Category:The Full Hilary

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The Full Hilary, named after American actress and alleged-songbird Hilary Duff, is achieved by having the same article featured on the main page of Uncyclopedia and at the top of the UnNews column on its main page as well as featured first on the Current Events page and first on the right hand column of the UnNews page itself, all at the same time.

In addition to this, both perfectionists and the Guiness UnBook of World Records list another requirement of a pristine Full Hilary: that the two pictures on either side of Uncyclopedia's main page must be mirror images of each other.

The Full Hilary (pictured here) was accomplished on April 7, 2012, when the article UnNews:U.S. Supreme Court allows everyone to go naked was featured. The page had been at the top of all the UnNews listings since March 30.

BBC News coined the term "The Full Hilary" when it reported on this extraordinary event.

"I still have that hat," Hilary Duff told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "It was light blue, but I've since tie-dyed it so that it looks kind of psychedelic, with swirls and ribbons of light and stuff. People have been coming up to me on the street all day wanting my autograph, a kiss, and to take double-exposure pictures of themselves with me in Full Hilary mode. I've even been approached by the New York Yankees to shoot a trick-photography promo of me hitting from both sides of the plate at the same time, just like my grandpa's idol Mickey Mantle used to do when he was drunk. It's all so exciting!"

カテゴリ「The Full Hilary」にあるページ

このカテゴリには 5 ページがふくまれており、そのうち以下いかの 5 ページを表示ひょうじしています。

カテゴリ「The Full Hilary」にあるメディア

このカテゴリには 8 ファイルがふくまれており、そのうち以下いかの 8 ファイルを表示ひょうじしています。