UnNews:Israel: This is going to work

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Peres' line graph of Israel progress correlated with Palestinian deaths, which we strongly feel was probably just a default image he found online.

Israel has responded robustly to criticism over its recent attacks on the Gaza Strip, with President Shimon Peres insisting, "Don't worry, this is totally going to work."

The Israeli head of state continued, "I know what you're going to say, I know what you're going to say: 5,000 years of history and politics is not going to be solved with the deaths of 500 Palestinians.

"But what about this? How about we try with 600 Palestinians?"

Peres then produced a line graph demonstrating how with each Palestinian death the progress of his country goes "up a bit."

Perhaps concerned that this UnNews reporter was not entirely swayed by his rhetoric, Peres then produced a potato. "Imagine this is the problem, hmm? You don't like the potato. Watch now: [Swings arm, backslapping potato across room] NO POTATO!"

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