Category:Nominated user

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These users have been nominated. For what, we don't know. They probably don't deserve it anyway.

List of Oldest pages with this short-term category (may need removal)
Page:Last Edit
User:Uncyclopedian/My Templates2007ねん6がつ3にち (日)にち 17:27
User talk:Sibyll/Talk Here2007ねん12月17にち (月)げつ 01:29
User talk:KP2009ねん7がつ31にち (金)きん 21:52
User talk:Sycamore/Archive92010ねん8がつ3にち (火) 14:14
User talk:Gravitas is Not the Issue2011ねん4がつ7にち (木)もく 16:54
User:Zim ulator/Old User Page2011ねん4がつ27にち (水)すい 05:56
User talk:EpicNinjaMonkey2012ねん3がつ24にち (土) 23:39
User talk:Tritefantastic2012ねん5がつ7にち (月)げつ 01:24
User talk:Shabidoo/archive52013ねん1がつ17にち (木)もく 01:45
User talk:Funnybony/archive92013ねん2がつ2にち (土) 11:25
User:Very Crazy Rafael2013ねん4がつ1にち (月)げつ 17:07
User:Schnaps2013ねん7がつ4にち (木)もく 06:28
User:TeoremaFierma2013ねん7がつ10日とおか (水)すい 11:34
User talk:Mordillo/archive212013ねん11月17にち (日)にち 04:35
User:Wbthrower2014ねん9がつ13にち (土) 13:44
User talk:Weebils2014ねん11月17にち (月)げつ 20:50
User:Gerrycheevers2014ねん12月31にち (水)すい 16:25
User talk:MadMax/Archive92015ねん1がつ24にち (土) 16:45
User:Magic man2015ねん9がつ7にち (月)げつ 00:33
User:Colin "All your base" Heaney2017ねん4がつ23にち (日)にち 23:02