Data Experience Lab (DXL)

A sign reads A group of people sit in colorful chairs in the computer lab. One person holds a stylus up to a large tablet.A person draws a graph on a very large touchscreen that is mounted to a wall. Four other people look on in interestA person is presenting, with a projected image of colorful charts. Other people sit around large work tables and look on
A sign reads
A group of people sit in colorful chairs in the computer lab. One person holds a stylus up to a large tablet.
A person draws a graph on a very large touchscreen that is mounted to a wall. Four other people look on in interest
A person is presenting, with a projected image of colorful charts. Other people sit around large work tables and look on

Building: D. H. Hill Jr. Library

Floor: Third Floor, Tower

The Data Experience Lab (DXL) is the NC State University Libraries’ community hub for data science, visualization, and digital research and scholarship. It offers collaboration space, computing resources, and support for anyone in the NC State community working with data, creating visualizations, using geospatial methodologies, or employing new digital methods and approaches. The DXL staff has expertise in various areas and can help you learn new skills or develop a project. We’d love for you to be part of our community!

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Reserve a DXL workstation
If you need to make a reservation longer than four hours, please contact us.


View list of software
Don't see the specific software you need for the workstation you want to use? You can request software for the DXL computers.

  •   What's inside?


    • Work table and office chairs
    • Computer pod


    Natural light (sunlight)

    Sound Level

    Conversation and chatter


  •   How do I get there?

    Brickyard Entrance


    • Enter the Hill Library from the Brickyard entrance.
    • Go through the library gates and turn right.
    • Continue towards the reading room and the elevator bay will be on your left. 
    • Take the elevator to the third floor.
    • Turn left after exiting the elevator bay.
    • The Data Experience Lab (DXL) is on your right.


    • Enter the Hill Library from the Brickyard entrance.
    • Go straight through the library gates.
    • Take the first flight of stairs.
    • Turn and take the stairs to the third floor. 
    • Turn left after exiting the stairwell.
    • The Data Experience Lab (DXL) is on your right.

    Hillsborough St. Entrance


    • Enter the Hill Library from the Hillsborough St. entrance.
    • Go straight through the gates and turn left.
    • Continue down the hallway until you reach the stairs and elevator.
    • Take the stairs or elevator to the first floor (1U).
    • Continue straight across the lobby.
    • Turn left before entering the Learning Commons.
    • Continue straight past the right side of Ask Us and around the brick wall to the elevators.
    • Take the elevators up to the third floor.
    • Turn left out of the elevator bay
    • The Data Experience Lab (DXL) is on your right.


    • Enter the Hill Library from the Hillsborough St. entrance.
    • Go straight through the gates and turn left.
    • Continue down the hallway and take the first flight of stairs.
    • Continue straight until you reach the main stairwell in front of Ask Us.
    • Turn right and take the stairs to the third floor.
    • The Data Experience Lab (DXL) is on your right.

    View the building map of the Hill Library

  •   Who do I contact?

    Contact us to get data science help or if you have questions about the DXL.