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Three constituents are about to vote on what's for lunch. REASON WILL PREVAIL!
Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Democrazy?
"Democratic" redirects here. If you are a yankee, you might have been looking for Democrat Party.
These chaps defend democracy. Except when they're overthrowing it.

Democracy is a form of government prevalent in the Western World where majority rules, baby, and 51 people can vote to take away things belonging to the other 49, such as money, ponies, and jet packs. That means for nearly half the people in a democracy, democracy really, really sucks. Democracy is like having a "demolition" expert who is crazy and finds it funny to make a large capitalist world. (Democrazy sounds weird; lets change it to democracy.) After those poor saps have lost everything, the ones who gained everything find some other divisive issue to split themselves over. The entire country then forms a totally new majority over this issue. Lots of the new minority members got rich from being in the previous majority, so the process repeats itself.

Americans have the most perverse version of democracy ever to grace the Earth. In certain political circles it is commonly used as a code word to mean a brutal dictatorship, as in the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. In these situations the amount of democracy declines in inverse proportion to the number of pre-modifiers to the word democracy.

The final form of democracy is known as the "police state", which is a democracy that has gone beyond the will of the people and is run by gods and emperors who call themselves "Police".

Origins[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Democracy began in Ancient Athens during the 5th century B.C. Athens was a slave society, so most Athenians had plenty of spare time on their hands. At that time, eighty percent of Athens' population was made up of philosophers, inventors and people who tell ridiculous stories about animals to try and convey complex life messages in one short sentence. To give themselves something to do, all citizens could discuss and vote on issues affecting the polis, or city state. From this word we draw our English words politics, the affairs of state, politicians, those who practice the affairs of state, and police, those who punish those who practice the affairs of state when it becomes known what those who practice the affairs of state have been doing.

The Ancient Athenian system worked until it was overthrown by the Athenians' main rival, the Spartans. The Spartans were fierce warriors, whose terrible battle practices including shouting "THIS IS NOUN!" at their enemies, long after it ceased to be funny. The Athenians were unable to respond to a crisis quickly because their system of government was largely based around blaming one another for their problems.

The fall of the Athenian democracy at the hands of the Spartans

In 13th-century England, the nobles decided that King John wasn't really the right sort of chap and set about removing him. They forced the king to create a forum where they could meet to discuss issues, play poker and oggle wenches. They agreed that the people should choose who their representatives would be by election. The nobles promptly returned to their lands where they threatened to chop the feet off of anyone who voted against them. This would become a recurring feature of democracies around the world.

Theory[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Democracy is intended to grant all men a stake in their country, as they can help chart its course through the unmapped waters of politics. Unfortunately, since the demographic transition from bald, bearded men who wear togas to scumbag chav bastards, the system has left much to be desired as tabloid reading imbeciles have as much say in the running of the country as Nobel Prize-winning scientists. Democratic countries have developed counter-measures to protect themselves from the retardation by various methods. First came efforts to stop the wrong sort from voting, the wrong sort being anyone who was mad, poor, black, homeless or a woman. After this caused too much anger amongst militant students, governments then set about making the people not want to vote, discouraging voter turnout to the point that more people vote on a reality television programme wherein z-list celebrities are forced to eat maggots in a jungle by two northern homunculi. This has been a resounding success, as people complain when they are withheld from doing something, but if they're to lazy to do something they tend not to form movements to end laziness, as that would require them to get up off their fat arses, stop watching Jeremy Kyle and actually do something that doesn't involve ramming pie down their throats.

Vote for whom? Hurry, just pick![編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

His secret ballot is not so secret, courtesy of being taller than the voting booth.

Pick a President, any President.

Button.PNG Obama

Button.PNG Bush

Button.PNG Gore

Button.PNG Streisand

Button.PNG Winfrey

Button.PNG Norris

Button.PNG Christ

Button.PNG Buchanan

Button.PNG Mommy

Button.PNG The guy who fucked Your Mummy

Button.PNG You

Button.PNG Dolph Ziggler

Button.PNG Half of a large talking Banana with a small hat

Or ...

1 Big Button.PNG This big Check Box

Voting[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

The essence of democracy at its purest is a lynch mob. This is where, in a group of 100 townspeople, 99 have voted "Hang the [witch, negra, liberal]" and one (usually some witch, negra or liberal) votes "Fry the [bitch or bastard]!" Voting having properly taken place, they are no longer a lynch mob, but citizens in a free and democratic nation. That is only at the local level, though, good for culling undesirables and passing zoning laws to crush your potential competitors.

Fake News and Hula Hoop are extremely dangerous to their democracy. Contact your nearest reeducation center if in doubt.

At the state or province level you have the opportunity to vote on creating or repealing laws. And since your vote makes up one ten-millionth of the state's population, you may be sure they care about you.

At the federal level you get to vote for senators and representatives. Two types of people so notorious for ignoring you that most Americans wisely do not even commit their names to memory. You also get to elect the President. Well, not actually. You get a kind of 1/300 millionth advisory say in who you think you could stomach, out of only two or three choices they give you, then some other group of people called the electoral college decide for you. Sometimes this is reviewed by the Supreme Court who can overrule the electoral college.