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Unpoetia banner.png Poetry for people who hate poetry

The Masters came,

They brought us a gift.

Something big,

Which can cause a rift,

Where people can create masterpieces with twigs.

It is a place to retreat, to find solace.

Someday, they may call us

And tell of their upcoming changes

Regarding the form of nature.

Curiosity rules amongst the majority.

It is encouraged, for the guarantee of purity.

When the dark forces rise,

We must take the time to purify.

Boris jumping.png
Bring everything you have.
Natasha jumping.png

Make sure you're set,

We will make those monsters regret

Roaming and killing our friends.

They will come back to speak of the horrors

In our domain, where we divide the land in quarters.

Order is dealt, swiftly or strictly,

Making griefers very unlucky.

They are the second, besides the monsters,

That threaten our land any longer.


They will come and wreak havoc with ease.

This a place where I share and be grateful,

Never forget our memories.

There is no way I could be shameful.