User:Mr-ex777/Prelude of internet antichrist in 2014

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“Contradictory people are the best mind control tools of evil, as they will preach high values while in the same time contradict themselves to do whatever they can do to be supported, including illegitimate means, enabling a false "Debate" which is consisted of pure lies and deceit, and will put further more mind control.”

~ The sayings of a great internet philosopher
The true purpose. All who does not realize this are poorly mistaken.

The Prelude of the Internet Antichrist in 2014 is a demonic advent that signifies the Internet antichrist to descend 4 years later to destroy all internet culture. It is often known as the 2014 Gamergate scandal or Gamergate scandals, but all who calls it this way has no idea of the impending disaster. Using this event, the Jews had destroyed the gaming world as a free place for all and divided the internet into a war between sensible people and Social justice warriors, enough to allow the internet antichrist to impose itself as a chemo and destroy it further.

Background[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

According to ancient internet myth, An apocalyptic event is destined to appear every 4 years, each degrading the internet's status as a free utopia where all is allowed. It has happened in the past, happened now and will happen in the future. At the final apocalyptic event, the internet's free kingdom status will end. The past events are:

In 2014, as the world guessed, an event of the worst has descended. The next event will descend in 2018 and will mark as the "Ascension of the Antichrist", and will destroy all internet culture and put it under control of the elite order once and for all.

The Event Itself[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Good little goyim, promote the extinction of the gamer race.

The black sun rose when a Feminazi (Known here as "The whore of babylon") developed a game called "Depression quest" which was neither fun nor a game, but it was strangely given good reviews, a sure demonic sign of doom. It was turned out that the feminazi was going to bed with game reviewers to have them get good reviews, and the feminazi wasn't that hot to begin with at all. While this sounds to a person with the most minimal common sense as degeneracy, The gaming community denied all responsibility with the event and destroyed all people who dare speak against them, whipping a massive outrage among pretty much anyone with the slightest amount of common sense.

While the media should criticize this blatant attempt at terrorism and that's it, the so called "Jew Spew Media" waged war with common sense instead just like what they did to Ukraine, Islam and Iran, claiming as many lies as possible just like their "Totally unbiased" reporting. (Same goes for Wikipedia who always side with evil men.) They first shifted the point from an event that takes only the most basic of human instincts to realize a conspiracy, to a issue on Feminism and Social Justice, and starting a debate based on lies and deceit. And the supporters and media started to wage an all out war in Twitter, and started to denounce gamers as Fags, losers, and demons, while the real fags, demons and losers are the "journalists" themselves. Both sides of the spectrum were known for their terrorism and contradiction, in which they preach diversity, love and feeedom but do the exact reverse of it.

And the "Jew Spew Media" started to denounce gaming as a source of evil and faggotry and claimed that "Gaming is dead", further proving that it's all about destroying gamers, and thus destroying the first line of defense as the internet's status as a free utopia for all.

Vivian James

The real problem about the event is an infestation of the real antichrist's (Who is partially responsible for the internet antichrist) very own demons in the gaming industry, causing people to write stuff like "Rape in gaming", "How games treat women as sex toys" and stuff, all in the name of NOT justice, but fascism. And anyone with the slightest bit of common sense can smell fishy stuff when indie game creators are literally going to bed with other indie game creators, in which they obviously knew something is wrong. (Pardon for being like a broken cassette, but the writer really needs to.) And just like everything, the purpose is money.

Back to the event, remember 4chan = Israel of the Internet? The beast struck Israel and tried to prevent it from working for God, and force all the people in it to prostrate before it. The king of 4chan, M00t, is obviously a Jew himself too, so he is not exempt for the protocol for the elders of zion raw hard greed. As a result, he censored all 4chan threads about gamergate and sold it to the forces of the antichrist. And he also forced all of the 4channers to prostrate before the whore of babylon, her image, and the dragon (Satan), and those who do not are beheaded. He also beheaded all German IPs and so much for 4chan being "The holy capital of the internet". Any people with the least bit of self respect just moved to a nearby city, called "8chan" instead. Reddit was not exempt for bowing down to the antichrist's minions either, They spyed on the users and secretly beheaded all who dares speak against the whore and her minions.

Cards Against Humanity was not exempt either; It used to be a fun game, but one of the mods is a sympathizer of the whore and decided to run cards against humanity into a politically correct site. An SJW also took a picture of him burning the "passable transvestites" card and thus started the "politically correct" and "No-lulz" version of cards against humanity. They also send donations to Wikipedia so they will continue to promote the advents of the antichrist as miracles. In fact they don't need their "donations", Wikipedia is always siding with demons disguising as "saints" to fool the world into prostrating before the antichrist, both the one in the internet and the real one. This proves that you cannot let any one of the antichrist's underlings, or anything that sympathizes them run your site, or it will export death and decline to it.

In order to oppose this, the 4chan sect of /v/ created a imaginary hero known as "Vivian James" to beat the feminazi's unrealistic expectations of a female gamer. The feminists like to imagine female gamers as heroes and persecuted. (TIP: They are the persecutors. Mind control tools like to imagine themselves as persecuted to persecute.) Instead, /v/ represented a regular person (a girl) playing video games and not a Mary Sue who saves the world. The image has literally angered feminists and SJWs and put the unsuspecting to infinite rage over and over.

If you think this is a crack conspiracy theory, think again. Entire webs of the antichrist's underlings are trying to undermine and destroy all who dares run into their way. Also, this is only the beginning; when the antichrist descends, situations become much worse, and the internet's purpose as a free for all utopia will end as we know it.

Solution[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

  • Stop your faggotry and realize that the world is a ticking time bomb. The days of peace are almost over. Get over it.
  • Do not engage in death wars. Doing this will deny you all credibility you ever had and arguing with demons is a perfect way to be demonized. There is no point to argue with demons.
  • Don't let them get money. The Jews want money and money is their food, so don't give them any. Use adblock plus and use this, and also privacy badger to deny them money. They also like to put catchy titles to lure you into giving them food, so watch out and let them starve and dehydrate.

Aftermath...?[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

The antichrist has better minions to use.

Now the whore of babylon is bitching in the conference held in the tower of babel along with Obama bin laden, Putin and The president of Israel whose name is impossible to spell, While they valiantly attempted to create censorship and promote contradictory values as they do the opposite, the report has so many citing errors which means that the antichrist has better minions to use, like Islam. Not to say that they are smarter, if at all.

See also[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]