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Albert Günther - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.

Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther (Esslingen, Alemania, 1830eko urriaren 3aKew, Londres, 1914ko otsailaren 1a) Alemanian jaiotako britainiar zoologoa izan zen, arrain eta narrastietan aditua.

Albert Günther

President of the Linnean Society of London (en) Itzuli

1896 - 1900
Charles Baron Clarke (en) Itzuli - Sydney Howard Vines (en) Itzuli
Jaiotzako izen-deiturakAlbert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther
JaiotzaEsslingen am Neckar1830eko urriaren 3a
Herrialdea Württembergeko Erresuma
 Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaLondres1914ko otsailaren 1a (83 urte)
HeziketaTübingengo Unibertsitatea
Jarduerakbiologoa, zoologoa, eduki-editorea, iktiologoa, herpetologoa eta zoological collector (en) Itzuli
Enplegatzailea(k)British Museum
Historia Naturalaren Museoa  (1856 -
Historia Naturalaren Museoa  (1875 -  1895)
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaRoyal Society
San Petersburgoko Zientzien Akademia
Suediako Zientzien Errege Akademia
Londresko Zoologia Elkartea
Zientzien Errusiar Akademia
Accademia delle Scienze di Torino

Tübingengo Unibertsitatean medikuntza ikasi ondoren, ama bisitatzera joan zen 1855ean eta British Museumen lan egitea eskaini zioten. Royal Societyko kidea, 1874an britainiar herritartasuna lortu zuen.

Lan hautatuak

  • 1858 - Handbuch der Medicinischen Zoologie. Editor E. Schweizerbart'sche. 244 pp.
  • 1858 - Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the collection of the British Museum. Londres
  • 1858 - On the geographical distribution of reptiles. Proc Zool Soc Londres
  • 18591870 - Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum
  • 1863 - On new specimens of Snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Sep. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. 1-6
  • 1863 - Third account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Sep. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. 1-17
  • 1864 - Report on a collection of Reptiles and Fishes made by Dr. Kirk in the Zambesi and Nyassa regions. Sep. Proc. Zool. Soc. Londres, 1-12
  • 1864 - Descriptions of new species of Batrachians from West Africa. Sep. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1-4
  • 1865 - Fourth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Sep. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. 1-10
  • 1867 - Contribution to the anatomy of Hatteria (Rhynchocephalus, Owen). Sep. Philosophical Transactions, II: 1-36
  • 1867 - Descriptions of some new or little-known species of Fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London, Jan. 24: 99-104
  • 1868 - First account of species of tailless Batrachians added to the collection of the British Museum. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, III: 478-490
  • 1868 - Sixth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Sep. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. 1-17
  • 1868 - First account of species of Tailless Batrachians added to the collection of the British Museum. Proc. of the Zoological Society of Londres (III), 25: 478-490
  • 1868 - Report on a collection of Fishes made at St. Helena by J.C. Meliss. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London (II): 225-228
  • 1868 - Descriptions of freshwater Fishes made from Surinam and Brazil. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London (II): 229-246
  • 1872 - Seventh account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. 13-37
  • 1874 - Description of a new European Species of Zootoca. Annals and Magazine of Natural History
  • 1874 - Descriptions of some new or imperfectly known species of Reptiles from the Camaroon Mountains. Proc. of the Zoological Society, London, June 16: 444-445
  • 1875 - Second report on collection of Indian Reptiles obtained by the British Museum. Proc. of the Zoological Society, Londres, 16: 224-234. Plates XXX-XXXIV
  • 1875 - Third report on collections of Indian Reptiles obtained by the British Museum. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London: 567-577
  • 1876 - Statement regarding dr. Welwitsch's Angola Reptiles. Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, V (20): 275-276. Welwitsch
  • 1876 - Notes on a small collection brought by Lieut. L. Cameron, from Angola. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London, pp. 678. Herpetologia. Ahaetulla dorsalis (Bocage). Reptilia. Serpentes.
  • 1876 - Remarks on some Indian and, more especially, Bornean Mammals. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London, III: 424-428
  • 1876 - Carta para Bocage, Zoological Department (British Museum)
  • 1877 - Notice of two large extinct lizards formerly inhabiting the Mascarene Islands. Sep. Linnean Society's Journal - Zoology, vol. 13: 321-328.
  • 1878 - On Reptiles from Midian collected by Major Burton. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London: 977-978
  • 1879 - The extinct reptiles of Rodriguez. Sep. Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc., 168 (extra-vol.) Londres: 470-472.
  • 1879 - List of the Mammals, Reptiles, and Batrachians sent by Mr. Everett from the Philippine Islands. Proc. of the Zoological Society, London, enero 14: 74-79
  • 1882 - Observations on some rare Reptiles and a Batrachian now or lately living in the Society's Menagerie. Trans. of the Zoological Society, Londres VI, part VII (1): 215-222, pl. 42-46. Chelys fimbriata (Schneid.)
  • 1885 - Note on a supposed melanotic variety of the Leopard, from South Africa. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London, marzo 3: 243-245
  • 1888 - Contribution to the knowledge of Snakes of Tropical Africa. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 1: 322-335. Ahoetulla bocagei, sp. nov. Angola.
  • 1888 - Report on a collection of Reptiles and Batrachians sent by Emin Pasha from Monbuttu, Upper Congo. Proceed. Zool. Soc. Londres, 50-51.
  • 1895 - Notice of Reptiles and Batrachians collected in the Eastern Half of Tropical Africa. Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 15: 523-529.