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478_recliner.jpg This user is the Leader of Hongweism.

Veneration: the act of worship and reverence - so REVERE me, for I am GOD. True name is Hongwei, and along with a friend, MUBOTE, hath founded the new religion of Hongweism; a religion based on the general and universal boycott of effort, achievement, and action as a whole. Although excessive laughter (riots)is endorsed.

thumbnail.wimg.towaterloo-2006.canada_flag.gif This user is Canadian eh?.

Why You Are Reading This[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

  • After getting banned from editing from Wikipedia from writing too many articles like this one: Laughter, I found that my efforts would be more appreciated here.
  • I have come to spread the faith of my religion. See: Hongweism
  • You have absolutely nothing better to do
  • You are me
  • You were redirected here without consent

What I have Done So Far[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

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