(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
International Day of the Girl Child - Girl Guides Australia
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160611201252/http://www.girlguides.org.au/news-events/news-coverage/international-day-of-the-girl-child.html

International Day of the Girl Child


The United Nations declared October 11, 2012 as the world's first International Day of the Girl Child. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the International Day of the Girl Child, approved on December 19, 2011 reads:

“To help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential.”

Canada spearheaded the international community in adopting this day. They inspired School Girls Unite, an organization of students and young women leaders in Washington DC to mobilize support in the US to advance the UN Millennium Development Goals related to gender equality, universal basic education and other human rights issues. This day will make a difference in the lives of girls and young women as citizens and as powerful voices of change in their families, their communities and their nations.


Why is it important?


Equal opportunity for girls is good for all of us. Girls throughout the world face higher rates of violence, poverty and discrimination. There is a growing recognition around the world that support for girls and their basic human rights is the key to healthy communities. Improving girls' lives has a ripple effect. What is good for them is good for everyone. The International Day of the Girl Child will promote equal treatment and opportunities for girls around the world in areas such as law, nutrition, health care, education, training, and freedom from violence and abuse.


To celebrate this day, WAGGGS invites you to help create “The world we want for girls”. They have produced the following resources to help you mark International Day of the Girl:


WAGGGS_World we want for girls image


  • Information flier – get an overview of what International Day of the Girl is all about.
  • Commitment form – we are asking decision makers to make a commitment on International Day of the Girl to do something that will make the world better for girls. Use this form to collect commitments from your own local decision makers, or prominent figures in your community.
  • Fact sheet  – learn about the challenges girls face today, and the solutions that can make the world better for them.
  • Activity sheet – take part in one of these fun International Day of the Girl activities with your Girl Guiding or Girl Scouting group.