(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Online ISSN : 2186-5337
Print ISSN : 0918-1024
ISSN-L : 0918-1024
2014 かん, 40 ごう
  • 池田いけだ りん, つつみ 浩之ひろゆき, 後藤ごとう 秀昭ひであき, 西坂にしさか 直樹なおき, 大野おおの ひろし, 柳田やなぎだ まこと
    原稿げんこう種別しゅべつ: 論説ろんせつ
    2014 ねん 2014 かん 40 ごう p. 1-18
    発行はっこう: 2014/03/31
    公開こうかい: 2014/11/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    We excavated a trench across the Kawakami fault, one of the segments of the Median Tectonic Line Fault Zone in southwest Japan. Three faults appeared on the trench walls. The sense of apparent displacement across the fault zone is down to the north, consistent with the fault scarps around the trench site. The sediments exposed on the trench walls contain evidence for three episodes of surface-rupturing earthquakes. The most recent seismic event, event I, on the Kawakami fault occurred after AD 1405. The penultimate seismic event, event II, occurred sometime during 790 BC-AD 65. Another seismic event, event III, occurred sometime during c.a. 29,000 yBP-560 BC. The timing of these seismic events is consistent with that revealed by previous trenching studies. The ages of the most recent and penultimate events are better constrained in this study. By combining this study with previous study results, the timing of paleoseismic events on the Kawakami fault is summarized as follows. The most recent seismic event, event 1, occurred between AD 1405 and AD 1780. The timing of the event is consistent with the 1596 Keicho-earthquake. The penultimate seismic event, event 2, occurred during AD 25-AD 1000. Other events occurred during 790 BC-AD 65 and during c.a. 29,000 yBP. -560 BC. Given that the 1596 Keicho-earthquake is the latest faulting event of the Kawakami fault, the average recurrence intervals are inferred to be 765-1193 years.
  • 石黒いしぐろ さとし, 杉戸すぎと 信彦のぶひこ, 後藤ごとう 秀昭ひであき, 鈴木すずき康弘やすひろ , 廣内ひろうち 大助おおすけ, つつみ  浩之ひろゆき, Enkhtaivan Dangaa , Batkhis ...
    原稿げんこう種別しゅべつ: 論説ろんせつ
    2014 ねん 2014 かん 40 ごう p. 19-34
    発行はっこう: 2014/03/31
    公開こうかい: 2014/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    The 1957 M8.3 Gobi-Altay, Mongolia, earthquake was caused by the rupture of the eastern part of the Gobi-Altay active fault zone and produced 260-km-long surface ruptures with maximum horizontal and vertical displacement of 7 m and 5 m, respectively. We mapped these rupture traces based on geomorphic stereo analysis of CORONA satellite imagery and compared our map with the previously-reported detailed distribution map of the ruptures. We identified active fault traces that moved during the 1957 earthquake based on displacement of modern river beds or very young fluvial surfaces adjacent to them. We conclude that 1) we are able to identify the 1957 surface ruptures using CORONA imagery, 2) we are able to clearly interpret branch directions along surface ruptures. However, we are occasionally not able to detect the surface ruptures because of a) small vertical displacement of less than 1 m that is less than the threshold to identify any surface ruptures using CORONA imagery, b) distortion that impedes stereo analysis itself as well as scale reduction in the edge portion of CORONA imagery, and c) weak geomorphic expression due to small amounts of both coseismic and cumulative displacement. This study demonstrate that geomorphic stereo analysis using CORONA satellite imagery enables us to reconstruct details of recent surface ruptures that appeared several-ten years before the imagery was taken during AD 1959 and 1972, or perhaps several-hundred years before that period in arid areas where external geomorphic processes do not work so frequently.
  • 尾谷おたに断層だんそう水鳥みずとり断層だんそうがけれいに-
    内山うちやま 庄一郎しょういちろう, 中田なかた  こう, 井上いのうえ  おおやけ, 熊原くまはら 康博やすひろ, 杉田すいた  あかつき, 井筒いづつ  ほとび, 後藤ごとう 秀昭ひであき, 福井ふくい 弘道ひろみち, 鈴木すずき 比奈子ひなこ, 谷口たにぐち かおる
    原稿げんこう種別しゅべつ: たんほう
    2014 ねん 2014 かん 40 ごう p. 35-42
    発行はっこう: 2014/03/31
    公開こうかい: 2014/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    We photographed for the geomorphometry of the Midori fault scarp formed by the 1891 Nobi Earthquake in Motosu City, Gifu Prefecture (Japan) by using multirotor radio control helicopters as a small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV), and we analysed these images. A digital surface model (DSM) of 0.09 m mesh and an orthophoto with a resolution of 0.03 m were generated from these images by PhotoScan software produced by structure from motion (SfM). A topographic map with 1 m interval contours and a cross-section profile were processed using a DSM produced by ArcGIS. These results were compared with the same type of map and profile processed by LiDAR with a resolution of 5 m. The terrain was able to be measured by using the DSM derived by SfM with precision at least as high as that of the LiDAR. We expect that the new technology will be applied to tectonic landform survey and geomorphological research. In addition, our results should help to ensure flight safety and compliance with the law.