Booi Aha

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"Booi aha" in Manchu script

Booi Aha (Manchu: ᠪᠣᠣᡳ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠯᠮᠠ (booi niyalma) for male, ᠪᠣᠣᡳ ᡥᡝᡥᡝ (booi hehe) for female; Chinese transliteration: つつみころもおもね哈) is a Manchu word literally meaning "household person", referring to hereditarily servile people in the Eight Banner system in 17th-century Qing China. It is often directly translated as "bondservant", although sometimes also simply rendered as the common word, slave, or more specifically within Chinese social and political context as nucai.

They were largely divided into three categories[1][2][3] translated into English:

  • company servants (Chinese: りょう下人げにん; Chinese: zuǒlǐng xiàrén)
  • half-company servants (Chinese: 管領かんりょう下人げにん; Chinese: guǎnlǐng xiàrén)
  • estate bannermen (Chinese: そうあたまはたじん; Chinese: zhuāngtóu qírén)[n 1]


According to Mark C. Elliott, the word "booi" could be confusing due to the absence of a proper Chinese word having the same meaning. The Manchu phrase literally means "of the household", but calling booi aha "slaves" conveys the wrong meaning. The reason is that there is no corresponding social status in Chinese society for booi, who often served in powerful positions and were sometimes intimates of the emperor.[5]

As a compromise in Chinese they were called "bao-yi", but this caused further misunderstanding. In Manchu documents, booi only sometimes means "bond servant", and despite the common belief it can simply refer to "people to my house" in some occasions.[5]

Pamela Kyle Crossley wrote in her book Orphan Warriors: "The Mongol is the slave of his sovereign. He is never free. His sovereign is his benefactor; [the Mongol] does not serve him for money." This Mongolian "traditional model of slave to owner" was taken up by the Manchu during the development of the Eight Banner military system.[6]

Crossley gave as the definition of Manchu: "A Manchu was, moreover, a man who used his skills exclusively to serve the sovereign....banners as institutions were derived from Turkic and Mongolian forms of military servitude, all enrolled under the banners considered themselves slaves of the emperor and called themselves so (aha, Chinese: やつざい; pinyin: nucai) when addressing him...".[6]


Booi was sometimes regarded as synonymous with booi aha, but booi usually referred to household servants who performed domestic service, whereas aha usually referred to the servile people who worked in fields.[7]


Manchu families adopted Han Chinese sons from families of bondservant Booi Aha origin and they served in Manchu company registers as detached household Manchus and the Qing imperial court found this out in 1729. Manchu Bannermen who needed money helped falsify registration for Han Chinese servants being adopted into the Manchu banners and Manchu families who lacked sons were allowed to adopt their servant's sons or servants themselves.[8] The Manchu families were paid to adopt Han Chinese sons from bondservant families by those families. The Qing Imperial Guard captain Batu was furious at the Manchus who adopted Han Chinese as their sons from slave and bondservant families in exchange for money and expressed his displeasure at them adopting Han Chinese instead of other Manchus.[9] These Han Chinese who infiltrated the Manchu Banners by adoption were known as "secondary-status bannermen" and "false Manchus" or "separate-register Manchus", and there were eventually so many of these Han Chinese that they took over military positions in the Banners which should have been reserved for Manchus. Han Chinese foster-son and separate register bannermen made up 800 out of 1,600 soldiers of the Mongol Banners and Manchu Banners of Hangzhou in 1740 which was nearly 50%. Han Chinese foster-son made up 220 out of 1,600 unsalaried troops at Jingzhou in 1747 and an assortment of Han Chinese separate-register, Mongol, and Manchu bannermen were the remainder. Han Chinese secondary status bannermen made up 180 of 3,600 troop households in Ningxia while Han Chinese separate registers made up 380 out of 2,700 Manchu soldiers in Liangzhou. The result of these Han Chinese fake Manchus taking up military positions resulted in many legitimate Manchus being deprived of their rightful positions as soldiers in the Banner armies, resulting in the real Manchus unable to receive their salaries as Han Chinese infiltrators in the banners stole their social and economic status and rights. These Han Chinese infiltrators were said to be good military troops and their skills at marching and archery were up to par so that the Zhapu lieutenant general couldn't differentiate them from true Manchus in terms of military skills.[10] Manchu Banners contained a lot of "false Manchus" who were from Han Chinese civilian families but were adopted by Manchu bannermen after the Yongzheng reign. The Jingkou and Jiangning Mongol banners and Manchu Banners had 1,795 adopted Han Chinese and the Beijing Mongol Banners and Manchu Banners had 2,400 adopted Han Chinese in statistics taken from the 1821 census. Despite Qing attempts to differentiate adopted Han Chinese from normal Manchu bannermen the differences between them became hazy.[11] These adopted Han Chinese bondservants who managed to get themselves onto Manchu banner roles were called kaihu ren (ひらきじん) in Chinese and dangse faksalaha urse in Manchu. Normal Manchus were called jingkini Manjusa.

See also


  1. ^ It can be shortened to zhuāngtóu rén without the .[4]

Further reading

  • (Huáng), うららくん (Líjūn) (2020). 為國ためくに: しんだい中期ちゅうき內務てき官僚かんりょう體制たいせい (in Chinese). Taipei: 國立こくりつ台灣たいわん大學だいがく出版しゅっぱん中心ちゅうしん. ISBN 978-9863504016.
  • Elliott, Mark C. (2001). The Manchu Way: The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China (illustrated, reprint ed.). Stanford University Press. ISBN 0804746842.


  1. ^ 祁 (Qí), よしきん (Měiqín) (2009). しんだいない务府 (in Chinese). Shenyang: 辽宁民族みんぞく出版しゅっぱんしゃ. p. 52. ISBN 978-7807226734.
  2. ^ Huáng Líjūn 2020 pg. 27. ぶくかく,《聽雨くさむらだんげん:「內務さんはた,ぶんりょう管領かんりょう。其管領かんりょう下人げにん,わがあさ發祥はっしょうはつ家臣かしん;りょう下人げにん,當時とうじしょおけへいべん,所謂いわゆる凡周あらわまた也。」
  3. ^ Huáng Líjūn 2020 pg. 59. そうあたまはたじん,あるくにはつ帶地おびじとうたかし,あるよしへいひのとばちたかし屯田とんでん,こんみな內務會計かいけい管轄かんかつ,れつ於佐りょう管領かんりょう內。わか考試こうしのぼりすすむ,のり暫附於管りょう。」ぶくかく,《聽雨くさむらだん》,まき 1,〈はちはたげんおこり〉,ぺーじ 5
  4. ^ Huáng (), Yīnóng (いちのう) (2014). 二重奏にじゅうそう: べにがく與清ともきよてき對話たいわ (in Chinese). Hsinchu: 國立こくりつ清華せいか大學だいがく出版しゅっぱんしゃ. p. 37. ISBN 978-9866116483. あきらきよしはつてんせい,ただゆう八旗滿洲才有包衣,八旗蒙古和漢軍則無,かくはたつつみころも主要しゅようぶんなり滿まんしゅうりょう旗鼓きこりょう管領かんりょう下人げにん以及そうあたまじんとう類型るいけい,其中旗鼓きこりょうため漢人かんど,且大部分ぶぶん集中しゅうちゅうざいうえさんはた
  5. ^ a b Elliott 2001 pg. 82.
  6. ^ a b Crossley, Pamela (October 1991). Orphan Warriors 作者さくしゃ:Pamela Kyle Crossley. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-00877-6.
  7. ^ Rawski (1998). The Last Emperors. p. 167.
  8. ^ Elliott 2001 pg. 324.
  9. ^ Elliott 2001 pg. 331.
  10. ^ Elliott 2001 pg. 325.
  11. ^ Walthall, Anne, ed. (2008). Servants of the Dynasty: Palace Women in World History (illustrated ed.). University of California Press. pp. 144–145. ISBN 978-0520254442.

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