

ナビゲーションに移動いどう 検索けんさく移動いどう
Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg
Don't work too hard, Tompkins
Enjoy your Golden Years.

This former admin was forced into early retirement. We wish them well during their golden years, and remind them that there's always more work to be done around here. We still can't pay you, but if you come back, we'll find a spare desk. Just let us know. (Find a current Admin to bother.)

Gone fishing.

And I think it's gonna be a long long time... ROCKET M - er... sorry. I'll miss everyone while I'm gone, especially you, Apples. I'll still judge PLS, don't worry, should get to it next Tues. Goodbye Uncyclopedia, I'm sure I'll see you again - just not any time soon.