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◆《Southwark Organising: Public Listening Session》
October 29, 2022
at Darwin Court Hall [London]
“【Description】Over the last 6 months, Southwark Notes and Ultra-red, alongside Latin Elephant and researchers from the University of Warwick, have been running what we call Practical Listening Sessions on various council estates and sites of prospective development in the borough. We heard from campaigns on Elmington Estate and Aylesbury Estate about long histories of tenant and resident organising against “regeneration.” We also heard from people on Nunhead Estate about their recent opposition to Council plans for Roof Top Homes on their blocks. We also hosted a walk through Peckham looking at contested sites of development like the Aylesham Shopping Centre and Peckham Arch.”
◆《Saving Our Own Lives: A Liberatory Practice of Harm Reduction》
October 5, 2022 / Online event
This event is sponsored by Haymarket Books.
“【Introduction】Join us for a conversation about liberatory harm reduction with Shira Hassan and other organizers about her new book, Saving Our Own Lives.”


◆Mulholland, Isabella, 2022, 'Abused Twice': The 'Gatekeeping' of Support for Domestic Abuse Survivors in Every London Borough, London: Public Interest Law Centre, September 22, 2022, (https://www.pilc.org.uk/publications/abused-twice-the-gatekeeping-of-support-for-domestic-abuse-survivors-in-every-london-borough/).
“【Description】Our report, authored by PILC’s Isabella Mulholland, is based on original research, including casework and litigation undertaken by the law centre over the past three years, as well as witness testimonies from survivors and frontline domestic violence advocates across all thirty-two London boroughs.”(https://www.pilc.org.uk/news/pilc-domestic-abuse-report-and-campaign-launched/)


◆《Women in Lockdown》(Sheffield Feminist Archive)*Digital Archive
“【Description】When the UK’s first national lockdown hit in March 2020, many of the Sheffield Feminist Archive volunteers found our lives changed in totally new and unexpected ways (didn’t we all?). Some of us became parents, others cared for loved ones, changed jobs, or made huge personal changes ― and all of us navigated this strange feeling of living through history. Archives, libraries and museums everywhere remained firmly closed, meaning our own collection at Sheffield City Archives was inaccessible ― so, instead of looking back to the archives, we began to look around us and wonder how women across Sheffield were (and are) experiencing the pandemic. Women in Lockdown began as a way of documenting and sharing local women’s stories, and we hope this digital archive provides a lasting record of Sheffield women’s lives in this world-historical moment.”
cf. ◇https://twitter.com/ShefFemArchive/status/1581958193437364226
 (Sheffield Feminist Archive/October 17, 2022 *Thread)


◇Gago, Verónica and Lucí Cavallero (Translated by Liz Mason-Deese), 2022, "[Special Themed Commentaries and Roundtables] The Pandemic as Financial Laboratory", TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 45(September 2022): 165-174, doi: 10.3138/topia-2022-0033.


◇Ryan, Frances and Rachel Obordo, 2023, "'I Live in Fear of Debt Collectors': Disabled People in England Tell Of Toll of Soaring Care Costs", Guardian, June 16, 2023, (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jun/16/i-live-in-fear-of-debt-collectors-disabled-people-in-england-tell-of-toll-of-soaring-care-costs).
“【Caption】Readers explain how they are being forced to give up essential social care or forgo meals and sanitary products”
◇Pandian, Jessica and Amy Wells, 2023, "Police Cutting Back on Mental Health Calls Shows How Badly We Need Alternatives", Huck, June 6, 2023, (https://www.huckmag.com/article/police-cutting-back-on-mental-health-calls-shows-how-badly-we-need-alternatives).
“【Quot.】Instead of systems which often subject those in need of support to brutal treatment, we need to imagine and resource genuine alternatives. This will take far longer than the three months the Met has given health and social care services, and demands far more than the current broken health system can provide. […] Mental health user-led community groups organising and doing peer support, mutual aid, and more exist ‘under the radar’ in a range of contexts across the UK, meeting needs unmet by traditional mental health service (or charity) provision in ways they know work best for them and their community.”
◇Niven, Alex, 2023, "Britain's Ever-Harsher Welfare System Means That Now Only the Rich Can Afford to Make Art", Guardian, May 29, 2023, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/29/britain-welfare-rich-art-artists-housing-social-security).
“【Caption】Postwar artists wouldn’t have had a chance without affordable housing or social security. When will politicians realise that?”
◇Ryan, Frances, 2023, "'It's A Tax on Disability': Rising English Social Care Costs Force Many into Debt", Guardian, May 28, 2023, (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/may/28/tax-on-disability-rising-uk-social-care-costs-debt).
“【Caption】As outgoings exceed income, people can’t afford to pay for the support they need along with normal expenses”
◇Dixon, Ejeris, 2023, "Fascism Is Rising, But It Does Not Have to Be Our Future", Truthout, May 21, 2023, (https://truthout.org/articles/fascism-is-rising-but-it-does-not-have-to-be-our-future/).
“【Caption】Fascism won’t be defeated with reactive organizing. We need long-term strategy.”
◇Flyn, Cal, 2023, "Rural Scotland Is Dying of Cold: The Black Dog Is at the Door", UnHerd, March 28, 2023, (https://unherd.com/2023/03/rural-scotland-is-dying-of-cold/).
“【Exordium】Lindsay lives in a council house in Kirkwall, the largest town in Orkney, a starkly beautiful archipelago off the north coast of Scotland. Now in her mid-fifties, Lindsay has lived in her one-bedroom house for 17 years.[…]”
◇Lawson, Alex, 2023, "British Gas Halts Use of Warrants to Force People On to Prepayment Meters", Guardian, February 1, 2023, (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/01/british-gas-halts-use-of-warrants-to-force-people-on-to-prepayment-meters-allegations-vulnerable-customers-break-in).
“【Caption】Move follows allegations that third-party agents ignored vulnerabilities of customers and broke in to install equipment”
◇Guardian Editorial, 2023, "The Guardian View on Disability and Living Costs: Ministers Must Close the Gap", Guardian, January 6, 2023, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/06/the-guardian-view-on-disability-and-living-costs-ministers-must-close-the-gap).
“【Caption】Rising prices affect disabled people in specific and harsh ways. Widening inequality demands a targeted response”
◇Ali, Taj, 2022, "'We Can't Do the Work If We Can't Pay the Rent': Why Shelter Workers Are Going on Strike", Tribune, November 25, 2022, (https://tribunemag.co.uk/2022/11/shelter-charity-homelessness-strike-unite-union-cost-of-living).
“【Caption】By imposing a real-terms pay cut on workers in a cost of living crisis, the leadership at Shelter are exacerbating the very insecurities their housing charity exists to fight ― so now, those workers are going on strike.”
◇Saul, Heather, 2022, "Homeless in Five Minutes: The Devastating Impact of the UK's Cost of Living Crisis", i News, November 11, 2022, (https://inews.co.uk/opinion/homeless-in-five-minutes-the-devastating-impact-of-the-uks-cost-of-living-crisis-1963064).
“There is a tsunami of evictions coming because of rising living costs”
◇Jani-Friend, Isabelle, 2022, "'As Disabled People We Have Been Living in a Cost of Living Crisis for Years'", gal-dem, November 8, 2022, (https://gal-dem.com/disabled-people-cost-living-crisis-energy/).
“【Caption】Rising costs in the UK are affecting disabled people of colour hardest and leaving many with no option but to cut back on medication, heating and other basic essentials.”
◇Green, Spencer, 2022, "Medicare for All Is Not Enough", New Republic, November 7, 2022, (https://newrepublic.com/article/168453/medicare-not-enough-health-communism-book-review).
“【Caption】Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant make the case for health care revolution.”
◇Mcrae, Isabella, 2022, "Don't Pay UK Supporters Are Cancelling Their Direct Debits Regardless of the Consequences", Big Issue, October 28, 2022, (https://www.bigissue.com/news/activism/dont-pay-uk-supporters-cancelled-direct-debits/).
“【Caption】Don’t Pay UK has organised a belated strike in December, with or without one million pledges, but supporters are already cancelling their direct debits”
◇Ahsan, Sanah, 2022, "The Cost of Living Crisis Risks Becoming a Suicide Crisis. What Might Keep Us Alive?", gal-dem, October 18, 2022, (https://gal-dem.com/cost-of-living-crisis-suicide-austerity-alternatives/).
“【Caption】Psychologist Dr Sanah Ahsan looks at what might give us the hope we need to survive in an increasingly unliveable world.”
◇Childs, Simon, 2022, "'Helpful' Money Saving Tips Are Mostly Bullshit", Vice, October 18, 2022, (https://www.vice.com/en/article/88qdzb/money-saving-myths-debunked).
“【Caption】Boil water for pasta in a kettle. Put tinfoil behind radiators. Being cold is good for you. When will it end?”/“【Quot.】“We aren’t talking about energy for luxury items here, we are talking about serious levels of poverty and destitution for millions of households that won’t be able to afford the basic necessities of warmth, heating water, and lighting.””
◇Duggan, Joe, 2022, "Cost of Living: Mum of Boy with Cerebral Palsy Struggling with Food and Energy Bills After 'Cruel' Benefit Cut", i Newspaper, October 16, 2022, (https://inews.co.uk/news/cost-of-living-mum-cerebral-palsy-son-struggling-food-energy-benefit-cut-1914198).
“【Caption】Mother-of-four Mercy Edwards-Okafor and her family have lost up to £900 a month under the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) rule that affects many migrants”
◇Kiama Zuri, Eshe, 2022, "Who Helps When It's No Longer Trending? Remembering the Power of Black Mutual Aid", gal-dem, October 7, 2022, (https://gal-dem.com/black-mutual-aid-groups-trending-community-power/).
“【Caption】The buzzword of mutual aid largely excludes the community power of marginalised groups that already existed, writes UK Mutual Aid founder Eshe Kiama Zuri.”
◇Glover, Ella, 2022, "The History of the Poll Tax and the Power of Direct Action", Huck, October 6, 2022, (https://www.huckmag.com/perspectives/the-history-of-the-poll-tax-and-the-power-of-direct-action/).
“【Introduction】As a campaign calling on Britons to refuse payment of their energy bills this winter gains momentum, writer Ella Glover looks back at the victory of the mass non-payment movement that inspired it.”
◇Bhadani, Anita, 2022, "The gal-dem Guide to Resources Supporting Us Through the Cost of Living Crisis", gal-dem, October 5, 2022, (https://gal-dem.com/guide-resources-supporting-through-cost-of-living-crisis/).
“【Introduction】The cost of living crisis is impacting all aspects of our lives, from renting and dating troubles to soaring energy bills and food prices. Over the next two weeks and beyond, gal-dem is publishing stories exploring our communities’ experiences during this tumultuous time ― and what we can do to collectively work towards a fairer future.”
◇Chakelian, Anoosh; Haslett, Emma; Clarke Hill, Phil, 2022, "'I'm Not Cutting Down on Cups of Tea': The Brits Refusing to Pay Their Energy Bills", New Statesman, September 2, 2022, (https://www.newstatesman.com/economy/2022/09/dont-pay-uk-brits-refusing-to-pay-their-energy-bills).
“【Caption】The Don’t Pay UK protest movement is gathering momentum ahead of an 80 per cent rise in gas and electric prices in October.”
◇Chakrabortty, Aditya, 2022, "These Are Energy Bills Many Britons Simply Can't Afford. Some Will Pay with Their Lives", Guardian, August 26, 2022, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/26/energy-bills-britons-afford-pay-price-hike-poor).
“【Caption】This price hike threatens to create a new class of poor. Our wretched politics won’t protect them, so grassroots mobilisation is now vital”
◇Goodman, Amy, 2022, "Cancel It All: Debt Collective's Astra Taylor on Biden Plan & Need for Full Student Debt Relief", Democracy Now!, August 25, 2022, (https://www.democracynow.org/2022/8/25/biden_student_debt_forgiveness_stepping_stone).
“【Exordium】In a much-anticipated move, President Biden has signed an executive order Wednesday for student debt relief that could help more than 40 million borrowers by canceling up to $20,000 of their federal loans. Many advocates for canceling student debt say Biden’s plan doesn’t go far enough, while Republicans decry the plan as “student debt socialism.” We speak to Astra Taylor, writer, filmmaker and co-director of the Debt Collective, a union for debtors and one of the original advocates for a debt jubilee that would cancel all student debt. Despite the mixed reaction, “this is incredibly significant when you think about where we began as a movement not that long ago,” says Taylor, who also notes that debt strikes and the fight for full cancellation will continue.”
◇Keay, Lara, 2022, "Cost of Living Crisis Pushing More Women into Sex Work - And Unable to Refuse Dangerous Clients", Sky News, August 20, 2022, (https://news.sky.com/story/cost-of-living-crisis-pushing-more-women-into-sex-work-and-unable-to-refuse-dangerous-clients-12675932).
“【Caption】More women are turning to sex work for the first time, while others who have managed to leave it behind are having to return in order to pay their bills, outreach workers have told Sky News.”
◇Lucas, Caroline, 2022, "As Drought Blights the UK, Our Politicians Have Their Heads Buried in the Sand", Guardian, August 12, 2022, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/12/drought-uk-england-privatised-water-climate-emergency-government).
“【Caption】England’s privatised water system is compounding the climate emergency. Instead of fixing it, the government has gone awol”
◇Christopher, 2022, "Enough Is Enough: This Winter I Will Be Refusing to Pay My Energy Bills", Guardian, August 4, 2022, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/04/winter-refusing-pay-energy-bills-pledge-campaign)
“【Caption】Tens of thousands of Britons have made a pledge to the Don’t Pay campaign. It’s a last resort, but we’ve no other choice|*Christopher (a pseudonym) is in his 70s and lives in South Yorkshire”
◇Santana, Ailynn Torres, 2022, "Un Manifiesto para la Desobediencia Financiera", Jacobin Revista, July 23, 2022, (https://jacobinlat.com/2022/07/23/un-manifiesto-para-la-desobediencia-financiera/).
“【Caption】Vivas, libres y desendeudadas nos queremos”
◇Garavito, Tatiana, 2022, "Resisting the Cost of Living Crisis in the UK Could Be the Tipping Point for Socialist Solidarity", gal-dem, July 19, 2022, (https://gal-dem.com/cost-of-living-crisis-socialist-solidarity/).
“【Caption】Progressive movements should not focus on social issues in isolation. As we saw in countries like Colombia and Chile, solidarity builds collective power for sustained change.”
◇Cipirska, Isabella, 2022, "How the Soaring Cost of Living Is Impacting Asylum Seekers", huck, April 5, 2022, (https://www.huckmag.com/perspectives/how-the-soaring-cost-of-living-is-impacting-asylum-seekers/).
“【Caption】‘State-sponsored cruelty‘”/“【Introduction】For asylum seekers, who are given a paltry sum to live off by the Home Office, rising prices are set to make a desperate financial situation even worse.”


障害しょうがいしゃ政策せいさく  ◆ぜい・2010  ◆医療いりょうてきケア」2010  ◆歴史れきし年表ねんぴょう  ◆家族かぞくせい・…

分配ぶんぱい贈与ぞうよ [Distribution] ◇所有しょゆう [Property/Ownership]
社会しゃかい政策せいさく [Social Policy] ◇貧困ひんこん [Poverty] ◇財源ざいげん財政ざいせい ◇ぜい [Tax]
生活せいかつ保護ほご [Public Assistance] ◇ベーシックインカム [Basic Income]  ◇年金ねんきん 選別せんべつ主義しゅぎ普遍ふへん主義しゅぎ
労働ろうどう [Labour, Work] 正規せいき雇用こよう [Irregular Employment] ◇ワークフェア [Workfare] ◇障害しょうがいしゃ労働ろうどう …
やまい障害しょうがい [Illness / Disability]  ◇障害しょうがいしゃ政策せいさく [Disabled People & Polocy]
難病なんびょう神経しんけい難病なんびょう特定とくてい疾患しっかん [Nanbyo: ALS / MND etc. 2009] ◇HIV/AIDS ◇自閉症じへいしょう …
   視覚しかく障害しょうがい ◇精神せいしん障害しょうがい ◇知的ちてき障害しょうがい … ◇くすり …
 老人ろうじん医療いりょう無料むりょうまでの経緯けいい ◇い・2008/後期こうき高齢こうれいしゃ医療いりょう制度せいど …
介助かいじょ介護かいご [Personal Assistance] ケア[Care]  ◇ダイレクト・ペイメント [Direct Payment] ◇医療いりょう行為こうい医療いりょうてきケア …
ことなる身体しんたいのもとでの交信こうしん アール・ブリュット/アウトサイダー・アート Art Brut/outsider art ◇AmiVoice …
教育きょういく 障害しょうがいしゃ教育きょういく学校がっこう 障害しょうがい学生がくせい支援しえん [People with Disabilities and Higher Education]
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組織そしき セルフヘルプ・グループ ◇自立じりつ生活せいかつセンター [Center for Independent Living]
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 ◇今後こんご障害しょうがい保健ほけん福祉ふくし施策しさくについて(改革かいかくのグランドデザインあん)」 2004
 ◇社会しゃかい福祉ふくし基礎きそ構造こうぞう改革かいかく支援しえん制度せいど/… 〜2002























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