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User:HMGiovanniV/工作4 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


这是ほん页的いち历史版本はんぽんゆかりHMGiovanniVとめげん | 贡献ざい2024ねん7がつ13にち (ろく) 15:36 →‎政治せいじ编辑。这可能かのうとうぜん版本はんぽん存在そんざい巨大きょだいてき异。

उत्तर प्रदेश
すわ标 (勒克瑙):26°50′49″N 80°56′49″E / 26.847°N 80.947°E / 26.847; 80.947
国家こっか 印度いんど
  • 1805ねんわり让和うらない领的しょう
  • 1834ねん11月14にちおもねかくひしげ管区かんく
  • 1836ねん1がつ1にち西北せいほくしょう
  • 1858ねん4がつ3にちおもね约提亚被英国えいこくひかえせいとくさと从西きたしょうぶんさと出来でき,并入えいぞくつくりさえぎひろししょう
  • 1871ねん4がつ1にちおもね杰梅尔, Merwara凯克さとさく独立どくりつ专区
  • 1877ねん2がつ15にちおもね约提亚并にゅう西北せいほくしょう
  • 1902ねん3がつ22にちさらめい为阿かくひしげやわおもね约提亚联ごうしょう
  • 1921ねん1がつ3にちさらめい为英ぞく印度いんど联合しょう
  • 1937ねん4がつ1にちさらめい为联ごうしょう
  • 1946ねん4がつ1にち:授予自治じち地位ちい
  • 1947ねん8がつ15にちなる独立どくりつ印度いんどてきいち部分ぶぶん
  • 1950ねん1がつ16にちさらめい北方きたがたくに
  • 2009ねん11月9にちきたやす查尔くに北方きたがたくに析出せきしゅつ,现在さけべきたおもね坎德くに
75 [1]
 • 行政ぎょうせいつくえ印度いんど政府せいふ北方きたがたくに政府せいふ
 • 立法りっぽうつくえ两院せい(404 + 108せき
 • 人民じんみんいん选区80
 • 高等法院こうとうほういんやすひしげおもねともえいさお高等法院こうとうほういん
 • 总计243,286 平方ひらかた公里くり(93,933 平方ひらかた英里えり
 • 總計そうけい241,066,874にん
 • はいめいだい1
 • 密度みつど991にん/平方ひらかた公里くり(2,566にん/平方ひらかた英里えり
ISO 3166码IN-UP
車輛しゃりょうごうぱいUP 01—XX
HDI 0.596(ひく
HDI rankだい35(2018ねん
Module:Mapframeだい384ぎょうLua错误:attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'lat_d' (a nil value)

北方きたがたくにしるしउत्तर प्रदेशうまUttar Pradesh),印度いんど北部ほくぶてきくにゆう2.41亿人口じんこう印度いんど人口じんこう最多さいたてきくにまた世界せかい人口じんこう最多さいたてき一級いっきゅう行政ぎょうせい[2]あまはくなんじせっ壤,毗鄰こく內的きたおもね坎德くに马偕尔邦哈里亚纳くにひしげ贾斯ひろしくに中央ちゅうおうくに以及哈尔くに北方きたがたくに面積めんせき243,286平方ひらかた公里くり,佔印てき7.34%,面積めんせきじょう印度いんどだいよん大邦たいほう。該邦ぶんため18ぶん70けん首府しゅふため勒克瑙しるしがらすなんじ北方きたがたくにさいこう使用しようてきげん,也是かんかたげん







鹿野かのえんてきこたえまいかつ佛塔ぶっとうえいDhamekh Stupaこれ释迦牟尼はつ转法轮これ




とくさとてき首位しゅい苏丹くらとくぬのひのと·もぐさはいかつ治下ちか征服せいふくりょう今日きょう北方きたがたくにてき部分ぶぶん地区ちく包括ほうかつみつひしげとくおもねさとかくほこりとうかわら等地とうち勒杜迷失おさむかつきょくおんなじょう,并且征服せいふくりょう北方きたがたくにてき大部たいぶ领地。ともえ勒班治下ちか遭遇そうぐうつぎみん众起ごとただし悉数ひらいきらいおもねひしげ乌丁·卡尔きちえいAlauddin Khilji征服せいふくりょうかわらひしげおさめ西にしひろしひしげ亚格ひしげきちとう。此外,苏非ぬしまたざい这期间在北方きたがた邦生くにお发芽,诞生如あま扎穆ひのと·おくえいNizamuddin Auliya库特ぬのひのと·ともえ赫蒂亚尔·卡基えいQutbuddin Bakhtiar Kakiとうかげ响深远的苏非圣人。这一时期亦有许多著名的清真寺和陵墓建筑留存至今,如こうぬのてきおもねとうひしげ清真きよざねてらえいAtala Masjidほうたい赫普尔西かつさとてき贾玛清真きよざねてら图格鲁卡ともえいさおえいTughlaqabadてき图格鲁卡ともえいさおじょうえいTughlaqabad Fortひとし[22][23]



18せい纪起,莫卧儿帝国步こくほいれおとろえ落,马拉とう帝国ていこく崛起并入おかせ北方きたがたくに地区ちく原本げんぽんざい该地てのひら权的罗希ひしげじんえいRohilla遭马ひしげじん驱逐。1803ねんいたり1804ねん英国えいこく印度いんど公司こうしかず马拉じんばくだい英国えいこく-马拉战争えいSecond Anglo-Maratha Warゆかり英国えいこくじん胜告终,进而统治北方きたがたくにてきだい部分ぶぶん地区ちく[31]


18せい纪下はんかのうおこり英国えいこく印度いんど公司こうし经连ねんせい战,逐渐ひかえせい今日きょうてき北方ほっぽうくに诸地[32],连同おもね杰梅尔ときうらなんじてき部分ぶぶん领地いちおこり成立せいりつ西北せいほくしょうえいNorth-Western Provincesかん辖,其面积在とう时的えいぞく印度いんど领地并不さんだい[33]。其首府しゅふ曾在おもねかくひしげやすひしげおもねともえ德之のりゆき间两迁移[34]


1920ねん省治しょうじよしやすひしげおもねともえいさお迁至勒克瑙[39]ただし高等法院こうとうほういん仍留ざいやすひしげおもねともえいさお[40]やすひしげおもねともえいさお如今仍是北方きたがたくにてき行政ぎょうせいじゅう镇,设有个部门总[41]。这一时期的北方邦地区仍是印度政治的中心,并且印度いんど独立どくりつ运动てき温床おんしょう。这里しゅう结了おもねさとかく尔穆斯林大学だいがくえいAligarh Muslim University贝那ひしげ印度いんどきょう大学だいがくえいBanaras Hindu Universityとくおくはんとく神学しんがくいんえいDarul Uloom Deobandとう现代高等こうとういんこうひしげ姆·ひしげ萨德·斯米尔えいRam Prasad Bismilぜにとくひしげ·しゃ卡爾·おもね扎德ひとし知名ちめい民族みんぞくぬし义人ぶつ,以及如莫逖ひしげ尔·あま赫鲁贾瓦哈拉尔·あま赫鲁马丹·莫汉·马拉维亚えいMadan Mohan Malaviyaほこゆたかとく·ともえひしげぬの·はんとくえいGovind Ballabh Pantひとし国大こくだいとう领袖,かつ跃在北方きたがたくに。1936ねん4がつ11にちぜんしるし农民协会えいAll India Kisan Sabha成立せいりつ于勒かつ瑙,选举萨哈贾南とく·萨拉斯瓦蒂えいSahajanand Saraswati为首にん主席しゅせき[42]长期领导农民反抗はんこう扎明达尔地主じぬしとく权,印度いんど农民运动てき重要じゅうよう领袖[43]。1942ねん退出たいしゅつ印度いんど运动间,ともえとし镇曾推翻英国えいこく当局とうきょく建立こんりゅう独立どくりつ政府せいふ[44]


印度いんどどく立后りっこうてき1950ねん1がつ24にち,联合しょうあらため北方きたがたくに,仍以UP为缩うつし[45][46][47]ゆう九位总理出身于北方邦,为印度いんど诸邦くび北方きたがたくに也是印度いんど人民じんみんいん议员せき最多さいたてきくにつきかん长期为印度いんど政治せいじじゅうただし该邦长期存在そんざい不善ふぜんてき问题,经济しょう对落きさき犯罪はんざいくさ败问题严じゅう。该邦しばしばしばしば发生种姓暴力ぼうりょくえいCaste-related violence in Indiaしゃ暴力ぼうりょくざいあん[48]。1992ねん12月,おもね约提亚ばくともえ布里ふり清真きよざねてら拆除事件じけん,引发全国ぜんこく广泛てき暴力ぼうりょくそうはし[49]。2000ねん北方きたがたくに部分ぶぶん地区ちくぶんおけきたおもね坎德くに[50]






Uttar Pradesh has a humid subtropical climate and experiences four seasons.[66] The winter in January and February is followed by summer between March and May and the monsoon season between June and September.[67] Summers are extreme with temperatures fluctuating anywhere between 0—50 °C(32—122 °F) in parts of the state coupled with dry hot winds called the LooえいLoo (wind).[68] The Gangetic plain varies from semiarid to sub-humid.[67] The mean annual rainfall ranges from 650 mm(26えいすん) in the southwest corner of the state to 1,000 mm(39えいすん) in the eastern and south eastern parts of the state.[69] Primarily a summer phenomenon, the Bay of Bengal branch of the Indian monsoonえいMonsoon of India is the major bearer of rain in most parts of state. After summer it is the southwest monsoon which brings most of the rain here, while in winters rain due to the western disturbancesえいwestern disturbances and north-east monsoon also contribute small quantities towards the overall precipitation of the state.[66][70]

Monsoon clouds over IndirapuramえいIndirapuram
つき 1がつ 2がつ 3がつ 4がつ 5月 6がつ 7がつ 8がつ 9月 10月 11月 12月 ぜんとし
平均へいきん高温こうおん °C(°F) 29.9
平均へいきん低温ていおん °C(°F) 11.0
平均へいきん降水こうすいりょう mm(えいすん 0
平均へいきん降水こうすいてんすう 0.1 0.3 0.3 1.1 3.3 10.9 17.0 16.2 10.9 5.0 2.4 0.3 67.8
つきひとし日照ひでり時數じすう 291.4 282.8 300.7 303.0 316.2 186.0 120.9 111.6 177.0 248.44 270.0 288.3 2,896.34

The rain in Uttar Pradesh can vary from an annual average of 170 cm(67えいすん) in hilly areas to 84 cm(33えいすん) in Western Uttar PradeshえいWestern Uttar Pradesh.[66] Given the concentration of most of this rainfall in the four months of the monsoon, excess rain can lead to floods and shortage to droughts. As such, these two phenomena, floods and droughts, commonly recur in the state. The climate of the Vindhya Range and plateau is subtropical with a mean annual rainfall between 1,000、1,200 mm(3947えいすん), most of which comes during the monsoon.[67] Typical summer months are from March to June, with maximum temperatures ranging from 30—38 °C(86—100 °F). There is a low relative humidity of around 20% and dust-laden winds blow throughout the season. In summer, hot winds called looえいloo (wind) blow all across Uttar Pradesh.[66]

Flora and fauna

State symbols of Uttar Pradesh[72][73]
State animal Swamp deer (Rucervus duvaucelii)  
State bird Sarus crane (Antigone antigone)  
State tree Ashoka (Saraca asoca)  
State flower Palash (Butea monosperma)  
State dance KathakえいKathak  
State sport Field hockey  

Uttar Pradesh has an abundance of natural resources.[74] In 2011, the recorded forest area in the state was 16,583 km2(6,403 sq mi) which is about 6.9% of the state's geographical area.[75] In spite of rapid deforestation and poaching of wildlife, a diverse flora and fauna continue to exist in the state. Uttar Pradesh is a habitat for 4.2% of all species of Algae recorded in India, 6.4% of Fungi, 6.0% of Lichens, 2.9% of Bryophytes, 3.3% of Pteridophytes, 8.7% of Gymnosperms, 8.1% of Angiosperms.[76] Several species of trees, large and small mammals, reptiles, and insects are found in the belt of temperate upper mountainous forests. Medicinal plants are found in the wild[77] and are also grown in plantations. The Terai–Duar savanna and grasslandsえいTerai–Duar savanna and grasslands support cattle. Moist deciduous trees grow in the upper Gangetic plain, especially along its riverbanks. This plain supports a wide variety of plants and animals. The Ganges and its tributaries are the habitat of large and small reptiles, amphibians, fresh-water fish, and crabs. Scrubland trees such as the Babool (Vachellia nilotica) and animals such as the Chinkara (Gazella bennettii) are found in the arid Vindhyas.[78][79] Tropical dry deciduous forests are found in all parts of the plains. Since much sunlight reaches the ground, shrubs and grasses are also abundant.[80] Large tracts of these forests have been cleared for cultivation. Tropical thorny forests, consisting of widely scattered thorny trees, mainly babool are mostly found in the southwestern parts of the state.[81]

Uttar Pradesh is known for its extensive avifauna.[82] The most common birds which are found in the state are doves, peafowl, junglefowl, black partridges, house sparrows, songbirds, blue jays, parakeetえいparakeets, quails, bulbuls, comb ducks, kingfishers, woodpeckers, snipeえいsnipes, and parrots. Bird sanctuaries in the state include Bakhira SanctuaryえいBakhira Sanctuary, National Chambal SanctuaryえいNational Chambal Sanctuary, Chandra Prabha Wildlife SanctuaryえいChandra Prabha Wildlife Sanctuary, Hastinapur Wildlife SanctuaryえいHastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, Kaimoor Wildlife SanctuaryえいKaimoor Wildlife Sanctuary, and Okhla SanctuaryえいOkhla Sanctuary.[83][84][85][86][87][88]

Other animals in the state include reptiles such as lizards, cobraえいcobras, kraits, and gharials. Among the wide variety of fishes, the most common ones are mahaseerえいMahseer and trout. Some animal species have gone extinct in recent years, while others, like the lion from the Gangetic Plain, the rhinoceros from the Terai region, Ganges river dolphinえいSouth Asian river dolphin primarily found in the Ganges have become endangered.[89] Many species are vulnerable to poaching despite regulation by the governmentえいGovernment of Uttar Pradesh.[90]




专区 首府しゅふ
おもねかくひしげ专区えいAgra division おもねかくひしげ
おもねさとかく尔专えいAligarh division おもねさとかく
おもね约提亚专えいAyodhya division おもね约提亚
おもね泽姆かく尔专えいAzamgarh division おもね泽姆かく
ともえかみなり专区えいBareilly division ともえかみなり
はく斯蒂专区えいBasti division はく斯蒂
奇特きとくひしげとく专区えいChitrakoot division はんえいBanda, Uttar Pradesh
だい维帕ひろし专区えいDevipatan division みつぎたちえいGonda, Uttar Pradesh
ほこ勒克ぬのなんじ专区えいGorakhpur division ほこ勒克ぬのなんじ
うらない西にし专区えいJhansi division うらない西にし
坎普尔专えいKanpur division 坎普尔
勒克瑙专えいLucknow division 勒克瑙
みつひしげとく专区 みつひしげとく
莫拉たちともえいさお专区えいMoradabad division 莫拉たちともえいさお
ひろしひしげ亚格ひしげきち专区えいPrayagraj division ひろしひしげ亚格ひしげきち
薩哈らんあまねしか专区えいSaharanpur division 薩哈らんひろしなんじ
かわらひしげおさめ西にし专区えいVaranasi division かわらひしげおさめ西にし
べい尔扎ぬの尔专えいMirzapur division べい尔扎ぬの


Religion in Uttar Pradesh (2011)[92]

  Not stated(0.29%)

Languages of Uttar Pradesh from 2011 census[93]


Uttar Pradesh has a very large population and a high population growth rate. From 1991 to 2001 its population increased by over 26 per cent.[94] It is the most populous state in India, with 199,581,477 people on 1 March 2011.[95] The state contributes to 16.2 per cent of India's population. As of 2021, the estimated population of the state is around 240 million people.[96] The population density is 828 people per square kilometre, making it one of the most densely populated states in the country.[97] It has the largest scheduled caste population whereas scheduled tribes are less than 1 per cent of the total population.[98][99]

The sex ratio in 2011, at 912 women to 1000 men, was lower than the national figure of 943.[100] The low sex ratio in Uttar Pradesh, is a result of various factors, such as sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, and discrimination against girls and women.[101][102] The state's 2001–2011 decennial growth rate (including Uttrakhand) was 20.1 per cent, higher than the national rate of 17.64 per cent.[103][104] It has a large number of people living below the poverty line.[105] As per a World Bank document released in 2016, the pace of poverty reduction in the state has been slower than the rest of the country.[106] Estimates released by the Reserve Bank of India for the year 2011–12 revealed that the state had 59 million (59819,000) people below the poverty line, the most for any state in India.[105][107] The central and eastern districts in particular have very high levels of poverty. The state is also experiencing widening consumption inequality. As per the report of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation released in 2020, the state per capita income is below 8まん卢比 (1,242.4もと) per annum.[108]

As per 2011 census, Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state in India, is home to the highest numbers of both Hindus and Muslims.[109] The literacy rate of the state at the 2011 census was 67.7 per cent, which was below the national average of 74 per cent.[110][111] The literacy rate for men is 79 per cent and for women 59 per cent. In 2001 the literacy rate in the state stood at 56 per cent overall, 67 per cent for men and 43 per cent for women.[112] A report based on a National Statistical Office (NSO) survey[a] revealed that Uttar Pradesh's literacy rate is 73 per cent, less than the national average of 77.7 per cent. According to the report, in the rural region, the literacy rate among men is 80.5 per cent and women is 60.4 per cent, while in urban areas, the literacy rate among men is 86.8 per cent and women is 74.9 per cent.[113]

Hindi is the primary official language and is spoken by the majority of the population.[114] Bhojpuri is the second most spoken language of the state,[115] it is spoken by almost 11 per cent of the population. Most people speak regional languages classified as dialects of Hindi in the census. These include Awadhi spoken in Awadh in central Uttar Pradesh, Bhojpuri spoken in Purvanchal in eastern Uttar Pradesh, and Braj Bhasha spoken in the Braj region in Western Uttar Pradesh. These languages have also been recognised by the state government for official use in their respective regions. Urdu is given the status of a second official language, spoken by 5.4 per cent of the population.[114][116] English is used as a means of communication for education, commerce, and governance. It is commonly spoken and employed as a language of instruction in educational institutions, as well as for conducting business transactions and managing administrative affairs. Other notable languages spoken in the state include Punjabi (0.3 per cent) and Bengali (0.1 per cent).[116]



北方きたがたくに实行だい民主みんしゅせい议会せい印度いんどろく个实ぎょう两院せいてき邦之くにゆきいちふん为和立法院りっぽういんえいVidhan Sabha下院かいん立法りっぽうかいえいVidhan Parishad上院じょういん[117][118]北方きたがたくに立法院りっぽういんゆう404个议せき任期にんきねん立法りっぽうかいゆう100个永久えいきゅう议席,まい两年ゆう三分之一的议员退休离任。北方きたがたくに印度いんど国会こっかい议员せき最多さいたてきくに[119]下院かいん人民じんみんいんうらない80せき上院じょういん联邦いんうらない31せき[120][121]

北方きたがたくに政府せいふ民主みんしゅ选举产生,くに长为宪政くび长,ゆかり印度いんど总统任命にんめい任期にんきねん[122]立法院りっぽういん优势党派とうはてきとうさきがけよしくに任命にんめい为首せき长,くに长会议由くに参照さんしょう首席しゅせき长建议任命にんめいくに长是れい仪性てきくに元首げんしゅ,而首せき长和ない阁负责日常にちじょう行政ぎょうせい工作こうさく长会议由ない阁部长和こく务部长组なり,并有くに首席しゅせきえいChief Secretary (India)带领てき书处协助工作こうさく首席しゅせき书亦政府せいふてき行政ぎょうせいくび长。长是かく政府せいふ门的くび脑,ゆう首席しゅせき辅秘ある主任しゅにん书 (印度いんど)えいPrincipal Secretary (India)协助[123][124]

北方きたがたくにてきかく个专てき行政ぎょうせい长官しょう专区专员 (印度いんど)えいDivisional Commissioner[123][125][126]かく县的行政ぎょうせい长官しょう县长 (印度いんど)えいDistrict collector[123][127],负责为辖提供ていきょう公共こうきょうふく务、维持法律ほうりつ秩序ちつじょ

くにてき司法しほうつくえ包括ほうかつひろしひしげ亚格ひしげきちてき高等法院こうとうほういんえいAllahabad High Court,勒克瑙的高等法院こうとうほういんほうにわ,专区ほういん、县法いん乡法いん[123][128]くに首席しゅせき法官ほうかんゆかり印度いんど总统すえ联邦首席しゅせき法官ほうかん北方きたがたくにくに长建议任命にんめい[123][129]

北方きたがたくにてき四大政党主导着邦内政局:社会党しゃかいとうだい社會黨しゃかいとうえいBahujan Samaj Party印度いんど人民じんみんとう印度いんど国民こくみん大会たいかいとう[130]

Crime and accidents

According to the National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC), Uttar Pradesh tops the list of states of encounter killings and custodial deaths.[131] In 2014, the state recorded 365 judicial deaths out of a total 1,530 deaths recorded in the country.[132] NHRC further said, of the over 30,000 murders registered in the country in 2016, Uttar Pradesh had 4,889 cases.[133] A data from Minister of Home Affairs (MHA) avers, Bareilly recorded the highest number of custodial death at 25, followed by Agra (21), Allahabad (19) and Varanasi (9). National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data from 2011 says, the state has the highest number of crimes among any state in India, but due to its high population, the actual per capita crime rate is low.[134] The state also continues to top the list of states with maximum communal violence incidents. An analysis of Ministers of State of Home Affairs states (2014), 23% of all incidents of communal violence in India took place in the state.[135][136] According to a research assembled by State Bank of India, Uttar Pradesh failed to improve its Human Development Index (HDI) ranking over a period of 27 years (1990–2017).[137] Based on sub-national human development index data for Indian states from 1990 to 2017, the report also stated that the value of human development index has steadily increased over time from 0.39 in 1990 to 0.59 in 2017.[138][139][140] The Uttar Pradesh Police, governed by the Department of Home and Confidential, is the largest police force in the world.[141][142][143]

Uttar Pradesh also reported the highest number of deaths – 23,219 – due to road and rail accidents in 2015, according to NCRB data.[144][145] This included 8,109 deaths due to careless driving.[146] Between 2006 and 2010, the state has been hit with three terrorist attacks, including explosions in a landmark holy place, a court and a temple. The 2006 Varanasi bombings were a series of bombings that occurred across the Hindu holy city of Varanasi on 7 March 2006. At least 28 people were killed and as many as 101 others were injured.[147][148]

In the afternoon of 23 November 2007, within a span of 25 minutes, six consecutive serial blasts occurred in the Lucknow, Varanasi, and Faizabad courts, in which 28 people were killed.[149][150][151] Another blast occurred on 7 December 2010, the blast occurred at Sheetla Ghat in Varanasi in which more than 38 people were killed.[152][153] In February 2016, a series of bomb blasts occurred at the Jhakarkati Bus Station in Kanpur, killing 2 people and injuring more than 30.[154]


Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost at Current Prices (2011–12 Base)

figures in crores of Indian rupees

Year Net State Domestic Product[155]
2011–12 532,218
2015–16 1,137,808
2016–17 1,288,700
2017–18 1,446,000[156] (est.)
Sown saplings of rice in a paddy; located in the rich fertile Indo-Gangetic Plain, agriculture is the largest employment generator in the state.

In terms of net state domestic product (NSDP), Uttar Pradesh is the fourth-largest economy in India, with an estimated gross state domestic product of ,[156] contributing 8.4% of India's gross domestic product.[157] According to the report generated by India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), in 2014–15, Uttar Pradesh has accounted for 19% share in the country's total food grain output.[158] About 70% of India's sugar comes from Uttar Pradesh. Sugarcane is the most important cash crop as the state is country's largest producer of sugar.[158] As per the report generated by Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA), total sugarcane production in India was estimated to be 28.3 million tonnes in the fiscal ending September 2015 which includes 10.47 million tonnes from Maharashtra and 7.35 million tonnes from Uttar Pradesh.[159]

With 359 manufacturing clusters, cement is the top sector of SMEs in Uttar Pradesh.[160] The Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation (UPFC) was established in 1954 under the SFCs Act of 1951 mainly to develop small- and medium-scale industries in the state.[161] The UPFC also provides working capital to existing units with a soundtrack record and to new units under a single window scheme.[162] In July 2012, due to financial constraints and directions from the state government, lending activities were suspended except for State Government Schemes.[163] The state has reported total private investment worth over Rs. 25,081 crores during the years of 2012 and 2016.[164] According to a recent report of the World Bank on Ease of Doing Business in India, Uttar Pradesh was ranked among the top 10 states and first among Northern states.[165]

According to the Uttar Pradesh Budget Documents (2019–20), Uttar Pradesh's debt burden is 29.8 per cent of the GSDP.[166] The state's total financial debt stood at in 2011.[167] Uttar Pradesh has not been able to witness double-digit economic growth despite consistent attempts over the years.[166] The GSDP is estimated to have grown 7 per cent in 2017–18 and 6.5 per cent in 2018–19 which is about 10 per cent of India's GDP. According to a survey conducted by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), Uttar Pradesh's unemployment rate increased 11.4 percentage points, rising to 21.5 per cent in April 2020.[168] Uttar Pradesh has the largest number of net migrants migrating out of the state.[169] The 2011 census data on migration shows that nearly 14.4 million (14.7%) people had migrated out of Uttar Pradesh.[170] Marriage was cited as the predominant reason for migration among females. Among males, the most important reason for migration was work and employment.[171]

IT Parks in Noida, which are known for their infrastructure and services, as well as high-end housing complexes.[172]

In 2009–10, the tertiary sector of the economy (service industries) was the largest contributor to the gross domestic product of the state, contributing 44.8 per cent of the state domestic product compared to 44 per cent from the primary sector (agriculture, forestry, and tourism) and 11.2 per cent from the secondary sector (industrial and manufacturing).[173][174] Noida, Meerut, and Agra rank as the top 3 districts with the highest per capita income, whereas Lucknow and Kanpur rank 7th and 9th in per capita income.[175] During the 11th five-year plan (2007–2012), the average gross state domestic product (GSDP) growth rate was 7.3 per cent, lower than 15.5 per cent, the average for all states of the country.[176][177] The state's per capita GSDP was 29,417 (US$ 456.85), lower than the national per capita GSDP of 60,972 (US$ 946.9).[178] Labor efficiency is higher at an index of 26 than the national average of 25. Textiles and sugar refining, both long-standing industries in Uttar Pradesh, employ a significant proportion of the state's total factory labour. The economy also benefits from the state's tourism industry.[179]


A section of Delhi–Noida Direct Flyway

The state has the largest railway network in the country but in relative terms has only sixth-highest railway density despite its plain topography and largest population. 截至2015ねん (2015-Missing required parameter 1=month!), there were 9,077 km(5,640 mi) of rail in the state.[180][181] The railway network in the state is controlled by two divisions of the Indian Railways viz. North Central Railway and North Eastern Railway. Allahabad is the headquarters of the North Central Railway[182] and Gorakhpur is the headquarters of the North Eastern Railway.[183][184] Lucknow and Moradabad serve as divisional Headquarters of the Northern Railway Division. Lucknow Swarna Shatabdi Express, the second fastest Shatabdi Express train, connects the Indian capital of New Delhi to Lucknow while Kanpur Shatabdi Express, connects New Delhi to Kanpur Central. This was the first train in India to get the new German LHB coaches.[185] The railway stations of Prayagraj Junction, Agra Cantonment, Lucknow Charbagh, Gorakhpur Junction, Kanpur Central, Mathura Junction and Varanasi Junction are included in the Indian Railways list of 50 world-class railway stations.[186] The Lucknow Metro, along with the Kanpur Metro (Orange line), are rapid transit systems that serve Lucknow and Kanpur, respectively.

The state has a large, multimodal transportation system with the largest road network in the country.[187] It has 42 national highways, with a total length of 4,942 km(3,071英里えり) comprising 8.9 per cent of the total national highways length in India.[188] The Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation was established in 1972 to provide transportation in the state with connecting services to adjoining states.[189] All cities are connected to state highways, and all district headquarters are being connected with four lane roads which carry traffic between major centres within the state. One of them is Agra–Lucknow Expressway, which is a 302 km(188英里えりcontrolled-access highway constructed by UPEIDA.[190] Uttar Pradesh has the highest road density in India – 1,027 km(638英里えり) per 1,000 km2(390平方ひらかた英里えり) – and the largest surfaced urban-road network in the country – 50,721 km(31,517英里えり).[191]

By passenger traffic in India, Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport in Lucknow and Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport in Varanasi, are the major international airports and the main gateway to the state.[192] Another international airport has been built at Kushinagar. However, since its inauguration, Kushinagar International Airport has not yet seen any outbound flights to international destinations.[193][194] Uttar Pradesh has six domestic airports located at Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, Ghaziabad, Gorakhpur and Kanpur.[195][196] The state has also proposed creating the Noida International Airport near Jewar in Gautam Buddha Nagar district.[197][198] [199]


Force India racing at Buddh International Circuit

Traditional sports, now played mostly as a pastime, include wrestling, swimming, kabaddi, and track-sports or water-sports played according to local traditional rules and without modern equipment. Some sports are designed to display martial skills such as using a sword or 'Pata' (stick).[200] Due to a lack of organised patronage and requisite facilities, these sports survive mostly as individuals' hobbies or local competitive events. Among modern sports, field hockey is popular and Uttar Pradesh has produced top-level players in India, such as Nitin Kumar. and Lalit Kumar Upadhyay.[201]

Recently, cricket has become more popular than field hockey.[202] Uttar Pradesh won its first Ranji Trophy tournament in February 2006, beating Bengal in the final.[203] Shaheed Vijay Singh Pathik Sports Complex is a newly built international cricket stadium with a capacity of around 20,000 spectators.[204] Wrestling has deep roots in Uttar Pradesh, with many akharas (traditional wrestling schools) spread across the state.[205]

The Uttar Pradesh football team (UPFS) serves as the governing body for football in Uttar Pradesh. It holds authority over the Uttar Pradesh football team and is officially affiliated with the All India Football Federation.[206] The UPFS participates in sending state teams to compete in all National Football Championships organised by the All India Football Federation.[207] Additionally, the UPFS oversees two Mandal Football Associations: the Aligarh Football Association and the Kanpur Football Association.[208] The Uttar Pradesh Badminton Association is a sports body affiliated to Badminton Association of India responsible for overseeing players representing Uttar Pradesh at the national level.[209]

The Buddh International Circuit hosted India's inaugural F1 Grand Prix race on 30 October 2011.[210] Races were only held three times before being cancelled due to falling attendance and lack of government support. The government of Uttar Pradesh considered Formula One to be entertainment and not a sport, and thus imposed taxes on the event and participants.[211]


JRHU is a private university for people with disabilities in Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh.
Central Drug Research Institute, an autonomous multidisciplinary research institute

Uttar Pradesh has a prolonged tradition of education, although historically it was primarily confined to the elite class and religious schools.[212] Sanskrit-based learning formed the major part of education from the Vedic to the Gupta periods. As cultures travelled through the region they brought their bodies of knowledge with them, adding Pali, Persian and Arabic scholarship to the community. These formed the core of Hindu-Buddhist-Muslim education until the rise of British colonialism. The present schools-to-university system of education owes its inception and development in the state (as in the rest of the country) to foreign Christian missionaries and the British colonial administration.[213] Schools in the state are either managed by the government or by private trusts. Hindi is used as a medium of instruction in most of the schools except those affiliated to the CBSE or the council for ICSE boards.[214] Under the 10+2+3 plan, after completing secondary school, students typically enroll for two years in a junior college, also known as pre-university, or in schools with a higher secondary facility affiliated with the Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate Education or a central board. Students choose from one of three streams, namely liberal arts, commerce, or science. Upon completing the required coursework, students may enrol in general or professional degree programs. Some Uttar Pradesh schools, for example Delhi Public School (Noida), La Martinière Girls' College (Lucknow), and Step by Step School (Noida) have been ranked among the best schools in the country.[215]

Uttar Pradesh has more than 45 universities,[216] including five central universities, twenty eight state universities, eight deemed universities, two IITs in Varanasi and Kanpur, AIIMS Gorakhpur and AIIMS Rae Bareli, an IIM in Lucknow[217][218]

The Integral University, a state level institution, was established by the Uttar Pradesh Government to provide education in different technical, applied science, and other disciplines.[219] The Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies was founded as an autonomous organisation by the national ministry of culture. Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University is the only university established exclusively for the disabled in the world.[220] A large number of Indian scholars are educated at different universities in Uttar Pradesh. Notable scholars who were born, worked or studied in the geographic area of the state include Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Motilal Nehru, Harish Chandra and Indira Gandhi.[221]


Kumbh Mela at Sangam, Allahabad, 2013

Uttar Pradesh ranks first in domestic tourist arrivals among all states of India.[222][223] Some 44,000 foreign tourists arrived in the state in 2021, and almost 110 million domestic tourists.[224] The Taj Mahal attracts some 7 million people a year, earning almost 7.8亿卢比 (1,211.34まんもと) in ticket sales in 2018–19.[225] The state is home to three World Heritage Sites: the Taj Mahal,[226] Agra Fort,[227] and the nearby Fatehpur Sikri.[228]

Religious tourism plays a significant role in the state's economy. Varanasi is a major religious hub and one of the seven sacred cities (Sapta Puri) in Hinduism and Jainism.[229][230][231] Vrindavan is considered to be a holy place for Vaishnavism.[232][233] Sravasti generally considered as revered sites in Buddhism, believed to be where the Buddha taught many of his Suttas (sermons).[234]

Owing to the belief as to the birthplace of Rama, Ayodhya (Awadh) has been regarded as one of the seven most important pilgrimage sites.[235][236][237] Millions gather at Prayagraj to take part in the Magh Mela festival on the banks of the Ganges.[238] This festival is organised on a larger scale every 12th year and is called the Kumbh Mela, where over 10 million Hindu pilgrims congregate in one of the largest gatherings of people in the world.[239]

Buddhist attractions in Uttar Pradesh include stupas and monasteries. The historically important towns of Sarnath where Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon after his enlightenment and died at Kushinagar; both of which are important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists.[240] Also at Sarnath are the Pillars of Ashoka and the Lion Capital of Ashoka, both important archaeological artefacts with national significance. At a distance of 80 km(50英里えり) from Varanasi, Ghazipur is famous not only for its Ghats on the Ganges but also for the tomb of Lord Cornwallis, the 18th-century Governor of East India Company ruled Bengal Presidency. The tomb is maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India.[241] Jhansi Fort, located in the city of Jhansi, is closely associated with the "First War of Indian Independence", also known as the "Great Rebellion" or the Indian Rebellion of 1857.[242] The fort is constructed in accordance with medieval Indian military architecture, featuring thick walls, bastions, and various structures within its complex. The architecture reflects a blend of Hindu and Islamic styles.[243]


District Hospital, Kanpur Dehat

Uttar Pradesh has a mix of public as well as private healthcare infrastructure. Public healthcare in Uttar Pradesh is provided through a grid of primary health centers, community health centers, district hospitals, and medical colleges. Although an extensive network of public and private sector healthcare providers has been built, the available health infrastructure is inadequate to meet the demand for health services in the state.[244] In 15 years to 2012–13, the population increased by more than 25 per cent. The public health centres, which are the frontline of the government's health care system, decreased by 8 per cent.[245] Smaller sub-centres, the first point of public contact, increased by no more than 2 per cent over the 25 years to 2015, a period when the population grew by more than 51 per cent.[245] The state is also facing challenges such as a shortage of healthcare professionals, increasing cost of healthcare, a lack of essential medicines and equipment, the mushrooming of private healthcare and a lack of planning.[246] 截至2017ねん (2017-Missing required parameter 1=month!), the number of government hospital in rural and urban areas of Uttar Pradesh stood at 4,442 with 39,104 beds and 193 with 37,156 beds respectively.[247]

A newborn in Uttar Pradesh is expected to live four years fewer than in the neighbouring state of Bihar, five years fewer than in Haryana and seven years fewer than in Himachal Pradesh. The state contributed to the largest share of almost all communicable and noncommunicable disease deaths, including 48 per cent of all typhoid deaths (2014); 17 per cent of cancer deaths and 18 per cent of tuberculosis deaths (2015).[245] Its maternal mortality ratio is higher than the national average at 258 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births (2017), with 62 per cent of pregnant women unable to access minimum ante-natal care.[248][249] Around 42 per cent of pregnant women, more than 1.5 million, deliver babies at home. About two-thirds (61 per cent) of childbirths at home in the state are unsafe.[250] It has the highest child mortality indicators,[251] from the neonatal mortality rate to the under-five mortality rate of 64 children who die per 1,000 live births before five years of age, 35 die within a month of birth, and 50 do not complete a year of life.[252]


Language and literature

The battle of Kurukshetra, folio from the Mahabharata

Several texts and hymns of the Vedic literature were composed in Uttar Pradesh. Renowned Indian writers who have resided in Uttar Pradesh were Kabir, Ravidas, and Tulsidas, who wrote much of his Ram Charit Manas in Varanasi. The festival of Guru Purnima is dedicated to Sage Vyasa, and also known as Vyasa Purnima as it is the day which is believed to be his birthday and also the day he divided the Vedas.[253]

Hindi became the language of state administration with the Uttar Pradesh Official Language Act of 1951.[254] A 1989 amendment to the act added Urdu, as an additional language of the state.[255] Linguistically, the state spreads across the Central, East-Central, and Eastern zones of the Indo Aryan languages. The major Hindi languages of the state are Awadhi, Bagheli, Bundeli, Braj Bhasha, Kannauji, and Hindustani.[256] Bhojpuri, an Eastern Indo Aryan language, is also spoken in the state.[257]

Music and dance

With each district of Uttar Pradesh having its unique music and tradition, traditional folk music in Uttar Pradesh has been categorised in three different ways including music transmitted orally, music with unknown composers and music performed by custom. During the medieval period, two distinct types of music began to emerge in Uttar Pradesh. One was the courtly music, which received support from cities like Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Lucknow, Jaunpur, Varanasi, and Banda. The other was the religious music stemming from the Bhakti Cult, which thrived in places like Mathura, Vrindavan, and Ayodhya.[258] The popular folk music of Uttar Pradesh includes sohar, which is sung to celebrate the birth of a child. Evolved into the form of semi-classical singing, Kajari sung during the rainy season, and its singing style is closely associated the Benares gharana.[259] Ghazal, Thumri and Qawwali which is a form of Sufi poetry is popular in the Awadh region, Rasiya (especially popular in Braj), which celebrate the divine love of Radha and Krishna. Khayal is a form of semi-classical singing which comes from the courts of Awadh. Other forms of music are Biraha, Chaiti, Chowtal, Alha, and Sawani.[258]

Kathak, a classical dance form, owes its origin to the state of Uttar Pradesh.[260] Ramlila is one of the oldest dramatic folk dances; it depicts the life of the Hindu deity Rama and is performed during festivals such as Vijayadashami.[261] Nautanki is a traditional form of folk theatre that originated in Uttar Pradesh. It typically portrays a variety of themes ranging from historical and mythological tales to social and political commentary.[262] In the gharana dance form, both the Lucknow and the Benares gharanas are situated in the state.[263] Charkula is popular dance of the Braj region.[264]

Fairs and festivals

Uttar Pradeshi thali with naan, sultani dal, raita, and shahi paneer

Chhath Puja is the biggest festival of eastern Uttar Pradesh.[265] The Kumbh Mela, organised in the month of Maagha (February—March), is a major festival held every twelve years in rotation at Prayagraj on the river Ganges.[266] Lathmar Holi is a local celebration of the Hindu festival of Holi. It takes place well before the actual Holi in the town of Barsana near Mathura.[267] Taj Mahotsav, held annually at Agra, is a colourful display of the culture of the Braj area.[268] Ganga Mahotsav, a festival of Kartik Purnima, is celebrated fifteen days after Diwali.[269]


Mughlai cuisine is a style of cooking developed in the Indian subcontinent by the imperial kitchens of the Mughal Empire. It represents the cooking styles used in North India, especially Uttar Pradesh, and has been strongly influenced by Central Asian cuisine. Awadhi cuisine from the city of Lucknow consists of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. It has been greatly influenced by Mughlai cuisine.[270]

Bhojpuri cuisine is a style of food preparation common among the Bhojpuri people of Uttar Pradesh. Bhojpuri foods are mostly mild and tend to be less hot in terms of spices used. The cuisine consists of both vegetable and meat dishes.[らいみなもと請求せいきゅう]

See also

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ National Sample Survey from July 2017 to June 2018 provides state-wise details of literacy rates among persons aged seven and above.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Statistics of Uttar Pradesh. Census of India 2011. UP Government. 2011-03-01 [2012-07-31]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2012ねん4がつ26にち). 
  2. ^ Kopf, Dan; Varathan, Preeti. If Uttar Pradesh were a country. Quartz India. 2017-10-11 [2019-05-20]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2019-06-22). 
  3. ^ Agriculture (PDF). niti.gov.in. NITI AayogえいNITI Aayog. [2021-10-19]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん (PDF)于2021-10-07). 
  4. ^ 引用いんよう错误:ぼつゆう为名为UP_budjetてき参考さんこう文献ぶんけん提供ていきょう内容ないよう
  5. ^ Virendra N. Misra, Peter Bellwood. Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory: proceedings of the international symposium held at Poona. BRILL. 1985: 69 [23 July 2012]. ISBN 9004075127. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于3 March 2018). 
  6. ^ Bridget Allchin, Frank Raymond Allchin. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan. Cambridge University Press. 1982: 58 [23 July 2012]. ISBN 052128550X. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于25 March 2017). 
  7. ^ Hasmukhlal Dhirajlal Sankalia; Shantaram Bhalchandra Deo; Madhukar Keshav Dhavalikar. Studies in Indian Archaeology: Professor H.D. Sankalia Felicitation Volume. Popular Prakashan. 1985: 96. ISBN 978-0861320882. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于24 March 2017). 
  8. ^ Confidence limits for the age are 85 (±11) and 72 (±8) thousand years ago.
  9. ^ Gibling, Sinha; Sinha, Roy; Roy, Tandon; Tandon, Jain; Jain, M. Quaternary fluvial and eolian deposits on the Belan river, India: paleoclimatic setting of Paleolithic to Neolithic archeological sites over the past 85,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2008, 27 (3–4): 391. Bibcode:2008QSRv...27..391G. S2CID 129392697. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.11.001. 
  10. ^ Kenneth A. R. Kennedy. God-apes and Fossil Men. University of Michigan Press. 2000: 263 [23 July 2012]. ISBN 0472110136. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于24 March 2017). 
  11. ^ Bridget Allchin, Frank Raymond Allchin. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan. Cambridge University Press. 1982: 119 [23 July 2012]. ISBN 052128550X. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于3 March 2018). 
  12. ^ Misra, V N. Prehistoric human colonization of India. Journal of Biosciences (Indian Academy of SciencesえいIndian Academy of Sciences). November 2001, 26 (4 Supp): 491–531 [19 September 2017]. PMID 11779962. S2CID 26248907. doi:10.1007/bf02704749. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于7 October 2017). 
  13. ^ Uttar Pradesh – History. Encyclopædia Britannica. [12 January 2020]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于1 April 2020). A systematic history of India and the area of Uttar Pradesh dates to the end of the 7th century BCE, when 16 mahajanapadas (great states) in northern India were contending for supremacy. Of those, seven fell entirely within the present-day boundaries of Uttar Pradesh. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Sailendra Nath Sen. Ancient Indian History And Civilization. New Age International. 1999: 105–106 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-8122411980. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  15. ^ William Buck. Ramayana. Motilal Banarsidass. 2000 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-8120817203. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于4 June 2013). 
  16. ^ Richard White. The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 1650–1815. Cambridge University Press. 2010 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-1107005624. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Marshall Cavendish Corporation. World and Its Peoples: Eastern and Southern Asia. Marshall Cavendish. 2007: 331–335 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-0761476313. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于5 June 2013). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Pran Nath Chopra. A Comprehensive History of Ancient India. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2003: 196 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-8120725034. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 John Stewart Bowman. Columbia Chronologies of Asian History and Culture . Columbia University Press. 2000: 273 [2 August 2012]. ISBN 978-0231110044. 
  20. ^ * Srivastava, Ashirvadi Lal. The Sultanate of Delhi 711–1526 A D. Shiva Lal Agarwala & Company. 1929 [29 April 2018]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于8 April 2016). 
  21. ^ Islam; Bosworth. History of Civilizations of Central Asia. UNESCO. 1998: 269–291 [21 May 2020]. ISBN 978-9231034671. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 March 2024). 
  22. ^ Atala Masjid. District Jaunpur, Government of Uttar Pradesh. 20 June 2017 [6 May 2024]. 
  23. ^ Datta, Rangan. The tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. Telegraph India. 22 July 2022 [6 May 2024]. 
  24. ^ The Islamic World to 1600: Rise of the Great Islamic Empires (The Mughal Empire). (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于27 September 2011). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Annemarie Schimmel. The Empire of the Great Mughals: History, Art and Culture . Reaktion Books. 2004 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-1861891853. 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Babur (Emperor of Hindustan); Dilip Hiro. Babur Nama: Journal of Emperor Babur. Penguin Books India. 2006 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-0144001491. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  27. ^ Carlos Ramirez-Faria. Concise Encyclopeida of World History. Atlantic Publishers & Dist. 2007: 171 [2 August 2012]. ISBN 978-8126907755. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  28. ^ Stronge, Susan. Mughal Hindustan is renowned for its opulence. London: The Arts of the Sikh Kingdoms. 2012: 255 [23 July 2012]. ISBN 9788174366962. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于16 February 2017). 
  29. ^ Ashvini Agrawal. Studies in Mughal History. Motilal Banarsidass. 1983: 30–46 [27 July 2012]. ISBN 978-8120823266. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  30. ^ Fergus Nicoll, Shah Jahan: The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Emperor (2009)
  31. ^ Mayaram, Shail. Against history, against state: counterperspectives from the margins Cultures of history. Columbia University Press. 2003. ISBN 978-0231127318. 
  32. ^ Gyanesh Kudaisya. Region, nation, "heartland": Uttar Pradesh in India's body-politic. LIT Verlag Münster. 1994: 126–376. ISBN 978-3825820978. 
  33. ^ K. Sivaramakrishnan. Modern Forests: Statemaking and Environmental Change in Colonial Eastern India. Stanford University Press. 1999: 240–276 [26 July 2012]. ISBN 978-0804745567. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
  34. ^ Ashutosh Joshi. Town Planning Regeneration of Cities. New India Publishing. 2008: 237. ISBN 978-8189422820. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于3 March 2018). 
  35. ^ Rudrangshu Mukherjee. Mangal Pandey: brave martyr or accidental hero?. Penguin Books. 2005 [1 October 2012]. ISBN 978-0143032564. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于5 June 2013). 
  36. ^ Dilip K. Chakrabarti. Colonial Indology: sociopolitics of the ancient Indian past. Michigan: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1997: 257 [26 July 2012]. ISBN 978-8121507509. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于28 May 2013). 
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