Steam Labs SteamLabs
Steam Labs SteamLabs
29 May, 2019
Anti Review Bombing
Review Bombing is starting to get annoying.

It would be nice, that you can only review a game when it exceeds 2 hours of game, to avoid the trolls... who buy, review and refund.

Or that these reviews are not taken into account.
Last edited by XxFran8234xX; 11 May @ 10:28am
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You can filter reviews for playtime.

Originally posted by cSg|mc-Hotsauce:
You can filter reviews for playtime.

It's not for me, it's for the companies that suffer from review bombing.

If these companies suffer Review Bombing, they are less likely to release PC games. (For example, there are already people talking about doing Review Bombing the Ghost of Tsushima)

With Helldivers II it was justified, but here everything is known from day 1 and there comes a point that is already ridiculous and that translates into fewer video games for us.
Review bombing is a necessary tool and has been proven to work for garbage companies that think they can do whatever they want and Ghost of Tsushima will be justified too from what I heard it's basically the same thing as pulling it from certain areas that does not have PSN, ofc the Helldivers 2 should continue until Sony changes or who ever and allow those areas that were pulled to buy it again.

And no reviewing a product only after 2 hours is more than likely not happening since if there are issues with a game a review would be necessary to have under those hours and get a refund.
Last edited by B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t; 11 May @ 11:50am
Originally posted by B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t:
Review bombing is a necessary tool and has been proven to work for garbage companies that think they can do whatever they want and Ghost of Tsushima will be justified too from what I heard it's basically the same thing as pulling it from certain areas that does not have PSN, ofc the Helldivers 2 should continue until Sony changes or who ever and allow those areas that were pulled to buy it again.

And no reviewing a product only after 2 hours is more than likely not happening since if there are issues with a game a review would be necessary to have under those hours and get a refund.
In the case of Helldivers II, it was blocked in certain countries, three months after its launch, and it was justified. In the case of Ghost of Tsushima, this is known before its launch and those who are going to review the title are people who have bought the game and can play the title completely.

One thing is that the affected countries complain, (which they cannot) and another is the users who can fully enjoy the title.

As a user, you are aware of what you are buying, there are already some video games that cannot be bought in some countries, such as Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation.

I’m sorry, in this case it is not justified. It is being warned and most of those who are going to review, have the full title. If I’m not mistaken, to review it is necessary to have the game, you need to at least run it.
Originally posted by XxFran8234xX:
Review Bombing is starting to get annoying.

It would be nice, that you can only review a game when it exceeds 2 hours of game, to avoid the trolls... who buy, review and refund.

Or that these reviews are not taken into account.

Didn't the radical left Review Bomb STEAM Games at one point??

Now when People are doing it who are anti-radical left,
they are disliking the whole issue entirely...

It would be nice, that you can only review a game when it exceeds 2 hours of game,

Any System that followed this would require the use of
Game Time Manipulation & Idling Games to come to an End, first...

Now imagine how many People would dislike that idea??

I got a better idea, make it 3 hrs of required Gaming...

Before a Review is allowed...
Last edited by WraithTargundaMajarie; 11 May @ 5:12pm
Автор сообщения: cSg|mc-Hotsauce
You can filter reviews for playtime.

@R+5 12 May @ 1:31pm 
Originally posted by XxFran8234xX:
Review Bombing is starting to get annoying.

It would be nice, that you can only review a game when it exceeds 2 hours of game, to avoid the trolls... who buy, review and refund.

Or that these reviews are not taken into account.

How so?

If something turns out to be a scam, people have a right to complain.

if a dev tries to pull a "bait and switch" startegy to get sales, its also fair to down-vote a game.

if devs promise something and deliver something oif lesser quality than what they promised, is also fair to down-vote, even when is not longer available the option to ask for a refund.

is also fair that if people become aware of the bad rep of a product are able to review it under the amount of time to still ask for a refund, and either confirm if the negative reviews are true or false.

with many (maybe most) games, is usually possible to confirm In less than half hour of gameplay if specific issues are present, unless they are related to "special in-game events" (ie a new feature or mini-game that was included "half-cooked"; which is why sometimes to find the issues and review it in less than the time to ask refund is not possible, so imo it makes sense to make the review using evidence from other sources like recent gameplays from third parties or even streamers)

its valid to do what you call "review bomb" if the product is bad. t

"voting with the walled" is the only thing that helps to decrease bad trends and demand respect for consumers, and reject bad business practices.

Btw, read about "the right to repair" and the history of the word "sabotage", and what is "planned obsolescence".

only someone dishonest would support giving more power and tools to abusive corporations and devs. imo is more annoying to find people acting like shills for corps.
Last edited by @R+5; 12 May @ 2:04pm
@R+5 12 May @ 1:39pm 
Originally posted by WraithTargundaMajarie:
Didn't the radical left Review Bomb STEAM Games at one point??

"rules for thee not for me" is their style. activists have also doxed and used the "swatting" bs to people they dislike, but then if the same happens to them, they claim is bad to do doxing to others and ask for violence and that what they do is not the same (they often use euphemisms for that reason).

For ideology biased activists (just like religious extremists), any bs is ok as long as it serves their goal, which ultimately is to promote marxism (which at its core is spiritual rather than about economics) under different "ideological umbrellas" or "frames":

be it gender ideology, modern anti-masculinity and anti-femininity feminism, climate activism centred in promoting ineffective methods and technologies, and so on (at its core, marxism is about remaking humanity into something else, that in simple words could be described as hive-minded driven automatons: is about de-humanising humanity, because many have been led to believe "humanity is evil and cannot be redeemed without socialism").

literally "the end justifies their goals". consider this two videos:

minute 30:12 - Black Girl Gamers is a WOKE Cult - Gothix
"how communist confess in their own literature they weaponized skin color and class to push political change"

Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament - New Discourse

* i think is unfair to label and reduce Lindsay as an "extreme right activist" without listening first why he thinks what he thinks. Many of the thinks he comments are logical and based in facts.
Last edited by @R+5; 12 May @ 1:52pm
Originally posted by @R+5:
Originally posted by XxFran8234xX:
Review Bombing is starting to get annoying.

It would be nice, that you can only review a game when it exceeds 2 hours of game, to avoid the trolls... who buy, review and refund.

Or that these reviews are not taken into account.

How so?

If something turns out to be a scam, people have a right to complain.

if a dev tries to pull a "bait and switch" startegy to get sales, its also fair to down-vote a game.

if devs promise something and deliver something oif lesser quality than what they promised, is also fair to down-vote, even when is not longer available the option to ask for a refund.

is also fair that if people become aware of the bad rep of a product are able to review it under the amount of time to still ask for a refund, and either confirm if the negative reviews are true or false.

with many (maybe most) games, is usually possible to confirm In less than half hour of gameplay if specific issues are present, unless they are related to "special in-game events" (ie a new feature or mini-game that was included "half-cooked"; which is why sometimes to find the issues and review it in less than the time to ask refund is not possible, so imo it makes sense to make the review using evidence from other sources like recent gameplays from third parties or even streamers)

its valid to do what you call "review bomb" if the product is bad. t

"voting with the walled" is the only thing that helps to decrease bad trends and demand respect for consumers, and reject bad business practices.

Btw, read about "the right to repair" and the history of the word "sabotage", and what is "planned obsolescence".

only someone dishonest would support giving more power and tools to abusive corporations and devs. imo is more annoying to find people acting like shills for corps.
I am interested in companies not for them specifically, but for their video games. I want reviews to be better controlled and trolls to be avoided. There are people in forums and groups, planning to do Review Bombing even before the video game has been released… if there is a valid reason to criticize the game, I am not against Review Bombing.

It would be good if the reviews were a bit more demanding, without losing their purpose. There may come a point where reviews lose a lot of seriousness. I am a PC user and I want a much more serious review system where the troll loses and obviously the company does not have control over this review system. I want video games above all and the best for this platform.

Last edited by XxFran8234xX; 12 May @ 3:29pm
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