(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
傑森·艾塞克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 とべ转到内容ないよう


Jason Isaacs
国籍こくせき 英国えいこく
出生しゅっしょう (1963-06-06) 1963ねん6がつ6にち61さい
配偶はいぐうEmma Hewitt2001ねん结婚)[2]

すぐるもり·もぐさふさがかつ英語えいごJason Isaacs,1963ねん6がつ6にち),あるわけ杰森·もぐさふさがかついち英國えいこくおとこえんじいんせいへんじんざい美國びくにかげ作品さくひんちゅうてき登場とうじょう演出えんしゅつ也很活躍かつやく

もぐさふさがかついんためざいでんかげえんじいん生涯しょうがいちゅうえんじてき人物じんぶつはん而著しょうさい有名ゆうめいてきかざりえんじかくしょくため哈利とく系列けいれつでんかげちゅうてきしょく死人しにん魯休おもえ·Lucius Malfoy)、《決戰けっせん時刻じこくうらめんざん暴的英國えいこく陸軍りくぐんうえこうかど·とうぶんとみColonel William Tavington)、美國びくにでんかげしゅうりゅうそうとらえいBrotherhood (2006 TV series)うらてきざいはんむぎ·卡菲(Michael Caffee[3][4]2009ねんでんかげ燕尾服えんびふくあずか明星みょうじょうなりりゅうたいおどけ精彩せいさい

儘管だい部分ぶぶんてき參與さんよ作品さくひん以電かげでんげきためぬしただしためいちめい舞台ぶたいえんじいんもぐさふさがかつ同樣どうよう也演出過ですぎすう舞台劇ぶたいげき著名ちょめいさく包括ほうかつざいすすむかつらんからおさめりんえいDeclan Donnellanしるべてきおどけげき天使てんしざい美國びくにだい一部いちぶせん禧年降臨こうりん」(Millennium Approaches,1992ねんだいじゅうけん」(Perestroika,1993ねんうら演出えんしゅつてきえき·あいおんもりLouis Ironson[5][6]、及2007ねんざいとくひしげほう加工かこうさくしつ演出えんしゅつてきおくさいますくだつくええいThe Dumb Waiter》50しゅうねん改編かいへんばん[7][8][9]也從2012ねんてき3がついた5がつあいだざい美國びくに國家こっかこう公司こうしNBCてきでんげき覺醒かくせいうら演出えんしゅつぬしかく布里ふりとみ警探(Michael Britten)。


  1. ^ ざい1974ねん4がつ1にちまえぶつうらこれだま西にしさいとくぐんてきいち部分ぶぶん
  2. ^ Actor Jason Isaacs Joins Larry King on PoliticKING. Larry King. 03:44. 2015-05-14 [2016-08-15]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2019-11-28). We got married in the end, my wife and I, for insurance purposes. 
  3. ^ Rebecca Flint Marx. Jason Isaacs: Biography. Allmovie (Moviefone). [29 June 2008]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2008ねん12月18にち). Although he first became interested in acting in part because 'it was a great way to meet girls,' Isaacs soon found deeper meaning in the theatre (in one interview he was quoted as saying 'I could release myself into acting in a way that I was not released socially') and duly dropped out of Bristol to hone his skills at London's Central School of Speech and Drama. 
  4. ^ Biography for Jason Isaacs. Internet Movie Database. [25 June 2008]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-11-05).  [Includes unsourced "Personal Quotes".]
  5. ^ Jason Isaacs: Other Works. Internet Movie Database. [25 June 2008]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-11-05). 
  6. ^ NT: Archive: Stage by Stage: 1992–1995. Royal National Theatre. nationaltheatre.org.uk. [25 June 2008]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2008ねん12月7にち). 
  7. ^ Sonia Friedman Productions. Dumb Waiter Limited Run. Sonia Friedman Productions press release. 3 January 2007 [23 June 2008]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん于2020-08-20). Strictly limited run: Lee Evans and Jason Isaacs to star in major revival of Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter directed by Harry Burton ... To coincide with the play's 50th anniversary.... 
  8. ^ Jasper Rees. 'There is a streak of cruelty in me': Actor Jason Isaacs Says Life Prepared Him to Become a Specialist in Unattractive Characters. The Daily Telegraph, Review. 27 January 2007 [18 March 2012]. (原始げんし内容ないようそん档于2008ねん12月7にち). The more cheery and pliant of the two [Gus] is played by Lee Evans, the more menacing [Ben] by Isaacs. Characteristically. 'Far from what you would think,' [Isaacs] says, 'Lee is the one who went to art school and is familiar with Beckett and Pinter. I wasn't going to do this until I read it. It is crackingly funny. I realised how much of a debt Tarantino owes. The Pinter scholars can go off and discuss whatever they like in dusty rooms, but Lee and I and Harry Burton, the director, are trying to come up with something really engaging and exciting. It's never been more relevant. The whole play exists on this undercurrent of fear and paranoia. It's a very scary time to live in the world, and these two guys are in a room scared and working out what to do about it.'  
  9. ^ Caroline Ansdell. Review Round-up: Critics Find Waiter Not So Dumb.. 

