New User

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Dear New User

OK. So here I am: a new user. Did the basic stuff... clicked on umpteen links and read the new user bits. Still haven't a clue... aah the age of ignorance has dawned (yet again) and I stand naked before the shrine of stupidity with my teddy bear in one hand and my salami in the other...

On the grounds that if comfort eating doesn't work then comfort cuddling is worth a try...

A new user getting a wedgie after they wrote "kitten huffing sux"

How do I link? God knows and he's still laughing.

How do I make a "sub page"? Will it float? I had a little submarine as a kid and you put baking soda in a little com-party-ment and watching itchugging around the bath for a minute or two...

Will somebody please (hey! I did a Bold!) - and then an Italic!!! Awesome! (I highlighted the particular word and clicked on "B" or "I". Please give me some advice guidance or marry-juan-a? ( My sister married a guy named Juan so I know whereof I speak)

Of course, I should have known...

You have to make your own way in the world ( as the guy with the digger said) and now I have managed to get in an australian slang word too...

Did some "internal linking" there... hmmm... could be fun... but how to link with the outside world? I think this is how:

Put in two [ before and two after the word. Lets try it....

Salami[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

OK so I need to go to the "search box" (not to be confused with that thing footballers do in the showers - yuk!) and type in Salami and see what's out there - if nothing then create a page? Or drop in a random word by editing a page and letting the link find it? Naw - that would be sneaky (har har rubs hands together al la Fagin in Oliver Twist)

Checked "Salami" - nope that page doesn't exist - yet!!! Ha! Now I know why this stuff is so addictive! You end up creating pages to link to pages of links to other pages! Sheesh! My head is spinning - good stuff that maryjane....

WHEEE!!! Now I have created a "Salami" page to link too...

This is too much... I should remember my doctor's warning:

Reccurrent Revelling Recreates Ridiculous Random Repititions.

So maybe this has been done before (the "fuck me" I'm a novice thingy) of course, nuns do it all the time.... and using too many trailing wee dots after every sentence is farking up my eyes...

... or before every sentence but that would be superflous (or should that be "superfluidic?) and using too many quotation marks and brackets may be fine for shelving but it's getting old already...

Angry Twelve-year-olds[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

When your a new user, on a new site we know things can be tough. That's why we're here to tell you it's no different here! If I were you I'd start running 'cause those twelve-year-olds down there look angry.


For information on being a new user (general household appliances not included) try the following links:[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Don't you dare visit[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]