「User:OPOSSUM/English spelling reformation」のはんあいだ差分さぶん

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=== Using a completely different alphabet. ===
=== Using a completely different alphabet. ===
იუუ უუდ ჰავ თუუ ინსთოოლ ჽ ქჽმფლიითლი ნიუუ გჽვჽრნმინთ თუუ გეთ დჰის ინთუუ იუუს. ლაიქ, start a fucking revolution. There would be plenty of bloodshed, of course. Even the Mormons tried this way back in the day with their "Deseret alphabet". This could very easily create more problems than it solves. Well, it looks kind of cool.

2024ねん3がつ28にち (木)もく 15:04時点じてんにおける最新さいしんばん

English spelling reform is a common practice among nerds who think they rule the world. The practice praktis is generally frowned upon by the public. Peple who didn't grow up speaking English often complain about the spelling. They say it's even worse than French spelling (les bigues ouimpes)

There are several different types of proposals for English spelling reforms:

Thee uglee vareeyint bayst vayglee on owr kurint speling roolz, but triez too mayk it "fulee funetik".[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

This iz un awful way too spel, wee kan bee onist heer. It just looks uglee, and sum thingz yoozhyoowulee stil ahrnt distinggwisht liek thee emfusis, and thee "oo" in "roof" and thee "oo" in "roof". This surtinlee woant evur kach on, am Ie riet? Fuk this, lets tos it in thu trash, awr thu fuking Stahr Waurz trash kumpaktur, and leev it ther faur iturnitee.

Đə kāynd đat meykz ə létər fōr évərī sāwnd.[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Đis kāynd əv spéliŋ rīzə́lts hwen sə́mwən luks at láŋgwijiz lāyk fíniš, and sīz hāw it haz ə létər fōr évərī sāwnd and đen gets rī́lī jéləs.

The kind that duzz barely ennything and looks like a 7-year-old wrote it.[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Despite doing practically nuthing at all, this is the only kind uv spelling change that is likely to get ennything dun or be accepted at all. It looks nice, for sure, actually take that back, it looks like a child's spelling errors. It only respells the wurds that are TRULY not spelled like they shood be. We still hav the awkwardness of English's spelling rules. And as I cum to think about it, pooting V's at the end of wurds is also pritty ugly.

Using a completely different alphabet.[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

იუუ უუდ ჰავ თუუ ინსთოოლ ჽ ქჽმფლიითლი ნიუუ გჽვჽრნმინთ თუუ გეთ დჰის ინთუუ იუუს. ლაიქ, start a fucking revolution. There would be plenty of bloodshed, of course. Even the Mormons tried this way back in the day with their "Deseret alphabet". This could very easily create more problems than it solves. Well, it looks kind of cool.