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Sometimes governments or other powerful groups set limits on people’s freedom to speak or publish. This is called censorship. People who practice censorship are called censors.

Censors may examine books, newspapers, magazines, and speeches. They may also review paintings, photographs, films, television shows, songs, e-mails, or other materials. If censors find information they do not want people to see or hear, they may ban the material, or keep it from being passed around. They may cut the information out of the material. Sometimes they may even punish the person who created the material.

Many types of censorship exist. People fight to ban books they do not like from school libraries. School boards pressure teachers not to teach certain subjects in the classroom. Sometimes advertisers do not like the television shows on the channels where their advertisements appear. They may refuse to advertise on those channels if the shows are not changed. Filmmakers sometimes change the language or the action in a movie to make it suitable for a wider audience.

People agree that some forms of censorship are necessary. A person is not free to shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater when there is no fire. Such an action would cause a panic and endanger lives. Also, governments can refuse to tell the public certain information if the safety of the nation is at stake. For this reason, many countries accept a greater level of censorship during wartime.

Governments and religious leaders have practiced censorship since ancient times. In ancient Rome, someone who criticized the government might be fined, removed from society, or put to death. The early Roman Catholic church censored anything that went against the church’s teachings. The Inquisition, a court of the church, could jail, torture, and kill people who spoke against the church.

Until modern times, printers in many countries had to let government censors read any work before it was published. If the censor disapproved, the work was not printed.

During the 1700s, people began to protest more strongly against censorship. In 1791 the U.S. Bill of Rights limited government censorship by guaranteeing the freedom of speech. Since then, many democratic nations have adopted similar laws. However, in other countries, censorship is still strong. The people in these countries may do and say only what the government approves.

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