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“Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike.”

~ Oscar Wilde on morality
The Morality Cycle.png

Morality is an overrated incentive to behave well. The incentive is that when you die you will have a large group of meaty virgins you can screw for all eternity. There is an obvious problem that one month after you arrive in heaven all your virgins will be, well, devirginised. A rather less obvious problem is whether the virgins find it heavenly to be deflowered by you. And futhermore, heaven seems to exclude gay men and straight women.

Morals are only available to hard line religious fundamentalists because atheists believe that Athe does not let them into heaven.

Morals are actually given to us mere mortals by whichever particular God we happen to worship. Here is an example of a Christian, whom we shall call Brian Flemming, protesting a program in which an atheist claims she does in fact have a strong moral conviction:

Some people may protest that threatening to cut somebody’s chest open to cause their “insides” to fall out, and then telling that person that the very God that advocates these morals will inflict punishment 1000 times worse than a human can is not an example of very moralistic behavior; from the man who said this, or from God. The person who wrote this has since clarified that the sentence “However, GOD teaches us not to seek vengeance, but to pray for those like you all” was the sentence demonstrating the individual’s moral convictions, and the rest of it was written while he was drunk.