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  • Bayer: αあるふぁ Canis Maioris
  • Flamsteed: 9 Canis Maioris
  • Canicula; Dog Star; Hundsstern; Aschere
  • Bright Star Catalog: HR 2491
  • Henry Draper Catalog: HD 48915
  • SAO Catalog: SAO 151881
The position of αあるふぁ Canis Maioris (Sirius; Canicula; Dog Star; Aschere)
The image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by Hubble Space Telescope, A – bigger, B – smaller white dwarf (Credit:NASA)
An artist impression of Sirius A and Sirius B, A – bigger, B – smaller white dwarf (Credit:NASA)