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You might be looking for the other Strawberry Fields in Liverpool. In that case, go to Strawberry Fields.

Strawberry Fields is an infamous maximum security prison in Liverpool, England. In its history, it has held a large number of notable inmates.

An outside view of the prison.

Location[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Strawberry Fields is located in Liverpool, England, at 2816, Penny Lane, directly across the street from Woolton Church.

Origins[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

It was late 1927, and crime ran rampant in the streets of Liverpool. The Liverpool police force was facing massive criticism for their frequent use of capital punishment against minor criminals. When the crime rate reached a new high in 1929, the Liverpudian council decided to construct a prison for convicts whose crimes did not warrant the death penalty. And so Strawberry Fields was built to hold all criminals that had nothing to get hung about. Soon, Strawberry Fields became a popular place to send lifers, and the courtroom sentence, "Strawberry Fields Forever!" entered common dialect.

Controversy[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

In recent years, Strawberry Fields has come under some criticism for various reasons. First and foremost is the practice of sedating inmates with hallucinogens. This loathsome procedure has lead to the popular joke, that “In Strawberry Fields, nothing you see is real.” Another controversial aspect of the prison, convicts are completely cut off from the outside world. However prison warden John Lennon defended this policy, saying, “living is easier with eyes closed, even if you may misunderstand everything you see.” Perhaps the penitentiary’s true fifteen minutes of fame occurred when famous politician Paul Magoffin disappeared during a visit to the notorious jail. For many years, the mystery was left unsolved. Finally, prison guard George Harrison divulged the fate of Mr. Magoffin when he announced “I buried Paul” at a press conference.