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[Presentation] Community Plan Development and Follow-up Support: Responses to Gentrification in the Cases of Two Latin Communities in London

村上むらかみ きよしMURAKAMI Kiyoshi) 20220626
in《[Study Session] Deriving Lessons from Listening to the Voice of the Land: Reports on Several Redevelopment Areas》

last update: 20220709


[This is the material of my presentation at a local study group in Kyoto.]





◇リブ[Women's Liberation Movement]における自律じりつてきなスペース構築こうちく運営うんえい
村上むらかみきよし 2014 「[連載れんさい京都きょうと女性じょせい運動うんどうと「文化ぶんか」(ぜん3かいだい2かい――〈シャンバラ〉以後いご、1980年代ねんだいのリブ運動うんどう」,Webマガジン『AMeeT』(一般いっぱん財団ざいだん法人ほうじんニッシャ印刷いんさつ文化ぶんか振興しんこう財団ざいだん)2014ねん7がつ8にち更新こうしん,(https://www.ameet.jp/column/221/
女性じょせい+ノンバイナリーの当事とうじしゃ支援しえんしゃによる直接ちょくせつ行動こうどう:〈Focus E15 Campaign〉・〈Sisters Uncut〉・〈Housing Action Southwark & Lambeth〉
村上むらかみきよし 2018 「[連載れんさい都市とし空間くうかん自律じりつてき文化ぶんかへのアプローチ――マンチェスター・ジン・シーン・レポート(ぜん4かいだい4かい:ソーシャル・スペース〈パルチザン〉からるジンとスペースの潜在せんざいりょく」,Webマガジン『AMeeT』(一般いっぱん財団ざいだん法人ほうじんニッシャ印刷いんさつ文化ぶんか振興しんこう財団ざいだん)2018ねん4がつ19にち更新こうしん,(http://www.ameet.jp/column/1600/

事例じれい1:〈Save Latin Village〉キャンペーン

地域ちいき:Seven Sisters Indoor Market/Wards Corner 地図ちず
標語ひょうご:“No to Demolition, Yes to the Community Plan: Latin Village Fights Back!”
┃Developer:グレインジャー[Grainger PLC]

参考さんこう村上むらかみきよし 2017 「ロンドンのわかきラテンアメリカけいフェミニストは「ジェントリフィケーションに抵抗ていこうせよ!」とさけぶ」,はんジェントリフィケーション情報じょうほうセンター,2017ねん7がつ1にち,(https://antigentrification.info/2017/07/02/20170701mk/


商店しょうてんぬしおおくがラテンけい女性じょせいやく70%がBME〔Black and Minority Ethnic〕の女性じょせい難民なんみん


◇2016ねん自治体じちたい開発かいはつの「強制きょうせい発注はっちゅう[Compulsory Purchase Order]」送達そうたつ

┃4がつ:《Salsa-Samba Shutdown》映像えいぞう
┃6がつ《サルサ&サンバ・シャットダウン パート2[Salsa&Samba Shutdown PART II]》

┗ 〈MRG(Minority Rights Group International)〉ならびに国連こくれん人権じんけん高等こうとう弁務べんむかん事務所じむしょ専門せんもん少数しょうすう民族みんぞく人権じんけん無視むししたものであるとして警告けいこく

◇2020ねん:コロナでの打撃だげき cf. 映像えいぞう(4がつ状況じょうきょう



事例じれい2:〈Latin Elephant〉の活動かつどう

地域ちいき:Elephant and Castle (Shopping Centre) 地図ちず
標語ひょうご:“'Love the Elephant, Hate Gentrification”

参考さんこう】CorporateWatch2, 2019, "Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre: The Battle at London's Gentrification 'Ground Zero'", Corporate Watch, July 14, 2019, (https://corporatewatch.org/elephant-castle-shopping-centre-the-battle-at-londons-gentrification-ground-zero/).=2019 村上むらかみきよしやく,「エレファント&キャッスル・ショッピングセンター――ロンドンのジェントリフィケーションの「グラウンド・ゼロ」におけるたたかい」,はんジェントリフィケーション情報じょうほうセンター,2019ねん11月15にち,(https://antigentrification.info/2019/11/15/20191115mk/

さい開発かいはつあらたなショッピングタワー/高級こうきゅうマンション建設けんせつ地下鉄ちかてつえき入口いりくちリニューアル/LCC〔London College of Communication〕(芸大げいだい)キャンパス誘致ゆうち
┗ LCCの学生がくせいたちが(自分じぶんたちの大学だいがく推進すいしんする)さい開発かいはつ計画けいかく中止ちゅうしさせるための抗議こうぎ行動こうどう(シットイン)

┃『Guardian』でDan Hancoxが指摘してきした「戦略せんりゃく」の変化へんか


“Wards Corner Community Plan”

◇《Sheila McKechnie National Campaigner Awards》:ベスト・コミュニティ・キャンペーンしょう受賞じゅしょう

┃〈West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust〉(2008〜)
“The West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust was set up in 2008 by four members of the Wards Corner Coalition to represent the shared interests of residents, businesses and groups based in and around Wards Corner.”
┗ ・West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust, 2022, "Statement About Haringey Council's 6 July Announcement About Wards Corner", West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust, July 8, 2022, (https://n15developmenttrust.com/2022/07/08/statement-about-haringey-councils-6-july-announcement-about-wards-corner/).
“【Introduction】The West Green Road/Seven Sisters Development Trust welcomes Haringey Council’s decision to terminate its Development Agreement with Grainger for the Wards Corner site. Grainger’s plans would have demolished historic buildings and the unique Seven Sisters Indoor Market (Latin Village) and displaced existing residents and businesses. Market traders, local residents and local businesses’ 20 year campaign for an alternative Community Plan received national recognition earlier this year, winning SMK’s ‘Best Community Campaign’ award.”

◆〈Latin Elephant〉
“Urban Regeneration”(2014)
┗ ラテンアメリカけいコミュニティのニーズにたいする意識いしきたかめる
┗ ラテンアメリカけいビジネスコミュニティへの関与かんよとビジネス準備じゅんび態勢たいせい強化きょうか

┃『Latin Quarter Elephant & Castle Community Vision』(2015)・The Case for London's Latin Quarter: Retention, Growth, Sustainability』(2016)・『Socio-Economic Value at the Elephant and Castle』(2018)とう
┗ サザーク議会ぎかい議員ぎいん・ロンドン市議会しぎかい議員ぎいん・ロンドン市長しちょうたいして代替だいたい敷地しきちかんする独自どくじ提案ていあん
┗ ラテンアメリカけいコミュニティの社会しゃかい経済けいざい文化ぶんかてき価値かち強調きょうちょう

〈Latin Elephant〉:センター封鎖ふうさのアフターフォロー


┃“Relocation Map”



┗ cf. https://latinelephant.org/londons-latin-quarter-is-here/
┗ cf. SLVにおける〈London Latinx〉の関与かんよ・アピール(https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2017/sep/27/meet-the-women-dancing-to-save-londons-latin-village・ http://www.arsvi.com/2010/20170621mk.htm



◇"Save Latin Village & Wards Corner" (Save Latin Village / 2016-12-13) 映像えいぞう
◇"7 Sisters legal battle: STEP 2" (Save Latin Village / 2017-05-11) 映像えいぞう
◇"Royal Courts of Justice Protest - Tues 8th Oct 2019" (Save Latin Village / 2019-11-05) 映像えいぞう
◇"Latin Village is a place that provides essential mutual aid networks that empower Hispanic community" (Save Latin Village / 2020-04-25) 映像えいぞう
◇"London's Latin Quarter" (Latin Elephant / 2015-12-17) 映像えいぞう
◇"Latin traders risk eviction from Elephant Castle shopping centre" (Latin Elephant / 2017-03-27) 映像えいぞう
◇"Elephant and Castle shopping centre redevelopment halted ― BBC London News" (BBC London / 2018-01-20) 映像えいぞう


◇【わけ】“〈グレインジャー〉の「開発かいはつ」とは、実際じっさいには、富裕ふゆう株主かぶぬしのための利益りえきのみを増大ぞうだいさせるために、コミュニティの歴史れきしてき文化ぶんかてき構造こうぞう破壊はかいする、「略奪りゃくだつによる蓄積ちくせき〔Accumulation by Dispossession〕」なのです。都市とし金融きんゆうによって破壊はかいされたコミュニティで、わたしたちのおおくが住宅じゅうたく危機きき日々ひびくるしみを経験けいけんしているこの現在げんざいわたしたちは以下いかのことをしっかりとときです。
わたしたちのコミュニティはものではない。わたしたちの抵抗ていこうは、あなたかた株主かぶぬしたち+デベロッパー〕の投資とうしたいしての返済へんさいだ。」”(【映像えいぞう"Royal Courts of Justice Protest - Tues 8th Oct 2019":キャプション)



◇〈Southwark Notes〉
“Some local people actively opposing but also writing a lot about the regeneration & gentrification of Southwark that's happened over the last 20 years”


村上むらかみきよし 2018 「デトフォードの占拠せんきょ運動うんどうしゃたちはうったえる、「ジェントリフィケーションは組織そしき犯罪はんざいだ」」,はんジェントリフィケーション情報じょうほうセンター,2018ねん9がつ3にち,(https://antigentrification.info/2018/09/03/20180903mk/
┃〈Save Reginald Save Tidemill〉:[Twitter][Facebook]


◆〈Save Latin Village〉関係かんけい
◇Cabrera, Maria, 2017, "We Need to Recognise the Latinx Community in the UK: Save Pueblito Paisa", gal-dem, January 19, 2017, (https://gal-dem.com/latinx-community-pueblito-paisa/).
◇Kale, Sirin, 2017, "Meet the Women Dancing to Save London's Latin Village", Guardian, September 27, 2017, (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2017/sep/27/meet-the-women-dancing-to-save-londons-latin-village).
“【Caption】Tottenham’s Pueblito Paisa is a home from home and a vital source of support for the capital’s Latin American community. As it faces commercial redevelopment, locals are fighting back ― through samba”
◇Menendez, Elisa, 2019, "Race Against Clock to Save UK's Last Latin American Market", Metro, February 17, 2019, (https://metro.co.uk/2019/02/17/race-against-clock-to-save-uks-last-latin-american-market-8649591/).
“【Caption】Campaigners are racing against time to save the UK’s only Latin American market, as the council prepares to make way for luxury flats and a shopping centre.”
◇Menendez, Elisa, 2019, "UK's Last Latin Village Gets Support from UN Campaigners", Metro, April 12, 2019, (https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/12/uks-last-latin-village-gets-support-from-un-campaigners-9176841/).
“【Caption】A lifeline has been thrown to traders of the UK’s only surviving Latin market earmarked for demolition for flats.”
◇Minority Rights Group International, 2019, "Compulsory Purchase Order Against North London Market Threatens a Vital Cultural Space for London’s Latin American Community, Says MRG", Minority Rights Group International, April 15, 2019, (https://minorityrights.org/2019/04/15/compulsory-purchase-order-against-north-london-market-threatens-a-vital-cultural-space-for-londons-latin-american-community-says-mrg/).
◇Sudan, Richard, 2019, "CLosing Tottenham's 'Latin Village' Market Is Essentially Social Cleansing - It Must Be Stopped", Independent, October 13, 2019, (https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/london-gentrification-latin-village-market-seven-sisters-closure-social-cleansing-tottenham-a9153641.html).
“【Caption】There is an ever-growing climate of hostility towards migrant communities across Britain, of which this seems part. More must be done to help such communities”
◇Yeung, Peter, 2020, "The Fight to Save Latin Village Is a Fight for London's Soul: 'It's All About Money'", huck, January 30, 2020, (https://www.huckmag.com/perspectives/reportage-2/the-fight-to-save-latin-village-is-the-fight-for-londons-soul/).
“【Caption】After a long-running battle with property developers, the residents and traders of North London’s Latin Village are now being forcibly evicted.”/““Out of the rubble, Tottenham’s South American community has created a treasure trove of culture, community, love and life,” he said. “Is the purpose of redevelopment social cohesion of social cleansing? There’s still time to do the right thing.”/“The people, united, will never be defeated!” they chanted, in a struggle that is being seen across the capital. “Save Latin Village!””
◇Washington, Mario, 2020, ""Our Place Is Your Place": Reflections on Seven Sisters' Indoor Market", Shado Magazine, October 23, 2020, (https://shado-mag.com/all/our-place-is-your-place-reflections-on-seven-sisters-indoor-market/).
“【Exordium】A space filled with sentiment and potent memories has closed its doors for possibly the last time as plans to redevelop Wards Corner become a reality. The community traders and beneficiaries of Seven Sisters’ Indoor market ― all from minority ethnic backgrounds ― have surmounted obstacles unfamiliar to most urban cities, where redevelopment projects in local areas have resultantly found working class groups priced out and displaced from the very grounds where their roots had been anchored. In the last few years leading up to this point, I found refuge in this place as a fellow Londoner and could not help but reminisce over the moments that led up to where we are today.”
◇Gayle, Damien, 2021, "Plans for 190 Flats on London Latin Village Site Scrapped After Protests", Guardian, August 7, 2021, (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/aug/07/plans-for-190-flats-on-london-latin-village-site-scrapped-after-protests/).
“【見出みだし】Developer abandons plan for site in Tottenham, which would have involved demolishing Seven Sisters Indoor Market”/“Javiera Huxley, the co-chair of Save Latin Village, said: “Following the closure of the Elephant and Castle shopping centre last September in another redevelopment scheme, spaces like the Latin Village are more important than ever.|“We are heartened by Haringey council's support for the community plan, which has the Latin Village at its heart. We also welcome their prioritisation of the temporary market, and their calls for further financial support for the market traders.[…]””
◇Menendez, Elisa, "Plans to Demolish UK's Last Latin Market for Luxury Flats Axed After 15-year Fight", Metro, August 8, 2021, (
“Miss Huxley said that every day the market remains closed, the Latin American community is missing out on vital services and a safe space ― something of particular concern during the pandemic.|She said: ‘If it wasn’t for our campaign and Latin Elephant’s campaign fighting our corner, what would have happened to the Latin American community in this time?|‘We would’ve just been pushed further and further out. This is a process of social cleansing and gentrification.’”
◇Burgos, Carlos; Alvarez, Victoria; Taylor, Myfanwy, 2021, "We're Fighting to Show What Urban Development for People, Not Profit, Can Look Like", Guardian, August 11, 2021, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/11/urban-development-for-people-not-for-profit-north-london-latin-village).
“【Caption】After a 15-year battle, our campaign in north London has rescued a vital community hub from the hands of developers”/“【Quot.】The Wards Corner Community Plan is a viable and coherent answer to this question, which could offer a model for communities across the country seeking to rethink urban change. The late David Graeber ― a friend of the campaign ― once wrote: "The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently." Perhaps nowhere is this clearer than in our cities.”/“【部分ぶぶんやく】パンデミックをし、気候きこう危機ききというきびしい現実げんじつ直面ちょくめんしているいま持続じぞく可能かのう公正こうせい経済けいざい構築こうちくするためには、いかにして・だれのために都市とし開発かいはつむのかが重要じゅうようになってくる。「ワーズ・コーナー・コミュニティ・プラン」は、このいへの実行じっこう可能かのう首尾しゅび一貫いっかんした回答かいとうであり、都市とし変革へんかく再考さいこうしようとしているくにちゅうのコミュニティにモデルを提供ていきょうできるだろう。わたしたちのキャンペーンの友人ゆうじんでもあった、いまきデヴィッド・グレーバーは、かつてつぎのようにいた。「世界せかい究極きゅうきょくかくされた真実しんじつとは、わたしたちがつくなにがしかのものは、おなじように容易ようい別物べつものとしてつくることができるということだ」。おそらくわたしたちの都市としほどこのことがはっきりしている場所ばしょはないだろう。”
◇Rosa, Sophie K, 2021, "How We Won: The Community That Saved Latin Village from Demolition", Novara Media, August 12, 2021, (https://novaramedia.com/2021/08/12/how-we-won-the-community-that-saved-latin-village-from-demolition/).
“Through dedication and perseverance, the Save Latin Village campaign has now finally won council backing for a community plan for the site.|The plan is a community-led, financially viable development proposal, designed around self-management by traders and local people, affordable rents, new community spaces, and reinvestment in the building and in opportunities for the local area. Rather than benefiting shareholders, surplus finances from the restored market ― estimated to total as much as £84m over 60 years ― will be channelled back into the community.”
◇Chakrabortty, Aditya, 2021, "A Community in the Heart of Tottenham Has Shown How to Fight the Developers ― and Win", Guardian, August 19, 2021, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/19/tottenham-community-latin-village-new-way-to-regenerate).
“【見出みだし】Traders at the Latin Village market have driven out a property giant, sending a clear message that the old model of regeneration is broken”

◆〈Latin Elephant〉関係かんけい
◇BBC News, 2018, "Elephant and Castle Regeneration Plans Halted by Council", BBC News, January 17, 2018, (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-42719607).
◇James, Sahaya, 2018, "We're Staging a Sit-in to Stop Our University's Social Cleansing Plans", Guardian, January 25, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/25/students-sit-in-university-social-cleaning-london-stop-elephant-castle).
“【Caption】The disastrous proposals for the Elephant and Castle area in London will destroy entire communities and cultures”
◇Hancox, Dan, 2018, "Save the Elephant: The Fight to Protect South London's 'Anti-Westfield'", Guardian, July 3, 2018, (https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/jul/03/save-the-elephant-and-castle-the-fight-to-protect-south-londons-anti-westfield).
“【Caption】Developer Delancey’s plans for Elephant and Castle’s shopping centre risk making the multicultural community just like everywhere else, say traders”
◇Gayle, Damien, 2020, "'We're Going to Miss the Community': Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre Closes After 55 Years", Guardian, September 24, 2020, (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/sep/24/were-going-to-miss-the-community-elephant-and-castle-shopping-centre-closes-after-55-years).
“Mixed feelings as icon of working-class London and Europe’s first ever large indoor retail centre makes way for development”
◇Hancox, Dan, "Property Developers May Pay Lip Service to 'Diversity', But They're Ruining Our Cities", Guardian, September 24, 2020, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/24/developers-ruining-cities-elephant-and-castle-london).
“The gentrification of London’s Elephant and Castle centre has been fought over for decades. It’s local people who will lose out”
◇Johnston, Katherine, 2020, "Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre Closes Amid Protests: What Happens Now?", Southwark News, September 30, 2020, (https://www.southwarknews.co.uk/news/elephant-and-castle-shopping-centre-closes-amid-protests-what-happens-now/).
◇Askew, Josh, 2022, "Exclusive: Elephant Shopping Centre Store 'May Have to Pay Hundreds of Thousands' to Relocate", Southwark News, April 7, 2022, (https://www.southwarknews.co.uk/news/exclusive-elephant-shopping-centre-store-may-have-to-pay-hundreds-of-thousands-to-relocate/).
“【Caption】Developers will help Pricebusters cover relocation costs after the Elephant Shopping Centre was demolished. Yet the owner says this is not enough.”

◆Wards Corner Community Plan
◇West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust, 2022, "Statement About Haringey Council's 6 July Announcement About Wards Corner", West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust, July 8, 2022, (https://n15developmenttrust.com/2022/07/08/statement-about-haringey-councils-6-july-announcement-about-wards-corner/).
◇West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust, 2022, "The Wards Corner Community Plan wins national award", West Green Road / Seven Sisters Development Trust, May 19, 2022, (https://n15developmenttrust.com/2022/05/19/the-wards-corner-community-plan-wins-national-award/).
“One of the judges of tonight’s awards, judge Gareth Clayton said: “This campaign was very local and very effective. But fighting against issues of gentrification, loss of heritage, and more gives this campaign national significance too.””

◇The Guardian's Editorial Team, 2021, "[Editorial] The Guardian View on Cities: Develop with Care", Guardian, September 15, 2021, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/15/the-guardian-view-on-cities-develop-with-care).
“The latest battle on Brick Lane is over the redevelopment of the giant Truman Brewery site that sits in its middle, and where there are plans to put in a tall new office block as well as shops. Local businesses fear, with some justification, that this will mean higher rents but no more customers and the decline of the area. For years, the traders of the Latin Village have been facing the prospect of their site being torn down and rebuilt by a developer ― who originally had no plans to include their market. The developer recently pulled out, and the future of the area is now up in the air.”
◇Insansa, Lisa, 2022, "The Gal-Dem Guide to Resisting Property Developers", gal-dem, February 1, 2022, (https://gal-dem.com/how-to-fight-property-development/).
“Property development is often at the expense of low income and migrant communities. And when it comes to engaging in the David-and-Goliath-esque battle against such a threat often there isn't a clear-cut "beginning". Instead, you will be joining a long line of campaigns and organisers who have been resisting gentrification since the first rumbles of a displaced fate were felt.”
◇Berry, Christine, 2022, "Heed a Warning from Manchester: The 'Levelling Up' Strategy Doesn't Work", Guardian, February 8, 2022, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/08/manchester-levelling-up-doesnt-work-gentrification).
“It might even have looked to inspiring experiments in London itself, such as the proposed community-led redevelopment of the Latin Village in Seven Sisters, north London ― recently endorsed by the council after a major developer pulled out ― for fresh thinking on how to build “beautiful new neighbourhoods” that empower people rather than exclude them.|If “levelling up” is to mean anything, it has to be the start of a national debate about who does well in the UK economy and how we can rewire it to spread prosperity more fairly. Without this, all that will be levelled up are the profit margins of a select few.”


村上むらかみきよし 20220209− 「【資料しりょう】イギリスにおけるジェントリフィケーションをめぐる最近さいきん動向どうこう紹介しょうかい(2022/02/09)」
村上むらかみきよし 20210801 「ジェントリフィケーションに対抗たいこうするフェミニスト・アクティヴィズム――ロンドンにおける多様たよう実践じっせんから」,『福音ふくいん世界せかい』76(8): 30-35
*2021ねん8がつごう特集とくしゅうきるためのフェミニズム 2──なにこうするか》
佐藤さとう由美子ゆみこ×村上むらかみきよし司会しかい堅田かただ香緒里かおり) 20190531 「[トークセッション]オリンピックとジェントリフィケーション――ジェンダー・文化ぶんか・アクティヴィズムの観点かんてんから」,『支援しえん』9: 151-181
村上むらかみきよし 20190529 佐藤さとう由美子ゆみこ×村上むらかみきよし「[トークセッション]オリンピックとジェントリフィケーション――ジェンダー・文化ぶんか・アクティヴィズムの観点かんてんから」(『支援しえん』Vol.9)にかんする補足ほそく説明せつめいはんジェントリフィケーション情報じょうほうセンター
村上むらかみきよし 20180927 「トークセッション「オリンピックとジェントリフィケーション」をえて」はんジェントリフィケーション情報じょうほうセンター
村上むらかみきよし 20180901 「トークセッション「オリンピックとジェントリフィケーション」出演しゅつえんにあたって」はんジェントリフィケーション情報じょうほうセンター


村上むらかみきよし 2019/12/14 「[報告ほうこく]ジェントリフィケーションにこうするフェミニスト・アクション――ロンドンの事例じれい中心ちゅうしんに」 [ゲスト報告ほうこくしゃ
15:00〜17:00 於:ナゴヤ駅西えきにし サンサロ*サロン
村上むらかみきよし 20180129− 「[連載れんさい都市とし空間くうかん自律じりつてき文化ぶんかへのアプローチ――マンチェスター・ジン・シーン・レポート(ぜん4かい):関連かんれん情報じょうほう

作成さくせい村上むらかみ きよしMURAKAMI Kiyoshi
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