie’s neck and shoulder, marking him up wherever he can.


Charlie continues to moan as Nick moves down to his clavicle and gets lost in the feeling of Nick’s teeth grazing against his skin. He lowers his hips, accidentally grinding against Nick’s crotch. Nick gasps as Charlie moans. “Fuck, I’m so—”


“Don’t apologise. Do it again.” Nick looks at Charlie breathlessly.


“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, Nick.”


“Charlie,” Nick chuckles, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t tell you to do it again if I didn’t want to. Please. Do it again.” He pleads.


Charlie blushes but complies, pressing his hips down again. Nick groans and tightens his grip on Charlie’s waist, moving his hips to up meet him.


They fall into a rhythm with repetitive moans and drawn out grinds, Nick’s lips falling back to Charlie’s lips. Charlie could do this for hours. He’s only ever dreamt of having moments like this with Nick, feeling Nick’s hard, muscled chest under his own. 


“Nick, the door.” Charlie breaths in between moans and grinds, suddenly remembering that they live with eight other people.


Nick either doesn’t hear or he’s not letting go of him on purpose, so he tries again. “Nick, I’m going to be so embarrassed if everyone comes in and they see us like this.”


“Then go close it.” Nick says, grinning, his breath and lips tickling Charlie’s skin.


Charlie pulls back so he’s not distracted by the love bite that Nick is still working on. “Why don’t you go close it?”


“Because you’re quite literally lying on top of me?”


“But I don't want to get up.” Charlie pouts, reaching up to thread his fingers through Nick’s fringe. “Please?” He gives Nick the best puppy dog eyes he can.


“Charlie, that’s so unfair! How am I supposed to say no to that face?” Nick whines.


Charlie doesn’t respond. He juts out his bottom lip more, fluttering his eyelashes. “Please, baby?” He smiles when Nick blushes a bright red at the pet name but rolls his eyes and groans dramatically. He rolls Charlie onto the mattress and even more dramatically drags himself off the bed and to the door. The second the lock clicks he practically runs the small distance from the door to the bed and pounces right on top of Charlie.


“Nick! Oh my god, you’re crushing me!” Charlie laughs, pushing Nick’s chest off with half effort.


“I don’t know, Char, I think you enjoy it.” Nick smiles proudly, smacking a kiss onto Charlie’s lips.


Charlie giggles and his hand finds its way back to Nick’s head, threading his fingers through the fine, soft hair. “You’re right.” He pulls him down for a kiss and they fall back into it immediately, like they’ve been doing this forever. 


Charlie hooks his leg around Nick’s as leverage to flip them over so he’s back on his lap. He tugs on the hem of Nick's shirt. “Off?” He asks against Nick's lips and rapidly pulls the shirt off. Charlie’s breath is taken away. He’s seen Nick without a shirt on plenty of times before but in this context, it’s an entirely different feeling.


Nick chuckling snaps him out of his thoughts. “You can touch me, you know.” He smirks with a quick flex of his pecs.


Charlie rolls his eyes, “Fuck off, rugby lad.” He lightly smacks his chest with the back of his hand but Nick catches it before he can pull it back. Charlie opens his mouth to speak again, but it’s quickly snapped shut when Nick turns his hand over and places it right over his heart. 


“Touch me, Char.” Nick whispers, pleading. Charlie’s breath is, once again, taken away at his request. He can feel Nick’s heartbeat under his palm, the rapid double thumps echoing his own pulse. Nick guides his hand to the middle of his chest and Charlie suddenly becomes hyper aware of the breath he’s holding. His heart is pounding in his ears.


Nick slides Charlie’s hand down his torso. Charlie’s fingers dip into every crevice of his abs and a fire ignites in Charlie’s stomach. Nick looks at him with eyes sparkling, giving Charlie enough encouragement to take control of his own body. He slips his hand out from Nick’s and watches how Nick's lips part with a short gasp as he lets his hand roam across his chest. The sound only makes Charlie more confident. His eyes don’t leave Nick's face when he runs his thumb over one of his nipples, revelling in the breathy moan Nick releases.


“I love your freckles, you know? Always have.” Charlie says softly as he moves his hand to the other side of Nick’s chest, repeating his ministrations, this time planting soft kisses on each one he sees on his skin.


Nick gasps again, “Really? I’ve always hated them.” He whispers.


“They’re one of my favourite things about you. I could count them for hours.” Charlie smiles against his chest.


“You should. After, though.” After. 


Charlie has to bite back a whimper in anticipation of what they’re about to do. Something that’s only happened in his dreams. His hand moves down Nick’s upper body to the waistband of his jeans and he shuffles between Nick’s legs. “Can I?”


Nick nods, biting his lip. Their eyes are locked, the sea and sun crashing into each other between their gazes as Charlie unbuckles Nick’s belt and slips the metal of his button open. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of both his jeans and pants. His head tilts slightly for approval and Nick nods again, lifting his hips off the mattress for Charlie to pull the fabrics down Nick’s glorious legs.


Once they’re discarded to the floor Charlie snakes up to kiss down Nick’s neck, returning the favour of marking up the pale skin everywhere he can.


“Charlie,” Nick whines, “Please.”


Charlie hums against Nick’s neck and keeps moving down, making sure to kiss every freckle he comes across to show him just how much he loves them. His hands travel down to Nick’s waist as his mouth reaches his navel. He looks up for reassurance and is met with a panting Nick who has been watching him the whole time. “Nick—”


Before Charlie can even ask the question, one of Nick’s large hands tangles itself in Charlie’s curls, practically pushing his head down. “Yes, yes, please.”  


Charlie giggles at the desperation in his voice and takes Nick’s cock in his hands and pumps slowly. Nick gasps softly and his hand flexes in Charlie’s hair as he bites back a moan.


“It’s just us, Nick. I wanna hear you.” Charlie encourages before licking up the base of Nick’s dick before taking him in his mouth. Nick lets out a loud moan, throwing his head back into the pillows.


Charlie hums around him, contently as he sucks and bobs his head. The weight of Nick’s cock on his tongue is so good, exactly like how he dreamt it would be. The feeling of Nick’s fingers tangling in his hair, so gently, so different from all the other experiences he’s had makes him want to cry.


The thought is quickly washed away when Nick whimpers, tugging softly at Charlie’s curls, pulling him off. Charlie’s brows furrow with concern. “Are you okay?”


“I’m okay, angel,” Nick breathes. The name rushes shivers down Charlie’s spine and he blushes. “Just wanted to kiss you.” Nick finishes, sitting up to meet him. Nick chuckles when he gets a full view of Charlie’s face.


Charlie makes a confused sound, pouting. Nick just shakes his head and swipes a thumb across Charlie’s chin, wiping off a mixture of his precome and Charlie’s saliva before licking it off.


He is so hot. Charlie thinks, his mind quickly shutting off when Nick gingerly cups his jaw, pulling him in. Charlie can still taste the beers on Nick’s tongue and lips and he loves it, despite hating the bitter taste of the drink itself.


Nick’s hands settle on his waist, teasing his fingers under his mesh top. “Can I?” He asks, whispering against Charlie’s lips.


Charlie pulls away and tugs his lip between his teeth before speaking. “You…” he takes a deep breath, “you know I have scars, right?”


A look of worry flashes across Nick’s face, but he nods. “Yeah. You don’t have to take it off. I want you to be comfortable with whatever we’re doing.” How is he real?


“I- I do want to take it off. I just wanted to let you know.” Charlie gives him a reassuring smile. “Take it off for me?”


Nick’s expression softens and he tentatively slips his hands further up Charlie’s top to have a good hold on it. He starts to pull it off, urging Charlie to lift his arms so he can take it off completely.


Charlie never used to take his shirt off with any past partners or in front of anyone in general. But with Nick, he’s never felt safer. The shirt is discarded across the room and Nick’s eyes fall to Charlie’s chest and down his torso. Charlie wants to cross his arms over his body at the attention he’s given but he doesn’t.


He yelps when Nick pulls him closer by his waist and presses their foreheads together, practically on the verge of tears. “I love you,” he whispers, “and you are so fucking hot.”


“Nick!” Charlie giggles and lets his arms hang over Nick’s shoulders. “I love you too.”


Nick smiles, pulling back to kiss across his jaw down to his neck. Charlie lets out a soft moan when Nick sucks at his collarbone, manoeuvring them to press Charlie against the mattress. “Can I take care of you now?” Nick asks, voice gruff from pleasure.


Charlie nods excitedly. “Will you stay up here though? Wanna keep kissing you.” Charlie’s eyes sparkle up at him. Nick coos softly and strokes his thumb across Charlie’s cheekbone leaning down to kiss him. His lips are so soft and pliable and they taste so good. He is so good. 


Nick’s fingertips travel down Charlie’s throat, to his collarbone, making sure to give equal attention to each side. Charlie moans into his mouth when Nick’s fingers tickle his torso and stomach until they land above his belt. He pulls away from Charlie’s lips and smiles at him brightly.


His hand fumbles with the buckle, loosening it. His lips travel to Charlie’s chest, kissing and sucking as Charlie lifts his hips for him to pull his trousers and pants off. Charlie runs his fingers up Nick’s back, over his shoulders, watching as the pale skin turns red at each brush. He’s about to comment on it but it’s quickly turned into a moan as Nick’s tongue runs over one of his nipples, biting softly as it hardens in between his teeth. Nick kisses across his chest to give the same attention to the other side, drawing a string of sounds from Charlie’s lips. He shuffles down further to run kisses down Charlie’s torso, leaving burning trails of ember across his skin. Once he gets down to Charlie’s navel he takes his time sucking and biting, leaving more marks that Charlie never wants to fade. 


Nick looks up at him through his lashes as he leaves his last hickey and the heat in Charlie’s stomach only grows hotter. “Still want me up there?” Nick murmurs against his skin. Charlie has completely forgotten how to speak, reduced to moans from the sensations of Nick biting and licking wherever he can. He nods, his curls falling into his eyes. Nick moves back up, holding himself over Charlie by placing his hands on either side of his head. “What do you want, angel?”


“Touch me,” Charlie whimpers, “please.” 


Nick hums and pushes Charlie’s curls away from where they’ve fallen. “I missed your pretty face, baby.” Charlie blushes and shakes his head. “I’m not that pretty. You are though. Prettiest person I’ve ever seen.”


“Don’t do that.” Nick chides softly. “Don’t deflect like that, because you are so wrong. You’re gorgeous. Breathtakingly beautiful. You always have been.” He leans down and kisses Charlie so tenderly that it makes him want to cry again. Nick pulls away, smirking and then tension in the room comes back as quick as it left. “And I bet you look so pretty when you come, too.”


Charlie’s skin only deepens in hue at Nick’s words and he can’t find the nerve to deny him again. Nick’s hand starts to roam down Charlie’s torso but he’s stopped when Charlie takes his wrist. Before Nick can even ask him what’s wrong Charlie brings his hand to his mouth, licking a wet stripe up the centre of his palm. “Now you can touch.” 


“Fuck, Charlie that’s so hot.” Nick whines, pressing his forehead against Charlie’s and reaching back down, taking Charlie’s cock in his hand. Charlie gasps as he starts to move his hand, Charlie’s spit helping the glide of Nick’s movements.


Charlie can’t help the next few words that come out of his mouth. “Nick, you’re so good at that, fuck.”


Nick involuntarily freezes and lets out a whimper against Charlie’s lips and Charlie’s eyes sparkles as he realises what happened. “Aww,” He coos, running his fingernails up and down Nick’s back “did you like that, darling?”


Nick moans, nodding. “Fuck, yeah. Love that.”


Charlie smirks and pulls Nick down gently, lining up his lips against Nick’s ear. “Keep touching me and you might hear more.” Charlie says, breathily. Nick’s warm, large hand starts moving again and Charlie grips his biceps, throwing his head into the pillows. His eyes squeeze shut for a moment and he battles with himself on whether he wants to look at Nick’s handsome face over him or just feel.


The former wins.


His eyes blink open and the sight above him is glorious. Nick’s usually pale cheeks are a pretty pink and his lips are parted, short puffs of air escaping his mouth as he gasps and moans as if Charlie is the one touching him. “You look so pretty like that, Nick,” he whispers between moans. Nick whimpers at the praise and his hand moves faster, his arm flexing in a way that Charlie never thought possible.


“Do I make you feel good, angel?” Nick urges, his voice gruff, his calloused thumb swiping over Charlie’s tip and he preens. “Fuck,” Charlie gasps, pulling Nick down for a brief kiss, “yes, you make me feel so good.” 


Nick’s movement stills and cold air breezes over Charlie’s dick when he removes his hand. Charlie whines and looks up at him through thick lashes. “Why’d you stop?”


Nick noses into the crook of his neck, leaving small pecks wherever he can reach. “Wanna make you feel even better. “Can I fuck you?” Charlie moans just at the question and he fears he might not make it that long. “Fuck, yes please.”


Under Nick’s soft yet dark gaze, Charlie melts, his nerves tingling at Nick’s every touch as he trails a finger down the centre of Charlie’s chest. “Just…” Nick  leans over the side of the bed just enough that he can reach under it. He continues to dig around in search of something. Charlie giggles as Nick grumbles to himself until he twists back up with a bright look on his face. “Found it!” He holds up a small plastic bottle.


Charlie barks out a laugh, “Nick, how long have you been keeping a bottle of lube under our bed?”


Nick blushes slightly, shrugging, “You never know when you might need it!”


Charlie giggles but it’s quickly turned into a small gasp as Nick climbs over him again, caging Charlie between his knees. The air turns heavy once Nick is back on top of him, and still just out of reach. Charlie props up on his elbows and reaches up to pull Nick down by the back of his neck, revelling in the warmth of his skin. He captures Nick’s lips with his own, the fervour of their lips crashing together causing tingles to shoot through every single cell in his body.


Charlie feels Nick’s hands roaming around his body, taking his time and the opportunity to commit everything to memory. 


“Nick, please.” Charlie whines, needing more. He wants everything Nick has, anything he’s willing to give him.


“God, Charlie, you’re so– You’re everything.” Nick moans, trailing his lips across Charlie’s jaw, and down his throat, kissing across the expanse of his upper body, gently nudging his knees apart to shuffle between them.


Charlie’s hands curl around Nick’s shoulders, trapped in wonder as he watches Nick taking more time to appreciate every part of his skin with his lips until he’s settled at the end of the bed. Charlie knows that this isn’t their first time having this experience. They’ve both had other partners before, but this is different. This is them. This is Nick and Charlie. This is something Charlie’s always wanted. Something that he now knows Nick has been wanting too.


Nick looks up at him, as he grabs the bottle of lube, nothing but gentleness and something Charlie now understands as love behind his eyes, the same way he’s been looking at him since they met. “Can I prep you? Please?”


Charlie nods, words leaving him again. Nick snicks the cap open and pours a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, taking extra care to warm the liquid up expertly in his hands. He kisses along the inside of Charlie’s thighs before looking back up. “Tell me what you like and what you don't, okay? Want to make this good for you.” He whispers softly before pressing his index finger against Charlie’s entrance.


Charlie whines in agreement, shifting slightly to give Nick better access to where he so desperately needs him. Nick watches Charlie intently as he pushes a third of his finger in. Charlie blushes under Nick’s attention and bites his lip, shyness washing over him. Nick smirks up at him, pushing in a little further, clearly testing Charlie’s limits, keeping his eyes on him the whole time.


It’s only when Nick’s finger pushes all the way in that Charlie can’t hold back anymore, letting out a loud moan. Nick hums delightfully. “There you are. I started to miss that sound. You gonna do it again for me?” He urges, pulling his finger out then pushing back in causing another loud moan to slip through Charlie’s lips.


Nick continues working Charlie open with the most care he can give, adding a second and third finger when Charlie tells him he’s ready. Charlie would be in complete awe with how much Nick cares and takes what he wants into consideration, but he’s too busy fisting the sheets underneath his hands and moaning under Nick’s touches.


Charlie moans particularly loud when Nick’s fingers brush against the magical bundle of nerves and he bends, his back lifting off the mattress. “Oh, Nick, that’s so good.”


Nick hums and his eyes flick up to Charlie's, sparkling, yet also clouded with lust. He smirks as curls his fingers again, his eyes focused on Charlie’s face the whole time. Charlie gasps and his back arches again. Nick’s free hand makes its way to Charlie’s waist rubbing his thumb across the skin. His voice is dark and gruff when he speaks. “You look so gorgeous like that, Charlie, fuck.”


Heat creeps up Charlie’s neck. He bites his lip to stop himself from deflecting. “I’m ready.”


Nick pulls his fingers out slowly, cooing softly when Charlie whines at the loss and wipes his fingers on his thigh, before he reaches under the bed again.


“Don’t tell me you keep condoms under the bed too.” Charlie teases.


“Again, you never know when you might need them!” Nick defends, popping back up with the foil wrapper between his fingers. Charlie rolls his eyes. This boy. He takes the condom from Nick’s hand and sits up.


“Can I?” He asks and Nick nods.


Shyness fills the air as Charlie carefully tears the packet. His hands shake slightly and Nick must notice, because suddenly his hands cover Charlie’s. “Hey,” he whispers. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t feel ready to do this with me yet.”


“I want to do this.” Charlie says. “I want to do this with you. I just want it to be good. For you, I mean. I don’t want you to like… Hate it.”


Nick frowns for a moment and holds Charlie’s hands tighter. “Charlie, I am loving every moment of what we’re doing right now. I’ve only dreamt of ever doing this with you for so long. Nothing could ever make me hate any of this.” One of his hands travels to Charlie’s face, brushing his knuckles against his cheek before it settles on his jaw. “I promise.”


How is he real?


“How are you real?” Charlie voices.


Nick chuckles endearingly. “How are you real? Honestly, Char, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t met you in form all those years ago.”


Charlie blushes for the millionth time that night and shrugs innocently. “I don’t know what I would've done either.”


“Well, we certainly wouldn't be doing this.” Nick says before pushing Charlie back down and attacks his face, pecking kisses everywhere he can until Charlie is out of breath from laughing.


The tension in the room thickens once again when Nick finally lands on his lips, warm and wet and passionate. Everything Charlie imagines. Charlie’s arms hang loose on Nick’s shoulders,  fingers digging in the hairs on the nape of Nick’s neck.


Nick reaches behind him and takes the condom from Charlie’s hand and tears the packaging open all the way. He pulls away to slip it on and pours more lube on his fingers, warming it up quickly. He nudges Charlie’s knees to spread his legs further apart for easier access, coating Charlie’s entrance.


He looks up at Charlie, locking their eyes together. “You say the word and I’ll stop, okay?”


Charlie nods. “Okay. But I don’t want to stop.” He whispers.


Nick smiles and pecks Charlie’s lips tenderly. “I don't want to stop either.”


Charlie matches Nick’s grin with his own and shifts under him slightly for comfort. Nick leans down to kiss him again. Fuller this time, as he aligns himself with Charlie, pushing in slowly, stopping when Charlie winces against his lips. “You okay?” He asks, breathlessly.


Charlie hums and nods. “I’m okay. Just haven't done this in a while.” Charlie confesses bashfully. “Maybe go slow, okay?”


“Whatever you want, angel.” Nick lets Charlie catch his breath, watching his face for any indication of discomfort. He only pushes in further when Charlie nods.


This time, Charlie closes his eyes and moans softly. “You can keep going, I’m okay.”


Nick nods, pushing more, still slow, like Charlie asked, until he bottoms out, the two of them gasping. “Fuck–” Nick starts, looking down to see his hips flush against Charlie.


“I know.” Charlie breathes. “You can move. Please.” He whimpers softly.


Nick’s eyes meet Charlie’s again and he cradles his jaw with one hand, the other pressed into the pillow, right by Charlie’s face. “I love you so much, Char. I can’t believe I can finally say it.”


“I love you too, Nick. I love you so much, I feel like my heart is going to explode.”


Nick kisses him, more passionate than the last, pulling out before pushing back in. Nick’s moans vibrate against Charlie’s lips and Charlie wants to swallow them all up. He never thought he’d ever get to hear him like this.


Charlie takes this chance to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue into Nick's mouth as he starts thrusting more, setting a pace, pushing all the way in with each thrust. 


They moan in tandem and hands start roaming each other’s bodies, Charlie revelling in the feeling of Nick’s muscles against his hands and Nick’s fingers softly grazing his chest and ribs down to his stomach, still somehow managing to hold himself up with one hand.


Nick’s thrusts start to quicken as Charlie pulls him down, kissing him repeatedly in between moans. Nick’s arms tremble from holding himself up and he falls forward to hover over Charlie on his forearms. Charlie looks up at him, locking their eyes again and reaches up to push Nick’s fringe off his sweaty forehead and Nick smiles, another moan falling from his lips.




“Charlie…” Nick echoes tenderly. “Oh, Charlie… fuck.” He leans down to capture Charlie’s lips with his, slotting them together like they’re meant to be there, like they were created just for each other. 


Nick grunts, using a hand to push Charlie’s knees further apart, creating a slightly new angle, hitting Charlie’s prostate with each thrust.


“Oh my god,” Charlie mewls, hands scrambling, desperate to hold on to something, eventually settling on Nick’s biceps. “Ah, so good, Nick, that’s so good.”


A whimper escapes from Nick’s mouth at Charlie’s praise, nodding wordlessly, keeping his pace and deepening his thrusts even more.


Charlie can feel the heat in his abdomen rise, reaching the edge and he whines into Nick’s mouth. “Fuck, Nick, I’m–” He can’t finish his sentence, the wind nearly knocking out of him when Nick takes his dick in his large, warm hand, stroking in time with his thrusts. “Let go for me, angel, I’m right there with you.” 


Charlie gasps and tilts his head, pressing into the pillow as he comes, crying out Nick’s name. Nick groans, hips stilling as he pulls Charlie up slightly, kissing him as he reaches his own peak. Charlie kisses back with vigour, his fingers tangled in Nick’s hair with a sharp tug as they come down together, chests meeting with each heavy breath.


Nick presses his forehead against Charlie’s brushing their noses together. “Fuck, Charlie, that was…” He trails off, still catching his breath.


“Yeah,” Charlie breathes. “Oh my god.”


“My name’s Nick actually, I thought you knew this.” Nick teases, his words laced with coy once he’s fully caught his breath. 


Charlie rolls his eyes and shoves him by his shoulders. “Shut up.”


Nick laughs a boyish, classic Nick Nelson laugh and litters Charlie’s cheeks with kisses, pulling out gently. He sits back on his haunches and carefully takes the condom off, tying it up and tossing it in the bin next to the bed. He gets up from the mattress and kisses Charlie’s forehead, something that no one has ever done to him. “Stay right there, don’t move.” He smiles and slips his pants on before quietly leaving the room.


Charlie can’t even start to worry about where he’s gone because his mind drifts into thoughts about everything that’s just happened.


Out of every experience he’s had whether it was romantic or sexual, they were never like this. Nick is so gentle, so tender, always trying to give before taking, nothing like he’s ever experienced. He never had a single doubt about Nick taking what he wants, not taking Charlie into consideration, because he did. The whole time. Ever since they met he’s always made sure Charlie was okay, letting him make the decisions. Nick is so caring. He still has his boyish charm that Charlie is certain he’ll never grow out of.


The door pushes open and Nick is back with wet flannels hanging over his arms and a glass of water. He places the cup on the bedside table. “Hi, smiley.”


Charlie hasn’t noticed the smile plastered on his face but it only grows more. “Hi. You don’t have to do this, you know.”


“I do know.” Nick sits beside him. “But I want to.” He gently wipes down Charlie’s chest and torso, cleaning him up, laser focused on making sure he doesn’t miss a spot. When he’s done, Charlie sits up against the headboard and takes the glass of water beside him, taking a sip. “Wanna share?”


“Aren’t you worried about my cooties?” Nick jokes, slipping into the bed beside him.


“Nick, you kind of just fucked the life out of me, I think the cooties are the least of our worries now.” Charlie hands the glass over to him. Nick chuckles and drinks, placing the cup down when he’s done. He lays down comfortably, and holds his arms out for Charlie to lay against him and Charlie does, Nick’s arms immediately wrapping around him.


Charlie hums, snuggling into Nick’s chest. “Nick?” He draws shapes across Nick’s torso, connecting all his freckles with his finger.


“Yeah?” Nick responds, sleepily trailing his fingers up and down Charlie’s arms.


“I meant what I said before. About your freckles. I really do love them.”




“Yeah. They’re beautiful. You wouldn’t be Nick Nelson without them.” Charlie says, looking up at him.


Nick smiles and pulls Charlie up just enough to give him a kiss. Charlie smiles against his lips, revelling in the feeling of Nick’s soft, tender lips against his own.


They break apart after a while, exhaustion washing over both of them. Nick continues to hold Charlie tight against his chest and Charlie continues to trace the constellations of freckles on his skin, peacefully drifting off to sleep to the sounds of Nick’s deep breathing and heartbeat under his ear.


When Charlie wakes up, it’s still dark outside the window and Nick is sound asleep. Charlie has woken up to Nick sleeping before but excitement sparks in his chest at the difference between now and all the other nights before. Now he can hold him and feel his soft skin under his fingers and he does just that until he falls back to sleep.


How is this my life? He thinks, gently, as he drifts off. 


The second time Charlie wakes up it’s to the feeling of Nick peppering kisses down his nose and across his cheeks. “Well, hello.” He says, groggily.


“Hi.” Nick smiles. “Good morning, angel.”


“I like it when you call me that.” Charlie confesses.


Well, good because you are my angel.” Nick says, kissing across his face again until Charlie falls into a fit of giggles and Nick’s tummy rumbles loud enough for the rest of their flatmates to hear.


“Time for breakfast?” Charlie asks teasingly. 


“Yes please!” Nick grins, rolling out of the bed. He holds a hand out for Charlie to take in his own, pulling him out of the sheets.


Charlie throws on his pants and a random pair of joggers, throwing on Nick’s hoodie that’s hanging off his desk chair.


Nick gets dressed himself then pulls Charlie in for a passionate kiss before taking his hand and leading him out of the bedroom.


The rest of their friends are sprawled out across the sitting room, looking infinitely more miserable when Nick and Charlie head to the kitchen to put up some cheese toasties.


No one makes a sound until Darcy is squealing. “Oh my god! Isaac, Elle, and Tao lost!”


“Darcy, please stop screaming.” Tara whines, pinching the bridge of her nose.


“No, but look!” Darcy exclaims, running to the kitchen and pushing Nick and Charlie, who are still holding hands, out to the rest of the group.


Isaac is the first one who looks up and Charlie swears he’s never been so loud. “Charlie! You told him!” Everyone’s head turns and suddenly none of them have a hangover anymore, the girls and Darcy are squealing as Aled claps and Tao groans, pulling his wallet out from his jacked hanging over a chair.


“He may have done more than just tell me.” Nick shrugs, voice laced with playfulness.


“Nick!” Charlie chides, feeling his body temperature rise, revealing a blush rising from his neck.


“Don’t worry boys, we can absolutely tell.” Darcy says before turning around and holding out their hand. “Alright folks, pay up.”


Elle, Isaac, and Tao roll their eyes, pulling fivers out of their wallets and handing them to the rest of the group.


“Wait, hold on–” Nick starts looking rather offended and Charlie knows exactly why.


“Did you bet on us?” Charlie asks, crossing his arms over his chest.


Nick checks his hip with Charlie’s to get his attention as everyone starts talking over each other to cover up their bet. “Let them have this, angel. As long as they’re distracted.” He pulls Charlie in by his waist, kissing his cheek.


Charlie giggles, wrapping his arms around his neck, shrugging. “If you say so.” He smiles, reaching up for a kiss. He can hear the rest of his friends cooing, with the exception of Tao who lets out an annoyed groan, but Charlie doesn’t care. He wouldn’t have it any other way.